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Chair Script/Reference Sheet


Points in black are the script you can follow. Points in red are points of explanation.


Call Committee to Order

 Bang gavel 3 times 

 Dais: I call the (COMMITTEE NAME) to order. Welcome to the ______
Committee. I am your chair, (your name) This is your vice-chair, (their name)
This is your rapporteur, (their name) These are your expert/runners, (their
names) We are your committee staff, or dais. 
 Dais:We will begin by taking roll. When your country name is called, delegates
should say “present” or “present and voting” (Chair calls names and Vice
Chair marks attendance sheet.)
 Dias: Again, we want to welcome you to (COMMITTEE NAME). As the staff of
this committee, we will do all we can to make this conference an interesting
and fun experience for you. 
 Dais: We will review the basic procedures and the agenda for the day. The
main focus of this committee is the issue of…(explain that you will be starting
with opening of the speakers list, upon completion of the speakers list, this committee
will move into the discussion phase of the day, indicate that a vote will be taken to
accept the agenda for the day)
 Dais: We will now entertain the acceptance of the agenda. We will vote by
acclamation. Raise your placards if you accept the agenda. Raise your
placards if you oppose the agenda. Acknowledge the result of the vote.

 Dais: At this point we will open the speakers list.
 Dais: Do we have any additions to the speakers list
 Dais:This committee has a standard speaking time of 1 minute. The first
motion I will entertain is a Motion to Change the Speaking Time.
 Dais: Before calling on the first speaker, the chair would like to let delegates
know that after each speaker we will ask the speaker if they will entertain
questions.  If they delegate is willing, we will allow 2 questions to be asked of
each speaker.

 Dais: This ends the debate portion of our session. We will move into caucus
portion of our session.


Types of discussion formats:

Moderated caucus
Popcorn-style debate. Delegates raise their placards to be recognized by the chair and make
short speeches for an amount of time specified in the motion for moderated caucus. After
each speaker the dais can ask if there are any questions for the speaker. (limit of two
questions of speaker)

Unmoderated caucus
Delegate are allowed to rise and walk around in order to work with other delegates. 
Explain: You now have ___ minutes of unmoderated caucus. During this time, you should
find allies and start drafting working papers. 

Dais: Thank you delegates. At this point we will not entertain any motion to move to
unmoderated caucus. Are there any other points or motions at this time? Just a
reminder to include total duration and define length of individual speaking time in
your motion.

Motions will be tabled for a vote 

(start with the most intrusive = taking up the most time or has the longest speaking time)
Order of most intrusive to least intrusive:
Motion to introduce a new topic
Motion to extend speaking time

All those in favor of a (describe the motion), please raise your placards. (Vice chair
helps chair count.) 
All those opposed? 
By a vote of ____ yes and ____no, this motion passes/fails.

If the motion fails, move to the next intrusive motion.

All those in favor of a (describe the motion), please raise your placards. (Vice chair
helps chair count.) 
All those opposed? 
By a vote of ____ yes and ____no, this motion passes/fails.

Note: Once a motion has been voted on and passes, the other motions will be disregarded
and the committee will adopt the procedure outlined in the motion that was adopted
If there is not majority agreement, ask for motions once again. If once again there is no
majority, make a ruling based on what you perceive to be the most popular motion.

Dais: Thank you delegates. We will open the speaker’s list. Those who wish to speak
please raise your placard to be recognized.

Dais: Country A speaking. Country B is next, followed by Country C

Dais: Will country A entertain questions?

Dais: Raise your placard if you have questions of Country A (entertain two questions)

Dais: Country B speaking. Country C is next, followed. by Country D(repeat process

until speaker’s list has been exhausted or speaking time has been exhausted)

After the timeframe outlined in the adopted motion expires the chair will ask if there are any
motions . Unmoderated caucus may be acceptable at this point. A motion to table a working
paper will not be accepted.

Dais: Are there any points or motions? Motions for unmoderated caucus will now be

Motions will be tabled for a vote 

(start with the most intrusive = taking up the most time or has the longest speaking time)
Order of most intrusive to least intrusive:
Motion to move to unmoderated caucus
Motion to introduce a new topic
Motion to extend speaking time

Dais: Thank you delegates. We will open the speaker’s list. Those who wish to speak
please raise your placard to be recognized.

Dais: Country A speaking. Country B is next, followed by Country C

Dais: Will country A entertain questions?

Dais: Raise your placard if you have questions of Country A (entertain two questions)

Dais: Country B speaking. Country C is next, followed. by Country D (repeat process

until speaker’s list has been exhausted or speaking time has been exhausted)

After the timeframe outlined in the adopted motion expires the chair will ask if there are any
motions . Unmoderated caucus may be acceptable at this point. If you feel enough time has
been spent in unmoderated caucus, you may now entertain a motion to table a working
paper. Since unmoderated caucus is focused on developing working papers for resolution
the dais should only accept a motion for this type of caucus after he/she feels sufficient
debate has occurred to make the period productive  

Dais: Are there any points or motions? Motions for tabling working papers will now be

Motions will be tabled for a vote 

(start with the most intrusive = taking up the most time or has the longest speaking time)
Order of most intrusive to least intrusive:
Motion to move to unmoderated caucus
Motion to table a working paper
Motion to introduce a new topic
Motion to extend speaking time
Dais: Thank you delegates. We will open the speaker’s list. Those who wish to speak
please raise your placard to be recognized.

Dais: Country A speaking. Country B is next, followed by Country C

Dais: Will country A entertain questions?

Dais: Raise your placard if you have questions of Country A (entertain two questions)

Dais: Country B speaking. Country C is next, followed. by Country D(repeat process

until speaker’s list has been exhausted or speaking time has been exhausted)

Other points/motions that might be made:

Delegate may ask for point of information (they want to ask a question)
Motion to end debate and to move into voting

Dais: This ends the caucus portion of our session. We will move into the resolution
portion of our session.
Dais: Are there any motions to present resolutions at this time. A reminder that each
resolution requires 2 sponsors and 3 signatories. Vote will be taken to accept the

In this segment, draft resolutions will be tabled. If more than one resolution is tabled, you will
address each resolution in order of recognition. Draft resolutions need to be submitted in
electronic format.

Dais: At this point, the chair will entertain the introduction of resolutions. The chair
recognizes…. Pease read the entirety of your resolution.

Dais: Are there any motions for amendment to the resolution?

Dais: Do the sponsors of the resolution accept the amendment to the resolution? (if
the answer is yes, the resolution is amended without debate, if it is not accepted, the
proposed amendment is debated)
If there are multiple amendments, proceed using same process
Dais: We will open debate on the proposed amendment. Do we have a motion on
duration and speaking time. (accept motions for speaking time and vote).

Dais: We will open the speakers list starting with the delegate that proposed the
amendment. (allow for debate to continue until speakers list is complete or duration has
been met. It is your prerogative to disallow motions to extend debate time).

(A vote will be taken as to whether to accept or reject the amendment). The initial sponsors
have the right to withdraw the resolution if they feel the resolution has been compromised by
the amendment.

Dais: We will proceed to vote on the proposed amendment.

All those in favor of a (describe the motion), please raise your placards. (Vice chair
helps chair count.) 
All those opposed? 
By a vote of ____ yes and ____no, this motion passes/fails.

Dais: We will entertain a motion to entertain questions on the resolution. Include

duration time and individual speaking time in your motion.
Dais: Each of the two sponsors will be given up to 2 minutes to defend the resolution.
If there are questions, they will be asked at the end of the defense and directed to one
of the sponsors.
Dais: Two delegates in opposition to the resolution will be allowed up to 2 minutes to
voice opposition to the resolution. Do we have any delegates who wish to speak in

Dais: Are there any motions before we proceed to the vote

There might be a motion to vote paragraph by paragraph.

Dais: We will proceed to vote on the proposed resolution..

All those in favor of a the resolution, please raise your placards. (Vice chair helps
chair count.) 
All those opposed? 
By a vote of ____ yes and ____no, this motion passes/fails.
There might be a motion to vote by roll call. If this motion is raised, the vote will be taken
through role call.

Dais: We have a motion to vote by roll call.

All those in favor of a the motion to vote by roll call, please raise your placards. (Vice
chair helps chair count.) 
All those opposed? 
By a vote of ____ yes and ____no, this motion passes/fails.

If the motion fails, then a vote by placard continues. If the motion passes then a roll call is

Dais: The motion to vote by roll call has passed. We will now call for a vote by roll-
call. If you are in favour of the resolution respond by an affirmative (AYE). If you are
opposed to the resolution respond in the negative (NAY). You may abstain from
voting. Respond by saying “abstain”.

Country A

By a vote of ____ yes and ____no and ____ abstentions, this motion passes/fails.

At this point, the chair will entertain the next resolution. The same process will be
followed as above.
Once all resolutions have been covered, the chair will introduce the next issue and
the entire process repeats itself.

 Dais: At this point we will open the speakers list.

 Dais: Do we have any additions to the speakers list
 Dais:This committee has a standard speaking time of 1 minute. The first
motion I will entertain is a Motion to Change the Speaking Time.
 Dais: Before calling on the first speaker, the chair would like to let delegates
know that after each speaker we will ask the speaker if they will entertain
questions.  If they delegate is willing, we will allow 2 questions to be asked of
each speaker.

If we are at the end of the conference, we will just hold a debate with a declared statement
at the end of the debate time. A direct vote will be taken without the need for a resolution.

There are a number of reasons why a delegate may want to raise a motion. It may be
procedural, strategic, informational or otherwise. For our purposes, we are going to divide
the motions into three classes. Those that can be raised in the immediacy of the moment ,
those that require the delegate to wait for their alotted speaking time before they raise a
motion and those that are a response to your direction for proceeding. Simply, if the
motion warrants immediate action, you must rule immediately. If the delegate tries to raise
a motion out of turn, you must rule them out of order and deny the motion.


Point of order.

This is raised if there is a procedural issue that requires action. The speaker may be
interrupted. You must rule whether there is a breech in the order. This can be speaking out
of turn, speaking on something other than the agreed upon topic. It is expected that the
delegate explain why there is a breech in order. If they do not, ask why there is a breech of

Dais: Motion accepeted or motion denied

Point of personal privilege:

This is raised if the delegate experiences some discomfort. Examples may be that a speaker
is not speaking loudly enough or the delegate cannot see a document clearly. The speaker
may be interrupted. You must rule whether there is an actual level of discomfort on the part
of the motioning delegate. It is expected that the delegate explain why they are
experiencing a request for personal privilege. If they do not, ask why there is a breech of

Dais: Motion accepeted or motion denied

Request right of reply

This is raised if a delegate feels that their country or they themselves have been personally
insulted. A statement of fact is not an insult. You must decide whether an insult occurred.
The delegate may be asked what was said that would be interpreted as an insult. This is not
the same as replying to a direct question of a delegate by another delegate. Questions do
not need to be answered.

Dais: Motion accepeted, delegate may respond or motion denied.

Challenge the chair

If a delegate disagrees with your ruling, they may challenge the chair. A challenge must be
seconded. The Dais must allow for a vote, but the challenge succeeds only with 2/3

Dais: Is there a second to the motion? No second, motion denied or motion seconded, all
those in favor of a the motion to vote by roll call, please raise your placards.
All those opposed? 
By a vote of ____ yes and ____no, this motion passes/fails.


Point of parliamentary inquiry.

This is a request for information on process. The dais can use discretion when addressing
the motion. If you choose to accept the motion, you will need to offer a point of

Dais: Motion accepeted or motion denied

Motion to adjourn

This motion can be raised when delgates are approaching the end of the day. The motion
must be seconded. A vote is required when the motion is seconded. The vote must be a
majority vote.

Dais: Is there a second to the motion? No second, motion denied or motion seconded, all
those in favor of a the motion to vote by roll call, please raise your placards.
All those opposed? 
By a vote of ____ yes and ____no, this motion passes/fails.

Motion to recess

This motion can be raised when delgates are are in need a break. The motion must be
seconded. A vote is required when the motion is seconded. The vote must be a majority

Dais: Is there a second to the motion? No second, motion denied or motion seconded, all
those in favor of a the motion to vote by roll call, please raise your placards.
All those opposed? 
By a vote of ____ yes and ____no, this motion passes/fails.
Motion to censure

This motion can be raised when delgates believe a fellow delegate needs to be disciplined
for inappropriate behaviour. The motion must be seconded. The vote must be a majority
vote. This does not mean the delegate is prevented from participating.

Dais: Is there a second to the motion? No second, motion denied or motion seconded, all
those in favor of a the motion to vote by roll call, please raise your placards.
All those opposed? 
By a vote of ____ yes and ____no, this motion passes/fails.

Motion to end debate

This motion can be raised when a delgate believe enough time has been spent debating a
topic. This allows the speakers list to be interrupted. The motion must be seconded. The
vote must be a majority vote.

Dais: Is there a second to the motion? No second, motion denied or motion seconded, all
those in favor of a the motion to vote by roll call, please raise your placards.
All those opposed? 
By a vote of ____ yes and ____no, this motion passes/fails.

Motion to end debate and enter voting procedure

This motion is similar to ending debate, but the delegate believes that the caucus should
move directly into a vote. The motion must be seconded. The vote must be a majority vote.

Dais: Is there a second to the motion? No second, motion denied or motion seconded, all
those in favor of a the motion to vote by roll call, please raise your placards.
All those opposed? 
By a vote of ____ yes and ____no, this motion passes/fails.


These are self evident and are part of the process. Each of the following motions requires a
second and a vote.

Motion to set speaking time

Motion for moderated caucus

Motion for unmoderated caucus.

Motion to introduce an amendment

Motion to introduce a resolution

Motion for question and answer.

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