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2023 In-Service Training for Senior High School Teachers

MULTI-INTERdisciplinal Performance Task

Performing the role of a member of a waste management community, the learners are tasked to create a project proposal about the relationship waste
pro to society, culture, and politics (UCSP) efficiency of platforms for waste management practices (MIL), personality and values related to waste disposal
practices (PERDEV) average volume of waste per demographic location (General Mathematics and Statistics and Probability)

Transfer Goal is the same with that of the The students on their own and in the long run will be able to produce a well-executed play, (decision-
INTRAdisciplinal Performance Task making and problem-solving) to develop leadership skills, (creative and critical thinking)contribute their
own unique solutions, (self-awareness and empathy), and be able to control their emotions in context.

Performance scenario maintains the

inclusion of the 4 exits of the K to12
Performing the role of a member of a waste management community, the learners are tasked to create a
Program but MUST be analyzed and solved
project proposal about the relationship waste pro to society, culture, and politics (UCSP) efficiency of
in 3 or more lenses (i.e., using the theories,
platforms for waste management practices (MIL), personality and values related to waste disposal
concepts, and methods of each discipline)
practices (PERDEV) average volume of waste per demographic location (General Mathematics and
and by utilizing the methods of different
Statistics and Probability)

2023 In-Service Training for Senior High School Teachers


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