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Some people are born to be leaders, while others believe leadership can be
learnt. Discuss both views and give opinion.
Body 1
+ some individuals are born with certain qualities of a good leader
(bravery, strategic intelligence and self-confidence)
passed down along a long lineage of successful leaders from one generation to the
+ some leaders possess a certain charisma
no charisma -> fail to inspire passion and energy in others -> hard to build up an
effective working atmosphere-> low productivity.
Body 2
+ a disciplined environment (training, practice and hands-on experience over time)
Fx: numerous reputed educational institutions - leadership programs -> effective
+ the credibility (enormous effort + time)
lack it -> a leader’s capability may be questioned -> people are unlikely to heed
the leader’s direction.

Competitiveness is a positive quality for people in most societies. How does
competitiveness affect individuals?
Is it a positive or negative trend?

Body 1 Topic sentence: Competitiveness can bring some negative effects to

+ a highly competitive person -  conceited and self-absorbed.
-> unwilling to compromise when a conflict occurs -> their relationships with the
people around them suffer -> isolate them from others.
+ an intense level of competition in a company -> an unhealthy work environment.
not promote productivity + make some workers feel uncomfortable working
together -> leaving the organization in search of a better workplace.

Body 2 Topic sentence: Nevertheless, being competitive can be a positive

attribute in many other instances.
+ competitive people strive to be better than other people + persevere until
they achieve their goals.
Eg. a sense of rivalry -> boost a student’s study performance -> ensure their
success in the future.
+ people with a competitive personality - resilient and unlikely to give up when
faced with setbacks.
competing against themselves + putting themselves in a state of constant learning-
> achieve better results.

Some people think that the main factors influencing a child’s development these
days are things such as television, friends, and music. Others believe that the
family still remains more important.
Discuss both opinions and give your opinion.
Body 1 On the one hand, there are some reasons why some people think some
factors such as television, friends, and music have more influence on children.
+ easily get access to public websites or social networking sites
a number of videos or songs or even short films -> watch and imitate the characters
+ friends
share the same personalities, interest or concept -> thoughts or manners affected
Body 2 On the other hand, others are of opinion that family exerts the greatest
influence on children because of several reasons.
+ the formation of a child's personality is mostly based on the family
taught the basis values such as etiquettes, code of ethics -> behave properly when
communicating with others
+ children spend a huge amount of time being with parents at home -> witness
Eg. family traditions and religious rituals

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