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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Philippines


Academic Year 2021-2022

Program/Major MST/MAED
Course Code EDU 201

Choose 5 only. Explain substantially. (20 pts. each)

1. What is the distinction between philosophy and education?

Philosophy focuses on the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and

existence. while in Education, focuses in the transmission of knowledge from one
person to another. Philosophy is from the word love of wisdom, the knowledge that
you acquired from learning and the sound action or decision that you do and with
regards to the knowledge, the application of experience and a good judgement. Your
wisdom is transmitted from one another through education. The combination of the
two makes the word Philosophy of Education now philosophy of education is the
branch of applied philosophy that investigates the nature of as well as its problem. It
is important to study philosophy so that we have the knowledge and how we apply
it throughout our life. And likewise, Education is very important aspect of our life
we are learning from different aspects not only in the classroom but also from the
outside. As we educators are the providers of knowledge and that knowledge is the

2. Compare and contrast the curriculum of Essentialism and Progressivism.

Essentialism is a teacher-centered meaning the teacher should follow by the

students. He is the one discussing the lesson throughout the discussion. The role of
the students is just to listen to the teacher and ask questions if he needs clarification.
It is also a considered as conservative theory, as a teacher you are a supervisor of the
class. While in progressivism is a student-centered meaning the teacher only the
facilitator in the class, just see to it that the students participate and doing their parts.
Students are also liberal they can to what they want the style of learning they want.
The students’ needs to exhibits the learning. Also, it is a collaborative learning a joint
intellectual effort of the students or students and teachers together. Progressivism is
acknowledging the students in the learning process. While essentialism is strict to
what the teacher’s want and it may be boring to the students. Essentialism is also
known for going back to basics and also stresses the basic academic skills. While
both of these want the students to succeed, they are just going in different ways to
accomplish. The educational system in the Philippines is now adopting the
progressivism curriculum giving the students the liberal way of education.

3. Why are the following aspects important in Philosophy of Education? Explain


a. Contextualization is a promising process for developing and adapting

curricula to meet the needs of students and the context, while not ignoring the
curricula's main features and characteristics but rather transforming them into
something understandable. The teacher must identify aspects of the students'
experiences that will provide a valuable resource of basic concepts, metaphors, and
analogies to which the curriculum content can be related.

b. Strategic thinking skills in teaching and learning are any abilities that enable
instructional leaders to use critical thinking to solve complex problems related to
teaching delivery and plan for effective future teaching and learning outcomes.
Strategic thinking, in its most basic form, is the ability to plan. It is the ability to plan
strategies and generate ideas to deal with changing environments while also
considering the various challenges that lie ahead. Strategic thinking is a planning
process that combines innovation, strategic planning, and operational planning to
create more successful business strategies.

c. Spiritually is also important in philosophy of education because it provides

students with opportunities to reflect on the human condition, consider their
potential roles in many and diverse communities and the world, and acknowledge
the role of the spiritual in those considerations.

4. Identify one philosopher in education. Make a comment on his philosophy.

According to John Dewey, education and learning are social and interactive
processes, and thus the school is a social institution through which social reform can
and should occur. As a result, Dewey emphasized education not only as a process
for acquiring content knowledge, but also as a process for learning how to live. Yes,
it is true that school is the second home of every student but Parents are the first
teachers before school. Home is the environment in which an individual grows
physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Parents, in particular, play an
important role in the development of moral values in children. John Dewey argued
that curriculum should be relevant to the lives of students. He believed that learning
by doing and developing practical life skills were critical components of children's
education. Some critics predicted that students would fail to acquire basic academic
skills and knowledge under Dewey's system.
5. What philosophies have greatly affected our Philippine Education System?
Support your answer.

The philosophy that the Philippines have greatly affected by the educational
system of the Philippine is the progressivism. Progressivists believe that
education should focus on the whole child, rather than on the content or the
teacher. This educational philosophy stresses that students should test ideas by
active experimentation. Learning is rooted in the questions of learners that arise
through experiencing the world. It is active, not passive. The learner is a problem
solver and thinker who makes meaning through his or her individual experience
in the physical and cultural context. Effective teachers provide experiences so
that students can learn by doing. Curriculum content is derived from student
interests and questions. The scientific method is used by progressivist educators
so that students can study matter and events systematically and first hand. The
emphasis is on process-how one comes to know. The progressivism, the teacher
is the facilitator in the class he only giving instruction to the students. And the
students are liberal in the way that they are free to participate in the class and
also collaborative learning a joint intellectual effort of the students or students
and teachers together.

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