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Língua Inglesa

What do you have in your schoolbag?

1o bimestre – Aula 1
Ensino Fundamental: Anos Finais
Lexical: vocabulário relacionado ● Revisar o vocabulário
ao material escolar; referente aos materiais
Temático: material escolar; escolares;
Gramatical: There is e There are ● Usar o There is e
(formas afirmativa e negativa). o There are (formas
afirmativa e negativa) para
descrever objetos da mochila
● Planejar sentenças para
jogar um guessing game.
The vocabulary is related to 1. Eraser ( ) Apontador
school items.
2. Notebook ( ) Cola
Match English and
3. Ruler ( ) Borracha
Portuguese. Check the
pronunciation of the words 4. Glue ( ) Caderno
and repeat. 5. Pen ( ) Lápis
6. Pencil ( ) Régua
7. Sharpener ( ) Caneta
8. Scissor ( ) Tesoura
The vocabulary is related to 1. Eraser ( 7 ) Apontador
school items.
2. Notebook ( 4 ) Cola
Match English and
3. Ruler ( 1 ) Borracha
Portuguese. Check the
pronunciation of the words 4. Glue ( 2 ) Caderno
and repeat. 5. Pen ( 6 ) Lápis
6. Pencil ( 3 ) Régua
7. Sharpener ( 5 ) Caneta
8. Scissor ( 8 ) Tesoura
Look at the pictures and name the items orally.
Observe as fotos e nomeie os itens oralmente.
Usamos there is para descrever a existência de algo no singular.

In this schoolbag…
• There is a calculator.
• There is a ruler.

In the image...
• There is an apple.
• There is a schoolbag.
Now you! Look at the image again and describe what you can see.
Agora você! Observe a imagem novamente e descreva o que você
pode ver.

In the image, there is a
Para descrever a existência de algo no plural, usamos there are.


In this schoolbag …

• There are pencils.

• There are two notebooks.
Look at the picture and create sentences with there are/there is
according to the items:
Observe a imagem e crie frases com há/há de acordo com os
• Pencil
• Notebook
• Paper clip
• Scissors
Look at the picture and create sentences with there are/there is
according to the items:

• Pencil – There are nine pencils.

• Notebook – There are
three notebooks.
• Paper clip – There are 11 paper
• Scissor – There is a scissor.
Para indicar que algo que não existe, usamos:


Example: In this schoolbag …

• There isn´t a computer.

Não há computador.
• There aren´t two scissors.
Não existem duas tesouras.
What do you have in your schoolbag?
Write sentences using there is or there are.
In sentences e and f, write the school items you don’t have in your schoolbag.
Use there isn’t and there aren’t.
There are two books in my schoolbag.
There isn’t a pencil in my schoolbag.
a. _______________________________________
b. _______________________________________
c. _______________________________________
d. _______________________________________
e. _______________________________________
f. _______________________________________
What do you have in your schoolbag?
Write sentences using there is or there are.
In sentences e and f write the school items you don’t have in your schoolbag.
Use there isn’t and there aren’t. Personal answers.
There are two books in my schoolbag.
There isn’t a pencil in my schoolbag.
a. _______________________________________
b. _______________________________________
c. _______________________________________
d. _______________________________________
e. _______________________________________
f. _______________________________________
A game

Next class, you are going to play “Two truths and a lie about your
In your notebook, write three sentences about the materials you have
in your schoolbag: two should be true and one should be false. Don’t
let anyone see what’s in your schoolbag.
Use there is and there are.
Um jogo Na próxima aula vocês vão jogar “Duas verdades e uma
mentira sobre sua mochila”. Em seu caderno, escreva três frases
sobre os materiais que você tem em sua mochila: duas devem ser
verdadeiras e uma deve ser falsa. Não deixe ninguém ver o que há
em sua mochila. Use there is and there are.
Step 2: Pratique oralmente a leitura das frases em inglês.

Step 3: Em pequenos grupos ou em duplas, leia as frases para seus

colegas e veja se eles conseguem descobrir qual delas é mentira.

● Aprendemos a usar o there is e o there
are (forma afirmativa);

● Revisamos o vocabulário referente aos

materiais escolares;

● Planejamos sentenças para jogar um

guessing game.
Slides 6, 7, 8 e 11 –
Slides 9 e 10 –

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