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This time we study the verb HAVE. Pay attention:


The hammer has a head and a handle. It doesn’t have jaws.

The pliers have jaws and two handles. They don’t have a head.

In singular, we use has for the affirmative form and doesn’t have for the negative form.

In plural, we use have for the affirmative form and don’t have for the negative form.

We use DON’T + HAVE for the negative form in plural.

We use DOESN’T + HAVE for the negative form in singular.

I he
You she has
We have it


I have two screwdrivers in my tool box.

The technician has three spanners of different dimensions. (The technician= HE)

My friends have the tools in their lockers. (My friends= THEY)

They don’t have the laptops in the lockers.

My teacher doesn’t have tools in the bag. (My teacher= SHE)



DOES the spanner HAVE a handle and jaws? Yes, it DOES.

DOES the spanner HAVE a head? No, it DOESN’T.

DO the scissors HAVE two blades? Yes, they DO.

DO the scissors HAVE jaws? No, they DON’T.


VOCABULARY: PARTS OF TOOLS (deben repasar ese vocabulario de sus

carpetas y libros)

1) Complete using HAVE - HAS (20p)
The nails _____________ a point.
The file _______________ a handle.
The pliers ___________ jaws.
The hammer _____________ a head.
The scissors ______________ two blades.

2) Complete the sentences using: don’t have / doesn’t have (40p)

a- A hammer ______________________ a point.
b- A tool box ___________________________ a head.
c- The pliers _______________________ a shaft.
d- The scissors _________________________ head.
e- A nut _______________________ a handle.
f- The screws ____________________ a blade.
g- The staples ______________________ a head.
h- A chisel _______________________ a point.
i- A chair ________________________ a shaft.
j- Tables __________________________ three handles.

3) Answer the questions with short answers: (40p)

a- Does a bus have four wheels? ________________________________________

b- Do the bicycles have two handles? ________________________________________
c- Does the ladder have a head? ________________________________________
d- Do the pliers have one handle? ________________________________________
e- Do the scissors have two blades? ________________________________________
f- Does a car have doors? ________________________________________
g- Does a spanner have a shaft? ________________________________________
h- Do the washers have a blade? ________________________________________
i- Does a motorcycle have a door? ________________________________________
j- Does a train have wheels? ________________________________________

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