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Friday, 2nd June ’23

9:00 pm
Dear diary,
Recently, I visited the Qutb Minar, which is a historical landmark
located in the Qutb complex in Mehruali, New Delhi. It is a massive
tower that is the tallest in all of Delhi; it has also endured numerous
catastrophic natural disasters and wars. It is a popular tourist and
holiday destination. The Qutb Minar complex is famous for its
collection of mosques, minars, and other monuments that stand as an
evidence to Islamic dynasties' architectural and creative
achievements. The Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque, located to the north-
east of the Minar, is one of numerous historically significant
monuments of the Qutb complex. In 1199 A.D., Qutub ud-Din Aibak,
Mohammed of Ghor's deputy constructed the Qutb Minar and the
Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque. Many interesting and surprising elements
fascinated me such as the 2,000-year-old iron pillar in the complex
that hasn’t rusted in over two centuries and the floors on the top
which are quite distinguishable from the rest of the Minar as they are
made up of white marble. It was a nice vacation; we also toured other
monuments and had a great time visiting the Qutb Minar. Now I must
pen off since I have to sleep.

Goodnight diary,

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