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____________________ It is our custom to show kindness and g____________y to

strangers and treat them like royal guests.
1. ____________________ Since Mr. Baker had already found employment somewhere else, 16. ____________________ In the future, computers or robots with a____________l
he r____________ed the first corporation’s job offer. intelligence will play an even greater role in our lives.

2. ____________________ It is said that l____________r is the best medicine. It can actually 17. ____________________ All our family came to my wedding, including some distant
have positive effects on your mind and body. r____________es that I hardly recognized.

3. ____________________ Jessica didn’t go to the movies with her friends because she felt 18. ____________________ David f____________xed his muscles at the poolside as a warm-
i____________l. She went to see a doctor instead. up before swimming.

4. ____________________ Most patients with cancer s____________r from many physical 19. ____________________ Strike a healthy b____________e between study and relaxation,
and psychological problems. or you’ll soon get too exhausted.

5. ____________________ On the day Reid left to do his military service, he 20. ____________________ Because of the strong wind, the road was covered with a
h____________gged his parents tightly and promised to phone l____________r of leaves.
them soon.
21. ____________________ Hannah celebrated her daughter’s birth with friends and family; it
6. ____________________ Jimmy is a r____________e person. If he says he will do was a j____________s event.
something, he will do it.
22. ____________________ Ruby looked at Ken with s____________l eyes, unable to find the
7. ____________________ There are reports on the radio of a serious accident on the freeway, proper words to tell him how she felt.
so we’d better take a different r____________e.
23. ____________________ The twins r____________e each other in almost every way. No
8. ____________________ NBA star Jeremy Lin majored in economics and one could easily tell them apart.
g____________ted from Harvard in 2010.
24. ____________________ It took a long time for people to agree with the c____________t
9. ____________________ The assignment for the students is beyond their of the earth being round.
c____________ties, so they spent a lot of time doing research for
it. 25. ____________________ I have a p____________e for Japanese dishes over Korean
cuisine; for me, the latter is too spicy.
10. ____________________ The new collection for this season is a c____________n between
the two famous designers from Italy. 26. ____________________ Nearly five million tourists visited Taroko National Park to enjoy
its s____________d scenery last year.
11. ____________________ Healthier skin and more energy are two of the b____________ts
of eating more fresh fruit and vegetables. 27. ____________________ The brand-name necklace is brilliant and d____________e. No
wonder it is sold at such a high price.
12. ____________________ Several temples and stone roads are proof that an ancient
c____________n once existed near this lake. 28. ____________________ Due to their d____________e sun-like shape and purple coloring,
passion flowers in blossom are easy to recognize.
13. ____________________ Compared with other stars in the u____________e, our sun is
actually quite small. 29. ____________________ Among all the authors of English l____________e, Charlotte
Brontë is my favorite.
14. ____________________ Just before the start of the movie, 3-D glasses were
d____________ed to all the members of the audience.
30. ____________________ The government has teamed up with experts to restore these 44. ____________________ Three brilliant playwrights c____________ed on the script of the
h____________c buildings that were damaged in the quake. play. It was the first time they had worked together.

31. ____________________ John h____________ed before calling the girl he had met the day 45. ____________________ Despite living in m____________y, Kelly never gives up hope
before at the party, fearful of what she might say. and keeps working hard to fulfill her dreams.

32. ____________________ I didn’t sleep well last night because my neighbors were having a 46. ____________________ Elementary school students may easily fall v____________m to
party and making t____________s noise all night. Internet scams since they are relatively naive.

33. ____________________ The English teacher found Google Classroom to be a 47. ____________________ Bill Gates is not only rich but also g____________s; he has
t____________sly helpful tool in giving assignments and tests to donated billions to charity since 2000.
48. ____________________ People who drink and drive should be severely
34. ____________________ There was a s____________e in Jason’s eyes when he found his p____________hed.
lost cat at the animal shelter.
49. ____________________ The customer was f____________s after being treated rudely at
35. ____________________ With her body having become weak, Mrs. Wilkinson is now the shopping mall.
c____________ed to her bed and unable to walk.
50. ____________________ It is estimated that more than four million pigs are
36. ____________________ If you laid out all the DNA in your body in a straight line, it would s____________red for food around the world every day.
s____________h from the sun to Pluto.
51. ____________________ The police are investigating the two jewelry t____________ts that
37. ____________________ Angie went p____________e when she saw her boyfriend kissing happened on the same day.
another girl.
52. ____________________ Michelle thanked the wedding planners for the p____________s
38. ____________________ Claire enjoys traveling because she likes to e____________e new memories that they had helped create.
53. ____________________ The five-star hotel makes every effort to meet the i____________l
39. ____________________ The father p____________ed his four-year-old daughter that he needs of every customer.
will bring her a Barbie doll when he comes back from his business
trip. 54. ____________________ Jane Goodall is well-known for her efforts to research and protect
chimpanzees and their h____________ts.
40. ____________________ Staying positive, getting enough sleep, doing enough exercise, and
eating well are the four key e____________ts of staying healthy. 55. ____________________ Troy e____________ted a tree house in the backyard for his son.

41. ____________________ Gaudi, who designed and constructed several awesome buildings 56. ____________________ The popularity of e____________c publishing gives readers
in Barcelona, is probably the greatest a____________t we’ve ever access to reading books easily on their digital devices.
57. ____________________ The new bridge to the village is still under c____________n. It
42. ____________________ Stinky tofu is r____________ked first on the list of local will be completed by the end of this year.
delicacies which best represent Taiwan.
58. ____________________ Compared with other houses in the neighborhood, this villa is
43. ____________________ Wise people can always benefit from others’ c____________e r____________y expensive.
59. ____________________ The prisoner was caught after he tried to e____________e, and he
had to remain in jail for another ten years.
74. ____________________ The long, pointless speech made the audience d____________y.
60. ____________________ Although Luke is a top tennis player, he has remained humble and Some people even fell asleep and began snoring.
never m____________ks his opponents.
75. ____________________ Even though we no longer go to the same school, I still keep in
61. ____________________ Traditionally, Americans hold a f____________t with a roast close c____________t with my old classmates.
turkey and many other delicacies on Thanksgiving.
76. ____________________ I see no reason why Tina should become silent every time we
62. ____________________ Making errors is i____________e when you are learning new m____________n her family.
skills. Don’t feel frustrated and remember that practice makes
perfect. 77. ____________________ The iPad is an i____________e product which has allowed people
to perform many personal computing tasks with the touch of a
63. ____________________ Leonard was finally r____________ed with his wife at the airport finger.
after having worked abroad for two years.
78. ____________________ After years of physical therapy treatment, John is now
64. ____________________ Life is wonderful, as new experiences and places a____________t c____________e of walking with a cane.
us every day.
79. ____________________ Don’t be so rude to your parents. You should a____________t
65. ____________________ New construction and better transportation t____________med your attitude toward them.
the quiet neighborhood into a popular area.
80. ____________________ Successful companies often use customer f____________k to
66. ____________________ Cindy’s mother is a g____________l lady who never yells at improve their products or services.
81. ____________________ Much to Gina’s f____________y, her best friend has been
67. ____________________ Mandy lives in Taipei now, but p____________y she lived in speaking ill of her behind her back.
82. ____________________ Threatening the existence of everyone on earth, global warming is
68. ____________________ On New Year’s Day, many people will gather at the top of the hill, one of the greatest challenges that h____________d faces today.
waiting to welcome the s____________g sunrise.
83. ____________________ People usually try to avoid c____________ts in their life because
69. ____________________ Pamela booked a room at the hotel because of its nobody likes to fight all the time.
m____________t view of the ocean.
84. ____________________ Cutting down on the intake of sugar would be greatly
70. ____________________ Lenny can play several musical i____________ts, including the b____________l to our health.
trumpet and the violin.
85. ____________________ The d____________n of the world’s population has changed
71. ____________________ The expansion of the company will provide e____________t during the last two centuries as people have moved from one
opportunities for local people. The management plans to recruit at country to another.
least 100 workers.
86. ____________________ The museum is a specially designed s____________e that looks
72. ____________________ A recent study indicated that patients with t____________l cancer like a giant shell.
tend to live longer when they choose to die at home instead of in a
hospital. 87. ____________________ Due to its unique t____________e and durability in various
weather conditions, marble is one of the most widely used
73. ____________________ The villagers threatened the wolves with torches and spears, building materials in the world.
which finally f____________ned them away.
88. ____________________ This is r____________s. You’ve known the young man for only 1. 正當 Kelly 要打開門鎖時,她背後的一聲巨響嚇了她一大跳。
three days, and you’ve already decided to marry him? Kelly ①____________ just ②____________ ③____________ unlock the door when a loud
bang behind her gave her a huge fright.
89. ____________________ The planned fuel tax increases in France p____________ted angry
protests on the streets of Paris. 2. 每年的萬聖夜,年幼的堂表弟妹們都會裝扮成他們最喜愛的卡通角色。
Every Halloween, the young cousins ①____________ ②____________ as their favorite
90. ____________________ It took nearly two centuries to c____________t the Notre Dame cartoon characters.
Cathedral, but the French president has vowed to repair the fire
damage within five years. 3. 所有志工挽起袖子一同投入淨灘工作的行列。
All of the volunteers ①____________ ②____________ ③____________ ④____________
91. ____________________ All the students in the school are required to p____________e in to join in the beach clean-up.
at least one club.
4. 老闆想要這份報告週一早上完成,所以你最好不要浪費時間,並且開始動手處理。
92. ____________________ The Mayan civilization ruled over large parts of Central America The boss wants that report done by Monday morning, so you’d better stop wasting time and
for over one thousand years until the a____________l of the ①____________ ②____________ ③____________ it.
5. 這個週末似乎有個強烈颱風來臨。因此,我們被迫取消了露營之旅。
93. ____________________ You will be also judged based on your classroom There seems to be a strong typhoon coming this weekend. ①____________
p____________n in addition to your test scores, so be active in ②____________ ③r____________, we have been forced to cancel our camping trip.
6. 科技的進步為工業革命的發展作好了準備。
94. ____________________ The actress was awarded the Academy Honorary Award in The improvement of technology ①____________ the ②____________ ③____________
r____________n of her contribution to the film industry. the development of the Industrial Revolution.

95. ____________________ In fact, there is no e____________l difference between the two 7. 為了確保我們的公司成長,我們需要以到目前為止所得到的顧客回饋為基礎。
paintings because they were created by the same painter. To ensure our company’s growth, we must ①____________ ②____________ the feedback
from customers we have received so far.
96. ____________________ It takes an experienced expert to detect the d____________n
between the original painting and its copy. Sometimes the 8. 有些學生發現要用英語介紹自己很難。
difference can be so slight that ordinary people cannot tell easily. Some students ①f____________d ②____________ ③d____________ to introduce
themselves in English.
97. ____________________ Many people think Sydney is Australia’s c____________l.
However, it is not Sydney but Canberra. 9. 這間餐廳很受人歡迎,所以你最好至少在兩天前事先訂位。
The restaurant is so popular that you had better make a reservation at least two days
98. ____________________ Tony made a d____________e insult to John’s profession because ①____________ ②____________.
he wanted to embarrass him.
10. 你拒絕這份工作就是犯傻!它可是來自於今年度世界最有前途的十大企業之一。
99. ____________________ The scenery of the Grand Canyon is b____________g, and it You would be insane to ①____________ this job offer ②____________! It is from one of
made a lasting impression on me. the ten most promising corporations in the world this year.

100. ____________________ Before the choir’s first song, the school band played a beautiful 11. 不要看不起那些看似平凡的人。畢竟,你不應該以貌取人。
i____________l piece without them. Don’t look down upon those who seem unremarkable. ①____________ ②____________,
you should never judge a book by its cover.

二、引導式翻譯(30小題,每題0分,共0分) 12. 直到將軍下命令,士兵才發動突擊。

The soldiers ①____________ ②____________ launch their surprise attack
③____________ the general gave the order.
24. 這程序已經跑了好幾次,但是仍然有一些未知的問題需要被解決。
13. 據說狗的聽覺比人類的好。 The procedure ①____________ ②____________ gone through several times, yet there are
The hearing of dogs is said to be better than ____________ of human beings. still some unknown problems to be ③____________ ④____________.

14. 雖然蝙蝠看起來嚇人,事實上牠們以昆蟲和水果為生而且一般來說都是無害的。 25. Smith 教授建議他的學生們經由反覆試驗來累積經驗和知識。

Although bats may look scary, they actually ①____________ ②____________ insects and Professor Smith suggests that his students accumulate experience and knowledge through
fruits and are generally harmless. ①____________ ②____________ ③____________.

15. 等到 Angela 明年從大學畢業時,她父母親將已經退休滿兩年了。 26. 自從 Fiona 開始進行有機農業以來,她不僅賺了更多的錢,而且對環境造成的傷害更

①____________ ②____________ ③____________ Angela graduates from college next 小。
year, her parents ④____________ ⑤____________ been retired for two years. Since Fiona started to do organic farming, she has not only ①e____________ more money
②____________ ③____________ done less damage ④____________ the environment.
16. 雖然 Mindy 的團隊詳細規劃好強勢的市長競選活動,她最終沒有當選。
Even though Mindy’s team had ①____________ ②____________ a strong campaign for 27. 因為特賣,廣告中的跑步鞋在商店中已經缺貨了。
mayor, she didn’t win the election in the end. Because of the sale, the store has already ①____________ ②____________
③____________ stock of the running shoes advertised in the commercial.
17. Mark 從小時候就一直夢想著成為一位太空人。
Mark has been ①____________ ②____________ becoming an astronaut since his 28. 我們將會以我們的成功為基礎,繼續提供更好的服務給我們所有的顧客。
childhood. We will ①____________ ②____________ our success and continue to provide better
service for all our customers.
18. 全球的人都想知道何時這個疾病才會終於消失。
People around the globe are all wondering when the disease will eventually ①____________ 29. 如果你沒有健保而生病,可能會非常昂貴。
②____________. If you don’t have health insurance and get sick, it can ①____________ an ②____________
and a ③____________.
19. 我半夜被持續不斷的吱吱聲吵醒。這聲音讓我毛骨悚然。
I was woken up by repeated squeaking sounds around midnight. The sounds 30. Owen 態度積極;他寧可面對失敗並從中學習,而不願被失敗擊倒。
①____________ my ②____________ ③____________ ④____________ Owen has a positive attitude; he ①____________ ②____________ face failures and learn
⑤____________. from them ③____________ ④b____________ defeated by them.

20. 站在玉山頂端,Kevin 盡情欣賞壯麗的自然景觀。

Standing at the top of Jade Mountain, Kevin ①____________ his ②____________ 三、文法選擇(課本句型)(35小題,每題0分,共0分)
③____________ the splendid natural sights. 1. (  )It ____________ that Jenny is worried about her grade on the math test. (A)
seems (B) likes (C) looks (D) makes 
21. 學校取消了運動會是因為新冠肺炎爆發。
①____________ ②____________ ③b____________ ④____________ the outbreak of 2. (  )We considered it an honor ____________ able to do something nice for the teacher.
COVID-19 ⑤____________ our school canceled the sports meet. (A) is (B) be (C) to be (D) to being 

22. 根據人事經理的看法,應徵者的穿著對面試有所影響。 3. (  )People do not realize the importance of good health ____________ they lose it. 
According to the personnel manager, a candidate’s clothes ①____________ a (A) when (B) until (C) since (D) after 
②____________ in a job interview.
4. (  )Reds and yellows are warm colors, ____________ blues and greens are cool. (A)
23. 多數人去世時會把錢和財產傳給子女。 whereas (B) although (C) since (D) so 
Most people ①____________ ②____________ their money and property ③____________
their children when they die. 5. (  )This TV program is ____________ interesting but also educational. (A) either 
(B) not only (C) such as (D) as well as 
6. (  )In order to win basketball games, they ____________ practice every day
____________ work on their teamwork. (A) either; or (B) neither; nor (C) 20. (  )By the time the police officer arrives at the crime scene, the robbers
not; but (D) not only; but also  ____________. (A) will have run away (B) have run away (C) had run away
(D) were running away 
7. (  )____________ appears that Mandy lived here before. She is very familiar with the
neighborhood. (A) It (B) Which (C) How (D) When  21. (  )Eric is ____________ handsome ____________ humorous. That’s why he is
popular with girls. (A) neither; nor (B) not only; but also (C) so; that (D)
8. (  )We ____________ what to do and what not to do since we were little. (A) are the same; as 
teaching (B) will teach (C) had taught (D) have been taught 
22. (  )Victor finds it relaxing ____________ movies on Saturday afternoons. (A) watch
9. (  )The diamond necklace is said ____________ from the museum during World War (B) watched (C) to watch (D) watches 
II. (A) will be stolen (B) was stolen (C) to have been stolen (D) to be stolen
23. (  )On average, household incomes in Hsinchu City are higher than ____________ in
most other cities in Taiwan. (A) what (B) that (C) them (D) those 
10. (  )The boy would rather ____________ punished by his parents than apologize for his
mistake. (A) be (B) to be (C) being (D) having been  24. (  )This temple ____________ the oldest in Taiwan. (A) is believed that (B)
believes that is (C) is believed to be (D) believes to be 
11. (  )Sophia was heard ____________ with her boyfriend on the phone yesterday. (A)
argued (B) arguing (C) be arguing (D) to be arguing  25. (  )Most people consider ____________ necessary to learn English, but Mary thinks
otherwise. (A) they are (B) that is (C) it (D) it as 
12. (  )As a care center staff member, Mike considers ____________ an honor
____________ the residents. (A) it; to help (B) that; helping (C) that; to help 26. (  )The students found ____________ finish a sixty-page report in a week. (A) hard
(D) it; helping  it to (B) it was hard that (C) it hard to (D) that it hard to 

13. (  )Nancy is a sociable girl. She ____________ it a great experience to interact with 27. (  )Parents hope that the media can replace images of violence with ____________ of
other people. (A) describes (B) feels (C) regards (D) views  hospitality and social concerns. (A) that (B) those (C) which (D) more 

14. (  )____________ Michelle is very proud of her daughter’s achievement. (A) It 28. (  )While their product is made of single-use plastic, ____________ designed by our
appears to (B) It appears that (C) Michelle seems that (D) Michelle seems to company is composed of eco-friendly materials. (A) but products (B) and it is
(C) those (D) that 

15. (  )The books in my room are well-arranged on the bookshelf, whereas ____________ 29. (  )Betty was mad at her boyfriend not only because he was late again ____________
in my brother’s room are scattered all around. (A) ones (B) these (C) those  he had totally forgotten about their date. (A) but also (B) but also because (C)
(D) ones  and (D) and because 

16. (  )The food sold in the department store is not necessarily more delicious than 30. (  )By the time it started raining, the wildfire in the forest ____________. (A) had
____________ sold by the street vendors. (A) it (B) one (C) which (D) that already put out (B) had already been put out (C) has already been put out (D)
has already put out 

17. (  )Young people in this country ____________ the right to vote until they turn twenty. 31. (  )To propose to his girlfriend, Mark ____________ bought a diamond ring
(A) gain (B) do gain (C) do not gain (D) not to gain  ____________ booked a table at a fancy restaurant. (A) not only; but also (B)
as; as (C) not; but (D) not; without 
18. (  )____________ discipline his children, Mike decided to turn to their teachers for
advice. (A) Be unable to (B) Unable to (C) He can’t (D) He is not able to  32. (  )____________ seems ____________ people who voted for the mayor now regret it
and have different opinions. (A) That; when (B) What; that (C) It; that (D)
19. (  )Not only my classmates but also my teacher ____________ to go to school on When; it 
Mondays. (A) hate (B) hating (C) hates (D) have hated 
33. (  )Memorizing as much vocabulary as possible is thought ____________ the first step 11. (  )Eating a healthy breakfast ____________ the best way to start your day. (A) is 
toward achieving one’s language-learning goals. (A) to have been (B) being  (B) are (C) has (D) have 
(C) to be (D) will be 
12. (  )Our teacher believes that we are capable ____________ writing an English report
34. (  )Because of my tight budget this month, I would ____________ at home rather than on our own. (A) to (B) by (C) of (D) with 
____________ meals through foodpanda. (A) cook; order (B) cooking; order 
(C) cook; ordering (D) cooking; to order  13. (  )Why not ____________ some medicine so that you can feel better and recover
sooner? (A) take (B) taking (C) to take (D) took 
35. (  )Someone heard the old lady in a white dress ____________ for help.
= The old lady in a white dress was heard ____________ for help. (A) ask; to ask 14. (  )Peter drinks black coffee, ____________ I prefer it with cream. (A) so (B) for
(B) asking; asked (C) asked; ask (D) ask; ask  (C) if (D) while 

15. (  )Linda tried to express her love to her boyfriend ____________ making homemade
四、文法選擇(其他考點)(50小題,每題0分,共0分) cookies on his birthday. (A) by (B) for (C) from (D) to 
1. (  )The police asked the shop owner if he had seen someone ____________ wandering
around the neighborhood last night. (A) else (B) who (C) that (D) ever  16. (  )Three drivers were caught ____________ on the highway. (A) speed (B) speeds
(C) speeding (D) sped 
2. (  )Henry doesn’t want to break up with his girlfriend, but he doesn’t feel like
apologizing to her ____________. (A) too (B) either (C) as well (D) also  17. (  )To Albert’s surprise, he saw a cat ____________ in front of his door when he got
off work. (A) to sit (B) and sit (C) sits (D) sitting 
3. (  )____________ a career woman, Tina tries hard to strike a balance between her
family and her work. (A) Of (B) With (C) To be (D) As  18. (  )You can hear many people ____________ when they are on a roller coaster ride. 
(A) to scream (B) screaming (C) screams (D) screamed 
4. (  )New York City is also known ____________ the Big Apple. (A) as (B) for 
(C) to (D) by  19. (  )It is ____________ the law to bring produce with you when you enter our country.
You could be fined up to NT$100,000. (A) against (B) with (C) off (D) by
5. (  )Since Ben had wasted too much time ____________ online games, he failed his
math and English exams. (A) played (B) to play (C) playing (D) plays 
20. (  )Maria went abroad to pursue her dream of becoming a dancer ____________ the
6. (  )____________ great effort, Robert finally achieved his dream of running his own objection of her parents. (A) because (B) despite (C) with (D) though 
café in the city. (A) With (B) For (C) To (D) About 
21. (  )Agatha Christie is a well-known English writer ____________ detective novels
7. (  )Jack works out three times a week ____________ he can build up his strength and have been widely read and admired. (A) who (B) whose (C) that (D) what
keep fit. (A) if (B) but (C) when (D) so that 

8. (  )The first time Chris won the award was in 2015, ____________ he was only 22. (  )The winner of this year’s UEFA Champions League, ____________, is Real
nineteen. (A) which (B) when (C) where (D) that  Madrid. (A) as expected as (B) is expected (C) as expecting (D) as expected

9. (  )Sara keeps fit ____________ going jogging three times a week. (A) in (B) for
(C) by (D) from  23. (  )Contrary to popular belief, the truth is ____________ e-cigarettes can do as much
harm to our health as traditional ones. (A) which (B) that (C) what (D) why
10. (  )Romeo and Juliet ____________ is one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays, will
be performed at the local theater tonight. (A) , which (B) which (C) , that 
(D) that  24. (  )Billie Eilish ____________ five Grammy Awards before she ____________
nineteen years old in early 2020. (A) won; will have turned (B) wins; has
turned (C) has won; turned (D) had won; turned 
25. (  )Carol’s mother ____________ is a retired high school teacher, now works as a
volunteer at the local library. (A) who (B) , who (C) that (D) , whom  39. (  )The Louvre Pyramid ____________ was designed by Chinese-born architect I. M.
Pei, is a glass-and-steel structure standing at the entrance to the Louvre Museum. 
26. (  )If you don’t grab this opportunity but keep fooling around, you will end up (A) , that (B) where (C) , which (D) what 
____________ nothing. (A) for (B) from (C) with (D) above 
40. (  )Many children chose to enjoy their cake right away, ____________ little Maggie
27. (  )Leah is having trouble deciding ____________ which dress to wear on her best decided to take her piece of cake home to share it with her younger brother. (A)
friend’s wedding day. (A) in (B) for (C) with (D) on  however (B) whereas (C) on the other hand (D) although 

28. (  )Peter promised ____________ his mother as soon as he arrived at the airport. (A) 41. (  )____________ the disabled child finished the triathlon through sheer
to call (B) calling (C) called (D) call  determination. (A) It is amazingly that (B) Amazing, (C) Amazingly, (D) To
be amazing, 
29. (  )____________ sixths of the area is under sea level. (A) First (B) Half (C)
Thirds (D) Five  42. (  )At first, the two men couldn’t get along, but they ____________ understand each
other better by sharing their ideas. (A) appealed to (B) came to (C) refused to
30. (  )The story of Chang E and the moon ____________ for many centuries in Chinese (D) supposed to 
society. (A) has told (B) has been telling (C) has been told (D) have been
told  43. (  )Our art teacher is showing us some animal models made ____________ clay so we
can gain a better understanding of what we’ll do next. (A) inside (B) out of 
31. (  )As the birth rate continues to drop, more than ____________ Taiwan’s population (C) up for (D) underneath 
is expected to be over 50 by 2034. (A) plenty of (B) a number of (C) half of
(D) most of  44. (  )____________ at the election result, the loser’s supporters gathered in the square
and didn’t leave until midnight. (A) Disappointing (B) To disappoint (C) To
32. (  )On cleaning day, every worker came to the factory with their sleeves be disappointed (D) Disappointed 
____________ up, ready to get the job done. (A) rolls (B) to roll (C) rolling
(D) rolled  45. (  )The four horses ____________ the carriage ____________ by a boy suddenly went
wild. (A) pulling; driving (B) pulling; driven (C) pulled; driven (D) pulled;
33. (  )The magician performed many tricks that kept the audience fascinated driving 
____________ the performance. (A) until (B) throughout (C) then (D)
while  46. (  )The Bird’s Nest, the ____________ National Stadium in Beijing, has a capacity of
up to 100,000 seats. (A) modern-looked (B) modern-looking (C) modern-
34. (  )Jason often plays online games ____________ midnight. That’s why he has trouble looks (D) modern-look 
getting up early most mornings. (A) for (B) till (C) during (D) within 
47. (  )To impress the other guests, Amy was advised to drink her wine with small,
35. (  )____________ devote yourself to the protection of animal rights? (A) How about ____________ sips over dinner. (A) like-lady (B) lady-like (C) lady-alike 
(B) What about (C) Why can’t (D) Why not  (D) alike-lady 

36. (  )Miss Lin flew into a rage as she found several students ____________ to her about 48. (  )A: This painting is a masterpiece. It is well worth the asking price.
why they hadn’t finished their homework. (A) lies (B) lied (C) lying (D) to B: I don’t think ____________; the artist’s previous works are better. (A) either
lie  (B) this (C) about (D) so 

37. (  )After ____________ from college two years ago, Samuel still doesn’t have a stable 49. (  )Though the prizes of the game are appealing, it is the game ____________ that
job and remains a mama’s boy. (A) he graduating (B) graduating (C) being attracts so many contestants. It’s an extremely fun game. (A) at all (B) of all 
graduating (D) graduates  (C) itself (D) whole 

38. (  )Jack is an only child; therefore, he is longing for someone ____________. (A)

with whom play (B) that he can play (C) who to play (D) to play with 
50. (  )Woody is a brilliant young man with various talents; ____________ his wide __(2)__ they could keep warm, cook food, and make tools.
knowledge of science, his excellent dancing skills also dazzle people. (A) due to   Prometheus had great love for humans. The king of all gods, Zeus, __(3)__, did not.
(B) apart from (C) except for (D) based on  Prometheus wanted to help the humans on earth, so he tricked Zeus for their benefit.
Prometheus asked Zeus to choose one of the two piles as a sacrifice from humankind to
him. One was a pile of beef inside a bull’s stomach, and __(4)__ was a pile of bones
五、綜合測驗(12小題,每題0分,共0分) covered in shiny fat. Zeus chose the bones and fat, __(5)__ there was juicy meat
1. Dear Ms. Jones, underneath the fat. __(6)__, humans were allowed to keep all their meat.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I have been __(1)__ by McDonald’s for a few years to dress as   Zeus was so angry about it that he took away humans’ fire. Prometheus saw __(7)__
Ronald McDonald and visit sick children like your son, Billy. I want you to know how miserable people were without fire. Therefore, he __(8)__ help them. Prometheus assisted
special Billy was to me and how happy I am that I could __(2)__ in his final days. Getting humans by __(9)__ fire from the sun and giving it to them. Zeus punished Prometheus for
to know Billy and playing with him was wonderful, but I will remember holding him most this act by chaining him to a rock. Zeus then sent an eagle to eat Prometheus’s liver. The
of all. You see, touching children in any way is __(3)__ the rules for us Ronalds. This is to liver kept __(10)__ back, and the eagle returned every day to eat it again. For his bravery,
protect the children from infection. So when I saw Billy’s arms __(4)__, I hesitated. Prometheus remains a hero of humankind to this day! 
However, it __(5)__ that not holding Billy would make my whole visit with him pointless, (  )(1) (A) that (B) which (C) when (D) where 
so I did it. I’m glad that my hug gave him warmth and comfort. (  )(2) (A) ever since (B) so that (C) for which (D) in that 
Jeff McMullen  (  )(3) (A) however (B) therefore (C) moreover (D) otherwise 
(  )(1) (A) contacted (B) employed (C) refused (D) stretched  (  )(4) (A) the other (B) another (C) other (D) others 
(  )(2) (A) leave a message (B) hitch a ride (C) make a difference (D) take a (  )(5) (A) believe (B) to believe (C) believing (D) believed 
break  (  )(6) (A) Until then (B) By that time (C) On the day (D) From that day on 
(  )(3) (A) for (B) from (C) with (D) against  (  )(7) (A) more (B) what (C) how (D) little 
(  )(4) (A) to raise (B) raise (C) be raised (D) raised  (  )(8) (A) made a decision (B) decided to (C) refused to (D) allowed himself
(  )(5) (A) seemed (B) made (C) took (D) revealed 
(  )(9) (A) stolen (B) stealing (C) steals (D) steal 
2.   Longteng Elementary School enjoyed an interesting exercise in teamwork yesterday (  )(10) (A) grow (B) grew (C) grown (D) growing 
thanks to the Marshmallow Challenge. One team from each grade stood in front of a table
holding the challenge __(1)__: uncooked spaghetti, tape, string, and a single marshmallow. 4.   Imagine a printer that can create plastic limbs and coral reefs. Many people might
After some instructions from their science teacher, Ms. Wu, the teams began. Right away, consider it silly to think about such technology, but it appears that one now exists. 3D
differences were clear. The kindergarten team picked up the supplies and started __(2)__ printers __(1)__ computer designs and materials to create objects.
them. The sixth graders began working together to __(3)__ how to build the tallest   3D printing was used to make a plastic arm for a boy who was born with most of his
structure. __(4)__ being the youngest, the kindergartners built the tallest tower. The sixth- right arm missing. This has enabled the boy to use both arms __(2)__ his parents.
grade class came in second with a very strong design. In last place was the fifth-grade   Many creatures in the ocean live among coral reefs. __(3)__, the number of earth’s
team, who did not start building their structure __(5)__ they had already spent most of their coral reefs is decreasing as a result of climate change. If these reefs continue to disappear,
time arguing. This is the first year that the challenge has been conducted, but Ms. Wu plans sea creatures that live among them may die out too. Therefore, to help __(4)__ sea
to make it a yearly event. Hopefully, the fifth graders will work together better next year! creatures, 3D printing is being used to create artificial coral reefs. When sea animals are
protected, humans gain benefits as well. __(5)__, 3D printing is useful to humans. If we
(  )(1) (A) structures (B) materials (C) innovations (D) feedbacks  want to continue making positive changes, we must build on this technology. 
(  )(2) (A) figuring out (B) relying on (C) experimenting with (D) succeeding (  )(1) (A) turn down (B) make use of (C) get stuck in (D) run out of 
in  (  )(2) (A) hug (B) hugging (C) for hug (D) to hug 
(  )(3) (A) stand out for (B) get along with (C) take care of (D) figure out  (  )(3) (A) However (B) Besides (C) For example (D) Thus 
(  )(4) (A) Instead (B) However (C) Because of (D) Despite  (  )(4) (A) protect (B) protecting (C) protected (D) be protecting 
(  )(5) (A) until (B) while (C) and (D) or  (  )(5) (A) Sadly (B) Additionally (C) Unfortunately (D) Clearly 

3.   The story of Prometheus is interesting. At a time __(1)__ there were many powerful
gods in the universe, a Titan named Prometheus created humans. He then gave humans fire
5.   Ajay Munot, a wealthy Indian businessman, had been saving money for his daughter’s path. Sometimes, __(3)__ his anger cooled, homes, castles, and even entire cities had been
wedding for a very long time. __(1)__ is common in India to spend large amounts of destroyed. The angry Zeus was also known for turning his enemies into other things or
money on weddings, and Ajay had saved over US$100,000. However, as the wedding day making them suffer endlessly. Lycaon, the king of Arcadia, for example, was changed into
approached, Ajay changed his mind about how to spend the money. Instead of making a a wolf for __(4)__ a little boy to the gods, while Tantalus was forced to remain hungry and
big display of his wealth, he decided he wanted to __(2)__ his good fortune to others. thirsty forever for committing a similar crime.
Therefore, he began building houses for the homeless. In all, ninety homes were built,   Prometheus was thus playing with fire in more ways than one when he helped
costing over $220,000, more than twice Ajay’s original budget! humankind. And, sadly for the Titan, it wasn’t long before he __(5)__ Zeus’s rage. He was
  These homes were not large or fancy, but they made a __(3)__ difference to all the chained to a high and rocky mountain peak, and what followed was a never-ending cycle
people who now had somewhere to live with electricity and running water. Ajay’s daughter of pain.
wasn’t upset about her father’s decision, __(4)__. She was happy to have a small wedding, 註:deliberately 故意地 lightning bolt 閃電 
__(5)__ it a wedding gift from her father to be able to help so many people. Both father (  )(1) (A) to know (B) knew (C) knowing (D) who was known 
and daughter believed that everyone has a responsibility to do good in society, and they
have certainly done their part!  (  )(2) (A) fury (B) misery (C) relief (D) fright 
(  )(1) (A) That (B) This (C) What (D) It  (  )(3) (A) ever since (B) in order that (C) as soon as (D) by the time 
(  )(2) (A) pass on (B) figure out (C) put up (D) start out  (  )(4) (A) enabling (B) conflicting (C) sacrificing (D) benefiting 
(  )(3) (A) terminal (B) tremendous (C) corporate (D) drowsy  (  )(5) (A) made fun of (B) fell victim to (C) got rid of (D) looked forward to
(  )(4) (A) also (B) neither (C) either (D) too 
(  )(5) (A) consider (B) considered (C) considering (D) to consider  8.   Astronauts have many reasons to love their job, but the food may not be one of them.
Requirements __(1)__ low weight, long shelf life, and no waste all limit the food choices
6.   You might be surprised what kindergartners can teach us about facing a challenge in a in space. Most meals rely on pastes or powders mixed with water. __(2)__ and simple,
game. The Marshmallow Challenge has been carried out with many different groups these food choices keep astronauts healthy, but not so happy. One company hopes to use
around the world; each group has to build a tower out of spaghetti, tape, and string. 3D printers to change this condition. With pastes that are made of powdered nutrients*, oil,
Success is measured by the height of the tower, and kindergartners usually __(1)__ higher or water, 3D printers can create some basic food with __(3)__ and flavors that are more
than most adults. One reason for this is that they don’t hesitate to get started. __(2)__ only appetizing than the space food now.
eighteen minutes, a fast start makes a big difference. Adults often __(3)__ start building   Some might consider it crazy __(4)__ about printing food, especially in space. It is
__(3)__ they have finished talking and planning, so they have less time for actual true that space adds difficulty, but people have already succeeded in printing food on earth.
construction. Another reason is kindergartners’ approach to problem-solving: rather than Furthermore, NASA has good reason to try it. The food pastes can last a long time, and
planning, they rely on __(4)__. They pick up the spaghetti and start testing ideas there is zero waste with 3D-printed food, both of which are beneficial __(5)__ long-term
immediately. In unfamiliar conditions, experimenting right away works better than space missions. It will also be useful to 3D-print food on earth for the same reasons. As
planning with limited information. Last, kindergartners just __(5)__ work on their goal food waste is becoming a bigger and bigger problem with the rising population, 3D-printed
rather than worry about who they’re working with. Adults may argue about who’s the boss food may be a solution.
or whose idea is better, but kindergartners just build. Next time you’re facing a challenge, 註:nutrient 營養物 
maybe you should think like a kindergartner!  (  )(1) (A) up to (B) such as (C) according to (D) in favor of 
(  )(1) (A) adjust (B) rank (C) rely (D) explore  (  )(2) (A) Convenient (B) Be Convenient (C) To be convenient (D) Been
(  )(2) (A) Of (B) For (C) In (D) With  convenient 
(  )(3) (A) cannot; without (B) do not; until (C) neither; nor (D) both; and  (  )(3) (A) architecture (B) sparkle (C) adjustment (D) texture 
(  )(4) (A) pros and cons (B) ups and downs (C) trial and error (D) trick or (  )(4) (A) talked (B) talk (C) talking (D) to talk 
treat  (  )(5) (A) for (B) on (C) to (D) by 
(  )(5) (A) roll up (B) figure out (C) carry out (D) get down to 
9.   Off the coast of San Francisco, a whale was in trouble. __(1)__ on its yearly winter
7.   When Prometheus stole fire from the gods on behalf of humans, he took a significant journey south, it had become caught in the ropes of some crab traps. The ropes and heavy
risk. He deliberately* disobeyed Zeus, __(1)__ full well just how angry the leader of the traps were wrapped around its body. Rescuers from a local sea animal center checked
gods would be when he found out. __(2)__ they could unwind the ropes but found they were too tight. Therefore, they
  Zeus was, in fact, known throughout his kingdom for his violent temper. In his decided to cut the ropes __(3)__. This meant that divers would have to go into the water
__(2)__, he often threw lightning bolts* at anyone or anything unlucky enough to cross his under and around the animal, which was very dangerous. The whale would surely __(4)__
it terrifying to be trapped and have strange people surrounding it. Who knew how it would (  )(7) (A) who (B) how (C) what (D) where 
react? One swing of its __(5)__ tail could kill a diver. However, the divers’ __(6)__ did not (  )(8) (A) According to (B) Due to (C) In order to (D) In addition to 
stop them from helping.
  The first diver in the water wondered whether their help could __(7)__. About twelve (  )(9) (A) at (B) in (C) about (D) with 
ropes were cutting into the whale’s skin, and it __(8)__ that the animal might never escape. (  )(10) (A) The one (B) The rest (C) Other (D) Still another 
However, the divers worked hard and eventually managed to free the whale. __(9)__,
something amazing happened. The whale swam toward each diver and gently brushed 11.   The discovery of fire is something we often take for granted. __(1)__, fire is
against them. Whales can’t talk, of course, but it seems they still have a way to __(10)__ extremely important to all people in the world.
their thanks to people who have helped them. After thanking its rescuers, the whale headed   By the time modern humans evolved*, fire __(2)__ as a major tool by early humans.
safely out to sea.  It provided warmth, and thus humans wouldn’t __(3)__ on cold nights or during winters.
(  )(1) (A) When it travels (B) Traveling (C) Traveled (D) To travel  But more importantly, it served as a source of light __(4)__ human activity could continue
in the dark. __(5)__ it, humans would have been limited to their climate and surroundings.
(  )(2) (A) if (B) when (C) what (D) where 
Fire could be made almost any place, __(6)__ humankind move into those areas they
(  )(3) (A) then (B) though (C) instead (D) indeed  otherwise could not have gone. Moreover, at a time __(7)__ humans did not know about
(  )(4) (A) have (B) make (C) find (D) view  bacteria, cooking meat helped prevent serious illnesses. __(8)__ killing bacteria through
(  )(5) (A) terminal (B) tremendous (C) cooperate (D) drowsy  cooking, people could eat without falling ill. The use of fire and smoke also enabled people
__(9)__ extra dried meat for later. Lastly, fire __(10)__ be an important form of protection
(  )(6) (A) fright (B) warmth (C) sparkle (D) illness  since it could scare off unwanted guests or enemies. Believing it to be a sign of danger,
(  )(7) (A) deliver a speech (B) take a look (C) make a difference (D) get a some groups of people would avoid it.
moment    Fire is the most important discovery in human history. We use it and see it every day,
(  )(8) (A) kept (B) found (C) prompted (D) seemed  and it’s one of the most incredible* achievements in human history.
註:evolve 演化 incredible 極好的 
(  )(9) (A) Once (B) Besides (C) Hence (D) Then 
(  )(1) (A) In this way (B) Otherwise (C) Therefore (D) However 
(  )(10) (A) pass on (B) turn down (C) call for (D) feed on 
(  )(2) (A) is used (B) has been used (C) had been used (D) will have been
10.   What do “lily pads” have to do with team building? Well, when they’re used as sheets
of paper in a game, they can actually help build a stronger team. In a game known __(1)__ (  )(3) (A) freeze (B) conflict (C) gnaw (D) benefit 
Lily Pads, the goal is for team members to cross a marked area, or “river,” by stepping on (  )(4) (A) in case (B) so that (C) because (D) even if 
only sheets of paper, or “lily pads.” They must __(2)__ a way to cross the river together (  )(5) (A) Thanks to (B) Except for (C) In spite of (D) Without 
without stepping or falling off the lily pads. If any member falls, the whole group must
start over. (  )(6) (A) help (B) helping (C) helped (D) helps 
  A group won’t be able to succeed in this game __(3)__ its members learn how to (  )(7) (A) which (B) how (C) when (D) that 
communicate with one another. Everyone must work together with __(4)__ has been given. (  )(8) (A) With (B) By (C) Besides (D) From 
If one method doesn’t __(5)__, they must try again and again. As __(6)__, most groups
eventually come up with a strategy to get across. (  )(9) (A) to save (B) save (C) saved (D) saving 
  Not only does Lily Pads teach us __(7)__ to be better teammates but it also helps us (  )(10) (A) led to (B) turned to (C) came to (D) referred to 
get to know ourselves better. __(8)__ solve problems in the workplace, we must develop
effective communication skills. We must also be willing to experiment __(9)__ new ideas. 12.   3D printing has gained a lot of popularity in recent years, but what does it mean for
__(10)__ lesson is how to give opinions while respecting others. All these lessons and the environment? __(1)__ seems that 3D printing, considered relatively “green,” can
more are why team-building games like Lily Pads are so important.  actually have an impact on our earth in ways we may not realize.
(  )(1) (A) for (B) as (C) by (D) to    First of all, a tremendous __(2)__ of energy is needed to print 3D objects. Studies
__(3)__ to prove that 3D printing uses 50 to 100 times more energy than traditional
(  )(2) (A) figure out (B) carry out (C) let out (D) hand out 
production methods due to the heat and lasers needed to melt plastic. Therefore, the energy
(  )(3) (A) if (B) when (C) because (D) until  needed to run __(4)__ machines could require us to produce even more power. Secondly,
(  )(4) (A) what (B) that (C) which (D) each  __(5)__ on plastic as its main source material, 3D printing is very damaging to the
(  )(5) (A) use (B) make (C) work (D) go  environment. Although researchers are working on developing more environmentally
friendly materials, the whole process uses a lot of plastic, __(6)__ piles up as waste in our
(  )(6) (A) expect (B) expecting (C) expected (D) to expect  oceans. Lastly, what would happen if every household were __(7)__ with its own 3D
printer? Your 3D printer would allow you to print anything you could __(8)__, anytime and
anywhere. Items such as shoes, toys, accessories*—you name it! This could increase the 3. (A) furious (B) from (C) slaughtered (D) feed on (E) but
production of __(9)__ personal goods __(9)__ household items to an alarming* degree.   Prometheus created humans. He also gave them fire to keep warm, cook food, and make
__(10)__, trash would build up everywhere. Therefore, scientists must continue tools. He loved humans, __①__ this created problems between him and the king of the
researching other ways to use this new technology so that future generations can enjoy its Olympian gods, Zeus. Prometheus __②__ a bull and created two offerings. One was beef
benefits. hidden inside a bull’s stomach, and the other was some bones covered in shiny fat. Zeus
註:accessory 配件 alarming 令人擔憂的;驚人的  chose the one with the fat, thinking there would be juicy meat underneath. Because of that,
(  )(1) (A) One (B) What (C) It (D) Which  humans could keep the meat for themselves. However, this made Zeus __③__, and he took
(  )(2) (A) sum (B) number (C) amount (D) plenty  fire away from humankind. Prometheus then stole fire __④__ the sun and gave it to humans.
Unfortunately, Zeus punished the Titan by chaining him to a rock. He also sent an eagle to
(  )(3) (A) had done (B) are doing (C) will do (D) have been done  __⑤__ Prometheus’s liver. The liver kept growing back, and the eagle kept eating it. In
(  )(4) (A) such (B) so (C) this (D) other  conclusion, Prometheus is called the champion of humankind for the help he offered humans.
(  )(5) (A) ranking (B) relying (C) erecting (D) conflicting  ①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ ⑤________ 
(  )(6) (A) it (B) that (C) which (D) this 
4. (A) unique (B) structure (C) beneficial (D) electronic (E) thanks to
(  )(7) (A) distributed (B) adjusted (C) confined (D) equipped    Now that 3D printing is becoming increasingly popular, one question is whether it could
(  )(8) (A) dream of (B) turn down (C) cheer up (D) feed on  be used to educate students in schools and colleges. The answer may well be yes, for this
(  )(9) (A) as; as (B) not only; but also (C) not; but (D) so; that  technology could turn objects for learning from __①__ images on computer screens to real
items that students can hold in their hands. Here are a few examples of how 3D-printed items
(  )(10) (A) After all (B) For example (C) As a result (D) On the other hand  could be __②__ to education.
  ․Copies of historical items could be printed for close inspection of their __③__.
  ․Design students could print test items for examination of how their designs could be
六、文意選填(12小題,每題0分,共0分) improved, and __④__ 3D maps for geography classes showing the height of land at different
1. 作答時不需考慮大小寫 points could be produced.
(A) hug (B) terminal (C) contact (D) at first (E) for example   In summary, __⑤__ 3D printing, the gap between the digital world and the real world is
  Steven will always remember the day he broke the rules at McDonald’s. It was “Ronald narrowing. The narrowing of this gap could provide students with fun and exciting new
Day,” and he was a worker there. He wore clothing that made him look like Ronald learning experiences.
McDonald to visit sick children at a hospital. Most of these kids had __①__ diseases. ①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ ⑤________ 
Therefore, Steven had rules to follow when he visited the kids. __②__, he couldn’t visit
them alone because he might frighten them. In addition, he couldn’t have any physical 5. (A) Finally (B) Therefore (C) confined (D) suffering from (E) refuse (F) cheers 
__③__ with them. One day, he heard a boy call “Ronald” in a weak voice inside a room. He (G) pass on (H) germs (I) makes a difference (J) ill
pushed open the door, and saw a small boy. His parents said his name was Billy. Steven did   I try to be a good parent. For example, I set rules for my children to ensure they eat
some magic tricks for Billy, and then Billy asked Steven for a __④__. __⑤__, Steven said healthily and get a good amount of exercise. However, when they are __①__, all that strict
no because of the rules. The boy reached his arms out again, and Steven held him. Billy died parenting takes a back seat. Here are three rules that I feel can be broken when your kids are
two days later. However, he had been happy that Ronald McDonald had held him. __②__ to their beds because of sickness.
①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ ⑤________  1. When children are sick, they tend to __③__ certain foods. __④__, under such
circumstances*, I allow them to eat whatever they desire. The reason for this is simple—it
2. (A) stability (B) below (C) capable (D) at (E) graduates __⑤__ them up.
  Recently, I took part in the Marshmallow Challenge and had a lot of fun with this team- 2. Many children are naturally impatient. When they are __⑥__ an illness, this impatience
building exercise. I was in a group with some other lawyers, and we were competing against can intensify*. Usually, I try to __⑦__ good manners to my children. However, when they
teams of engineers, CEOs, business __①__, and kindergarten kids. We had to use 20 dry are under attack by __⑧__, I limit my demands to hear such words as “please” and “thank
sticks of spaghetti, a yard of tape, and string to build a free-standing tower. The tower had to you” from them.
support a marshmallow __②__ the top as well. Sadly, my team performed __③__ average. 3. __⑨__, when my children are sick, I let them watch as much TV as they like. This
Even the kindergarteners beat us! The kids were really amazing and came up with an exception __⑩__.
innovative tower. Their tower was taller than ours, and it had more __④__, too. I learned a   Remember that children are still learning how to be good humans, and on sick days,
lot from the Marshmallow Challenge. First, kids are quite __⑤__ of beating adults in a they can afford to take a break from learning.
contest. Second, lawyers aren’t always the smartest people in the room! 註:circumstance 情況 intensify 增強
①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ ⑤________ 
①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ ⑤________ forgiven for thinking we were living in the future! __①__, 3D printing has become far
⑥________ ⑦________ ⑧________ ⑨________ ⑩________ cheaper over the last decade. Acquiring 3D-printed products no longer __②__. Furthermore,
the technology has become considerably more accurate __③__ recent years.
6. (A) capable (B) innovative (C) at the same time (D) unique (E) structure (F) that    One of the most major advances is that plastic is no longer the only usable __④__ for
(G) explored (H) route (I) with (J) reliable printing 3D objects. In 2011, a team of scientists from the University of Southampton in the
  Hobbies are an important part of everyday life. Specifically, hobbies provide people United Kingdom __⑤__ in flying the world’s first 3D-printed aircraft. The aircraft, which
with purpose and a daily __①__ that is unrelated to work or school. Independent hobbies are was small and unmanned, was mostly made of nylon*.
fun, but keep in mind that hobbies do not always need to be __②__ individually. They can be   Another advancement is the use of 3D printing to produce __⑥__ cheap housing. The
a __③__ to making new friends. Furthermore, couples can use hobbies as an __④__ way to goal is to __⑦__ homelessness in developing nations. What’s more, 3D printing is proving
strengthen their relationship. In this manner, some hobbies can serve as __⑤__ team- hugely __⑧__ to the world of medicine. The technology is being used to produce __⑨__
building exercises. body parts for people who require replacements.
  One hobby that can strengthen a relationship is traveling __⑥__ your partner. Visiting   Because of these rapid advancements, it is exciting to see what 3D printing will be
new places can provide __⑦__ experiences and therefore can be extremely exciting. __⑧__, __⑩__ of in the future. Maybe 3D-printed space travel is a genuine possibility; only time
travel can provide a couple with time away from the stresses of daily life. After returning will tell.
home from a spell of traveling, a couple will likely feel refreshed and filled with renewed 註:nylon 尼龍
positivity about both their relationship and the world around them. ①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ ⑤________ 
  Of course, hobbies __⑨__ of strengthening a relationship are not limited to travel alone. ⑥________ ⑦________ ⑧________ ⑨________ ⑩________ 
There are numerous other activities __⑩__ couples can enjoy together. Examples include
doing outdoor sports, going to concerts, and attending cooking classes, all of which can help 9. 作答時不需考慮大小寫
to keep a relationship fresh and positive. (A) for (B) at the same time (C) corporations (D) confined (E) of
①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ ⑤________  (F) for example (G) make a difference (H) employers (I) in fact (J) therefore
⑥________ ⑦________ ⑧________ ⑨________ ⑩________    What does a job mean to you? Some people work just to earn money. They spend the
money on themselves and never do anything kind __①__ other people. Others see a job as an
7. (A) conflict (B) furious (C) in (D) banishing (E) universe (F) victim (G) opportunity to give something back to society. Some owners of large __②__ do more than
humankind (H) civilization (I) on (J) slaughtered just make money. These __③__ wish to have a positive effect on society. They want to be
  Mount Olympus is known throughout the world. Reaching 2,917 meters above sea level __④__ assistance to people in need. __⑤__, they might set up an organization to help
at its highest peak, it is the highest mountain __①__ Greece. However, the main reason educate children or find a cure for a disease. __⑥__, they would also like to inspire their
Mount Olympus is so famous is that in Greek mythology*, it is the home of the Olympian employees to feel the spirit of sharing. Of course, not all acts of generosity* are __⑦__ to the
gods. From atop the mountain, these gods looked down over __②__. rich. However, rich people sometimes feel it is their duty to __⑧__ in society. __⑨__, some
  In the ancient Greek __③__, Mount Olympus came into existence after the of the richest people have been great role models. __⑩__, Bill Gates, one of the owners of
Titanomachy*. The Titanomachy was a war where the Olympians, led by Zeus, came into Microsoft, has spent much of his money trying to solve global problems. Would you do the
__④__ with the Titans, led by Cronus. After Zeus and the Olympians __⑤__ Cronus and same if you were him?
therefore won the war, they celebrated by creating their new home. The highest parts of the 註:generosity 慷慨
mountain were covered with clouds so they could not be seen by humans __⑥__ earth. ①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ ⑤________
Zeus’s royal seat was located inside a temple called the Pantheon; there, the gods made ⑥________ ⑦________ ⑧________ ⑨________ ⑩________
decisions regarding the fate of human __⑦__.
  Twelve Olympian gods lived on Mount Olympus until a(n) __⑧__ monster called 10. 作答時不需考慮大小寫
Typhon attacked them. Typhon succeeded in __⑨__ most of the gods from the mountain. (A) instead (B) trial and error (C) innovative (D) with (E) material
However, Zeus stayed to fight, and Typhon eventually fell __⑩__ to his lightning bolts*. As (F) explore (G) unique (H) at the same time (I) collaborate (J) for
punishment, Zeus sent the monster to a hell-like place called Tartarus.   STEAM education is a new approach for teachers when planning lessons. This __①__
註:mythology 神話 Titanomachy 泰坦之戰 lightning bolt 閃電 way of teaching allows students to learn to think more deeply by doing. Students can learn
①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ ⑤________  through __②__. The point is for students to discuss and __③__ different ways of doing
⑥________ ⑦________ ⑧________ ⑨________ ⑩________  things. Thus, they learn to __④__ to solve problems. Because each group is different, their
solutions will also be __⑤__.
8. 作答時不需考慮大小寫   The STEAM approach does not separate subjects like art and science as is traditional.
(A) in (B) reduce (C) artificial (D) first of all (E) material (F) relatively (G) __⑥__, they are combined so students can understand connections between subjects.
succeeded (H) capable (I) beneficial (J) costs an arm and a leg __⑦__, their thinking about topics can be deeper because it is less divided. Students who
  Since 2010, the technology of 3D printing has improved to such a degree that you’d be learn __⑧__ the STEAM approach can become successful leaders and thinkers in the future.
However, lessons like this are rare in Taiwanese schools. The reason __⑨__ this is the   These __⑩__ products that offer assistance to athletes in creative and brand-new ways
limited time that teachers have to plan lessons. STEAM requires more time for teachers to are just a few of many exciting examples of how 3D printing is changing the world. Thanks
organize the __⑩__ they are teaching. We should support our teachers and give them the to such products, there has never been a better time to be an athlete.
time and freedom that they need to improve students’ learning environment. ①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ ⑤________ 
①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ ⑤________ ⑥________ ⑦________ ⑧________ ⑨________ ⑩________ 
⑥________ ⑦________ ⑧________ ⑨________ ⑩________

11. 作答時不需考慮大小寫 七、篇章結構(4小題,每題0分,共0分)

(A) as a result of (B) known by (C) humankind (D) fell victim to (E) universe (F) 1. (A) However, this all changed one day when Mark came home from school crying.
distributed (G) conflict (H) at the same time (I) thus (J) generous (B) I felt shame and decided that I would change my behavior around Mark in the hope that
  Many ancient Greek myths* remain widely known today, particularly in the Western he would look up to me and not fear me.
world. __①__, many elements of ancient Greek stories can be seen in popular culture (C) Since that day, I have been a more responsible older brother.
throughout the ages. First, the Greek mythological __②__ was adopted by the culture of (D) My little brother, Mark, is five years younger than I.
ancient Rome. For example, the twelve Olympian Greek gods and goddesses are all also   I grew up with a younger sibling. __①__ Although we played together after school and
__③__ Roman names. Since then, __④__ has frequently used Greek myths as subjects for on weekends, we also argued a lot. I found him too childish at times, and he always tried to
art, poetry, movies, and literature*. take my toys and snacks. Sometimes, he angered me and we fought, which usually ended up
  A modern example is the 2004 movie Troy, which is about a(n) __⑤__ over a city of the with us both being scolded* by Mom. __②__ He said that an older kid had hit him during
same name. One of the movie’s main characters is the hero Achilles, whose name is in fact break time and called him mean names. Even though the teachers found out about the
used in modern biology. When Achilles was a baby, his __⑥__ mother dipped him into the bullying, the harm had already been done. Mark told me that he was afraid of going to school
magical river Styx while holding him by the heel. __⑦__ the water’s magical powers, the next day. I suddenly realized that whenever we argued, I might be doing the same damage
Achilles was almost impossible to kill. He could die only if he __⑧__ a mortal* wound in to my little brother. I didn’t want to become the bully whom Mark was afraid of. __③__ If he
his heel. __⑨__, Achilles is now the name given to the part of the human body just above the wanted to play with my toys, I would let him. I would also check up on him in the school
heel. playground during break time to make sure that the bully had not returned; he never did.
  Elements of Greek stories are even __⑩__ among items we use in our daily lives. For __④__ The best part is that Mark and I have become the best of friends and now enjoy doing
instance, a famous US sports clothing company took its name from Nike, the Greek goddess everything together!
of victory. 註:scold 責罵
註:myth 神話 literature 文學 mortal 致命的 ①________ ②________ ③________ ④________
①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ ⑤________ 
⑥________ ⑦________ ⑧________ ⑨________ ⑩________  2. (A) People who enjoy basketball, for example, need to be healthy enough to move quickly
and jump frequently.
12. 作答時不需考慮大小寫 (B) However, young children and students may have more time to spend playing sports
(A) of (B) artificial (C) structure (D) innovative (E) suffered (F) unique (G) during the day, because schools have breaks between classes.
capable of (H) reduce (I) in (J) succeeded in (C) Therefore, this sport may not be suitable for the elderly, who often have weaker joints.
  3D printing is proving to have many benefits in the world of sport. Today, we are going (D) Those who want to build up their muscles can go to the gym to lift weights, while those
to look at a few examples of __①__ products that are special and are going to help improve who want to become faster can practice running on a track.
performance for sportsmen and sportswomen worldwide.   In today’s global society, there are a wide variety of sports available to anybody who is
  ․__②__ Leg for a Cyclist interested in becoming more active. __①__ However, for one to find the right sport, he or
A one-legged German cyclist named Denise Schindler is hoping to become the first woman she must also pay attention to his or her physical condition, as well as his or her personality.
with a man-made limb to compete at the Olympics held __③__ Tokyo in 2020. The fake leg __②__ This kind of sport presents a greater risk of injury because many people are running
in question was printed in a period __④__ five days. in different directions and may accidentally hurt each other. __③__ They might enjoy calmer
  ․3D-Printed Race Car activities, such as Tai Chi, which poses less of a health risk. Tai Chi also offers one the
A team of engineers from Belgium has __⑤__ printing an entire car called the Areion. The opportunity to practice either in groups or alone. This can give a person more freedom to
car is similar in __⑥__ to an F1 race car. It is __⑦__ reaching a speed of 140 kilometers per choose his or her own style of Tai Chi, according to his or her personality, because not
hour. everyone likes playing team sports or being in large groups. Age is also an important factor to
  ․Masks for Football Players consider for those who are deciding which activity to pursue. If a middle-aged person has a
A company in London has developed 3D-printing technology that can produce a mask to fit busy job that does not give him or her much free time, he or she might want to find a sport
the face of an individual who has __⑧__ a facial injury such as a broken nose. These masks that can be played for short periods at night, or even indoors. __④__ Have you thought about
could __⑨__ the amount of recovery time a player requires before returning to action.
which sport would be best for your situation? learning about the different styles of play, so they may be more open-minded and more
①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ willing to try new strategies.
①________ ②________ ③________ ④________
3. (A) His bike had begun to shake and make strange noises.
(B) My team welcomed me at the finish line and celebrated my good deed.
(C) I will never forget one race in France two years ago; my cycling team was confident 八、閱讀測驗(3小題,每題0分,共0分)
about winning the event. 1.   When a child becomes seriously ill, he or she might have to travel a long distance to
(D) However, I felt that it was my duty to help him. receive medical treatment. Sometimes, such treatment can last for weeks or months, which
  I am a professional cyclist, and there is nothing I enjoy more than winning a big race. means families must look for a place to stay in, so they can be near their sick child.
However, some of my most memorable racing moments have not come from victories. Without anyone there to offer support, the search can be difficult.
__①__ We had trained for months for that moment, and I was in the best physical condition   To help ease the burden on such families, Ronald McDonald House Charities provide
of my life. Halfway through the race, my group broke away from the main group of cyclists. places for families to live in with their children who are in need of medical care. Each
We rode and rode, and although my legs felt like they were burning, I was excited. We were House offers home-cooked meals, private bedrooms, and playrooms for children at little or
charging down a mountain pass when I noticed that something was wrong with the cyclist no extra cost. Currently, there are more than 360 Houses around the world, and they’re all
ahead of me. __②__ Suddenly, his back tire popped and he fell off his bike sideways. He fell located near medical facilities*. By staying at a Ronald McDonald House, parents can be
onto the road and was injured badly. The other cyclists did not stop. __③__ I stopped my near their children, and they won’t have to worry about cleaning or cooking.
bike, ran over, and helped the cyclist to the side of the road. “What are you doing?” he asked.   For a sick child, the love and support of his or her family is just as important as any
“Get back on your bike; you’re losing to the others!” I told him that his life was more medicine a doctor can give him or her. By enabling parents to better care for their children,
important than the race and that I’d stay for a few minutes to make sure the medical workers Ronald McDonald House Charities give those children a fighting chance.
could find him. They arrived within five minutes and took the cyclist off the road to prevent 註:facility 設施 
him from being hit by other athletes or vehicles. I jumped back on my bike and rode as fast as (  )(1) What is the passage mainly about? (A) How Ronald McDonald House
I could, but I could not catch up with the leaders in time. Our team ended up in third place. At
Charities are run. (B) Where Ronald McDonald House Charities are
first, I felt ashamed for having let them down. However, when I crossed the finish line, I saw
located. (C) What functions Ronald McDonald House Charities have. (D)
the injured cyclist on the news on a nearby TV screen. He had called me the hero of the race!
When Ronald McDonald House Charities were established. 
__④__ “We can always win next time,” they told me. Sometimes, winning is not everything!
①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ (  )(2) Which of the following is NOT true about Ronald McDonald House
Charities? (A) They only offer housing to poor families. (B) They
4. (A) Younger players, on the other hand, may rely more on their intuition, since they may not provide various services at little or no cost. (C) There are over 360 of these
have as much knowledge about the game. houses all over the world. (D) All their houses are close to medical
(B) On the other hand, intuitive players are harder to predict, as they often make unexpected facilities. 
moves. (  )(3) Where does this passage most likely appear? (A) In a history textbook. 
(C) Chess is a miniature battle, a game in which the players take turns making their moves, (B) In a fashion magazine. (C) On a business website. (D) In a scientific
and they also compete using different strategies in order to trap the opposing “king.” research paper. 
(D) Intuitive players, however, may have trouble if they become too confident, as they may
fall into the traps of more experienced players who have several plans in their mind. 2.   A few years ago, my wife and I were at home when we heard a terrible sound coming
  Chess is an exciting game with an ancient history. The pieces on a chessboard include from our one-year-old son’s bedroom. It was the sound of a baby coughing and struggling
horses (representing knights or soldiers) and bishops, the king and queen, and the pawns. to breathe. I quickly went into his bedroom, picked him up, and tried to calm him down.
__①__ There are a wide variety of strategies in chess, but the most interesting are the After about a minute, he was still having difficulty breathing. In a panic, my wife and I got
“technical” and “intuitive” ones. Technical players often know the strategies and theories of into the car with our son and drove to the hospital.
chess very well. They like to put their pieces in the best combination of positions so that they   During that drive, we broke a few traffic laws. My wife, who was sitting in the front,
can trap their opponents. Technical players often do not like to be caught off guard and may held our son in her arms instead of securing him in the child’s seat in the back. In addition,
sometimes even give up some pieces in order to maintain their preferred position. They can I exceeded the speed limit. Such actions are illegal, even in the event of a life-or-death
be quite difficult to play against, because of their broad knowledge of chess strategies and emergency. However, to obey the law in that situation would have made me a bad father. I
rules. __②__ They might not have the best knowledge of the chess theories, but they make could have told my wife to put our son in the child’s seat in the back instead of holding
up for this weakness through a good understanding of their pieces and opponents. __③__ him and comforting him. I could have obeyed the speed limit, too, but doing these things
The type of chess player you are might depend on your age. Older chess players often have would have been wrong. Thankfully, the doctor at the hospital said our son’s condition
more knowledge of the game and have more experience facing different types of opponents. wasn’t serious, but that scary experience reminded me that sometimes, it’s necessary to
Therefore, older players may be more technical. __④__ Younger players are also still break the rules. 
(  )(1) What was the author’s purpose in writing this passage? (A) To describe 九、混合題(素養題)(3小題,每題0分,共0分)
first-aid procedures. (B) To boast about his heroic deed. (C) To argue in
favor of some necessary evils. (D) To explain basic traffic rules.  1.
(  )(2) According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?  Dear Sir/Madam,
(A) The speaker’s son couldn’t breathe well. (B) The speaker didn’t regret   Unfamiliar sights and new routines at the hospital can stress children out, but
breaking the rules. (C) The speaker’s wife put their son in the back seat.  reading is something that can help. Therefore, even at the hospital, we recommend*
(D) The speaker and his wife rushed their son to the hospital.  that you spend time reading together with your child.
  For young children, you might read Jessica’s X-Ray, which teaches children
(  )(3) What can we infer about the author from the passage? (A) He lost his son. what an X-ray is. Also, you should choose illustrated* books that introduce the
(B) He is a loving father. (C) He got a speeding ticket. (D) He was an hospital environment, a doctor’s role, hospital equipment, etc. Your child will be
ambulance driver.  more familiar with things to come. Lastly, your child may also enjoy books that
have nothing to do with hospitals at all! They are a great distraction from the
3.   Clowns are often found at fun, child-friendly gatherings like birthday parties and hospital experience.
circuses. However, for some people, clowns are just plain scary to look at. In fact,   If you cannot be with your child very often, we have many volunteers at Smore
whenever I see a clown, I begin to panic. Instead of bringing me laughter, the painted-on Hospital who can read to your child in your absence. Moreover, if you need books
smile and the round, shiny nose of a clown make me suspicious* of the clown’s true about hospitals, my colleagues* and I will be happy to help.
intentions. In addition, clowns can be unpredictable, and this also makes me feel nervous. Sincerely,
Is the clown going to give me a flower or spray water at me? Susie Hauser
  The fear of clowns, which stems from not knowing what’s going on in the minds of Manager, Smore Hospital
the people behind the face paint, has been explored in a number of “evil clown” movies,
including Joker (2019), It (2017), and the 1988 science-fiction horror comedy Killer 註:recommend 推薦 illustrated 有插圖的 colleague 同事
Klowns From Outer Space. (1) What is the purpose of this letter?
  Another theory behind why some people fear clowns is that clowns have a long (A) To teach children who are ill about hospitals.
history of being seen as untrustworthy*. During the Middle Ages, clowns, also known as (B) To tell the story of a volunteer who reads to children.
court jesters, had the job of making fun of kings and nobles*. The jester was the only (C) To offer some guidance to parents whose children are sick.
person allowed to disrespect the king without being punished for it. This gave the clown a (D) To inform parents about some common childhood diseases.
certain power but also removed him from normal society. (2) What does “They” in the second paragraph refer to?
  In the early 19th century, the white-faced, child-friendly circus clowns that we know (A) Books that show pretty pictures.
today began to gain popularity. However, as popular culture in the 20th and 21st centuries (B) Books that teach children about their illnesses.
has shown us, the old image of clowns as untrustworthy, naughty individuals never went (C) Books that introduce the hospital environment.
away. (D) Books that are not about doctors and hospitals.
註:suspicious 懷疑的 untrustworthy 不可靠的 noble 貴族 
(3) 請根據信件內容,從中選出兩個單詞(word),填入下列段落的空格,並視語法
(  )(1) What is the best title for this passage? (A) Clowns in Circuses (B) Fear 需要作適當的字形變化,使句子語意完整、語法正確,且符合全文文意。
of Clowns (C) Scary Clowns in Films (D) Clowns: Heroes Who   This is a letter from Susie Hauser, the manager of Smore Hospital. In the letter,
Challenge Authority  she suggests ①____________ some books for children at the hospital and their parents
(  )(2) What is the first paragraph mainly about? (A) The different types of to read together. In addition, she assures parents that if they are often ②____________,
clowns. (B) The author’s personal thoughts about clowns. (C) The reason volunteers at the hospital will read with their children.
why people find clowns frightening. (D) The reason why clowns are
popular in circuses. 
(  )(3) According to the passage, what is explored in some “evil clown” movies? 
(A) The history of clowns. (B) The origin of clowns. (C) The fear of
clowns. (D) The popularity of clowns. 
(  )(4) What made clowns different from other people during the Middle Ages? 
(A) They always wore painted-on smiles. (B) They had round, shiny noses.
(C) They could mock the king and nobles. (D) They brought laughter to the
2. Dear Bopsy,
3. Currently, Mercy Hospital has job openings for a nursing support worker and a speech and
It’s been two years since you left me. I know it was never an easy task for a young boy like language therapy support worker. Read the job descriptions below and answer the questions.
you to fight leukemia*. However, you never complained about the pain, and you always Nursing Support Worker
stayed positive in spite of your illness. You are my true hero! Nursing support workers work closely with registered nurses to care for
sick and injured people of all ages.
Toward the end, I always thought about how to make your last days count. I’m so glad I 1. Main duties:
found some people who were willing to fulfill your wishes. The Make-A-Wish Foundation • monitoring patients’ health
helped me to raise funds to organize a trip to Disneyland and ride in a hot-air balloon. I will • updating patient records
never forget your cheerful smile when you met the cartoon characters at Disneyland. I also • helping patients to dress, go to the toilet, and take showers
loved when the Phoenix Fire Department crew made you a fireman suit and took you for a • serving food to patients and helping them to eat it
ride in their fire truck, for you had always wanted to become a firefighter. • keeping supplies and equipment in order
2. Whom you’ll work with:
I often think of one moment a few weeks before you passed away. You knew I was upset • nurses
about your condition, so you said something to comfort me. You said you would always be • caregivers
my guardian angel and that you would take care of me. I believe you will, and I’ll never • doctors
forget about you. You remain alive in my mind.

Your Loving Mom Speech and Language Therapy Support Worker
註:leukemia 白血病  (1) 
(1) According to this letter, which of the following statements is NOT true? 1. Main duties:
(A) Bopsy was thoughtful and optimistic. • assisting and reassuring patients with their speaking
(B) Bopsy was diagnosed with leukemia. • preparing therapy rooms and equipment
(C) Many people helped to realize Bopsy’s dreams. • supporting patients and helping to develop their communication skills
(D) Bopsy’s mother spent all her money on their trip to Disneyland. • updating patient records and booking appointments
2. Whom you’ll work with:
(2) Which of the following best describes the author’s tone in the second paragraph? • speech and language therapists
(A) Frustrated. • teachers
(B) Objective. • doctors
(C) Grateful. • nurses
(D) Doubtful. • psychologists
(3) Fill in the blanks with information contained in the letter. (1) There is a missing piece of information in the second job description. Which of the
Bopsy’s Wishes Organization/People That Helped following best describes the job of a speech and language therapy support worker and
①____________ Make-A-Wish Foundation could fill the blank?
(A) Speech and language therapy support workers give professional advice to people
a ride in a hot-air balloon ②____________ with speech problems.
becoming a firefighter ③____________ (B) Speech and language therapy support workers help care for people with speech and
communication difficulties.
(C) Speech and language therapy support workers help determine what has caused
patients’ illnesses.
(D) Speech and language therapy support workers help care for mothers and their
babies during and after childbirth.
(2) Which of the following statements about nursing support workers and speech and
language therapy support workers is NOT true?
(A) They both are responsible for equipment.
(B) They both update patient records.
(C) They both interact with patients.
(D) They both assist patients with everyday activities.
(3) Both nursing support workers and speech and language therapy support workers have
to work with ①____________ and ②____________.

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