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A. Summary

Based on the data analysis on chapter IV, it can be summed up that :

1. There is positive and significant contribution of reading strategies to the

reading comprehension in English text for senior high school student in

Padang at 2003/2004 academic year. The effective contribution of

reading strategies is 19.87%.

2. There is positive and significant contribution of mastery vocabulary to

reading comprehension in English text for senior high school student in

Padang at 2003/2004 academic year. The effective contribution of

vocabulary mastery is 11.23%

3. There is positive and significant contribution both of reading strategies

and vocabulary mastery altogether for reading comprehension in English

text for senior high school student in Padang at 2003/2004 academic

year. These variables contribute 31.10% to the reading comprehension in

English text.

The contribution of Reading Strategies and vocabulary mastery of

the third year Senior High School students in Padang at the year of

2003/2004 are low. These two variables only contribute 18.9% and 6.1%

respectively to the reading comprehension in English text if these variables

are not influenced by another factor.

B. Implication

This result of the research based on the of the third year Senior High

School students in Padang at the year of 2003/2004 has several implications deal

with English skill especially reading skill. Firstly, the result of this research has

proved that reading strategies and vocabulary mastery can increase reading

comprehension of the third year Senior High School students in Padang at the

year of 2003/2004, so that many strategies deal with reading skill have to imply

in reading exercises.

Secondly, it is implied that English teachers at Senior High School in

Padang have taught many strategies and vocabulary to the Senior High School

students, but from this research revealed that the effort has not maximal yet.

Thirdly. There are many factors besides reading strategies and vocabulary

mastery to increase reading comprehension. It is the students’ responsibility

under teacher’s guide and motivation to explore other strategies in order to

improve their reading ability.

C. Suggestion

Since reading strategies and vocabulary mastery are two important

factors that can increase student’s ability in understanding English text, the

writer proposes some suggestion to the:

1. It is suggested to English teachers to teach many strategies and

vocabulary development for the students by giving many exercises deal with

English texts according to their level of difficulties.

2. Since the time the students used to study English is not enough. It

is suggested to the students to study English hard all day long from the

course or through many books available.

3. It is suggested to the following researchers to explore other

factors that can affect reading comprehension in English text. In order to

have brief descriptions about the factors that can contribute reading

comprehension both external and internal factors.

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