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First, go over the vocabulary learnt last week. This will help you when playing Taboo.

Team A:

 Think of how to explain the below words:


Before Listening

What do you think a food consultant does?

What do you think such a job involves?

After Listening

What qualities do you think Jane has that make her business a success?
What do you think the satisfactions of running this type of business are?
Would you be interested in doing something similar or not?

After Reading

Do you know anyone who has started their own business?

How did they raise the finance to do so?
What are the pros and cons of asking friends and family for finance?

Before Listening: Setting up a multimedia company

What is a multimedia company?

What multimedia companies have you heard of?

After Learning: Setting up a multimedia company

Do you know similar companies in your country?

Would a company like this be successful in your country?
First, go over the vocabulary learnt last week. This will help you when playing Taboo.

Team B:

 Think of how to explain the below words and phrases:

made redundant

Before Listening

What do you think a food consultant does?

What do you think such a job involves?

After Listening

What qualities do you think Jane has that make her business a success?
What do you think the satisfactions of running this type of business are?
Would you be interested in doing something similar or not?

After Reading

Do you know anyone who has started their own business?

How did they raise the finance to do so?
What are the pros and cons of asking friends and family for finance?

Before Listening: Setting up a multimedia company

What is a multimedia company?

What multimedia companies have you heard of?

After Learning: Setting up a multimedia company

Do you know similar companies in your country?

Would a company like this be successful in your country?

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