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00:00:02 I introduce myself, I say my position, the company and that's it.

00:00:11 Hello, my name is Dhony Espinoza, I work at Interbank.

00:00:14 I am the assistant manager of the management and experience area.

00:00:17 My position is focused on project management and digital transformation

00:00:21 And it is based on the experience that we bring to our clients.

00:00:24 Interbank is one of the four largest banks in Peru

00:00:29 and is setting the standard for digital transformation.

00:00:33 One of the things we are looking for at Interbank is to capitalize a lot of

00:00:37 based on the experience we provide to our customers.

00:00:41 It is on this basis that we have reviewed many options in the market.

00:00:45 What we have found and consolidated within the operations of Interbank

00:00:49 has been Speech Analytics, more or less 6 years ago.

00:00:52 Since then, we have capitalized and seen many changes

00:00:56 in the way we listen to our customers

00:00:59 and how we improve our interaction with them through the executives or


00:01:03 but we have reached a point where we can no longer move forward.

00:01:06 We've reached a point at which what is ahead

00:01:10 has a lot to do with Artificial Intelligence,

00:01:12 it has a lot to do with automation,

00:01:14 and with Real Time operations, which is something we don't currently have

00:01:17 and it is motivating us to take that step

00:01:20 and one of the first steps is to migrate what we have today in Speech Analytics
on premise

00:01:24 to a Speech Analytics Cloud environment in order to maximize and, on the

other hand, to generate efficiencies

00:01:28 such as the double FM that could help us to better manage the plant,

00:01:32 but, also, to improve the skills of the advisors.

00:01:35 Three areas: billing, telephone services and sales.

00:01:45 No, I answered that we integrated Speech Analytics on premise 6 years ago,

00:01:53 that we have been working on it, we have learned a lot from listening to our
customers and listening to people,
00:01:58 but we've reached a point where it's not enough to just listen and perform
some actions,

00:02:03 but we have to change things.

00:02:07 I am going to talk about motivation.

00:02:08 We are motivated to move to a Cloud environment because what we are

looking for

00:02:12 is to make decisions in real time, okay,

00:02:17 to inherit good market practices

00:02:19 because everything is in the Cloud, in other words, the trend in the
technological world is in the Cloud.

00:02:24 Thirdly, artificial intelligence in this market and also in the Cloud,

00:02:28 we believe that we can include part of that in our operations.

00:02:31 That is what motivates us a lot and what we aspire to.

00:02:34 Also, for the digital transformation of the bank we are moving everything to
the Cloud.

00:02:39 So, they are things that are growing together.

00:02:43 I had to say it at the time, I had to say it.

00:02:46 On top of that, it's recorded, I'm not going to say anything because...

00:02:53 The main motivation for migrating to the Cloud

00:02:55 is to achieve several things related to this cloud environment.

00:03:00 One of them is to achieve Real Time operations.

00:03:02 Today, in the on-premise operations, we have the information from the
previous day,

00:03:05 that is, what happened yesterday I only know today, which prevents us from
taking immediate actions

00:03:10 to amend and improve client's experience.

00:03:14 Moving to the Cloud environment means inheriting artificial intelligence

functionalities through Real Time actions,

00:03:19 such as the functionalities that Da Vinci provides to us and, in addition to this,
having more accurate information

00:03:23 about what we can work with and inherit,

00:03:26 in line with the transformation that we are performing in the bank to move
everything to the Cloud.

00:03:31 We have been analyzing several applications or several platforms in the cloud,

00:03:34 but I don't know if I have to give names.

00:03:37 Yes, we were reviewing several market platforms.

00:03:40 World Class platforms, among them there was Verint,

00:03:43 another may be Genesis, Google, which are platforms that we have been

00:03:49 but something that we can take advantage of with Verint is the dynamic of

00:03:52 which is very much in line with what we have been working with Speech
Analytics on premise

00:03:56 and secondly because within the organization

00:03:59 we have already found value in the way in which this information is delivered
to us.

00:04:02 So, we believe that by migrating to a Cloud environment there won't be much
lag or much transition

00:04:08 when embracing new functionalities and we are going to concentrate more on
the new ones

00:04:12 than on learning how to use them,

00:04:15 it's something that pushes us a little bit on why we chose to go to the Cloud
environment with Verint.

00:04:19 About the sales force, right?

00:04:21 We currently use Speech Analytics in three different and important areas

00:04:24 in which we interact with our customers.

00:04:26 The first one there is Sales.

00:04:28 When we introduced Speech Analytics and we were able to consolidate the

00:04:31 productivity grew up to 25%.

00:04:34 Thanks to the fact that we shared practices from the good sellers to the not-
so-good ones.

00:04:38 And, on the other hand, because it helps you monitor the quality and the
protocols of service.

00:04:43 So it helps to identify what are the main objections that the customer states

00:04:48 and to prepare answers to be able to solve them.

00:04:51 Those practices help in the Sales area.

00:04:53 Then we have customer service,

00:04:55 that's where we improve how we can communicate with the customer

00:05:00 in such a way that the customer can solve and understand a query or doubt
that may arise.

00:05:05 This has reduced customer service response time by up to 19%,

00:05:09 which has led to an improvement in the efficiency of our customer service
00:05:11 as well as in the billing area, where we have seen how we have improved the
promise to pay,

00:05:17 which is the focus of the call

00:05:19 and at that moment we saw what practices good sellers

00:05:23 or good collectors used to be able to replicate them in the not so good ones,

00:05:26 but monitoring the effectiveness

00:05:29 because a promise to pay has to be paid.

00:05:31 So, those good practices were shared.

00:05:36 In the first of the three areas we manage, the main indicator

00:05:41 is the sales volume or productivity, which is the number of sales made per

00:05:46 from that we trigger commissions, we trigger salaries and all of that.

00:05:50 In customer service, we see a lot from the customer's point of view,

00:05:54 how much waiting time they have in queue,

00:05:57 but we also see how much is the first contact resolution.

00:06:03 Thus, we monitor that on the customer service area

00:06:06 and on the collections side the actual promise-to-pay ratio,


00:06:09 a promise to pay and how much was paid according to that.

00:06:13 We learned a lot, okay?

00:06:15 Now I can break it down into three parts.

00:06:20 We learned from the costumer because there are a lot of things that are said

00:06:24 and sometimes you can't identify it just by listening.

00:06:27 With good categories and by breaking down that call.

00:06:30 you can identify patterns

00:06:32 that can even trigger actions immediately

00:06:35 And that's why we want to go to the Cloud to make it in real-time.

00:06:38 The advisor feels more confident.

00:06:41 The advisor, the one who assists the client, feels more confident

00:06:43 because he or she knows that it is no longer a matter of luck to learn about it

00:06:46 but that there are good practices that can be replicated

00:06:49 and can trigger their learning and thus improve their ratio and performance,

00:06:55 and, on the other hand, the bank itself

00:06:58 because with what happens with the client and the assistant,
00:07:00 we identify things that will give feedback to improve the product and the
customer experience area

00:07:05 in order to fix their flows and improve the product itself.

00:07:08 We know that a specific campaign can be successful or unsuccessful

00:07:12 thanks to all the ratio or track that we can manage.

00:07:16 Those are the insights.

00:07:17 Another additional learning issue is the analytics layer

00:07:21 because all this information feeds back into our models.

00:07:24 By having better models,

00:07:25 we can better predict who is going to pay and who is not going to pay.

00:07:28 Through these models we can know when the contact is better

00:07:31 and how many customers are more likely to accept the sale

00:07:34 or which customers may be future detractors in the follow-up process.

00:07:39 Okay, okay, okay.

00:07:42 The communication strategy for the teams is also another key factor.

00:07:47 Usually, when we use Speech Analytics

00:07:49 we look for their shortcomings, they should feel that you are going to help


00:07:53 to improve their performance and it is a key factor to include them in this

00:08:00 Learnings.

00:08:01 I'm going to pause for a moment.

00:08:03 Do I have to explain what learnings or just the high level?

00:08:06 Okay.

00:08:08 One key point when capitalizing on the learnings from Speech Analytics

00:08:12 is to achieve communication with customer service teams.

00:08:17 In this part, it's key to involve them in the process

00:08:20 so that they don't feel like they're being controlled or being watched,

00:08:24 but that they are entering an environment where they can improve their

00:08:28 and improve their performance.

00:08:30 So that part helps in the process of deployment

00:08:36 by telling them that good practices

00:08:40 make them improve their productivity by 25%, and stating better practices
such as this, this, this, this...

00:08:46 point 1, point 2, point 3, point 4.

00:08:48 This reflects on those who are not selling well and leads them to implement it.

00:08:53 One thing that happened to us at the time of execution

00:08:56 was that when we deployed these good terms, these good practices,

00:08:59 in the teams that were not doing well and they started using them,

00:09:02 they noticed that they improved their performance.

00:09:06 This generated more credibility in the process and therefore they adopted it
much better

00:09:11 and somehow it spread to the other areas.

00:09:15 We started with sales, we increased productivity,

00:09:18 we went to the customer service area, we improved the ratios

00:09:21 and the customers stopped calling because of the same problems

00:09:23 and in the collections area we triggered a good collection ratio.

00:09:29 With the transition to the Cloud with Verint, one thing we want to accomplish

00:09:33 is to raise several indicators that are closely related to the customer

00:09:37 A key indicator for us is the NPS, the Net Promoter Score,

00:09:41 which we want to increase.

00:09:42 Currently we have an indicator that we believe is appropriate for the market,

00:09:44 but we think the goal for the future is to increase it like World Class companies
are doing.

00:09:50 Part of these indicators to achieve a good NPS has to do a lot with the
indicators related to the customer

00:09:56 and one of them is FIR, how fast we solve a problem for the customer,

00:10:00 so that it doesn't generate more re-calls.

00:10:02 Second, we relate the digital share to the type of inconvenience

00:10:07 that the customer has and which channel is ideal to better serve the customer

00:10:12 due to the inconvenience they may have

00:10:14 and the third is related to the assistant, so that assistants have the best tools

00:10:21 to be able to provide the best response to the customer, have real time

00:10:25 engage the customers and give them a better experience.

00:10:30 We want to achieve all of this with the Cloud by relying both on artificial
intelligence and Real Time operations.
00:10:36 We believe that the migration to the Cloud, Speech Analytics Cloud specifically
and WFM, is the first step.

00:10:42 We want to achieve a multichannel experience in the bank,

00:10:46 so that when the customer interacts with any channel, they get the same type
of service

00:10:51 and they feel that their problems are being solved or that we are giving them
the best product.

00:10:56 That is something we want to achieve and it's based on channel orchestration,

00:10:59 which is one of the pillars that we want to reach.

00:11:01 We believe that next year or the following years,

00:11:04 Verint can help us a lot with that,

00:11:06 and it has tools that we are exploring today,

00:11:08 such as IVA that can help us in this process of implementation.

00:11:12 We also want to change some platforms that we have today

00:11:16 that are not up to par with the vision we are trying to fulfill in terms of
multichannel experience,

00:11:20 and change within the next months.

00:11:23 And currently we are exploring that so we can change it.


00:11:27 We also have Analytics, yes, you're right, you're right.

00:11:30 Maybe I can change it a little bit.

00:11:33 Now I can change a little bit to fit to the dynamics of the question.

00:11:43 We are currently quite focused on this digital transformation within the bank

00:11:48 and there are two important things we want to achieve this year.

00:11:52 One of them is to change the messaging channel

00:11:54 which we are analyzing with Verint,

00:11:56 the other is Text Analytics which would allow us to evaluate,

00:11:59 qualify our text interactions,

00:12:01 capitalize on it as well as with Speech Analytics,

00:12:04 achieve this combination and better understand the customer in all channels,

00:12:08 but what we expect for the future years is to achieve channel orchestration

00:12:12 based on the fact that we want to achieve the best multichannel experience.

00:12:15 Then next year we will explore IVA,

00:12:20 we're exploring the topic of related bots,

00:12:23 taking advantage of all the capabilities that Verint can give us.

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