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Contest 36

Round 1A
Ethanol reacts with ethanoic acid to form ethyl ethanoate and water in a reversible reaction
catalysed by an acid. Given that the enthalpy change for this reaction is +6 kJ/mol, indicate
one process by which the yield of the ester can be increased.

1. Removal of water (by addition of concentrated sulphuric acid)

2. Removal of the ester as it is being formed

3. Increase in temperature

4. Increase in concentration of reactants (alcohol or carboxylic acid)

Round 1B
Balance the following redox half– reactions in acidic medium:
1. IO3¯ → I2

Ans: 2IO3¯ + 12 H+ + 10 e → I2 + 6 H2O 

2. CrO4¯ → Cr3+

Ans: CrO4¯ + 8 H+ + 4 e → Cr3+ + 4 H2O

3. Se2+ → SeO32¯

Ans: Se2+ + 3 H2O → SeO32¯ + 6 H+ + 2 e

Contest 36

Round 2
1. When X g of NaOH was dissolved in 500 cm3 of solution, the pH of the solution obtained
was 12. What mass of NaOH was dissolved in this solution?
Take the molecular mass of NaOH as 40 g/mol.
Ans: 0.20 g
pOH = 2, hence [OH-] = [NaOH] = 0.010 moldm-3
Mole of [NaOH] = 0.010 × 0.5 = 0.0050 mol
Mass of NaOH = 0.0050 × 40 = 0.20 g

2. One mole of an organic compound X reacts with two moles of water to produce one mole
of the compound C9H11NO2 and one mole of methanol, according to the reaction:
X + 2H2O → C9H11NO2 + CH3OH
Determine the molecular formula of X.
Ans: C10H11NO

X + 2H2O → C9H11NO2 + CH3OH

Adding the number of atoms on each side gives the molecular formula for X.

3. Indicate one anion which is isoelectronic with Ca2+

Ans: Cl- or S2-

Round 4A

1. Boiling point and melting point are intensive properties Ans: T

2. An extensive property does not depend on the amount of matter present Ans: F

3. In an adiabatic process, only heat and not mass is transferred Ans: F

Contest 36

Round 4B

1. With exception of argon, chlorine reacts with all Period 3 elements Ans: T

2. When ionic hydrides of Period 3 elements react with water, they form hydroxides
and hydrogen gas Ans: T

3. All covalent hydrides of Period 3 elements react with water to form

acidic solutions Ans: F

Round 5

1. I am a radionuclide with a mass number of 27

2. I largely undergo beta decay

3. This is because, I have twice as many neutrons as protons

4. You will find me in group 7 of the Periodic Table

5. I have an atomic number of 9

Who am I?

Fluorine – 27 OR Nuclide with atomic number of 9 and mass number of 27

OR Nuclide with atomic number of 9 and neutron number of 18

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