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Mineral Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt List
Bags or Containers
Mineral Samples
Reference Materials

 Create a list of common rock-forming minerals along with their physical or chemical properties. Include
properties like color, hardness, luster, cleavage, and specific gravity.
 Prepare a bag or container for each learner or team to collect their mineral samples.
 Make copies of the scavenger hunt list for each learner or team.

 Gather all learners and explain the rules of the scavenger hunt.
 Distribute the scavenger hunt lists and bags/containers to each learner or team.
 Explain that they need to find rocks or mineral samples that match the properties listed on their scavenger
hunt list.
 Set boundaries or specific locations where learners can search for minerals to ensure a fair and safe

Scavenger Hunt:
 Learners or teams search for rocks or minerals in the designated area, trying to find specimens that match
the properties on their list.
 They collect the samples and place them in their bags or containers.
 Encourage learners to discuss and share their findings with each other, fostering collaboration and learning.

Identification and Evaluation:

 After a designated time (e.g., 30 minutes), gather all learners together.
 Ask each learner or team to present their collected samples and explain how they match the properties on
their scavenger hunt list.
 Provide guidance and feedback to ensure accurate identification of the minerals.
 Evaluate the learners' performance based on the number of correctly identified minerals and the accuracy of
their explanations.

Celebration and Discussion:

 Congratulate the learners or teams for their efforts and share interesting facts about the minerals they
 Facilitate a discussion to reinforce learning and encourage participants to share their experiences and
observations during the scavenger hunt.
 Offer additional resources or references for further exploration and study.

To prioritize safety during the scavenger hunt. If participants are collecting rocks or minerals from outdoor
locations, ensure that they are aware of any restrictions or guidelines, and encourage responsible collecting

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