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It was her first year of high school.

Sarah was struggling to find friends at

her new school. Little did she knew, a group of rebellious and famous for being
problematic delinquent students had eyes on her because she had the potential
of being one of their members. Sarah had the looks and she was an easy
pushover for the group. Unfortunately, she had to prove herself worthy to join
the group by doing a lot of bad things. She had accomplished all of her tasks
except one. She decided to complete her final task after school.
When the last bell rang, she waited until the school was finally deserted
before she went into the restroom. Locking the door behind her, she set up her
phone to record a video of herself smoking as an evidence for her to show the
group. As she lighted the cigarette, she hesitated for a moment. “If I don’t do
this, they would not accept me as one of their members and I will end up lonely
again like I always did. But if I do, I will have to bend my morals,” she said to
herself. Then, out of a sudden, her phone rang, and she accidentally threw the
lighted cigarette into a bin full of tissues because she was panicked. She
answered the phone call which was from her mother asking for her whereabouts
without realising that she had started a fire inside the restroom.
She ended the call after she smelled something burning. As she turned
around, she gasped when she saw the fire spreading rapidly. Out of fear getting
caught, she ran away as fast as she could to escape from the scene. On her way,
she bumped into a boy named John B whom she had a crush on. He just got
back from detention for causing a lot of troubles in the whole week. He realised
that the girl was Sarah and wondered why she was running away. Curious, he
tried to find out where she was coming from. Turned out, there was smoke
coming out from the girls’ restroom. He took off his shirt immediately and
soaked it with water before using it to put out the fire.
The next morning, Sarah was on her way to her locker when she heard
that John B was getting called to the principle’s office. She felt sick to the
stomach for getting her crush in trouble. Sarah immediately went to the
principle’s office. She paced outside the office and after a couple of minutes,
she tried to get in, but the door was locked. She knocked and a teacher answered
the door. “It was me,” she told the teacher. But the teacher did not believe her as
they had the evidence of John B recorded in the CCTV where he tried to put out
the fire. She was devastated before realising that she too had an evidence of
herself smoking in her phone. She showed the footage to the teacher and he
finally let her in.
She explained everything and as a punishment, she got suspended for a
month. She let out a breath of relief after she realised that she righted the wrong
she had done. One thing that she realised the most is that she does not need to
change herself for being accepted and decided to stop being friends with the
group of the delinquent students. Meanwhile, John B helped Sarah with notes
that she had missed out during that one month. He asked for notes from Sarah’s
classmates and sent them to her home. Sarah asked John B why he helped her
even though she almost got him into trouble to which John B replied, “Because
I like you.”

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