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Kate Angeline D.

Varona Section: HS-F1E


"Who am I?" is a question that often leads me

to a deep self-reflection. My journey of self-
discovery has revealed both strengths and
weaknesses that shape my identity. One of my
strengths is my unwavering determination.
When I set my mind to a goal, I commit
wholeheartedly and persevere through
challenges until I achieve it. Additionally, I
possess a natural curiosity, which fuels my
quest for knowledge and understanding of the
world around me. However, this curiosity can
sometimes lead to a weakness, as I tend to
overthink and become indecisive when faced
with too many options. Furthermore, I have a
tendency to be overly critical of myself, which
can hinder my self-confidence. In essence, I am
a determined, inquisitive individual, yet I must
work on finding balance, embracing my
strengths, and addressing my weaknesses to
truly understand the person I am and want to

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