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Vocabulary Worksheet

Write the opposite of each word shown.

calm lost

past fill

debt comply

surrender inattentive

middle subtraction

external flawed

clumsily efficient

different come

destroy subject

humility feeble

healthy skillfully identical treasure oppose addition

inefficient object protective arrogance ideal instant
fought withdraw compose located internal margin
excavate tremble

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Vocabulary Worksheet

Write the opposite of each word shown.

tremble calm located lost

instant past excavate fill

treasure debt oppose comply

fought surrender protective inattentive

margin middle addition subtraction

internal external ideal flawed

skillfully clumsily inefficient efficient

identical different withdraw come

compose destroy object subject

arrogance humility healthy feeble

healthy skillfully identical treasure oppose addition

inefficient object protective arrogance ideal instant
fought withdraw compose located internal margin
excavate tremble

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Vocabulary Worksheet

Write the opposite of each word shown.

approve overlook

behavior join

hide dissuade

valley cowardice

opening imprecise

humble unfaithful

rest same

broken ill-mannered

unaccountable backward

disloyal waste

exact forward fidget loyal faithful

barrier civil inform preserve assorted
mischief magnificent bravery retire expect
responsible disapprove mountain affect constant

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Vocabulary Worksheet

Write the opposite of each word shown.

disapprove approve expect overlook

mischief behavior retire join

inform hide affect dissuade

mountain valley bravery cowardice

barrier opening exact imprecise

magnificent humble loyal unfaithful

fidget rest assorted same

constant broken civil ill-mannered

responsible unaccountable forward backward

faithful disloyal preserve waste

exact forward fidget loyal faithful

barrier civil inform preserve assorted
mischief magnificent bravery retire expect
responsible disapprove mountain affect constant

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Vocabulary Worksheet

Write the opposite of each word shown.

discourage conceal

create neglect

bright formal

disregard superior

conceal keep

disagreeable conclusion

inferior depart

unequal commonplace

correction continuation

minor face

impressive origin informal superior arrive major

duplicate detect misty reassure barter avoid
eliminate convey assume motive inferior fault
pause pleasant

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Vocabulary Worksheet

Write the opposite of each word shown.

reassure discourage convey conceal

eliminate create motive neglect

misty bright informal formal

assume disregard inferior superior

detect conceal barter keep

pleasant disagreeable origin conclusion

superior inferior arrive depart

duplicate unequal impressive commonplace

fault correction pause continuation

major minor avoid face

impressive origin informal superior arrive major

duplicate detect misty reassure barter avoid
eliminate convey assume motive inferior fault
pause pleasant

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Vocabulary Worksheet

Write the opposite of each word shown.

modern peace

remain present

insignificant connected

horizontal abnormal

usual specific

unbelievable even

imprecise blame

disregard eligible

unhealthy approve

lacking harmony

prosperous cancel issue absent general

vertical particular attention imaginable ineligible
pardon crisis nutritious separate historical
accurate natural frayed considerable migrate

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Vocabulary Worksheet

Write the opposite of each word shown.

historical modern crisis peace

migrate remain absent present

considerable insignificant separate connected

vertical horizontal natural abnormal

particular usual general specific

imaginable unbelievable frayed even

accurate imprecise pardon blame

attention disregard ineligible eligible

nutritious unhealthy cancel approve

prosperous lacking issue harmony

prosperous cancel issue absent general

vertical particular attention imaginable ineligible
pardon crisis nutritious separate historical
accurate natural frayed considerable migrate

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Vocabulary Worksheet

Write the opposite of each word shown.

insufficient rest

withhold thankless

abridge familiar

question truth

improper increase

block overlook

few wetland

past idleness

comfort praise

distrust definite

unfamiliar numerous plentiful current

extend progress indefinite desert
exasperate unrest expectation grateful
endurance legend instruction communicate
inspect reduction grumble suitable

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

Vocabulary Worksheet

Write the opposite of each word shown.

plentiful insufficient unrest rest

communicate withhold grateful thankless

extend abridge unfamiliar familiar

instruction question legend truth

suitable improper reduction increase

progress block inspect overlook

numerous few desert wetland

current past endurance idleness

exasperate comfort grumble praise

expectation distrust indefinite definite

unfamiliar numerous plentiful current

extend progress indefinite desert
exasperate unrest expectation grateful
endurance legend instruction communicate
inspect reduction grumble suitable

Reading & Math for K-5 ©

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