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NAME: Gale D.

Telen SECTION: BS Nursing 2F

1) Explain what happened to your plants now? Show latest pictures. (50 pts)

The houseplant that I took care of was doing quite well. It has been a whirl of
challenges this past month handling the plant; some of the leaves were eaten off
by a snail but I was to remove the pest upon checking the plant's condition every
day. I would water it once a day and place it under the sun, I would need to
secure the plant from a safe spot that is away from my pet dog to avoid it from
getting destroyed. This past month I have manifested the therapeutic effect of
taking care of the house plant, making sure that the space where I’m working is a
life, calm, and relax environment.

2) Based on your submissions, do you think you deserve a 1.0 Final Grade? Explain
your answer. (50 pts)

Grading is an essential component of education since it allows the teacher to

grade and rank students' performance based on factors such as feedback,
participation, and workload. Although there are differing opinions on how grading
should be done, there is widespread agreement that students who work hard fare
better. I am confident that I deserve an exceptional mark because I have worked
hard on my online writing. This essay aims to provide the grade I serve as well as
explain the arguments behind my claim. I received outstanding feedback from the
writing center, I balanced work and study effectively, I researched extensively,
and my involvement in online lectures was amazing, including my acute eye for
details and a great lot of collaboration.

My submissions in all assigned activities gives me confidence that I deserve a

1.0 grade. This is because most assessments are based on what was taught in all
assigned activities. Furthermore, I am aware that not all writing questions are
based on the courses. According to Yewchuk and Jobagy, while most instructors
place a higher value on lecturer attendance, there are always compositions that
demand students to apply what they learned in lectures. Keeping this in mind, I
believe myself to have used the information obtained in assigned activities to read
the modules. In any case, the modules were uninteresting.

As a result, even if the application of reading modules was given more weight,
I would still do well. There is also a need to investigate the possibilities of not
reading effectively while working on assigned activities. Even after completing the
given exercises, a student may not be attention to the subtleties of the modular
reading and may not always profit. My concentration levels, on the other hand,
are consistently above average. As a result, I am convinced that I deserve a 1.0
grade. Even though I attended all of the lectures, my conviction would be light if I
did not follow all of the instructions in all of the papers.

They, like plants, require sunshine to flourish. I allow myself to soak up as

much sunlight as possible. I'm surrounded by individuals who have the things I
want and the information I want to gain. They will aim their light in my direction
and show me how to come closer to my goals. Surrounding oneself with others
who have succeeded serves as a continual reminder that it is possible. It is such
folks who can shine light on my garden and motivate me to take the necessary
efforts to make it as attractive as possible.

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