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A Proposed Research Paper Presented to;

Mrs. Nerrilyn P.Bearo

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Law

Enforcement Administration- Inter Agency Approach


Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) holds vital functions to the development of
Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL). It is one of the five pillars in the criminal justice system, who was
responsible to enhance public safety by ensuring human safekeeping and develop or reform the PDL in
all municipal, district and city jails. In this agency, it promotes rehabilitation programs that will serve as
guide for the development of PDL in all aspects of health, it is composed of four major areas of
rehabilitation programs: The spiritual and religious activities, livelihood projects, educational and
vocational training and recreation and sports activities. This study will present the effects of the four
major areas of rehabilitation program to the development of PDL, where the response of the BJMP
personnels are became the key to conduct this study and for its completion.


This study employed a descriptive research methodology. According to Calderon (2006), it is the
intentional process of gathering, evaluating, categorizing, and tabulating data regarding typical
conditions, practices, trends, and causal links, followed by the proper and accurate interpretation of this
data. The effectiveness of the PDL rehabilitation programs offered by the Bureau of Jail Management and
Penology was determined by the researcher.
Effects of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology’s Rehabilitation
Programs for the Persons Deprived of Liberty

TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………………….
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………..

CHAPTER 1: Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1

a. Background of the Study……………………………………………………………………………………1

b. Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………………………………….1
c. Conceptual Framework………………………………………………………………………………………2
d. Research Hypothesis………………………………………………………………………………………….2
e. Significance of the Study…………………………………………………………………………………….3
f. Scope and Limitations of the Study…………………………………………………………………….3
g. Definition of terms…………………………………………………………………………………………….3

CHAPTER II: Review of Related Literature………………………………………………………………………..4

a. Introduction of the Review of Related Literature……………………………………………….4

b. Body…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
c. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5

CHAPTER III: Methodology

a. Research Design…………………………………………………………………………………………………6
b. Population and Sampling……………………………………………………………………………………6
c. Instrumentation…………………………………………………………………………………………………6
d. Data Gathering and Procedure…………………………………………………………………………..7

CHAPTER IV: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data………………………………….7to10

a. Result and Discussion

CHAPTER V: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation………………………………………………10

a. Summary………………………………………………………………………………………………………..10
b. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………………………10
c. Recommendation…………………………………………………………………………………………….11


a. Survey Questionnaires
Background of the Study
The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology is a part of the five(5) pillars of the Criminal
Justice System. This organization was created to suppress the growing problems of jail management. In
1991, under the provision of R.A. 9165, the Jail Bureau is directed to take administrative and operational
control over all city jails, district and municipal jails. Essentially, detainees are it's clients who are accused
before a court who are temporarily detained in such jails while waiting for final judgement and
undergoing investigation. The BJMP has four (4) major areas of rehabilitation program, titled: Livelihood
Projects, Educational and Vocational Training, Recreation and Sports and Religious/Spiritual Activities.
The goal of this research is to know and understand the effects of the BJMP's rehabilitation programs for
all persons who are deprived of their liberty. In addition, this research is created to recognize the respect
and the proper implementations for PDL's lives and dignity.

Statement of the Problem

The aim of this study is to find out the effects of the Jail Management's rehabilitation
programs for all of the persons deprived of liberty. In general, it looks for the answers in the following

1. What are the necessary profiles of the respondents?

1.1. Length of service

1.2. Rank

2. What are the different rehabilitation programs for all persons deprived of liberty(PDL) ?

2.1. Livelihood Projects

2.2. Educational and Vocational Training

2.3. Recreation and Sports

2.4. Religious/Spiritual Activities

3. Which program is the ideal and most effective for all persons deprived of liberty(PDL) ?
Conceptual Framework

Livelihood Educational and

Projects Vocational Training



Religious or Spiritual
Activities Recreation and Sports

Research Hypothesis
-Livelihood programs, since most of the prisoners are adult therefore with the help of this program
there's a possibility that their knowledge and skill will improve and may use on seeking jobs outside the

-Yes, there's a significant relationship among the four rehabilitation programs in terms on the
development of PDL.

-There's no significant difference between livelihood program and recreation and sport when it comes
on fulfilling interest and entertainment of PDL.
Significance of the Study
To the respondents. It is significant to the respondents who participated in the study as it gives
them a voice and a platform to share their experiences and perspectives on the rehabilitation programs.
The study can also provide them with valuable information on the effectiveness of the programs and
how they can improve their chances of successful reintegration into society.

To the school. It is significant to the school as it contributes to the body of knowledge on criminal
justice and rehabilitation programs. It also provides an opportunity for students and faculty to gain a
deeper understanding of the challenges faced by PDL and the importance of effective rehabilitation

To the Person Deprived of Liberty. It highlights the impact of the rehabilitation programs on their
lives. The study can provide insight into the effectiveness of these programs and how they can help PDL
reintegrate into society. It can also serve as a platform for PDL to voice their concerns and give feedback
on the rehabilitation programs.

To the students. It is significant to students as it raises awareness on the importance of

rehabilitation programs in the criminal justice system. It also provides an opportunity for students to
learn about the challenges faced by PDL and how effective rehabilitation programs can help them
reintegrate into society. To the future researchers. It can serve as a foundation for further research in the
area of criminal justice and rehabilitation programs. The study's findings and methodology can be used
as a reference for future studies on similar topics. The study can also help identify gaps in knowledge and
areas that require further exploration.

Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on the effects of implementation of livelihood programs to the persons
deprived of liberty in Nasugbu, Batangas. The respondents will be only the personnel of Bureau of jail
management and Penology.

Definition of Terms
Livelihood program- income-generating activities to PDL during their confinement where they are able
to earn for their personal upkeep and for financial support to their families

Implementation- the act of putting a plan, a method, or any design, idea, model, specification, standard,
or policy into action or practice.

PDL - a person who has been arrested, held. in lawful custody, detained, or imprisoned in execution of a

Jail Officer- Enforce rules and keep order within jails or prisons
Educational and Vocational Training - The objective of the skills training program is to equip the PDL
with technical/vocational skills which they can use in seeking employment or starting their own business
after release from confinement.

Recreation and Sports - aims to promote camaraderie among PDL, encourage the development of self-
confidence and sharing of talents as form of positive entertainment.

Religious/Spiritual Activities - PDL are provided with the opportunity to practice their faith while under
custody without discrimination, subject only to usual safety and security measures. The BJMP chaplains
and imams provide different religious services such as but not limited to mass celebrations, communal
prayers, spiritual counseling, catechism, and others.

Review of Related Literature

Introduction of the Review of Related Literature

In this chapter,it manifest the appropriate and relevant literature that will support the
informations acquired on our study. This chapter offers various data that shows the similarity of our
study to other literature that makes the informations more reliable and credible.

Impact of Formal Education Programs in Prison on the wellbeing of Inmates. Despite limited
funding and frequent lack of public support, prison officials have made efforts to establish prison
programming that helps inmates successfully reenter society after release from prison. Therefore, the
quality of supervision (that is, training and treatment) the prisoners get in the prisons (and after release
from prisons) would determine the success of the prisoners in life after incarceration (Harper Grunt &
Careen Chitty, 2004) There remains no consensus of how education and rehabilitation should be
experienced and practised within the prison institution. As discussed in this article, many theorists in
both education and criminology provide us with different roles and purposes of each endeavour. In the
introduction of this article, it was stated that education is enshrined as a human right at an international,
European and national level, for example in the Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners (United
Nations, 1990), the European Prison Rulex (Council of Eu- rope, 2006), and the Prison Rules 2007 (The
Government of Ireland). However, while these documents also refer both directly (ie., the European
Prison Rules and the Prison Rules 2007) and indirectly (Le.. the Basic Principles for the Treatment of
Prisoners) to rehabilitation the ambiguity and lack of consensus of what is meant by rehabilitation
undermines its efforts and can have damaging consequences for people in prison. Just as Behan (2021)
emphasises that prison education is a right and not a privilege, the same can be said for rehabilitation.
With this in mind, neither education nor rehabilitation should be co-opted into aims ascribed by puni-
tive penal policies and must adopt an approach that is parallel to that of liberatory models of adult
education (Brookfield & Holst, 2011; Freire, 2017; hooks, 1994; Knowles et al., 2012; Lindeman, 1944)
and person-centred models of rehabilitation (Mulcahy, 2018: Rotman, 1986: Whitaker Report, 1985).
Such models embody principles of freedom, humanisation and the lived experience and have the
potential to limit the pains of imprisonment and allow the person in prison to realise a more positive
future. Recommendation 3 of the Council of Europe Recommendations on Prison Education, arguably
underpins all 17 and 18 recommendations in both the Council of Europe's (1990) doc- ument and King's
(2019) review. Recommendation 3 states that "education in prison shall aim to develop the whole person
bearing in mind his or her social, economic and cultural context". This recognition of the whole person is
crucial. It acknowledges the person in prison, first and foremost, as a human being, as well as
acknowledging the array of identities each person may hold in society, such as student, father, son,
mother, daughter, as well as a citizen with rights and needs. This is contrary to correctional rehabilitation
narratives which tend to perceive the person in prison as a broken human, with one identity - namely,
criminal; whose status as a citizen with rights and needs is questioned as a result of their incarceration
(Crewe, 2011). Maruna & LeBel (2012, p. 76) highlight how such identifies can lead to a Pygmalion effect
and instead suggest that people are more likely to change their lives for the better when those around
them believe in them and recognise their capacity to change. Such a view is affirmed by Rotman (1986,
p. 1026) who states that "the humanistic model of rehabilitation affirms the concept of prison inmates as
possessors of rights" which in turn "generates feeling of self- worth...and favours the possibility of self-
command and responsible action within society". Thus, when we stop viewing the person in prison
through a deficit lens and instead recognise their humanity and citizenship, change can become possible.
This view is further emphasized by Carlen (2013) who states that people in prison respond better to
supports provided by staff who recognize them as citizens with rights and not 'offenders' and 'future risk

The use of education and training in prison programs become pervasive in the 1930s since then,
it has fluctuated with society's alternating emphasis on rehabilitation and punishment. A study carried
out in Mozambique prison found that, prison inmates felt that there was dire lack of educational and
recreational facilities in prisons (Wees Greg 2005). In 1965, the Tanzania Annual Prison Report stated
that: "This service, as mentioned in previous reports, is in process of evolving policy which would make
the prison administration service not only for a punitive but essentially a reformative one, capable of
converting prisoners into good citizens after release from custody" (Mushanga, 1976).

Although prison life is generally stressful, if inmates get involved in any religious-spiritual activities
like bible study and worship service, vocational trainings, sports, exercises and other stress reduction
activities may increase feelings of physical and mental well-being. Perceived long stay in prison induced
the boredom of imprisonment and desire for liberty and longing to be with their family all adds to the
stress of incarceration. On the other hand, if the inmates unluckily stayed over by sleeping for a long
period of time within geopathically stressed area, they will be most likely to experience chronic stress
that might develop various health problems. Spirituality is an internal resource that helps male inmates
to cope well with stress. When one is connected with his spirituality, there is such a huge reservoir of
support and help that one's worries in life seem inconsequential

This chapter provides a comprehensive description of the study design, data collection, and
analysis procedures used to address the research problems. It is divided into five parts:research design,
sampling design, instrumentation, data collection procedures, and statistical treatment.

Research Design
This research paper used a descriptive research design. It is defined as the deliberate process of
collecting, analyzing, categorizing, and tabulating data about common conditions, practices, processes,
trends, and causal relationships, and then the appropriate and accurate interpretation of this data
(Calderon,2006). The researcher identified the effectiveness of the Bureau of Jail Management and
Penology's rehabilitation programs for persons deprived of liberty (PDL).

Population and Sampling

The subject of the research study is the jail officers from the Bureau of Jail Management and
Penology of the BJMP Nasugbu.

In the study, the researchers used survey questionnaires.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the approval of the instrument, the researchers secured composed consent from the jail
officers to reply to the study surveys. After giving consent, the researchers clarified the reason for the
consideration to the respondents. The researchers collected the information by implies of overview
survey that comprises their title, rank, and long in the services. After the respondents have taken the
overview; the papers were checked, counted, deciphered, and analyzed.
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
The result,analysis and interpretation of data will be presented in this chapter,where the data or
information acquired from our respondents:the personnels of BJMP are interpreted and illustrated.It
was acquired through the use of survey as an instrument to deliver the questions. Questionnaire were
given to the chosen repondent,with the total of 9 personnels of BJMP who answers all the questions
composed on it,that will be helpful for the completion of this study.It was successfully acquired with the
help of their active participation and willingness to be part of this study.

Result and Discussion

1.Profile of the respondents - The profile of the respondent in terms of rank and length of service based
on the response of the respondents were presented. The interpretation of data will present below to
clearly interpret the frequency distributed of the respondents by rank and length of service.  

1.1. Rank: Table 1.Show the frequency distributed of the respondents in terms of rank.

Rank Frequency Percentage

Jail Officer 1 9 100%

Distribution of respondents in terms of rank With the 9 frequency of respondents,all of them are
Jail Officer 1 which compromised 100% in percentage.

1.2. Length of service:

Table 2. Show the frequency distributed of the respondents in terms of length of service.

Years of Service Frequency Percentage

3 years 9 100%
Distribution of respondents in terms of length of service with the frequency of 9 respondents,
all of them are 3 years which compromised 100% in percentage.

1.3. The responses of the respondents to the survey.

Table 3. Show the frequency distributed of the respondents in terms of their response into the survey.
Survey Question Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Activities help 9 0 0 0 0
to develop the
morality of the
Programs help
PDLs to gain
knowledge and 9 0 0 0 0
facts about the
world around
Religious and
sustain the 9 0 0 0 0
PDLs to gain
and restore
their faith in
the Lord.
contribute to a
PDL to have an 8 1 0 0 0
income while
being in the
custody of
Recreation and
Activities help
the PDLs to 7 1 1 0 0
develop their
social life with
their co
enhance the
awareness and
the humanity
of a PDL and
these 8 1 0 0 0
programs will
serve as guides
to them to
have a better
life when they
are released.
has the power
to reform the 8 1 0 0 0
behavior of the
The goal of the
program is to
provide PDLs
with the
technical and
vocational 8 1 0 0 0
skills they need
to start their
businesses or
look for jobs
once they are
released from
the custody.

Distribution of the respondents in the first, second and third survey questions with the frequency
of 9 respondents, all of their answers are “Strongly Agree” which compromised 100%. In the fourth
question, 8 of the respondents answered “Strongly Agree” which compromised a percentage of 88.9%
and 1 answered “Agree” which is 11.1%. On the fifth question, 7 of the respondents answered “Strongly
Agree” which corresponds to 77.8%, 1 from the answer “Agree” which is 11.1% and 1 on the answer
“Neutral” which compromised 11.1% as well. And lastly, on the fifth, sixth and seventh questions have
the same responses, 8 answers of “Strongly Agree” which corresponds to 88.9% and 1 answer of “Agree”
which compromises 11.1%

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

This research aiming to know the effects of the bureau of jail management and penology's
rehabilitation programs for the persons deprived of liberty including livelihood projects, educational and
vocational training, recreation and sports and religious/spiritual Activities, after we conduct a survey we
discovered that

1) The livelihood project contribute to a PDL to have an income while being in the custody of BJMP.
2) Educational and vocational training provide PDL's with the skills they need to start their own
business or look for jobs once they are released from the custody.
3) Recreation and sport help the PDL's to develop their social life with their co-prisoners.
4) Religious and Spiritual beliefs sustain the PDL to gain and restore their faith in Lord.

After performing all the necessary presentation, interpretation, analysis, and statistical testing, the
study concluded as follows:  The respondent of the research was composed of JO1 with a number of 9.
The researcher concludes that the rehabilitation program of BJMP Nasugbu is effective. The researcher
also found that educational and religious and spiritual beliefs, it has the highest percentage of strongly
agree, the researcher conclude that it is the most effective rehabilitation program of BJMP in Nasugbu.
Therefore, the researcher conclude that based on the gathered data and the proven results of the survey
in the BJMP Nasugbu. That the BJMP rehabilitation program for the person deprived of liberty is without
a doubt effective. It enables the PDL to develop their skills, spirituality, and character. The researcher
concludes that the rehabilitation program of BJMP Nasugbu is a program for PDL to help reduce or
eliminate the criminal risk resulting from an offender’s problems. It supports the BJMP to make it easier
to safely manage the inmate population, improving overall inmate well-being, and improving inmate
educational attainment.
The results of this research helped generate possible policy recommendations. Moreover, they
think about to accepting that arrangement proposal ought to be viable and achievable by people and/or
government offices. Time and financial angles are too considered. Based on the result on the
rehabilitation program, the BJMP should put more seriousness into implementing recreation and sports
activities to help the PDL to promote camaraderie and to avoid the conflict inside the prison. Based on
the study's findings and the significance of the rehabilitation program to PDLS, the following
recommendations are made to advance and enhance the study: *Due to the fact that many PDLs in this
program blushed at the Lord's words, which assisted them in changing, spiritual activities can still be
conducted to improve the morality of PDLs. It will go on if every PDL participates in spiritual activities so
they can uplift the people they are with within the prison. *BJMP's educational programs are also more
helpful to PDLS because they have contributed a lot to the lives of the released prisoners because every
thing they learned in prison they can use in their livelihood. this will be achieved if the BJMP may
strengthen its partnership with TESDA in providing livelihood programs. *Sports and recreation activities
can assist PDLs lead better lives and keep them from considering harming themselves. They can also
assist other PDLs in preventing suicide. This can only be done if the BJMP works in tandem with other
governmental or non-governmental organizations to support their continued implementation of any
program that aims to alter a PDL.


Survey Questionnaires
1. Spiritual Activities help to develop the morality of the PDL.
2. Educational Programs help PDLs to gain knowledge and facts about the world around them.
3. Religious and Spiritual Activities sustain the PDLs to gain and restore their faith in the Lord.
4. Livelihood Projects contribute to a PDL to have an income while being in the custody of BJMP.
5. Recreation and Sports Activities help the PDLs to develop their social life with their co prisoners.
6. Rehabilitation Programs enhance the awareness and the humanity of a PDL and these programs
will serve as guides to them to have a better life when they are released. Prison Environment has
the power to reform the behavior of the PDLs.
7. The goal of the Vocational Training program is to provide PDLs with the technical and vocational
skills they need to start their own businesses or look for jobs once they are released from the

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