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Purpose of the task:

Write an abstract applying all the knowledge acquired throughout the complete

Description of the task:

Produce a coherent and logical abstract using the postgraduate studies as the
content foundation and produce an abstract as the finished product of this learning

Write an abstract about your research paper or thesis. (250-300 Words). 

There is a large deficit of psychiatric beds in Colombia, which has had an impact
on the fact that the model of hospitals that include mental health beds has not been
developed in many regions. In addition, hospital managers affirm that "a mental
health unit in a general hospital is not profitable" (Muñoz, Muñoz, & Uribe R, 2020).
The reasons for this affirmation are, mainly, the space (installed capacity) that must
be dedicated to the habilitation of mental health units within the infrastructure of
general hospitals, and may neglect other services; In addition, it is stated that the
contracting system "usually focuses on economic profitability and not on the
provision of services in the patient's community" (Muñoz, Muñoz, & Uribe R, 2020).
Mental health then presents a gap, a great deficit; and it is necessary to present
proposals, both public and private initiative, that help reduce said gap, and satisfy
the great demand presented by the Colombian population. According to the
Colombian Mental Health Observatory, per year more than 1 million people who
request health services are neglected (National Mental Health Observatory, 2022).
Through this project, it was verified, first of all, if the project is viable from the
regulatory point of view. There is a whole regulation developed towards the
regulation of APP in Colombia.
APP can become an alternative to solve mental health problems, specifically in
terms of access to health services, such as:
• Access to a psychiatrist (whose appointment for consultation can take up to 90
days, since it cannot be requested directly, but first you must go to a general
practitioner and then to a psychologist),
• Hospitalization in mental health in cases of depressive crisis or other diseases,
which are only accessed through the emergency room, and in most cases in the
triage they are not classified as vital emergencies, unless life is at risk or that it is a
suicide attempt. Then the patient has to "make" a priority appointment with a
general practitioner and start the process
• SPA psychoactive substance uses rehabilitation beds. Access to this type of
services, and despite being in the POS, is limited.
In addition, a APP can become an investment alternative for private IPS, who are
looking for spaces within the system, and often do not have access to markets
restricted by the health service delivery network.

By: Katya Castro.

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