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Information Systems Research

Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17

ISSN 1047-7047 (print) — ISSN 1526-5536 (online)
© 2016 INFORMS

Research Commentary
Diversity of the Information Systems Research Field:
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A Journal Governance Perspective

Thomas F. Burgess
Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom,

Paul Grimshaw
School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF10 3XQ, United Kingdom,

Nicky E. Shaw
Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom,

D iversity has attracted much attention within the information systems (IS) field, with literature concentrating
on diversity in topics and methods. These constitute two of three identified areas of research field diversity;
the little-investigated third area includes demographic and social diversity of researchers. This study explores
this gap for researchers comprising the editorial advisory boards (EABs) of 52 IS journals and links the under-
explored types of diversity to topic diversity. The journals are categorized into seven intellectual communities,
using topic affinity of journal content, and a social network of EAB members constructed from board interlocks.
The network structure appears to reflect the topic-based community links. Journal communities are aggregated
into two components of the social network: a business-school-related core set of journals and a more diverse
computing- and engineering-related periphery. The strong ties at the network center do not necessarily reflect
journal status. The observed combination of focus and diversity is consistent with a polycentric view of the IS
field. Findings suggest low demographic diversity in the field and that demographic diversity correlates with
other types of diversity. The field’s separation into business core and computing periphery is highlighted as
potentially challenging to the IS field’s identity.
Keywords: diversity; journal governance; social network analysis
History: Natalia Levina, Senior Editor; J. Alberto Espinosa, Associate Editor. This paper was received on
August 1, 2013, and was with the authors 14 months for 3 revisions. Published online in Articles in Advance
November 1, 2016.

Introduction field) and demographic aspects are important not only

Much has been written about diversity in the informa- in their own right but also because they shape the tech-
tion systems (IS) research field—but what do we really nical aspects of topics and methods, and vice versa.
know about it? We know that diversity has attracted We believe that IS researchers should reflect more on
a good deal of attention and that researchers differ the diversity of the field’s social and demographic
on whether research diversity is good (Robey 1996) or aspects. In this paper, we intend to shed some light
bad for the field (Benbasat and Weber 1996, Benbasat on these aspects and hope to stimulate the IS commu-
and Zmud 1999). Some contributors to this diversity nity’s increased interest in the important challenges
debate (e.g., Landry and Banville 1992, Taylor et al. thrown up by social and demographic diversity of the
research field. We pose a number of questions related
2010) have used Whitley’s (1984) schema, which cate-
to the knowledge gap in this social domain: how
gorizes the intellectual and social organization of sci-
socially diverse is the IS research field when examined
entific fields by three key dimensions that are subject
through the lens of social networks and demographic
to diversity: research topics, research methods, and
variables? How do social and demographic diversities
political dependence of researchers. The IS diversity relate to topic diversity?
debate centers on research topics and, to a lesser extent, To answer these questions, we focus on the diversity
methods, while the third dimension, encompassing of the editorial advisory boards (EABs) of 52 journals
social processes that govern knowledge production, that the Association of Business Schools (ABS) identi-
has been relatively unexplored. If the IS research field fies as comprising the IS field.1 These related groups
is characterized as a sociotechnical system of knowl-
edge production, then social aspects (such as the rela- 1
The ABS journal list is updated and refined on a continual
tionships between the researchers working within the basis. We use the fourth version of the list (ABS 2010). The latest

Burgess, Grimshaw, and Shaw: Diversity of the IS Research Field
2 Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2016 INFORMS

of academics and, to a lesser extent, practitioners demographic and nondemographic as two major cat-
constitute key governance mechanisms for the main egories. (Table A1 in the online appendix (available
knowledge production process within the IS research as supplemental material at
field. Our study shows that, in contrast to the high isre.2016.0657) illustrates the different types of diver-
topic diversity that the contributors to the IS diver- sity and places the diversity of the IS field in con-
sity debate identify, diversity of EABs is low for key text.) Demographic diversity generally covers six main
demographic variables, with male researchers affili- areas: gender, age, race and ethnicity, sexual orienta-
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ated with U.S. universities dominating boards. A major tion, religion and beliefs, and disability, while nonde-
finding is that the IS research field can be split into two mographic diversity includes various aspects such as
similar-sized groups of EABs that differ substantially research topic diversity.
on board member demographics, journal content, jour- Avison and Fitzgerald (Avison 1997, Avison and
nal connectivity, and journal quality grounds. A core Fitzgerald 1991) see three elements within the IS field,
group of journals is central to the social network con- namely, education, research, and practice. The IS litera-
structed from board interlocks. Journals in this core ture has explored diversity in all three areas, for exam-
group have, on average, more board members than ple, in education (Galliers and Huang 2012, Yurcik and
those in the peripheral group, closer affiliations to busi- Doss 2001) and in practice (Avison and Wood-Harper
ness schools, less diversity of country affiliations, and 1991, Hawarth and Van Wetering 1994, Kallinikos et al.
higher quality ratings. The journal content of this core 2013). However, most of the literature on IS diver-
group relates more to the interests of business school sity has focused on diversity in research topics—as we
researchers, while the content of the peripheral group show in Table A1 in the online appendix. Diversity in
of journals links more to researchers in computing and other forms, e.g., demographic diversity of researchers,
engineering faculties. In the study’s implications, we is little explored. In examining the diversity of the
draw attention to a key question for the IS field; is this IS research field, we are particularly interested in the
major separation a healthy one—or is it a challenge to differences between IS community members. A key
the field’s identity? unit we look at is the journal, or, to be more pre-
This paper continues with a background section in cise, the journal’s EAB. In this paper, we focus on IS
which we discuss the meaning of diversity, how its research field diversity by exploring and connecting
impact has grown in importance in the IS literature, demographic and nondemographic forms of diversity
and how it has been studied. We explain our approach for IS researchers.
and the different types of diversity that we study. Next
the sample demographics and our main findings are What Do We Mean By Research Field Diversity?
presented. Finally, we conclude with comments on the We take research field diversity to mean diversity in
study’s implications. variables that characterize the research field. Benbasat
and Weber (1996) separated research diversity into
three areas: problems, theoretical foundations and ref-
Background erence disciplines, and methods. The IS research field,
What Do We Mean By Diversity? when viewed as a sociotechnical system (Mumford
The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines diver- 2006), is comprised of both technical aspects (e.g.,
sity as “the quality or state of having many different research topics and research methods) and social
forms, types, ideas, etc.”2 Diversity has been much aspects (e.g., interactions between researchers). From
studied, but few papers explore diversity constructs the sociotechnical viewpoint, the approach of Benbasat
in-depth. Harrison and Klein’s (2007) paper stands and Weber (1996), and others, focuses on technical arte-
out and is cited rather frequently.3 They use diversity facts, such as knowledge topics and methods (nonde-
“to describe the distribution of differences among the mographic), to the detriment of social aspects, such
members of a unit with respect to a common attribute, as demographics of group members. The sociomate-
X, such as tenure, ethnicity, conscientiousness, task riality perspective (Orlikowski and Scott 2008) argues
attitude, or pay” (Harrison and Klein 2007, p. 1200). for the need to recognize the intertwined nature of
Diversity comes in different types, and they identify the social and the technical. Some writers (e.g., Landry
and Banville 1992, Taylor et al. 2010) have adopted
Whitley’s (1984, 2000) approach to describing the IS
(fifth) version was published in March 2015 and is available at
(research) field with a schema that recognizes the
field’s social nature. Whitley (2000) identified three
See, ac-
cessed January 3, 2015. major characteristics of a field: (a) strategic depen-
1,472 citations on Google Scholar,
dence, the extent of political dependence of researchers
scholar?q=harrison+and+klein&btnG=&hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5 ac- in the field; (b) functional dependence, the degree of
cessed October 17, 2016. technical and procedural coherence within a field; and
Burgess, Grimshaw, and Shaw: Diversity of the IS Research Field
Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2016 INFORMS 3

(c) strategic task uncertainty, the extent of conceptual Our Approach to Research Field Diversity
coherence within the field. These three major charac- IS journals form a major source of data for empirical
teristics are important in influencing a field’s social studies of research diversity. Past studies have focused
organization and its success in knowledge production. on journal article content, cocitations, and coauthor-
ships (see Table A1 in the online appendix), with the
Why is Research Field Diversity Important? former occurring more frequently than the latter. While
previous literature on research field diversity focused
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Diversity of the IS research field is now featured promi-

nently in the literature, and many IS researchers rec- on research topic diversity, we extend the debate to
the diversity associated with IS researchers and their
ognize changing diversity as an important marker of
research communities. We examine the demographic
the field’s progress. During 1996–2005, approximately
diversity of IS researchers and the diversity in their
one paper was published per year referring to diver-
social networks. This latter type of diversity, i.e., a form
sity across the two leading IS journals, MIS Quarterly
of nondemographic diversity, we label social diversity.
(MISQ) and Information Systems Research (ISR). By con-
Various methods can be used to identify IS re-
trast, over the period 2006–2013, annual publications of searchers for study. We chose to use the EABs of IS
diversity papers quadrupled.4 In total, 39 papers have journals as a way of obtaining a large and represen-
been featured in the two journals since 1995; although, tative sample of the community of IS researchers. By
not all of these papers were related to the debate on IS journals we mean journals that aim primarily to
diversity in the IS research field. Figures from the same communicate with the IS research community through
source also show that citations to articles with diversity published papers and are governed by the IS com-
in the topic field in MISQ and ISR have increased from munity. This focus ensures that board members of the
one or two in the mid-1990s to approximately 250 cita- sampled journals are highly likely to be rooted in the IS
tions per year over the years 2010–2013. The diversity community. IS researchers publish in both IS journals
debate has not been confined to these two leading jour- and in non-IS journals (for further information on IS
nals and, indeed, first appeared in other places (e.g., and non-IS journals, see, e.g., Walstrom and Hardgrave
Landry and Banville 1992). 2001), such as the Harvard Business Review, Academy of
The fundamental disagreement about what research Management Review, and Management Science, but the
diversity means to the IS field first surfaced in ISR EABs of this latter group comprise researchers from
with the two papers by Benbasat and Weber (1996) a wide range of academic fields. While some of the
and Robey (1996). Celebrating the 50th anniversary of non-IS journals may have separate subsections of their
the IS field’s beginnings (Banker and Kauffman 2004), EABs specifically tasked with dealing with IS papers,
Hirschheim and Klein (2012, p. 193) stated that diver- we chose to focus our attention only on IS journals.
sity “is widely accepted as a hallmark of the field.” On In our approach, we first group researchers serv-
one hand, (research) diversity signifies to one group ing on EABs of IS journals into communities centered
of protagonists that the field is fragmented, stagnat- on research topics and then examine how topic diver-
ing, and lacking respect. On the other hand, opposing sity links to social diversity within journal governance
protagonists believe that diversity enriches the field and demographic diversity. We take this approach
(e.g., Robey 1996, p. 402) and IS researchers should because we suspect that a research community that is
let “many flowers bloom.” Taylor et al. (2010) neatly not socially and demographically diverse will not fully
squared the circle by showing how the IS field is a explore the diverse research topics and methods that
exist. However, we also believe there is a fundamen-
mosaic of diverse clusters each containing a focused
tal argument based on equity that justifies the need for
grouping of topics that have evolved over time. King
social and demographic diversity in any research field.
and Lyytinen’s (2006) book makes a key contribution
by collecting together and summarizing the substan- EABs of Journals Are Important in the
tive literature on the IS field’s identity and legitimacy, Context of Diversity
and connects these ideas to the field’s diversity. They EABs occupy a fundamental role in influencing aca-
use the phrase “intellectual diversity” (King and Lyyti- demic behavior (Braun and Diospatonyi 2005). Bennis
nen 2006, p. 350), which appears similar to research and O’Toole (2005) see editorial board members as
field diversity. Table A2 in the online appendix illus- key gatekeepers and argue that academics must tai-
trates in more detail the development of this diversity lor their research to reflect this influence. Despite their
debate in the IS literature. importance, past research into EABs has been lim-
ited and patchy (Bedeian et al. 2009). Some disci-
Search for topic = diversity in journals MISQ and ISR in the
plines have engaged more with this style of enquiry
Web of Science,, than others; e.g., accounting (Lee 1995) and sociology
accessed April 24, 2014. (Platt 2007) stand out. Researchers recently introduced
Burgess, Grimshaw, and Shaw: Diversity of the IS Research Field
4 Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2016 INFORMS

a novel approach by using social network analysis more related to practice. High-status organizations are
(SNA) (Scott 2003, Wasserman and Faust 1999) to gain believed to attract high-status researchers; however,
insight into the important aspect of journal governance university status is correlated with location.
(Baccini and Barabesi 2010, Burgess and Shaw 2010).
Departmental Affiliation. IS community members
More recently, EABs of IS journals were examined
in universities are spread across faculties including
using scientometrics (Cabanac 2012) and SNA (Baccini
business, computing science, and engineering. We
and Barabesi 2011), although the latter study combined
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identify a business school affiliation as influencing

information and library sciences.
researcher interests and contrast it with other “depart-
How We Study Demographic Diversity mental” affiliations. For example, computing-affiliated
Harzing and Metz (2012, 2013) refer to “diversity scholars are more likely to be interested in the infor-
management theory” and propose that “a team of mation technology (IT) artefact itself, whereas business
individuals with a common background will share school academics are more likely to be interested in its
common experiences and paradigms” (Harzing and impact.
Metz 2012, p. 697) and as such be less receptive Geographical Location. Geographical location acts
to alternative views (Feldman 2008, Ozbilgin 2004). as a proxy for a set of cognitions and beliefs (Joshi
They suggest that teams lacking in diversity will et al. 2011, p. 10) and is therefore a key factor influenc-
also lack resources to be more innovative and cre- ing researchers. Galliers and Meadows (2003) analyzed
ative (Cox and Blake 1991). Thus, demographic diver- four journals to define the “nationality” of each journal
sity is a key driver of organizational competitiveness from the geographical locations of the board members’
(Robinson and Dechant 1997) as well as a key driver organizational affiliations. They connected each jour-
in academia for knowledge development by apply- nal’s nationality with the characteristics of the papers
ing different methodologies and paradigms. Organi- it published and showed that this related to authors’
zational research concentrates on such demographic nationality and that of the literature they tended to
features as gender, organizational affiliation, and geo- cite in their papers. They argued that this parochialism
graphical location; these are “visible” sources of diver- contributed to the separation and diversity within the
sity (Milliken and Martins 1996). These variables are intellectual field.
used because of their fundamental nature, but their Harzing and Metz (2013) examined the editorial
data are also easier to access than data on less visi- boards of 57 management journals over 20 years and
ble sources, such as social class, economic status, or
concluded that the internationalization of editorial
race/ethnicity. In our study, we include gender, orga-
boards is considered important for the creation and
nizational affiliation, departmental affiliation, and geo-
spread of management knowledge. They found evi-
graphical location.
dence that editorial board members are likely to come
Gender. Research on gender is underpinned by from the editor’s home country, that journals focused
moral/ethical and economic arguments for gen- on international business are more likely to have a
der diversity and by evidence of discrimination more diverse editorial board makeup, and, finally, that
against women in the workplace. Researchers such home-country domination declines over time. Among
as Howcroft and Trauth (2008) have highlighted the the factors reinforcing a lack of geographical diver-
issue of gender within the IS field. Metz and Harzing sity of editorial board members, Harzing and Metz
(2009) identify women’s lack of participation on edito- (2012) found a strong correlation between editorial
rial boards and list three explanatory factors. (1) Many board membership and attendance at top U.S. confer-
women have not been in academia long enough to ences; however, attendance at European conferences
reach levels of seniority associated with board mem- was only indicative of European editorial board mem-
bership. (2) Higher-ranking journals correlate posi- bership. They also showed a poor representation of
tively with a higher number of women on the editorial countries where “average” levels of English language
boards, but there are not many journals in the higher exist. English-speaking U.S. organizations dominate
ranks. (3) Journals with a history of female employ- academic fields (Singh et al. 2007), as in their empha-
ment are more likely to have a higher proportion of sis on “hard science” approaches with an alleged
women on the board, but, similar to the previous point, overemphasis on the technical to the detriment of other
there are limited numbers of journals of this type. issues (Swanson 2004). Vessey et al. (2002) revealed
Organizational Affiliation. Where a researcher the dominance of hypothetic-deductive study methods
works is a key pointer to his or her research inter- in a review of citations in IS journals over five years
ests, expertise, and status. Many researchers work in (1995–1999). High organizational reputation is corre-
universities, but researchers also work in organiza- lated with U.S. location, and reputation is expected to
tions outside of higher educational systems, e.g., cor- impact diversity since high-status organizations will
porate research laboratories, on research that may be contribute prominently to any disciplinary discourse.
Burgess, Grimshaw, and Shaw: Diversity of the IS Research Field
Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2016 INFORMS 5

How We Study Social (Network) Diversity are required (Scott 2013). Various comprehensive lists
When a researcher serves on two different boards, exist of journals where IS researchers publish. How-
the two boards are “interlocked.” Interlocks can be ever, as indicated earlier, such lists usually comprise
interpreted in various ways. One way is that the jour- both IS journals, whose EAB members belong primarily
nals are similar, e.g., in content and/or practices, and to the community of IS researchers, and non-IS jour-
the same researcher is seen as suitable to their needs. nals, whose EAB members do not primarily belong to
Another interpretation is that the interlock bridges the the IS research community. For example, as of Novem-
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two boards and permits social interaction and commu- ber 26, 2014, the AIS list of MIS Journal Rankings
nication between the two. The number of times that a ( had 109 entries
journal EAB interlocks with other boards can be taken that included, among others, Management Science and
as a measure of diversity. SNA (Scott 2013, Wasserman the Harvard Business Review—non-IS journals whose
and Faust 1999) is a standard way of analyzing board readership and editorial governance do not lie pre-
interlocks and was applied here. SNA was carried out dominantly in the IS community. Of more relevance to
and diagrams (sociograms) were constructed where a identifying IS journals is the subset of the Association
node represents a journal board and an undirected arc of Business Schools’ (2010) Journal Quality List, which
connecting two nodes indicates that at least one indi- includes 52 journals in what is termed the Information
vidual is affiliated with the EABs of both journals. The Management5 category, i.e., journals that specifically
initial sociograms in our analysis depict binary net- study IS, IT, and information processes. Table A3 in the
works where a connection either exists or not. In a later online appendix lists the names (in full and short form)
sociogram, the connection is weighted by the number and International Standard Serial Number codes for
of EAB members; i.e., the arc is valued according to the 52 IS journals. The full ABS list is a comprehensive
the number of members common to the boards of both index of 813 journals that business school academics
journals. publish in. The list is divided into subject categories,
and an academic panel allocates journals to these cat-
How We Study Research Topic Diversity egories and also assigns a journal quality score. The
Previous studies have taken a number of different ABS quality scores range from 1 to 4, where 1 repre-
approaches to topic diversity (see Table A1 in the sents journals that are “modest standard,” 2 represents
online appendix). Our focus on EABs requires an journals that are “well regarded,” 3 represents journals
approach to topic diversity that is journal rather than that are “highly regarded,” and 4 represents journals
article directed. We chose to cluster the sampled IS that are “top journals including world elite.”
journals into seven subfields (communities) based on
the content affinity of the journals using the latent Measuring Diversity
semantic analysis work of Larsen et al. (2008).
We use Harrison and Klein’s (2007) approach to diver-
sity as the basis for our analysis. They identify three
The Sampled Journals
components of diversity between members of an orga-
Taylor et al. (2010) refer to the “basket of jour-
nizational group: separation (differences in position or
nals” problem, i.e., study results on focus and diver-
opinions), variety (differences in kind or categories),
sity are sensitive to the choice of journals (Chua
et al. 2002). In selecting a comprehensive and rep- and disparity (differences in concentration of social
resentative journal set, we had to look further than assets or resources). All of the demographic character-
the well-regarded but narrowly drawn lists such as istics (gender, organizational affiliation, departmental
that of the Financial Times, the Tulsa list, and the affiliation, and geographical location) are categorical
Association for Information Systems (AIS) Senior variables and fall within Harrison and Klein’s (2007)
Scholars’ Basket of Journals ( variety aspect of diversity, where they recommend that
?SeniorScholarBasket, accessed October 17, 2016) com- diversity of such a variable should be measured by one
prising the eight most prominent journals in the field. of two indices, Blau or Teachman. The Blau index is
We required a sample that was not limited to the so- preferred because of its ease of interpretation; i.e., it
called “top” journals, i.e., those rated highly in terms takes a value between 0 and 1, where 1 is the highest
of quality and presumably containing top academics diversity. For dichotomous variables, such as gender,
on the EABs, since our aim was to examine diversity in the proportion can be used in place of the Blau index.
a broad sample of journals that represent the whole IS We followed the strategy of using the proportion for
community. However, within the analysis and results, dichotomous variables and the Blau index for other
we do identify top journals. variable types. The calculated summary measures of
Guidance on sampling usually recommends as large
a representative sample as possible. This is particularly 5
We choose to use the more familiar term information systems in this
the case with SNA, where high sampling proportions paper.
Burgess, Grimshaw, and Shaw: Diversity of the IS Research Field
6 Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2016 INFORMS

Table 1 Editorial Board Data for the 52 IS Journals

Within board diversity measures

Larsen et al. Number in Percent Percent Blau Blau Percent

Journal (2008) ABS editorial Percent affiliated affiliated with index index affiliated
name community score advisory board male with univs bus. schools orgs. countries with U.S. orgs. Degree
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ACM-TCHI HCI+ 3 25 64.0 7200 000 0.9408 005088 68.0 7

ACM-TSEM SSE 2 18 77.8 9404 000 0.9383 005309 66.7 2
ARIST IS&R+ 2 16 43.8 9308 000 0.9219 005625 62.5 6
BIT HCI 2 32 75.0 7500 603 0.9590 008242 34.4 3
BJET HCI+ 2 27 70.4 7401 000 0.9575 007764 14.8 0
CACM MIS+ 3 92 82.6 6300 303 0.9750 004764 71.7 10
CAIS EC 2 49 71.4 9800 5100 0.9746 004232 75.5 22
CJ SSE 2 31 90.3 10000 000 0.9469 006868 12.9 2
CSCW HCI+ 1 46 60.9 8408 202 0.9660 008374 32.6 9
D IS&R 2 27 88.9 10000 9603 0.9520 005322 66.7 17
DSS MIS 3 70 76.5 10000 8000 0.9751 005196 68.6 19
EJIS MIS 3 57 75.4 10000 6409 0.9658 008033 35.1 16
ES KBS 3 41 92.1 6509 2608 0.9673 006104 61.0 7
ESJKE KBS+ 2 28 89.3 9604 1007 0.9541 0075 21.4 3
IC HCI+ 2 57 78.9 8205 000 0.9775 008113 29.8 6
IEEE-ITB HCI+ 1 65 84.6 8707 105 0.9813 008469 33.8 2
IEEE-TEC KBS+ 1 41 95.1 9207 000 0.9673 008983 17.1 3
IEEE-TSE SSE 3 28 64.3 10000 000 0.9592 00824 32.1 1
IEEE-TSMC HCI+ 1 36 94.4 8303 000 0.9660 008503 27.8 0
IIE-T MIS+ 1 65 83.1 10000 2406 0.9557 002779 84.6 1
IJC SSE+ 3 59 89.8 9302 3900 0.9773 005665 64.4 7
IJEC EC 3 55 85.5 8703 6108 0.9759 004621 72.7 16
IJHCS HCI 3 46 53.3 8408 605 0.9716 007486 45.7 9
IJIM MIS 2 26 88.5 8008 4203 0.9615 005533 7.7 10
IJITM SSE+ 1 30 82.8 8000 4303 0.9644 008711 10.0 10
IM MIS 3 93 80.9 9507 6909 0.9855 009055 22.6 20
IMCS IS&R+ 1 31 90.3 7100 1209 0.9615 007742 35.5 5
IMDS MIS+ 1 39 82.1 10000 7404 0.9730 008047 41.0 6
IO MIS+ 3 37 75.7 10000 8101 0.9525 006034 59.5 15
IPM IS&R+ 3 46 69.6 8700 202 0.9612 007958 41.3 8
IR IS&R+ 1 43 69.8 9707 903 0.9713 008967 23.3 10
IR2 EC+ 2 33 72.7 9009 4204 0.9660 008301 33.3 15
IRMJ MIS 1 86 80.2 9109 5407 0.9859 006049 61.6 19
IS G&S 2 50 64.0 9600 1000 0.9608 005624 64.0 17
ISF EC 2 52 90.4 8406 5707 0.9748 004283 75.0 17
ISJ MIS 3 56 83.9 10000 6403 0.9732 008431 33.9 17
ISM MIS 2 38 63.2 9407 6302 0.9709 005208 68.4 12
ISR MIS 4 62 87.1 9804 9305 0.9766 004422 74.2 21
IST SSE+ 2 30 70.0 9607 303 0.9622 008444 30.0 3
ITP MIS 2 74 63.5 8902 4109 0.9777 007615 41.9 21
JAIS G&S 3 85 74.1 9808 8204 0.9835 006212 60.0 22
JASIST IS&R+ 3 35 60.0 9104 209 0.9649 006106 60.0 10
JCIS HCI 2 15 93.3 10000 8000 0.9067 005333 66.7 8
JEIM MIS+ 1 44 86.4 9009 3806 0.9649 007996 22.7 15
JGIM G&S 2 68 75.0 9805 5704 0.9823 008746 29.4 24
JIS IS&R+ 2 21 66.7 7602 000 0.9524 008435 14.3 4
JIT MIS 3 51 72.5 9800 6607 0.9612 007459 35.3 17
JMIS MIS 3 59 88.1 10000 8407 0.9784 003867 78.0 20
JOEUC MIS 1 59 66.1 10000 6404 0.9790 004573 72.9 13
JSIS MIS 3 64 73.4 10000 7606 0.9790 007515 46.9 26
KMRP KBS+ 1 31 87.1 7704 4502 0.9677 008866 19.4 8
MISQ MIS 4 56 71.4 9802 7806 0.9770 005721 64.3 19
Mean IS 2.17 46.6 77.2 9006 3609 0.965 00678 46.0 1102
Std. dev. IS 0.86 19.4 11.4 1001 3206 0.015 00167 21.8 702

Notes. (1) Journals marked with plus in the second column were not present in the Larsen et al. (2008) study and so were categorized for this study.
(2) For Blau indices, 0 represents least diverse, and 1 most diverse. Column means are calculated from values in the table and not from overall data.
Burgess, Grimshaw, and Shaw: Diversity of the IS Research Field
Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2016 INFORMS 7

the (within-board) diversity for each EAB are given in Findings

Table 1.
Sample Demographics
Harrison and Klein (2007) point out that many stud-
The IS data set covers 52 journals with 1,932 individual
ies of diversity are single level, where analysis focuses
researchers occupying 2,425 editorial board member-
on the diversity between individuals within the unit. If
ships and affiliated with 788 organizations located in 61
we concentrate on diversity between units, or between
countries. The EAB sizes of IS journals vary from 15 to
Downloaded from by [] on 05 November 2016, at 11:41 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

clusters of units, then in Harrison and Klein’s (2007)

93 with a mean value of 46.6 (Table 1), sizes consistent
terms, we are carrying out a multilevel study. When
with those in Cabanac’s (2012) study of 77 IS journals.
we cluster boards into communities, then each clus- The distribution of ABS scores for IS journals is not sig-
ter becomes a unit at a higher level. With clustering, nificantly different from that for the overall ABS set of
the summary measures that have been calculated for journals (chi = 2.75, p = 00432), suggesting that in terms
each board become the characteristics that differ when of ABS quality scores, IS journals are no more diverse
we calculate the within-community (i.e., between unit) than the general population of business and manage-
diversity. Measures, such as Blau’s index for an indi- ment journals. Apart from the board sizes and the ABS
vidual organization, i.e., a measure of variety at the scores for each journal, Table 1 contains various mea-
lower level, then fall within Harrison and Klein’s sures of within-board diversity. Several dichotomous
(2007) scheme of separation when the diversity of the variables are included, such as the percentage of the
indices are assessed within cluster. Harrison and Klein EAB members who are male, the percentage affiliated
(2007) recommend the standard deviation as the mea- with a university, and the percentage affiliated with
sure of separation diversity. Measures, such as journal a business school or similar grouping (e.g., college or
quality ratings, that have a status value attached are faculty whose main association is with business). The
disparity metrics of diversity within cluster. individual percentages are shown for these dichoto-
mous variables rather than Blau indices, since in this
Data Collection and Analysis form the reader may more easily understand them.
Data for the characteristics of the EAB members of the However, with dichotomous measures, high (and low)
52 sampled journals were obtained from publishers’ values indicate low diversity, while the scale mid-
point is the highest level of diversity. For those vari-
and journals’ websites and cross-checked against indi-
ables containing three or more categories, i.e., board
viduals’ pages on the websites of their primary orga-
member organizational affiliations, and country of
nizational affiliations. Data accuracy depends on the
organizational location, the Blau diversity indices are
quality of data published on websites, which can be
variable. Obtaining and checking the data manually
is also time consuming and relies on fallible human
The Editorial Advisory Board Networks
beings; therefore, it would be foolish to claim 100%
Figure 1 shows the sociogram for the 19 journals in the
data reliability. However, using data from websites
management information systems (MIS) community.
does have benefits in that ease of public access to
Each node represents a journal, and an undirected arc
the data enables comprehensive cross-checking. The
joining two nodes indicates that at least one individ-
data collection method has been used successfully in
ual sits on the EABs of both journals. Figure 1 shows
prior studies (Baccini and Barabesi 2011, Burgess and a binary (i.e., unweighted or unvalued) network, as do
Shaw 2010). Figures 2–4. The more connections that a journal has
Earlier sections explain that the study links topic with other journals, i.e., the node degree, then the more
diversity to social diversity and demographic diver- centrally the journal is positioned in the sociogram. In
sity; these earlier sections also explain the selected SNA, the centrality of a node can be measured in vari-
form of analysis. The analysis started with entering the ous ways, but the simplest metric, and the one we use,
collected data into Excel, and a number of validation is the node (or actor) degree (Wasserman and Faust
procedures undertaken. Excel and SPSS were used to 1999, p. 178).
calculate measures of diversity and descriptive statis- The set of journals in Figure 1 form, on the whole,
tics for all demographic variables. These calculations a well-connected set of EABs with a network density
were carried out for the seven communities arrived at of 46.2%. The individual journals display diversity in
by Larsen et al. (2008) based on content affinity and their connectivity within the MIS community in that
for the whole data set. Differences between communi- IIE-T (placed at the top left of the figure) does not con-
ties were statistically tested using SPSS. Analysis of the nect with any other journals, while the most-connected
social network and its diversity was carried out using journal, JSIS, connects to 14 out of the other 18 journals
Netdraw and UCINET (Borgatti et al. 1999). and is placed near the center of the figure.
Burgess, Grimshaw, and Shaw: Diversity of the IS Research Field
8 Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2016 INFORMS

Figure 1 (Color online) Sociogram Showing the Binary Network of Undirected and Unvalued Connections (i.e., Ties Dichotomized ≥ 1) Between
EABs of Journals in the MIS Community

Downloaded from by [] on 05 November 2016, at 11:41 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.





Figure 2 shows the network for all 52 journals with interlocks to 26 other journals. The density of the
the shape and color of the node representing the jour- full network is 21.9%, lower than the 46% for the
nal’s community allocation. IIE-T connects to just one MIS community. This is not unexpected since the full
of the other 51 journals, while two journals (BJET and network includes both within-community connections
IEEE-TSMC) have no interlocks with any other jour- and between-community connections, with the latter
nals. JSIS is again the most-connected journal, with expected to be sparser than the former.

Figure 2 (Color online) Sociogram of Undirected and Unvalued Network of Journals with Their Allocation to Communities

))% 4
)%%% 4%#

)*# *!3)34 )2

*%)- $ )*)-


)2-* -)31
+-20 *-)3
)32 !2)34
$33 *')- *3)3 )3
)*)4- %*)3
)-$3 *!)3

)3& )/ #*
*#)3 )-#3

%3 #!#-
)*(#3 #3#7

!#- 4#()
!#- 43%- )34

)# )%%% )4"
)%%% 43%
Burgess, Grimshaw, and Shaw: Diversity of the IS Research Field
Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2016 INFORMS 9

Figure 3 (Color online) Central Group of Three Communities (EC, G&S, and MIS)

Downloaded from by [] on 05 November 2016, at 11:41 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.





Finding 1: Social Diversity of EABs and Topic network using an approach based on Stokman and
Diversity of Journals Are Correlated Snijders described in Scott (2013, p. 91). Figure 3
Within the full social network (Figure 2), EABs clus- shows the central core comprising three communi-
tered into subgroups that correlate with the a pri- ties (electronic commerce (EC), global and societal
ori communities formed on journal content. This (G&S), and MIS), while the remaining four communi-
clustering together of nodes (i.e., journals) into ties (human-computer interaction (HCI), information
communities provides support for the correlation storage and retrieval (IS&R), knowledge-based sys-
between a journal’s position in the social network and tems (KBS), and systems and software engineering
their allocated community. This suggests that social (SSE)) comprise the network periphery (see Figure 4).
diversity of EABs correlates with the topic diversity The connections between the two network components
of the journals that the boards serve. Allocating the can be matched analogically with the well-known phe-
IS journals into communities presented some difficul- nomenon of strong and weak ties (Granovetter 1973).
ties with identifying coherent subgroups within the IS The journals in the periphery can be seen to be con-
field, both when looking for closely connected network
nected to the core journals by weak ties, i.e., ties with
components (Figure 2) and using hierarchical cluster
a low number of interlocks, which enable the import
analysis (not shown here). Such difficulties are consis-
of innovative knowledge from the periphery to the
tent with making sense of a diverse field. However,
central core. In line with Granovetter (1973), journals
given that the starting point was communities that
connected with strong ties are less likely to exchange
Larsen et al. (2008) defined by using coword analy-
sis of journal article content, our analysis of EAB data innovative knowledge.
generated encouraging results compatible with these Based on the journal content signified by the com-
structural features. munity names, the core is formed from a core set of
journals with an affinity to business schools, while the
Finding 2: The Journal Network Has a outer (periphery) cluster contains journals related to
Business-Related Core and a Computing-Related topics with more affinity to computing or computer
Periphery science. Clearly, the results are a product of the 52 jour-
The EABs forming the communities were further ag- nals allocated to the ABS Information Management list,
gregated into a core and a periphery for the overall and a different list would contain some differences in
Burgess, Grimshaw, and Shaw: Diversity of the IS Research Field
10 Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2016 INFORMS

Figure 4 (Color online) Peripheral Group of Four Communities (HCI, IS&R, KBS, and SSE)


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the results; however, we believe that the comprehen- related way in a similar study but of a wider set of
siveness of the ABS list enables the study to identify journals.
discernible phenomena of the IS research field.
Finding 4: Information Systems Is a
Finding 3: The Core and Periphery Differ Polycentric Field
Significantly on Both Demographic and Landry and Banville (1992, p. 82), using Whitley (1984),
Nondemographic Measures of Diversity classified IS as a “fragmented adhocracy” or a disci-
The core (business school) journals differ significantly pline that has low reliance on previous studies, lit-
from the periphery (computing) journals on nondemo- tle need to convince colleagues of rigor of research,
graphic measures of diversity: governance structure and no agreed hierarchy of research problems. More
(e.g., larger size), community relationships (e.g., higher recently, Taylor et al. (2010) also used Whitley (1984),
degree), and journal quality (i.e., higher ABS score; but to characterize the field as polycentric. A polycen-
see Table 2). On demographic measures, the two sets tric field is characterized by a high strategic depen-
also differ significantly with the business school jour- dence between researchers and a high strategic task
nal set more organizationally concentrated, more geo- uncertainty; that is, researchers depend on strong rela-
graphically concentrated, more U.S. concentrated, and tionships with others for reputation and resources,
members are drawn more from universities than other while conceptual coherence in the field is low. SNA
organization types. Gender is the only measure that is an important way of making relationships between
the two groups did not significantly differ on: males researchers visible, and offers evidence to help decide
dominate both core and periphery groups. between the two diagnoses.
The two groups are located in separate areas of the Diagnoses of adhocracy have tended to de-empha-
academic terrain with presumably two different influ- size, or even ignore, Whitley’s (2000) criterion of
encing cultures: computing is located in the natural strategic dependence, whereas the diagnosis of pol-
and engineering sciences, while business is within the ycentricism relies on the recognition of high strate-
social sciences. This may explain partly the discerned gic dependence, i.e., strong social relationships. Using
differences and diversity between the two groups. SNA to connect EAB members ensures that the cri-
Separating the IS field into business and comput- terion of strategic dependence is taken formally into
ing elements is comparable with the technical and account when making a diagnoses; e.g., polycentrism
sociotechnical split that Taneja et al. (2009) make in is linked with a dense network. Furthermore, SNA
their citation-based SNA study of computing journals. helps to identify the polycentric characteristics of focus
Polites and Watson (2009) also classified journals in a and diversity in the field. The analysis clustered the
Burgess, Grimshaw, and Shaw: Diversity of the IS Research Field
Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2016 INFORMS 11

Table 2 Board Characteristics for the Larsen et al. (2008) Communities

Nondemographic diversity Demographic diversity

Percent Percent Blau Blau Percent

Core or No. of ABS No. on Percent affiliated affiliated with index index affiliated with
Community periphery journals score board Degree male with univs bus. schools orgs. countries U.S. orgs.

Electronic commerce C 4 2025 4703 1705 8000 9002 5302 00973 00536 6401
Downloaded from by [] on 05 November 2016, at 11:41 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

0050 908 3011 904 508 805 00005 00197 2006

Global and societal C 3 2033 6707 21 7100 9708 4909 00976 00686 5101
0058 1705 3061 6011 1055 3608 00013 00166 1809
Management information C 19 2042 5904 15063 7709 9408 6104 00972 00623 5202
systems 1002 1804 5093 8002 9025 2206 00009 00177 2200
Total/mean C 26 2038 5805 1605 7705 9404 5809 00973 00617 5309
Std. dev. 0090 1706 505 801 804 2204 00009 00176 2102
Human–computer P 9 1089 3808 4089 7500 8207 1007 00958 00749 3903
interaction 0078 1601 3069 1403 8053 26011 00023 00133 17081
Information storage and P 7 200 3103 8057 6908 8801 1707 00955 00717 4304
retrieval 0082 1100 4039 16018 1009 35002 00016 00146 20042
Knowledge-based P 4 1075 3503 5025 9009 8301 2007 00964 00786 2907
systems 0096 608 2063 3048 14013 1907 00007 00135 20092
Systems and software P 6 2017 3207 4017 7902 9401 1403 00958 00721 3600
engineering 0075 1308 3054 10057 7043 20091 00014 00148 24054
Total/mean P 26 1096 3408 508 7700 8608 1409 00958 00739 3802
Std. dev. 0077 1209 309 1401 1004 2507 00017 00134 1909
t 1082 5052 8009 0014 2090 6056 3082 −2083 2076
p 00075∗ 00000∗∗∗ 00000∗∗∗ 00893 00006∗∗ 00000∗∗∗ 00000∗∗∗ 00007∗∗∗ 00008∗∗

Notes. For Blau indices, 0 represents the least diverse and 1 the most diverse. For entries in community cells, the first rows are arithmetic means, and the
second rows are standard deviations. Totals differ slightly from those in Table 1 because of grouping into communities.

T test is significant at the 0.10 level; ∗∗ T test is significant at the 0.01 level; ∗∗∗ T test is significant at the 0.001 level.

boards into strongly focused topic-related communi- and IJEC). This analysis concentrates on ties with val-
ties, and then further aggregated them into the two ues of 6 to 12, which are treated as strong, while 5 and
network components of a business-related core and below are treated as weak. The network of strong ties
a technical-related periphery. The tension identified contains five components: a central component of 15
between the strong core and the weaker periphery can journals, three components each comprising isolated
be likened to the tension between Mode 1 focus and dyads, and an isolated component connecting 4 jour-
Mode 2 diversity that Taylor et al. (2010) describe as nals. Figure 5 presents this central component with
likely to be associated with a polycentric form of orga- nodes repositioned to better see the constituent jour-
nization. The analysis shows the diversity within and nals and their relationships. Fourteen of the 15 journals
between the communities, and similarly for the core were allocated in the earlier analysis to the core (Fig-
and periphery of the network. Demographic data, such ure 3) of the (overall) network; the exception is the
as gender, geographical location, and business school journal Database (D), which is located in the IS&R com-
membership have been useful in discerning focus and munity and therefore in the periphery (Figure 4).
diversity between EABs of the IS field. An interesting aspect of the figure is that the two
highest-rated journals, ISR and MISQ (both rated 4 by
Finding 5: The Strong Ties at the Center of the the ABS), lie on the edge of the core network despite
Network Do Not Necessarily Reflect Journal Status their status within the field. On the other hand, a num-
Figures 1–4 used a binary network approach where a ber of lower-scoring journals occupy central positions
tie between two boards either exists (one or more mem- in the network, like JAIS, JMIS, and JSIS.6 The posi-
bers on each board are common) or it does not (there tion of JAIS is particularly notable since it connects
are no common members). We extended the analysis strongly to seven other journals in the group. Why
of between-board diversity by examining the tie val- JAIS should occupy this brokerage role is not obvious,
ues where the value for a tie is the number of EAB
members that link the dyad of journals together. The 6
It may be that the scores in the ABS 2010 list underestimate the
maximum tie value in the network is 12, i.e., two jour- values of JAIS and JMIS since they were upgraded from 3 to 4
nals both have the same 12 individuals as EAB mem- in the ABS 2015 list (
bers (between ISR and JAIS, and also between JMIS guide-2015/).
Burgess, Grimshaw, and Shaw: Diversity of the IS Research Field
12 Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2016 INFORMS

and this intriguing position is further accentuated by male (Table 1), but the proportion varies from an equal
the majority of the journals in this set belonging to gender representation in some journals to five jour-
the MIS community, while JAIS is in the G&S commu- nals with over 90% male representation. The average
nity. Unfortunately, JAIS is not included in the citation- female proportion of 22.5% differs significantly on a
based SNA study of Taneja et al. (2009), which would chi-square test (chi-square = 401, 1 degree of freedom,
have provided a useful comparison. However, JAIS p = 0004) from the 25.3% of females reported by the
is present in the similar study by Polites and Watson
Downloaded from by [] on 05 November 2016, at 11:41 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Busi-

(2009) mentioned earlier, but does not occupy a promi- ness (AACSB) in the computer information systems
nent role. Conversely, in the Polites and Watson (2009) (CIS)/MIS field in 2012–2013 for the full-time faculty
study, CACM occupies a key role in linking between
in its member business schools (Flynn et al. 2015).
IS journals and between IS and computing journals,
Because this is a cross-sectional study, the results pro-
whereas in this study, it lies in the periphery of the
vide a snapshot, at the time that data were collected, of
network and lacks prominence.
Two four-member cliques are present, i.e., sets of EAB’s gender diversity. Clearly, the IS field is an evolv-
four journals that all connect strongly to every other ing one, and aspects such as gender composition do not
member of the clique (DSS, JMIS, IJEC, and ISF stand still. In that respect, today’s female representa-
form one clique, and ITP, IO, ISJ, and JIT form the tions on EABs could reflect less diverse situations in the
other). Also, a number of three-member cliques can whole field that applied previously. One could argue
be observed in Figure 5. Returning to the two four- that EAB members, by their nature, are not represen-
member cliques in Figure 5, these demonstrate the tative of the general set of current IS researchers, and
strong connections within the central core of the net- therefore EAB diversity measures may not be represen-
work. One of the cliques is comprised of all MIS tative of the IS field as currently constituted. In particu-
community members, while the other clique is com- lar, EAB membership is expected to be correlated with
prised of half from MIS community members and half career seniority; i.e., the more senior the individual’s
from EC community members, showing how strongly status, the more likely they are to be an EAB member.
bound these two communities are. In this respect, it is worth noting that female represen-
Perhaps the comparative isolation of both MISQ tation in the AACSB data set is negatively correlated
and ISR journals within Figure 5 reflects their high with employment status: the proportion ranges from
standing—their network position reflects their role as 17.7% for full professors to 24.1% for associate profes-
elite journals that are used for U.S. tenure decisions. sors and to 32.2% for assistant professors. This impact
Note, the two journals are not directly linked in Fig- of seniority on representation is evident in our EAB
ure 5, signifying an absence of a strong link, but they
data set in that only 7.7% of editors in chief are female,
are in fact weakly linked. This weak connection may
i.e., significantly less than the 22.5% female proportion
be by design and might reflect competition between
of EABs mentioned above (chi-square = 7075, 1 degree
the two journals. Citation studies do assign a promi-
nent role to MISQ in terms of its central and bridg- of freedom, p = 00005) and significantly less than the
ing roles in the network, a prominence not duplicated 17.7% of the CIS/MIS field that are full professors (chi-
in our study. Although networks based on citations square = 4013, 1 degree of freedom, p = 0004).
and on EAB membership do have general similari- Organizational Diversity. The diversity of organi-
ties, the variations discussed above point to the differ-
zational types in the sample is low, with the primary
ences between the results of the two types of studies.
affiliation of EAB members mainly with universities
Although the raw material for both studies arise from
and similar academic organizations, with a mean of
social processes, citation studies presumably reflect
data more indicative of an “objective” evaluation of 90.6% of this type in each board (Table 1); it is not
the validity of journal knowledge claims than EAB uncommon in some sampled journals for this pro-
studies. EAB studies reflect a wider and more sub- portion to reach 100%. The lowest percentage of EAB
jective set of factors capable of influencing appoint- members affiliated with academic organizations is 63%
ments of individuals to EABs, including eminence in (CACM); i.e., this journal is the most diverse in terms of
the field, publishing record, and contribution to ser- members affiliated with different organization types.
vice by, for example, commitment to reviewing for the The diversity of individual organizations within the
journal. studied boards, given by the Blau index of organiza-
tions, is high. The most frequently occurring organiza-
Finding 6: Demographic Diversity Is tion in the data set is Georgia State University, with 28
Low in the IS Field board memberships split across 14 journals. Of the 24
Gender Diversity. The results suggest a substantial organizations with the highest number of EAB mem-
imbalance in the gender composition of EAB mem- bers, 18 are based in the United States, with 4 in the
bers, with over three-quarters of the data set being United Kingdom and 1 each in China and Singapore.
Burgess, Grimshaw, and Shaw: Diversity of the IS Research Field
Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2016 INFORMS 13

Figure 5 (Color online) Central Portion of Valued Network for Ties ≥ 6 with Nodes Repositioned for Clarity (see Figure 2 for Legend)

6.0 11.0
D 7.0 IO
11.0 6.0
6.0 11.0 9.0
Downloaded from by [] on 05 November 2016, at 11:41 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

JAIS 6.0
12.0 10.0 6.0
6.0 11.0 ISJ
12.0 6.0 9.0
ISR 10.0
11.0 11.0
ITP 6.0
6.0 7.0

6.0 JMIS 6.0

8.0 10.0 11.0
8.0 6.0
DSS 7.0
7.0 12.0 10.0
9.0 JSIS 11.0 11.0
6.0 6.0 JIT

7.0 12.0
9.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 6.0

Departmental Diversity United States as the country with the largest number
On average, within-board diversity on the affiliation to of affiliations of board members.
business school measure is low, given that the mean is
36.9% (Table 1). However, the value ranges from 0 to Finding 7: Demographic and Nondemographic
96.3 across boards, with a standard deviation of 32.6, Diversities Are Correlated
showing that between-board diversity is high. Table 3 shows significant correlations between diver-
sity measures, and, in particular, correlations exist be-
Country Diversity. A good proportion of the sam- tween demographic and nondemographic variables.
pled journals’ EABs are dominated by member affil- All three nondemographic variables are significantly
iations to U.S.-based organizations; e.g., 22 out of 52 correlated with each other, while the correlations be-
journals have more than 50% of their members affili- tween demographic variables are fewer, and most
ated with U.S. organizations (Table 1). The mean Blau involve correlations with business school affiliation.
index of 0.678 perhaps understates the situation, since Board size, ABS score, and degree are positively and
this value reflects that a high number of board mem- significantly correlated, suggesting that more success-
bers drawn from U.S. organizations is offset by board ful journals (as measured by ABS score) tend to be
members drawn from organizations in a good number larger and more socially connected. Larger boards
of countries that occur only once or a limited number (nondemographic) are also associated with higher pro-
of times. For the overall data set, the top five countries portions of members drawn from U.S. business schools
are as follows: 48.5% of board members are affiliated (demographic). It is not surprising that those journals
with U.S. organizations, 13.7% with UK organizations, whose boards display higher levels of business school
4% with Canadian organizations, 3.9% with Australian affiliation (demographic) are associated with higher
organizations, and 3.1% with Chinese organizations. ABS scores (nondemographic) given that these scores
These values also demonstrate the dominance by coun- are determined by business school staff for business
tries whose primary language is English,7 with the first school staff. Board size and business school affilia-
four countries comprising 70% of the board member- tion correlate positively with organizational affiliation
ships. Although in general the United States dominates diversity; i.e., the larger the EAB and the higher the
the data set, the between-board diversity is reasonably business school representation, the more diverse the
high, as demonstrated by the high standard deviation set of organizations represented on the board. How-
of 21.8 (Table 1). Not all sampled journals have the ever, the more that business schools and U.S. organi-
zations are represented on the board, then the lower
Canada has both English and French as the official languages of the country diversity. The Blau index for countries is
the federal government. negatively correlated with a number of other study
Burgess, Grimshaw, and Shaw: Diversity of the IS Research Field
14 Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2016 INFORMS

Table 3 Pearson Correlation Matrix of the Main Variables

Nondemographic diversity Demographic diversity

No. on ABS Percent Percent affiliated Percent affiliated Blau index Blau index Percent affiliated
board score Degree male with universities with business schools organizations countries with U.S. orgs.

No. on board (ND) 1 00235∗ 00585∗∗ 00070 00152 00364∗∗ 00758∗∗ −00132 00278∗
Downloaded from by [] on 05 November 2016, at 11:41 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

00093 00000 00620 00281 00008 00000 00350 00046

ABS score (ND) 00235∗ 1 00398∗∗ −00158 00130 00319∗ 00093 −00287∗ 00354∗
00093 00003 00262 00359 00021 00510 00039 00010
Degree (ND) 00585∗∗ 00398∗∗ 1 −00077 00387∗∗ 00760∗∗ 00483∗∗ −00230 00342∗
00000 00003 00586 00005 00000 00000 00101 00013
Percent male 00070 −00158 −00077 1 −00073 00247∗ 00093 −00046 −00095
00620 00262 00586 00607 00077 00510 00744 00502
Percent affiliated 00152 00130 00387∗∗ −00073 1 00505∗∗ 00032 −00142 00210
with universities 00281 00359 00005 00607 00000 00824 00316 00136
Percent affiliated with 00364∗∗ 00319∗ 00760∗∗ 00247∗ 00505∗∗ 1 00281∗ −00330∗ 00380∗∗
business schools 00008 00021 00000 00077 00000 00044 00017 00005
Blau index organizations 00758∗∗ 00093 00483∗∗ 00093 00032 00281∗ 1 00119 00004
00000 00510 00000 00510 00824 00044 00399 00980
Blau index countries −00132 −00287∗ −00230 −00046 −00142 −00330∗ 00119 1 −00867∗∗
00350 00039 00101 00744 00316 00017 00399 00000
Percent affiliated with U.S. orgs. 00278∗ 00354∗ 00342∗ −00095 00210 00380∗∗ 00004 −00867∗∗ 1
00046 00010 00013 00502 00136 00005 00980 00000

Note. Nondemographic measures are marked with ND.

T test is significant at the 0.10 level; ∗∗ T test is significant at the 0.01 level; ∗∗∗
T test is significant at the 0.001 level.

variables including ABS score. This suggests that the within the population of IS journals both as individu-
more diverse the country distribution of EAB mem- als and in intellectual communities that reflect affinity
bers, the lower the journal quality and the less central through subject content. Links have been uncovered
its position in the network. The Blau country index is between social diversity, demographic diversity, and
also strongly and negatively correlated with the per- topic diversity. Overall, we have identified a position
centage of U.S.-affiliated board members; i.e., the more that fits with the Taylor et al. (2010) polycentric view
diverse the board is, the lower the U.S. affiliation. of focus and diversity in the IS field. Furthermore, we
Affiliation with business schools is the variable that have demonstrated grounds for separating the IS field
is most correlated with others, whereas the least cor- into a more focused business-school-related core set of
related variable is percent male, which is significantly journals and a more diverse technical periphery. Our
and positively correlated with one other variable, that study evidences that the two network components dif-
of business school affiliation. The more business school fer significantly on characteristics such as EAB size,
oriented an EAB is, the lower the female representa- business school affiliation, country affiliation (partic-
tion, a somewhat counterintuitive finding. Notwith- ularly U.S. affiliation), ABS quality score, and degree
standing the above points, the correlations indicate the centrality. As King and Lyytinen (2006) show, diver-
need for further work to understand and explain the sity is often discussed in conjunction with the iden-
intricacies of diversity in the IS research field. tity of the field. Herein lies a particular challenge to
the IS field in that its social, demographic, and knowl-
edge structures coincide in displaying what one could
Conclusion describe as a split personality.
This study has systematically examined the diversity
of EABs for a comprehensive set of IS journals. In Implications
so doing, it has widened diversity research in the IS So what are the implications from our study for those
field from its existing narrow concentration on techni- in academia? First, we argue that this study illustrates
cal aspects, such as the diversity of research topics in that the interest in diversity in the literature is nar-
published journal articles, to explore diversity in the rowly focused on topic (and method) diversity and
social, political (i.e., journal governance), and demo- in need of widening out to other social and demo-
graphic domains. This study suggests strongly that graphic areas. Evidence exists in academia that where
journal EABs are dominated by U.S.-based organiza- diversity is not valued, discrimination occurs (Barbosa
tions and their male faculty. We have studied the EABs and Cabral-Cardoso 2007). We contend that members
Burgess, Grimshaw, and Shaw: Diversity of the IS Research Field
Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2016 INFORMS 15

of the IS field should recognize more the sociotechni- what action might be pursued, and an aid to monitor
cal basis of their research endeavors and not concen- progress.
trate too narrowly on the technical side of matters in What does the study mean for the individual IS
their research. We believe we have shown one way of researcher? Ostensibly, this may be contingent on their
expanding diversity study by our investigation of jour- demographics. If you are female, based outside the
nal governance. In addition, we believe other types of United States, and working within a university’s engi-
neering faculty, then you might not feel too comfort-
Downloaded from by [] on 05 November 2016, at 11:41 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

study could be, and should be, constructed to look at

diversity in further facets of the IS field. Our study is able. However, for any researcher, irrespective of your
very much empirically focused and is in the vein of demographic characteristics, the data in this paper
what Avison and Malaurent (2014) would call “the- might cause you to consider repositioning where you
ory light”; but this points to opportunities for more submit your papers, away from the journals in the net-
research of a “theory heavy” nature. work periphery and more toward those in the core.
Like any study, ours has limitations—with the main Doing so could well position your work more at the
ones covered at relevant points earlier in this paper. heart of the IS community. This research might per-
However, we make some general comments here about suade you to pursue membership on an EAB, or might
limitations and future research possibilities. When guide you in which journals you might target. The
using social network analysis “boundary issues” are contents of this paper might even tempt you to con-
a key concern (Laumann et al. 1983), i.e., what is sider carrying out research into the types of diversity
included within the boundary of the study and what we have explored. At the very least, we hope that this
is excluded. Our choice of the ABS list as our sam- study better informs the individual researcher so that
pling frame sets the boundary for our study and they better understand the environment in which they
excludes what Walstrom and Hardgrave (2001) term work.
“non-information systems” journals such as Manage- One of the issues with journal governance is that,
in general, the editor or a small editorial team has
ment Science. Clearly, these limits leave room for future
considerable freedom of decision making, which can
research that could be mounted with a different bound-
be subject to little scrutiny, even by EAB members.
ary that could include “non-IS” journals and/or a
The individual researcher might feel that, in such cir-
more comprehensive set of journals. A wider set of
cumstances, a case can be made for more transparent
demographic data could be collected in future stud-
journal governance and more open accountability of
ies. As Altman and Laguecir (2012) point out, this
factors linked to diversity. If you are an EAB member,
type of study could be widened out to include data
you might agree and respond proactively by lobby-
on ethnicity and country of origin. The data set is a
ing for the criteria used in appointments to your EAB
cross-sectional one that captures a snapshot of what
to be more clearly and openly articulated. Similarly
is a dynamic process whereby researchers join edito- you might support more open auditing of EAB demo-
rial advisory boards, and others leave, on a continuous graphics and the more frequent publication of results.
basis. This points to the opportunity for longitudinal Publishers and editors in chief may also wish to be
studies to explore the ongoing process. Our study relies proactive in responding to the study findings. Our ini-
methodologically on SNA and straightforward statis- tial guidance for them would be to consider our alloca-
tical analysis. Clearly there is room for future work tion of their journal to a community and its location in
using other analytical approaches, e.g., surveys or case the core and periphery. To what extent do these match
studies, to extend the innovative work (Cronin 2009) to the journal’s expectations and aspirations as they see
we have presented here. them? Do they see the members of the community that
The findings suggest that, despite the high topic we identify as appropriate partners for the journal?
diversity that is accepted in the IS diversity debate, low The next step might be to consider what form of gov-
diversity for gender (male predominance) and country ernance might be appropriate to the journal’s aims. We
affiliation (high representation of U.S. organizations) refrain from recommending a specific model of jour-
is present in the IS research field. Although diversity nal governance since we believe that diversity is to be
in organizational representation can be claimed, the valued in such circumstances, but we do maintain that
different organizations tend to be U.S.-based business diversity, openness, and accountability are key princi-
schools. Such dominance may be argued as common ples that should be followed in the design and opera-
knowledge, but research is valuable when overtly sub- tion of journal governance systems. For many journals,
stantiating such knowledge with precision and greater the norm of appointing a single editor in chief, who
authoritativeness than done previously, and thus chal- tends to be male, might seem ripe for reconsideration.
lenging accountability around the issue. Our study Our study seems to indicate that large EABs go hand
offers some accurate benchmarks of the diversity sit- in hand with success in terms of journal quality. We
uation that can act as a call for action, a guide for note that larger EABs offer more opportunity for the
Burgess, Grimshaw, and Shaw: Diversity of the IS Research Field
16 Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2016 INFORMS

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