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Nama : Lauren Tiara

NPM : G1B021090
Matkul : Bahasa Inggris Teknik
Dosen : Annisa Fitria Edriani, S.T., M.Eng.St

The Influence Of Construction In The Era Of The Industrial Revolution 4.0

The industrial revolution is a major and fundamental change made by society in

managing the production of human, natural and commodity resources that affect the social
order, economic principles and culture of society. At first the Industrial Revolution was first
introduced in the mid-19th century. The beginning of the Industrial Revolution is evident
between 1760 and 1830. Since then, the revolution has continued to develop and reached its
peak in the mid-19th century. Over time, Industry has introduced flexible mass production
technologies. This very rapid change also affects the world of construction.

The world of construction cannot be separated from the current global technological
developments, namely the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The Industrial Revolution 4.0 has
opened a new era of growth and change around the world. Indonesia is one of them. The
development of the construction industry will be more interesting if we remove the old and
old methods and switch to a more effective method, the new one.
There are several impacts or effects of the industrial revolution 4.0 on the
development of the construction world, including:
a. HR Capability
Minister of PUPR, Basuki Hadimulya said that Indonesia currently needs young
engineers who are tough to face the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. On the anniversary
of the Indonesian Engineers Association, Basuki also explained the importance of human
resource readiness in the construction industry in Indonesia. Therefore, starting in 2019,
the government will focus on human resource development. This is due to the latest
construction technology that cannot be separated from the role of HR. To face the new era,
it is necessary to have human resources who can master digital technology. Meanwhile,
for now, there are still many people who do not understand what the industrial revolution
4.0 is.
b. BIM Technology
The application of Building Information Modeling (BIM) is indeed one way to deal
with the industrial revolution 4.0. BIM is a digital and internet-based construction
technology. Not much different from other industries, the application of BIM is also
expected to save project costs and minimize work risks and facilitate coordination between
parties. National contractors currently require each project to use BIM in the Planning,
Implementation and Operational processes. The BLM function in the project is very
helpful in the coordination process between parties and makes it easier for the project
owner to monitor work.
c. 3D Printing
The Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 Encourages to always develop the latest
technologies in the construction sector. One of the new technologies is 3D printing. 3D
printing makes it possible to automatically print pre-designed 3D buildings digitally. The
working principle of this 3D Printer is that the 3D Model is designed first through a
computer. The computer is connected to a 3D printer machine. then the printer machine
will automatically print an object that exactly matches the prepared design.
d. Survey technology
The industrial revolution 4.0 also affects technological developments in the field of
surveys or measurements. Currently, sophisticated survey tools have emerged that help
speed up the measurement process with high accuracy. Some land measurement
technologies include: Photogrammetry and Lidar.
Photogrammetry is the measurement of land using drones. The drone used is done fix
wings or VTOL which has a GPS in the form of RTK or PPK. The camera used must be of
good quality. Drones take photos from an altitude of 60-130 m. The photos are processed
in the software and produce land contour data. The advantage of using Photogrammetry is
that it is able to measure 100 hectares of land in less than 1 hour.
e. SAP S/4 Hana
SAP S/4 HANA is a German enterprise software. According to Wikipedia, the
definition of SAP is a relational database management system in column-oriented
memory, developed and marketed by SAP SE. Its main function as a database is To store
and retrieve data as requested by the application.
In the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the Indonesian construction industry needs
to apply the principles of Building Information Modeling (BIM) or Industry 4.0-based
technology. In today's era of virtual models, BIM is a new way to design and develop.
The era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 affects the field of construction development.
In the era of revolution, there are several implications of talent capacity and application of
BIM technology. It is very important to secure human resources so that they can respond to
the latest construction technology such as BIM technology which is always inseparable from
human resources. Because BIM is a digital and internet-based technology, the application of
BIM technology is very suitable to face the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
The digital era has brought benefits to the construction industry, such as the creation
of fast and accurate working models. For example, when we were still using the old method,
it might take a few days, but now we have the help of BIM software that can calculate very
quickly. Integrated data also has a positive impact on digital application systems in the
construction industry. and The use of BIM technology can also simplify complex work into
simple jobs so that service providers can easily understand them. Unfortunately, not all
service providers can implement the BIM method.
The digital era and the Industrial Revolution 4.0 have made many changes to the
construction industry, but the process of transitioning to the digital era is not easy. There are
several challenges that perplex the digital age. One of them is the very small number of
experts in studying BIM software. Industry participants must also use methods that are
innovative, creative and easy to understand. This helps make construction work easier.
Therefore, buildings in the digital era need to be prepared so they are not destroyed by new,
more innovative and creative departments.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the positive impact of the
Industrial Revolution 4.0 on the construction sector lies in the effectiveness and efficiency of
resources and production costs. The Industrial Revolution 4.0 provides opportunities for the
construction industry to continue to innovate not only in tools and methods, but also in
product innovation. Industry 4.0 requires employees with digital, technological and human
capabilities. In order to use technology, construction industry players must continuously
upgrade existing equipment and systems, turning these equipment and systems into
investments in assets and technologies that can be developed in the future. The use of
technology not only reduces construction costs, but also provides more benefits for workers
with shorter work completion times.

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