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9/6/23, 11:41 AM proyectos - Base-Rover configuration

In this mode, is necessary to use to 2 u-blox. One of the ublox will be like a gps base ("base") and it is fix in a
position, it will send the correction. The other one will be in the robot ("rover") and it recives the correction
from the base and sents to the robot system.


In this mode, the gps will get the correction from a base ublox. To configurate the ODIN module in link mode,
need use a windows OS and Putty software. Follow the next steps:

Falta información de como debería estar el jumper aquí.

1. Configurate the Zed to get correction using IP2 communication between Zed and ODIN:

1. Find the COM port where the ZED is connected, to do it, use the Windows' Device manager to known
the COM port. In the Windows' Device Manager will be 3 ports: "C0999 application board, ODIN",
"C0999 application board, ZED-F9P" and "USB serial device". Use the last one.

2. Download the "F9P Rover config C99 - I2C.txt" file.

3. Open u-Center.

1. Choose the port in the select of connect.

4. From the menu, go to "View" -> "Generation 9 Configuration View".

5. In the "u-blox Generation 9 Advanced Configuration View windows", in the left select "Advanced

1. Click "Load from file..." button and choose the "F9P Rover config C99 - I2C.txt" file.

6. Click "Send config changes" button.

2. Configurate the ODIN to get correction from base ublox (sta mode):

1. Remove the ODIN's jumper

2. Reset the configuration of ODIN:

Press the "RESET" button, then "ODIN SWITCH 0" button during 20 seconds. Wait for 10 senconds
to push "RESET" button. The ODIN's LED will be green.

3. Find the COM port where the ODIN is connected, to do it, use the Windows' Device manager to
known the COM port. In the Windows' Device Manager will be 3 ports: "C0999 application board,
ODIN", "C0999 application board, ZED-F9P" and "USB serial device". Use the fist one.

4 Connect to ODIN using Putty software before make sure you close the U center software to close the… 1/7
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4. Connect to ODIN using Putty software, before, make sure you close the U-center software to close the
serial connection with the GPS device. Use the next configuration in the option "Serial":

Serial line to connect to: Use the COM got in the step 3.

Speed (baud): 460800

Data bits: 8

Stop bits: 1

Parity: None

Row control: None

5. When start the connection using Putty, press the key "Enter". The Putty's console shoulds show "
[INFO] Waiting for user input", else close putty software and return to step 2.

6. Input the command: /mem_store/run wifi_sta

7. Input the command: /mem_store/run rover

1. Put the ODIN's jumpor in 30E position (3rd position).

2. Push "RESET" button.

3. The ODIN's LED will be in yellow color when Ublox is connected with the base.


In this mode, the ublox will be in a fix position and it will send a correction to rover. To configurate the ODIN
module in link mode, need use a windows OS and Putty software. Follow the next steps:

1. Configurate the ODIN to publish correction to rover ublox (ap mode):

1. Remove the ODIN's jumper

2. Reset the configuration of ODIN:

Press the "RESET" button and "ODIN SWITCH 0" button during 20 seconds and wait for 10
senconds to push "RESET" button. The ODIN's LED will be green.

3. Find the COM port where the ODIN is connected, to do it, use the Windows' Device manager to
known the COM port. In the Windows' Device Manager will be 3 ports: "C0999 application board,
ODIN", "C0999 application board, ZED-F9P" and "USB serial device". Use the fist one.

4. Connect to ODIN using Putty software, use the next configuration in the option "Serial":

Serial line to connect to: Use the COM got in the step 3.

Speed (baud): 460800

Data bits: 8

Stop bits: 1

Parity: None

Row control: None

5. When start the connection using Putty, press the key "Enter". The Putty's console shoulds show "
[INFO] Waiting for user input", else close putty software and return to step 2.

6. Input the command: /mem_store/run wifi_ap… 2/7
9/6/23, 11:41 AM proyectos - Base-Rover configuration

7. Input the command: /mem_store/run base

1. Put the ODIN's jumpoer in 30E position.

2. Push "RESET" button.

3. The ODIN's LED will be in blink violet color when Ublox is connected with the rover.

2. Configurate the Zed to publish correction using IP2 communication between Zed and ODIN:

1. Find the COM port where the ODIN is connected, to do it, use the Windows' Device manager to
known the COM port. In the Windows' Device Manager will be 3 ports: "C0999 application board,
ODIN", "C0999 application board, ZED-F9P" and "USB serial device". Use the last one.

2. Download the "F9P Base config C99 - I2C.txt" file.

3. Open u-Center.

1. Choose the port in the select of connect.

4. From the menu, go to "View" -> "Generation 9 Configuration View".

5. In the "u-blox Generation 9 Advanced Configuration View windows", in the left select "Advanced

1. Click "Load from file..." button and choose the "F9P Base config C99 - I2C.txt" file.

6. Click "Send config changes" button.

3. Configurate the fix position:

1. Find the COM port where the ODIN is connected, to do it, use the Windows' Device manager to
known the COM port. In the Windows' Device Manager will be 3 ports: "C0999 application board,
ODIN", "C0999 application board, ZED-F9P" and "USB serial device". Use the last one.

1. Open u-Center.

2. Choose the port in the select of connect.

3. Open "Messages -NMEA"

4. Navigate to option: "UBX"->"CFG (Config)"->"TMODE3 (Time Mode 3)"

5. Change to mode "1- Suvery-in":

Minimum Observation Time: 1800 (The position is better the longer you wait)

Requiered Position Accurracy: 0.75 (if the position of the base is near to a obstacle) | 0.5 (if the
position of the base has not obstacles near)

6. Click the button "Send".

7. Wait for get a good position of the base gps, the process takes as long as indicated in "Minimum
Observaction Time":

Check the proccess in the option: "UBX"->"NAV (Navigation)"->"SVIN (Survey-in)".

When the base is getting the fix position, the Status is in "In proccess", refresh the information,
to do it, push the button "Poll". When the base finish with the proccess, the "Status" is in
"Success", you should write down the values "Mean ECEF X", "Mean ECEF Y", "Mean ECEF Z"
and "Mean 3D StdDev".… 3/7
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1. Navigate to option: "UBX"->"CFG (Config)"->"TMODE3 (Time Mode 3)"

2. Change to mode "2- Fixed Mode", fill the next values using the data obtained in the previous step:

X: "Mean ECEF X"

Y: "Mean ECEF Y"

Z: "Mean ECEF Y"

"Accuracy": "Mean ECEF Z" and "Mean 3D StdDev"

2. Push Send

3. Close the windows, and in the dialog asks for you if you want to save the configuration, push yes, and in
the next windows push in "send".… 4/7
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Robotnik Automation SLL… 7/7

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