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1. Differentiate continuous and discontinuous development.

- According to proponents of the continuity viewpoint, development is a

continuous, gradual, and cumulative process. A child, for example, learns to crawl, then
stand, and finally walk. They're learning to walk one step at a time. It's like hiking up a
mountain path: a slow, steady ascent that leads to the summit.
On the other hand, in discontinuous development some believe that it's divided
into stages. According to the discontinuity theory of development, people go through
stages of life that are qualitatively different from one another. Children, for example,
progress from being able to think only in very literal terms to being able to think
abstractly. They've entered the 'abstract thinking' stage of their lives. As you might
expect, discontinuous development is akin to climbing a set of stairs: a series of stages
or steps that lead to the summit.
2. Describe microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem and macrosystem.
- In microsystem, is the direct environment we have in our lives. Our micro system
contains members of your family, friends, coworkers, professors, and neighbors. The
micro system is where our social interactions with these social agents takes place. In
accordance with this view, we are not merely passive beneficiaries of the experiences
we have in the micro system environment when we interact with these people.

- In mesosystem being an individual, we are part of a larger system, which includes

relationships between the microsystems our your life. This implies that our home life
and school life are likely intertwined. If a child is neglected by his parents, he/she will be
less likely to develop good feelings towards his teachers or older persons. Aside from
that, this child may feel uncomfortable with his or her peers and withdraw from them as
a result.

- When a person has no active participation in the context, there is a link between the
context and the context in which they participate actively. This is the exosystem. Let's
say a child favors his father above his mother. If the father is away for several months
on business, there may be tension in the social relationship between the mother and
the child. On the other hand, this situation may strengthen the tie between the mother
and the child.

- An individual's culture is the macrosystem setting. Socioeconomic status, ethnicity or

race, and living in a poor country or a third world country are all cultural settings. Being
born into a low-income family, on the other hand, forces one to put forth more effort
every day.

3. Pick 3 theories of development and describe them each.

- Psychosexual development is a central element of the psychoanalytic sexual drive theory. Freud
believed that personality developed through a series of childhood stages in which pleasure-
seeking energies from the id became focused on certain erogenous areas.
- Psychosocial theories address patterned changes in ego development, including self-
understanding, identity formation, social relationships, and worldview across the life span.
According to the psychosocial theories, development is a product of the ongoing interactions
between individuals and their social environments.

- Behavioral theory seeks to explain human behavior by analyzing the antecedents and
consequences present in the individual's environment and the learned associations he or she
has acquired through previous experience. This entry describes the various traditions within the
behavioral perspective (classical conditioning, operant conditioning, cognitively mediated
behavioral theory, and functional contextualism) and the clinical applications that are derived
from them. Common criticisms are discussed in light of the ongoing evolution of behavioral
theory and the fit of its tenets with the field of social work.

4. From the major periods of human development, what is most significant to you or what period
had a huge impact that shaped the person you are now? And why?
- For me the most impactful period of human development is during my adolescence year, as
during these years I’ve discovered who really I am. I discovered things about myself such as new
talents and skills. I also learned a lot about life, and these things helped me a lot to grow more
as a better person.

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