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912254 AIM Acupuncture in MedicineArias-Buría et al.

Original Paper

Acupuncture in Medicine

Effects of dry needling of active trigger 1­–8
DOI: 10.1177/0964528420912254
© The Author(s) 2020
points in the scalene muscles in Article reuse guidelines:

individuals with mechanical neck pain:

a randomized clinical trial

José L Arias-Buría1,2 , Álvaro Monroy-Acevedo3,

César Fernández-de-las-Peñas1,2 , Gracia M Gallego-Sendarrubias4,
Ricardo Ortega-Santiago1,2 and Gustavo Plaza-Manzano5,6

Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of dry needling (DN) versus pressure release over scalene
muscle trigger points (TrPs) on pain, related disability, and inspiratory vital capacity in individuals with neck pain.
Methods: In this randomized, single-blind trial, 30 patients with mechanical neck pain and active TrPs in the scalene
musculature were randomly allocated to trigger point dry needling (TrP-DN; n = 15) or pressure release (n = 15) groups. The
DN group received a single session of DN of active TrPs in the anterior scalene muscles, and the pressure release group
received a single session of TrP pressure release over the same muscle lasting 30 s. The primary outcome was pain intensity
as assessed by a numerical pain rate scale (NPRS, 0–10). Secondary outcomes included disability (neck disability index, NDI)
and inspiratory vital capacity. Outcomes were assessed at baseline and 1 day (immediately post), 1 week, and 1 month after
the treatment session. Data were expressed as mean score difference (Δ) and standardized mean difference (SMD).
Results: Patients receiving DN exhibited a greater decrease in pain intensity than those receiving TrP pressure release
at 1 month (Δ 1.2 (95% CI–1.8, –0.6), p = 0.01), but not immediately (1 day) or 1 week after. Patients in the DN group
exhibited a greater increase in inspiratory vital capacity at all follow-up time points (Δ 281 mm (95% CI 130, 432) imme-
diately after, Δ 358 mm (95% CI 227, 489) 1 week after, and Δ 310 mm (95% CI 180, 440) 1 month after treatment)
than those in the pressure release group (p = 0.006). Between-group effect sizes were large at all follow-up time points
(1.1 > SMD > 1.3) in favor of DN.
Conclusion: This trial suggests that a single session of DN over active TrPs in the scalene muscles could be effective at
reducing pain and increasing inspiratory vital capacity in individuals with mechanical neck pain. Future studies are needed
to further confirm these results.

dry needling, neck pain, respiratory function, scalene, trigger point release
Accepted: 16 February 2020

 epartment of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation
D Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Clínico San Carlos,
and Physical Medicine, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Alcorcón, Spain Madrid, Spain
Cátedra de Investigación y Docencia en Fisioterapia: Terapia Manual,
Punción Seca y Ejercicio Terapéutico, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Corresponding author:
Alcorcón, Spain César Fernández-de-las-Peñas, Departamento de Fisioterapia,
Department of Physical Therapy, Hospital Guadarrama, Madrid, Spain Terapia Ocupacional, Rehabilitación y Medicina Física, Universidad
Department of Physiotherapy, Universidad Camilo José Cela, Madrid, Rey Juan Carlos, Avenida de Atenas s/n, 28922 Alcorcón, Madrid,
Spain Spain.
Department Radiology, Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy, Universidad Email:
Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

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Introduction (DN) being most commonly used.5,12 Interestingly, proper

treatment of upper trapezius TrPs, either with DN or TrP
Neck pain has a lifetime and point prevalence almost as pressure release,13 has been found to be effective at reduc-
high as low back pain1 and results in substantial disability ing neck pain symptoms. No study has previously investi-
and costs to society. In the last Global Burden of Disease gated the effects of DN or TrP pressure release applied over
Study, neck pain accounted for the fourth highest number scalene muscle TrPs in patients with neck pain. Therefore,
of years lived with disability.2 A recent systematic review the purpose of this randomized clinical trial was to compare
reported a mean incidence of neck pain of 16.5% with no the effects of a single session of TrP-DN versus TrP pres-
clear specific risk factors identified.3 sure release over scalene muscle TrPs on clinical outcomes,
There is evidence supporting the observation that subjects that is, pain and related disability, and respiratory outcomes
with neck pain exhibit several muscle disturbances, with (i.e. inspiratory vital capacity) in patients with mechanical
overactivity of superficial neck flexors, for example, sterno- idiopathic neck pain. We hypothesized that patients receiv-
cleidomastoid and scalene muscles, being one of the most ing TrP-DN would experience greater improvements than
commonly observed.4 This overactivity could lead to activa- those receiving TrP pressure release.
tion of trigger points (TrPs) in the affected muscles. A TrP can
be defined as a hypersensitive spot in a taut band of skeletal
muscle that is painful on stimulation, elicits a referred pain Methods
sensation, and induces motor disturbances.5 Muscle TrPs can
be clinically classified as active, that is, those inducing
Study design
referred pain that reproduces the patient’s symptoms, or This randomized, parallel-group, controlled clinical trial
latent, that is, those not responsible for sensory symptoms compared the application of a single session of DN to a
experienced by the patient.5 Several studies have shown that pressure release intervention over active TrPs in the scalene
the referred pain elicited by active TrPs within the neck and muscles in patients with mechanical neck pain. The pri-
shoulder muscles reproduce neck pain symptoms, with the mary end-point was the change in the intensity of neck pain
upper trapezius being most commonly affected.6 Nevertheless, over 1 month as assessed by a numerical pain rate scale
other neck muscles can also exhibit active TrPs in individuals (NPRS). Secondary outcomes included related disability
with neck pain. In fact, a recent systematic review reported (neck disability index, NDI) and inspiratory vital capacity
that the sternocleidomastoid and scalene muscles are also (mm). This trial followed the CONSORT (Consolidated
highly affected by TrPs (48%–65%) in patients with whip- Standards of Reporting Trials) extension for pragmatic
lash-associated neck pain.7 However, no clear data about the clinical trials.14 The study was approved by the Institutional
presence and relevance of TrPs in the scalene muscles are Ethical Board of Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain (ref:
available in mechanical neck pain.6 URJC 2018-12-10), conducted according to the Declaration
Since neck pain is a multifactorial pain condition associ- of Helsinki and prospectively registered at ClinicalTrials.
ated with changes in cervical range of motion, muscle dis- gov (ref. NCT03762252) on 3 December 2018.
turbances, kinesiophobia, and catastrophizing, some authors
have claimed the presence of respiratory dysfunction in this
population.8 Dimitriadis et al.9 found that individuals with
neck pain exhibit reduced spirometry values, such as vital Consecutive subjects with mechanical neck pain referred by
capacity, expiratory reserve volume, and maximum volun- their physician were screened for eligibility criteria from
tary ventilation, compared to healthy people, and that mus- December 2018 to May 2019. In the current study, mechani-
cle dysfunction and pain intensity were mostly associated cal neck pain was defined as neck–shoulder pain symptoms
with respiratory dysfunction. Similarly, the same authors provoked by neck posture, neck movement, or palpation of
also observed that individuals with neck pain exhibit weak- the cervical musculature. Participants were also screened for
ness of the respiratory muscles.10 signs of vertebrobasilar insufficiency15 and upper cervical
The presence of respiratory dysfunction in individuals with spine ligamentous instability. In addition, they had to exhibit
neck pain could be partially attributable to the common function an active TrP in one scalene muscle reproducing their neck
of the superficial neck flexors, for example, scalene and sterno- pain symptoms. Active TrPs were identified following the
cleidomastoid, on cervical movement and inspiration. It has diagnostic criteria originally described by Simons et al.5 and
been hypothesized that muscle disturbances in the scalene mus- confirmed in a Delphi study:16 (1) presence of a palpable taut
cles may have a direct effect on respiratory function, although band in the scalene muscle; (2) presence of a sensitive spot
this is still debatable.11 Therefore, it is possible that the scalene within the taut band; (3) referred pain sensation elicited by
muscles play a relevant role in both pain and respiratory distur- manual palpation of the spot; and (4) reproduction of neck
bances observed in patients with mechanical neck pain. pain symptoms with referred pain sensation. In general, these
Several therapeutic interventions have been proposed to criteria have demonstrated moderate to good inter-examiner
inactivate TrPs, with manual therapy and dry needling reliability (kappa = 0.64–0.88) when applied by an expert

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Arias-Buría et al. 3

clinician.17 Participants were examined for the presence of

Figure 1.  Trigger point dry needling (TrP-DN) applied over
TrPs in the scalene musculature by a clinician with more than the anterior scalene muscle of a patient with mechanical
20 years of experience in the diagnosis and management of neck pain.
TrPs. Participants were excluded if they exhibited any of the
following criteria: (1) less than 18 or greater than 45 years of
age; (2) whiplash injury; (3) previous cervical and/or thoracic
surgery; (4) cervical radiculopathy or myelopathy; (5) diag-
nosis of fibromyalgia syndrome; (6) having undergone physi-
cal therapy intervention during the previous 6 months; (7) fear
of needles; (8) any contraindication to DN, for example, use
of anticoagulants or psychiatric disorder; or (9) any respira-
tory disease, for example, chronic bronchitis.

Randomization and masking

Patients were randomly assigned to DN or pressure release
groups. Concealed allocation was conducted using a computer-
generated randomized table of numbers. Individual and
sequentially numbered cards with the random assignment were
prepared, folded, and placed in sealed opaque envelopes. An
external researcher opened the sealed envelope and proceeded
with appropriate allocation. Treatment allocation was revealed progressively increased over the TrP until the clinician’s
to the participants after collection of baseline outcomes. finger encountered an increase in tissue resistance (barrier).
This pressure was maintained until the clinician perceived
relief of the taut band. At that time, the pressure was
Trigger point dry needling increased again until the clinician felt an increase in tissue
Patients within the DN group received a single session of resistance. This process was repeated for 30 s.
trigger point dry needling (TrP-DN) using disposable stain-
less steel needles (0.3 mm × 30 mm; Novasan©, Spain) that
were inserted through the skin overlying the active TrP
Outcome measures
located in the anterior scalene muscle (Figure 1). In this Outcomes were assessed at baseline (before), 1 day (imme-
study, the fast-in and fast-out technique described by Hong18 diately post), 7 days (1 week), and 30 days (1 month) after
was applied. Once the active TrP was located with flat palpa- the intervention by an assessor blinded to the treatment
tion of the anterior scalene muscle, the overlying skin was allocation group.
cleaned with alcohol. The needle was inserted, penetrating The primary outcome in the current trial was neck pain
the skin, and advanced to a depth of 10–15 mm into the TrP, intensity. Participants rated their intensity of their neck pain
until the first local-twitch response was obtained. Hong18 at rest on an 11-point NPRS (0 = no pain, 10 = maximum
suggested that local-twitch responses should be elicited dur- pain).22 It has been found that the minimal clinically impor-
ing the needling intervention for a successful outcome; how- tant difference (MCID) for the NPRS in patients with
ever, no consensus exists in how many local-twitch responses mechanical neck pain is 2.1 points.23
are needed to obtain a positive outcome.19 Once the first Secondary outcomes included neck pain–related disabil-
local-twitch response was obtained, the needling was manip- ity (NDI) and inspiratory vital capacity. The NDI is a self-
ulated in and out of the anterior scalene muscle (3–5 mm ver- administered questionnaire consisting of 10 questions
tical motions, no rotations) at approximately 1 Hz for 25–30 s. addressing functional activities as well as pain intensity, con-
This time period permitted at least 2–3 local-twitch responses, centration, and headache.24 The possible responses for each
which is reportedly sufficient to obtain a positive outcome in question range from no disability (0) to total disability (5).
patients with mechanical neck pain.20 The NDI is scored from 0 to 50, with higher scores indicating
greater disability. The MCID for the NDI in patients with
neck pain has been estimated at 7 points.25 Due to the fact
TrP pressure release
that the NDI assesses functional activities during the previ-
Patients within the pressure release group received a single ous week, it was not assessed 1 day after the intervention.
session of TrP pressure release over the anterior scalene Maximum inspiratory vital capacity, that is, the maximum
muscle. Gay et al.21 found evidence supporting the use of amount of air that can be inhaled after a full expiration, was
muscle-biased manual therapies, including TrP pressure assessed with an incentive spirometer DHD Coach 2® (Smiths
release, for pain sensitivity. Briefly, the pressure was Medical, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions

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Table 1.  Baseline characteristics by treatment assignment.

Dry needling group Pressure release group p-value

(n = 15) (n = 15)
Gender (male/female) 10 / 5 11 / 4 0.628
Age (years) 21 ± 3 22 ± 2 0.726

Weight (kg) 63 ± 5.1 62 ± 7.2 0.799

Height (cm) 174 ± 7.5 172 ± 9.0 0.674

Body mass index (kg/cm ) 20.9 ± 2.4 21.3 ± 2.3 0.514

Months with neck pain 7.5 ± 1.3 8.0 ± 1.1 0.501

Mean pain intensity (NPRS, 0–10) 5.5 ± 1.4 5.7 ± 1.7 0.659

NDI (0–50) 21.7 ± 2.2 20.0 ± 2.1 0.686

Inspiratory vital capacity (mL) 3502 ± 661 3438 ± 595 0.681

NPRS: numerical pain rating scale; NDI: neck disability index.

and following American Thoracic Society and European groups to which they were originally allocated. Means with
Respiratory Society recommendations.26 Participants were standard deviations or 95% confidence intervals were calcu-
seated comfortable with a nose clip to avoid any potential air lated. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test revealed a normal distri-
leakage. They were asked to put their mouths around the tube bution of the quantitative variables (p  > 0.05). Baseline
and expire fully and then urged to take a deep breath with no demographic and clinical data were compared between groups
hesitation. They were verbally encouraged to ensure maximal using independent Student’s t-tests for continuous data and χ2
performance in all attempts. The maximum score of three tests of independence for categorical data. Different 4 × 2
acceptable values was considered in the main analysis. repeated-measured analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with
time (baseline, immediately post, 1 week, and 1 month after)
as the within-subject factor, group (DN or pressure release) as
Treatment side effects the between-subject factor with adjustment for baseline data,
Patients were asked to report any adverse event that they was used to evaluate between-group differences in pain inten-
experienced after the needling intervention and during the sity and inspiratory vital capacity. A 3 × 2 repeated-measures
1-month follow-up. In this study, an adverse event was ANCOVA with time (baseline, 1 week, and 1 month after) as
defined as sequelae of medium-term duration with any the within-subject factor and group (DN or pressure release) as
symptom perceived as unacceptable to the patient and the between-subject factor, with adjustment for baseline data,
requiring further treatment.27 Adverse effects were self- was used to evaluate between-group differences in related dis-
reported by the patients and reported to an external clinician ability. The hypothesis of interest was the group × time inter-
during the study period. action with a Bonferroni-corrected alpha of 0.0125 (four time
points). To enable comparison of between-group effect sizes,
standardized mean differences (SMDs) for the scores were
Sample size determination calculated by dividing mean score differences by the pooled
The sample size was calculated using Ene 3.0 software standard deviation.
(Autonomic University of Barcelona, Spain). Assuming a
standard deviation of 1.6, a two-tailed alpha level (α) of
0.05, and a desired power (1 – β) of 90%, it was estimated
that at least 14 subjects per group would be required to detect Between December 2018 and May 2019, 50 consecutive
a difference of 2.1 units (MCID) on the 11-point NPRS.23 patients with neck pain were screened for eligibility crite-
ria. Of which, 30 (mean age = 21 years, 30% female) satis-
fied all criteria, agreed to participate, and were randomly
Statistical analysis allocated into DN (n = 15) or pressure release (n = 15)
Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical Package group. Randomization resulted in similar baseline features
for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.0 (SPSS Inc., with no significant differences (Table 1). The reasons for
Chicago, IL, USA), and it was conducted according to the ineligibility can be found in Figure 2, which provides a
principle of intention-to-treat, with participants analyzed in the flow diagram of patient recruitment and retention. Six

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Arias-Buría et al. 5

Figure 2.  Flow diagram of patients throughout the course of the study.
NDI: neck disability index. TrP: trigger point.

patients (40%) assigned to the TrP-DN group experienced p < 0.01) than those in the TrP pressure release group
post-needling soreness, but it resolved spontaneously (Table 2). Between-group effect sizes were large at all fol-
within 36–48 h. No other adverse event was reported by low-up periods (1.1 > SMD > 1.3) in favor of the DN
any patient during the study. group.
Adjusting for baseline outcomes, the mixed-model
ANCOVA revealed significant group × time interactions
for neck pain intensity (F = 6.750, p = 0.01) and inspiratory Discussion
vital capacity (F = 8.876, p = 0.006). Patients receiving
TrP-DN exhibited a greater decrease in neck pain intensity The current clinical trial found that a single session of DN
than those receiving TrP pressure release 1 month after over active TrPs in the scalene muscles was more effective
treatment (Δ = 1.2, 95% CI = (–1.8, –0.6)) but not imme- than pressure release at reducing pain and increasing inspira-
diately (1 day) or 1 week after treatment. Similarly, patients tory vital capacity in individuals with mechanical neck pain.
in the TrP-DN group exhibited a greater increase in inspir- This is the first trial investigating the effect of DN of the
atory vital capacity at all follow-up periods (Δ = 281 mm scalene muscles in patients with mechanical neck pain. The
(130, 432) immediately after, Δ = 358 mm (227, 489) data indicate that patients receiving a single session of
1 week after, and Δ = 310 mm (180, 440) 1 month after; TrP-DN experienced statistically and clinically significant

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Table 2.  Primary and secondary outcomes at baseline, 1 day, 1 week, and 1 month after treatment and within-group mean scores by
randomized treatment assignment.

Outcomes Timeline scores: mean ± SD (95% CI)

Within-group changes in score: mean (95% CI)

Trigger point dry needling Trigger point pressure release

Intensity of neck pain (NPRS, 0–10)
 Baseline 5.5 ± 1.4 (4.7, 6.3) 5.7 ± 1.7 (4.9, 6.5)
  One day after 4.7 ± 2.1 (3.6, 5.8) 5.1 ± 1.9 (4.0, 6.2)
  Change baseline → 1 day –0.8 ± 0.2 (–1.2, –0.4) –0.6 ± 0.2 (–1.0, 0.2)
  One week after 3.8 ± 2.0 (2.8, 4.8) 4.8 ± 1.7 (3.8, 5.8)
  Change baseline → 1 week –1.7 ± 0.2 (–2.1, –1.3) –0.9 ± 0.3 (–1.3, –0.5)
  One month after 3.4 ± 2.2 (2.2, 4.4) 4.8 ± 2.1 (3.7, 5.9)
  Change baseline → 1 month –2.1 ± 0.3 (–2.6, –1.6) –0.9 ± 0.4 (–1.4, –0.4)
NDI (0–50)
 Baseline 21.7 ± 2.2 (15.6, 27.8) 20.0 ± 2.1 (14.0, 26.0)
  One week after 17.9 ± 1.1 (12.4, 23.4) 19.1 ± 1.9 (14.1, 24.1)
  Change baseline → 1 week –3.8 ± 2.1 (–6.1, –1.5) –0.9 ± 1.1 (–1.8, 0.0)
  One month after 16.0 ± 2.0 (11.4, 20.6) 16.0 ± 1.9 (11.8, 20.2)
  Change baseline → 1 month –5.7 ± 2.8 (–9.6, –1.8) –4.0 ± 3.0 (–6.2, –1.8)
Inspiratory vital capacity (mL)
 Baseline 3502.0 ± 661.0 (3169.5, 3834.5) 3438.0 ± 595.0 (3105.0, 3771.0)
  One day after 3658.0 ± 522.5 (3358.0, 3958.0) 3313.0 ± 607.9 (3013.5, 3612.5)
  Change baseline → 1 day 156.0 ± 126.0 (52.0, 260.0) –125.0 ± 116.0 (–191.0, –59.0)
  One week after 3762.0 ± 446.8 (3455.5, 4068.5) 3340.0 ± 688.5 (3033.0, 3647.0)
  Change baseline → 1 week 260.0 ± 222.0 (131.0, 389.0) –98.0 ± 112.0 (–209.0, 13.0)
  One month after 3729.0 ± 496.5 (3411.5, 4046.5) 3355.0 ± 688.0 (3038.0, 3673.0)
  Change baseline → 1 month 227.0 ± 180.0 (105.0, 349.0) –83.0 ± 121.0 (–213.0, 47.0)

CI: confidence interval; NPRS: numerical pain rating scale; NDI: neck disability index; ANCOVA: analysis of covariance.
Statistically significant differences between groups (ANCOVA, p < 0.01).

decreases in neck pain, as measured by the NPRS, particu- session.28,29 It is possible that a greater number of sessions
larly 1 month after the intervention with large between- of DN over scalene TrPs could have led to greater between-
group effect sizes when compared to the application of TrP group changes. Furthermore, we only treated one muscle.
pressure release over the same muscle; however, it should Therefore, clinicians should consider applying DN (or
be recognized that this difference was lower than the estab- pressure release) to all muscles in which TrPs reproduce the
lished MCID for this outcome measure.23 In addition, no symptoms of a patient with mechanical neck pain. Most
significant changes in related disability were found, sug- studies have only treated one muscle, namely, the upper
gesting a small clinical effect. These findings may be trapezius.13,28,29
related to the fact that we applied only one session. Previous An interesting finding of this trial was the inclusion of
studies supporting the positive effects of TrP-DN for the respiratory outcomes; to our knowledge, no previous
management of neck pain have used more than one study has investigated this. We observed that patients who

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Arias-Buría et al. 7

received DN showed larger improvements in inspiratory Conclusion

vital capacity than those receiving pressure release. These
findings may be related to the fact that we applied the The results of this randomized clinical trial found that a
needling intervention over the scalene muscles, which are single session of DN of active TrPs in the anterior scalene
involved in maintenance of not only cervical spine but muscle was more effective than a single session of manual
also respiratory function.11 Since superficial neck flexors, pressure release over the same muscle in terms of reducing
such as the scaleni, usually exhibit overactivity in patients pain intensity and increasing inspiratory vital capacity in
with neck pain symptoms,4 it is possible that the presence individuals with mechanical neck pain. Future trials are
of TrPs in these muscles could be related to the presence required to further confirm these results.
of respiratory dysfunction previously found in this
population.8–10 In line with this hypothesis, TrPs are not Contributors
just associated with sensory symptoms but also with All authors contributed to the study concept and design. JLAB,
motor disturbances including altered muscle activation AMA, and CFdlP did the main statistical analysis. JLAB, GMGS,
patterns,30 accelerated fatigability,31 and increased co- and ROS contributed to literature review and interpretation of data.
antagonist activation.32 Since DN is able to decrease mus- CFdlP and GPM contributed to draft the report. CFdlP, GMGS,
ROS, and GPM provided administrative, technical, and material
cle taut band-related stiffness33 and to restore sarcomere
support. CFdlP and GPM supervised the study. All authors revised
length,34 these changes could lead to better respiratory
the text for intellectual content, and read and approved the final
dynamics, explaining the findings observed in the current version of the manuscript accepted for publication.
clinical trial. The presence of respiratory dysfunction and
the potential for it to improve with musculoskeletal treat-
Declaration of conflicting interests
ment may lead to incorporation of assessment or treat-
ment of respiratory outcomes into physical therapy The authors declared the following potential conflicts of interest
with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
practice of individuals with mechanical neck pain. Future
article: Dr Fernandez-de-las-Penas is an instructor in Trigger
trials should investigate the association between changes
Point Therapy and receive royalties from published books.
in clinical and respiratory outcomes.
The results of this randomized controlled trial should
be considered according to its potential limitations. First,
we could not exclude a potential placebo effect of the nee- The authors received no financial support for the research, author-
dling procedure, since no placebo or sham needling was ship, and/or publication of this article.
used.35 Second, we did not assess the expectations of the
patients in relation to the treatment, which could have ORCID iDs
influenced the results.36 Third, only the anterior scalene José L Arias-Buría
muscle was needled; this procedure does not represent César Fernández-de-las-Peñas
common clinical practice, since other muscles are often 3772-9690
treated in patients with neck pain. Fourth, we included a
follow-up period of just 1 month, so we do not know References
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