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Differential Calculus and Coordinate Geometry Summer-2022-23

Text Book: Calculus– James Stewart - 8 th edition

Syllabus for Midterm exam – Function, Limit, Continuity, Differentiation, Application of
differentiation, Taylor and Maclaurin series, Analysis of function, Indeterminate forms and
L ’ H o^ pital rule.

Topics Sub topics and Example Exercise Number Quiz

Function Sketch the graph – P-21 # 46, 47 (Abs. val) 2
Power function, Straight lines P-38 # Ex-2 (parabola)
(P-29) P-39 # Ex-3 (sin )
Exponential, logarithmic P-43 # 9, 10, 21
P-62 # Ex-11
function (P-32),
Trigonometric function
sin x, cos x (P-31), Absolute
value function
|x| (P-16 #8)
Limit Definition- P-83, Limit laws (P- P-102 # 11, 17, 21, 22 1
95), Power Law (P-96), P-191 (2) P-138 #15 ,24, 27, 28
Example- P-99 # 6
Two-Sided limit (P-109)
P-100 Ex-# 7,8,9
Continuity Definition-P-114 (continuity only) P-182 1 Quiz1
#71, p-125 # 39, 40, 41, 42,
P-283 # 27, 28
Derivatives Definition (P-144, 152) 2
First Principle of Differentiation
(Polynomial Functions,
sin x ,cos x . ¿
Table of Differentiation formula-
P-187, 193,
214(arcsin x , arccos x , arctan x
), 218, 261 (
sinh x ,cosh x , tanh x )
Product rule, quotient rule (P- P-188 # 3-8,
187) P-196 # 2, 3, 13
Chain rule- P-198 P-204 # 11, 12, 14
Example P-199 # 1,2,3,7,8
Implicit Differentiation P-215 # 2, 3, 5
Example P-208 # 1(a)
Parametric differentiation P-649 dy
P-655 (only )
# 11-16
Differential Calculus and Coordinate Geometry Summer-2022-23

Logarithmic Differentiation P- P-223 # 39, 41, 43, 44, 48

220 Example # 7, 8
Derivative of inverse P-213
Trigonometric function P-213 #5 arcsin x , arccos x , arctan x ,
arcsec x
Derivative of hyperbolic function P-264 # 30-35
Application of Application of Differentiation (P- P-148, 149 # 13, 15 1 Quiz2
Differentiation 143) #3 (only equations of tangent
Equations of Tangent and and normal)
Normal P-209 P-180 # 33, 34, 35
Example #1(b), 2(b) P-215 # 27, 28
P-267 # 61
P-655 # 3-6, 9, 10
Taylor and Maclaurin series P- P-771 # 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 14, 16
760 # 1, 3, 4, 5 (first three
nonzero terms)
Analysis of Stationary points P-280 P-301 # 9, 10, 11, 13, 17 2
function Increasing, decreasing function P-302 # 37-40
P-293 # 1, 3
Concave up, down P-296
Inflection point P-297
Local maximum, minimum,
second derivative test -P-297
Sketch a graph of a function
Optimization P-331 # 1, 2, 5 P-337 # 14-16 Quiz3
Indeterminate Indeterminate form of type P-311 # 13, 15, 19, 43, 47, 1
forms and 0 ∞ 51, 53, 57, 63, 65
P-306 ( , ) # 1-4
L ’ H o^ pital 0 ∞
rule (0 ∙ ∞) # 6,
(∞ −∞) #7,
(0 ¿ ¿ 0 , ∞ , 1 )¿ #9,10
0 ∞

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