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Investing in a child's early years is widely recognized as a crucial determinant of their

future development and success. The early childhood stage is particularly significant as
it lays the foundation for subsequent stages of education and beyond. In light of the
growing importance of teaching English language skills to young learners, the inclusion
of English language curricula in kindergarten programs has become increasingly
prominent. This stage represents a vital period for children's linguistic development and
their capacity to assimilate a new language. Accordingly, it presents an opportunity for
children to acquire fundamental English language skills, thereby establishing the
groundwork for their future language learning experiences.

Kindergarten teachers play an essential role in shaping children's early exposure to

English language learning. Many children will encounter the education system for the
first time in kindergarten, and it is the teacher's responsibility to create an engaging and
supportive environment that fosters children's interest in the language and lays the
groundwork for their future language development. Furthermore, with the new
curriculum (2.0) in place, which emphasizes English language education to a higher
degree, teachers need to be appropriately trained in English language arts, specifically in
developing the skills of readiness for reading and writing in kindergarten children. Thus,
it has become increasingly urgent to ensure that all kindergarten teachers have the
necessary qualifications and training in English language education to effectively meet
the demands of the curriculum and prepare children for future language learning

The research problem

addressed in this study focuses on the potential deficiencies in young children's English
language skills and how this can be attributed to the inadequacies in their teachers'
pedagogical approach. The study aims to answer three primary research questions,
namely: (1) What are the specific reading and writing readiness skills in the English
language that are appropriate for young learners in kindergarten? (2) What should be
included in a training program designed for female kindergarten teachers to develop
their students' reading and writing readiness skills in the English language? (3) What is
the efficacy of the proposed training program in enhancing female kindergarten
teachers' ability to cultivate their students' reading and writing readiness skills in
The proposed study is grounded in the recognition that early childhood education,
specifically kindergarten, is a crucial stage in children's language development, and that
teaching English language skills is essential to prepare young learners for future stages
of education. The study seeks to address a gap in the literature concerning the English
language pedagogical approach in kindergarten classrooms and highlight the
importance of adequately preparing teachers to equip young children with the
necessary language skills. The research questions are aimed at providing insights into
what constitutes appropriate English language skills for kindergarten children, the key
components of a training program to develop teachers' proficiency in teaching these
skills, and the effectiveness of the proposed training program. Through addressing these
questions, this study seeks to make a significant contribution to the field of early
childhood education, specifically in the area of English language instruction in
kindergarten classrooms.

‫ هو مرحلة‬، ‫ وتحديد ًا رياض األطفال‬،‫ترتكز الدراسة المقترحة على االعتراف بأن التعليم في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة‬
‫ وأن تعليم مهارات اللغة اإلنجليزية ضروري إلعداد المتعلمين الصغار لمراحل التعليم‬، ‫حاسمة في تنمية لغة األطفال‬
‫ تسعى الدراسة إلى معالجة فجوة في األدبيات المتعلقة بالمنهج التربوي للغة اإلنجليزية في فصول رياض‬.‫المستقبلية‬
‫ تهدف‬.‫األطفال وتسليط الضوء على أهمية إعداد المعلمين بشكل مناسب لتزويد األطفال الصغار بالمهارات اللغوية الالزمة‬
‫ والمكونات الرئيسية‬، ‫ المناسبة ألطفال رياض األطفال‬e‫أسئلة البحث إلى تقديم نظرة ثاقبة لما يشكل مهارات اللغة اإلنجليزية‬
‫ من خالل معالجة هذه‬.‫ وفعالية برنامج التدريب المقترح‬، ‫لبرنامج تدريبي لتطوير كفاءة المعلمين في تدريس هذه المهارات‬
‫ وتحديد ًا في مجال تعليم اللغة‬، ‫ في مجال تعليم الطفولة المبكرة‬e‫ تسعى هذه الدراسة إلى تقديم مساهمة كبيرة‬، ‫األسئلة‬
‫اإلنجليزية في فصول رياض األطفال‬.

Revised Objectives of the Study:

1. To identify and describe the essential Reading and Writing Readiness

Skills in the English Language for kindergarten children.
2. To develop a valid and reliable Reading and Writing Readiness Skills of
English Language Scale for assessing kindergarten children's language
3. To construct a comprehensive Training Program for Female Kindergarten
Teachers that will facilitate the development of The Child's Reading and
Writing Readiness Skills in the English Language.
4. To evaluate the effectiveness of the training program in terms of
improving kindergarten teachers' performance in facilitating children's
English language development.

Revised Study Importance:

This study aims to improve the level of English language teaching in the kindergarten stage by
providing teachers with the most important and accurate skills and knowledge necessary for
them to perform their role effectively. The findings of this study will contribute to the existing
literature on early childhood education and English language teaching, particularly in the
kindergarten stage, and may serve as a reference for educators and curriculum developers in
enhancing the quality of English language education in the early years.

Revised Study Hypotheses:

1. The experimental group will show a statistically significant difference in mean

scores on the Alphabetic Principle Skill of The Reading and Writing Readiness
Skills of English Language Scale for kindergarten children between the pre and
post-tests, with higher scores in the post-test.
2. The experimental group will show a statistically significant difference in mean
scores on the Writing Skill of The Reading and Writing Readiness Skills of English
Language Scale for kindergarten children between the pre and post-tests, with
higher scores in the post-test.
3. The experimental group will show a statistically significant difference in mean
scores on the Spelling Skill of The Reading and Writing Readiness Skills of English
Language Scale for kindergarten children between the pre and post-tests, with
higher scores in the post-test.
4. The experimental group will show a statistically significant difference in mean
scores on the Vocabulary Skill of The Reading and Writing Readiness Skills of
English Language Scale for kindergarten children between the pre and post-tests,
with higher scores in the post-test.
5. The experimental group will show a statistically significant difference in mean
scores on The Reading and Writing Readiness Skills of English Language Scale for
kindergarten children between the pre and post-tests, with higher scores in the

Study Participants:

This study involved a sample of 15 female kindergarten teachers and 50

kindergarten children (K.G.2) in the region under investigation.

Study Tools:
The study employed three tools developed by the researcher, including a list
of the Reading and Writing Readiness Skills of the English Language for the
child, The Reading and Writing Readiness Skills of English Language Scale for
the child, and The Training Program for Female Kindergarten Teachers to
develop The Child's Reading and Writing Readiness Skills in the English

Statistical Analysis:

The statistical analysis included the application of T-Test to measure the

differences between the mean scores, Cronbach's alpha Coefficient to assess
the reliability of the scale, and Spearman's Correlation Coefficient.

Results: The study's findings indicated that the training program for female
kindergarten teachers was effective in developing the child's reading and
writing readiness skills in the English language. Furthermore, the statistical
analysis revealed significant differences between the mean scores of the pre
and post-tests of The Reading and Writing Readiness Skills of English
Language Scale for kindergarten children in the Alphabetic Principle Skill,
Writing Skill, Spelling Skill, Vocabulary Skill, and the overall score, favoring the
post-test scores.
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