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University of San Carlos

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

EE 2102L
Experiment No.: 3

Ohms Law, KCL/KVL and Power Measurements


Name: Clavis, Titus John C. Rating: ______________

Subject/Schedule: EE 2101L 7:30am – 10:30am


At the end of this experiment, the students should be able

 To learn the fundamental relationship between voltage, current, and resistance.

 To understand the Kirchhoff’s Voltage and Currents Laws) which deal with the
conservation of current and energy within electrical circuits.

Ohm’s law is the fundamental law of Electrical Engineering. It relates the current flowing
through any resistor to the voltage applied to its ends. Ohm's Law which can be used to determine
the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in any DC circuit was discovered by a
German physicist named Georg Ohm. In this laboratory experiment, we will be using as our equipment for our observation and demonstration.
Ohm's Law and Kirchhoff's Law impose constraints on voltage and current in the circuit,
thus providing important information about these variables. Specifically, Ohm's law provides the
relationship between voltage and current in relation to resistance, while KVL and KCL give
constraints on the total voltage around a closed loop and the sum of the current at a circuit node.
Ohm's law is the most basic relationship between the quantities of electric potential
(voltage), electric current, and electric resistance. Ohm's law states that the current flowing through
a circuit is directly proportional to the source voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance
in the circuit. For a single circuit element such as a resistor, the voltage drop across the device is
equal to the current through the device times its resistance. So, in mathematical terms:
𝐼= 𝑉 =𝐼×𝑅 𝑅=
Where: I → Current (A)
V → Voltage (V)
R → Resistance (Ω)
Kirchhoff's voltage and current law are basically the conservation of electrical energy.
KVL states that the algebraic sum of potential differences in any loop should be equal to zero.
However, each voltage in the circuit must be assigned an algebraic symbol, so the convention must
be specified. The convention is, voltage rise has a (-) negative sign while voltage drop has a (+)
positive sign

While KCL states that the sum of all currents entering a node equals to the sum of all
currents leaving. This means that the sum of all currents in a node involved in the loop of the circuit
must be zero. However, each current or flow at the node must be assigned an algebraic symbol, so
the convention must be recognized. The convention is, current entering a node has a (-) negative
sign while current leaving a node has a (+) positive sign.

Power is a measure of the amount of work done per unit of time expressed in joules per
second. In additional forms of the electric power formula, power is equal to the voltage difference
across the component multiplied by the current.

Circuits Diagram:
In Figure 1 shown below, a simple series circuit is defined as having only one path through
which current can flow. A circuit in which there is a single voltage source and a single load
resistance. A statement of the Ohm's law gives the relationship between the current I, the voltage
V and the resistance R in a simple series circuit to be I = V/R, V = IR, and R = V/I.

Figure 1. Simple Series Circuits

Now, we will apply this diagram into our circuit by the use of tinkercad. In the reference
of Figure 1, we will set the value of the equivalent resistor to 2.2 kΩ, 10 kΩ, and 30 kΩ. Given the
different voltage source values in Table 1, determine the theoretical current using Ohm's Law,
measured current using tinkercad, percent error between the two, power between the measured
current and the voltage source and record these values on the table.

Figure 1.1 Resistor with 2.2 kΩ Figure 1.2 Resistor with 10 kΩ Figure 1.1 Resistor with 30 kΩ
Image taken from

In figure 2 shown below, in a simple parallel circuit, all points are electrically common in
one of two sets of points. For our sample circuit, the connection wire of the upper parts of all the
components will have one node number and the connection wire of the lower parts of the
components will have the other. Just as in the case of series circuits, the same condition for Ohm's
law applies: the voltage, current and resistance values must be in the same context for the
calculations to work correctly.

Figure 2. Simple Parallel Circuits

Using Tinkercad, we will build/construct a circuit according to figure 2 and set
R1=R2=1kΩ and R1=1kΩ & R2=3kΩ. After plotting our circuits, we will solve for I, Ia, Ib, VR1
and VR2 and record these data on the Table.

Figure 2.1 R1 = R2 = 1kΩ Figure 2.2 R1 = 1kΩ & R2 = 3kΩ

Image taken from
Tabulated Data:
Table 1. Theoretical Current, Measured Current, Percent Error, and Power.

where: ITH => Theoretical Current [μA & mA]

IM => Measured Current [μA & mA]
PL => Load Power [W]
Formula used for the value of Theoretical Current:
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 =
Formula for Percent Error:
𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 − 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡
% 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 = | | × 100
Formula for Load Power:
𝑃 = 𝑉×𝐼 𝑃= 𝑃 = 𝐼2 × 𝑅

Where: P → Power (W)

V → Voltage (V)
I → Current (A)
R → Resistance (Ω)
Table 2. Theoretical and Measured Current with 10V and a given value of Resistors


Graph 1.1 Relationship Between Voltage and Current with Resistance of 2.2kΩ

Resistance with 2.2kΩ





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Graph 1.2 Relationship Between Voltage and Current with Resistance of 10kΩ

Resistance with 10kΩ





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Graph 1.2 Relationship Between Voltage and Current with Resistance of 30kΩ

Resistance with 30kΩ

-0.0001 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

As shown by the graph, there is a linear relationship between the potential

difference (voltage) and current. The data shows that the higher the voltage, the greater the current,
which means that the voltage is proportional to the current, which is what Ohm's law state. This
means that when the voltage rises, as long as there is no resistance or the resistance remains the
same, the current always rises. The current in the circuit is inversely proportional to the total
resistance provided by the external circuit. The larger the resistance, the lower the current.
For example, as you can see in Table 1, I increased the voltage from every entry 1V, 2V,
3V, 4V, 5V to 15V while keeping the resistance constant at 2.2kΩ, so that the current is increased
every time the voltage is increased. The same goes with the power, when the voltage increased,
the power also increased. As we observed the power, every time we increase the value of the
resistor, the power decrease at a constant voltage.
There are instances where the calculations differ from the measurements by an ammeter.
The resistance colour code is different from the reading by the ohmmeter. Resistors generally have
tolerance and the value of the resistor is only guaranteed to be within the tolerance of the nominal
marked value under ideal conditions. Resistors are made to have a series of overlapping values
when tolerance is taken into consideration. So there’s no chance of an exact reading that matches
the nominal value.
In table 2, when resistors at the parallel circuits are the same, the current that flows in each
resistor are equal. On the other hand, when one resistor is greater than the others, the largest
resistance will have a low current flow since current and resistor are inversely proportional to each
During the experiment, I have a hard time on using tinkercad. It takes a lot of practice,
patience, time and determination for you to understand and to learn. Even though it is challenging,
it is quite fun and amazing cause while making your progress, we’ve learn a lot especially from
our mistakes. I was also able to understand this concept that when calculating using Ohm’s Law,
KCL/ KVL, and solving the power in the circuits, tolerance from the resistor makes it different
from your calculations.
I hereby certify that this is a true and exact copy of the original document.
Certified by: Titus John Cabatingan Clavis
This 10th day of September, 2021


 Ohm Law (2018, March 4). Ohm's law. Retrieved from
 Isaac Physics. (n.d.). Kirchhoff’s Law .Retrieved from
 All About Circuits. (n.d.). Ohm's law - how voltage, current, and resistance relate.
Retrieved from
 All About Circuits. (n.d.). Power measurement: AC Metering Circuits. Retrieved from
 Isaac Physics. (n.d.). Power. Retrieved from

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