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Friday, 8th September 2023

To turn over a new leaf = tourner une nouvelle page

1. Fanta really wants to turn over a new leaf
2. I want to turn over a new leaf
3. I used to attend a lot of parties in the past but now, I want to turn over a
new leaf
4. After the second world war, the humanity absolutely needed to turn over
5. I have done everything for him but he hasn’t changed. Now I want to turn
over a new leaf
I want to move forward

EITHER …………………. OR (SOIT ………………… SOIT)

1. Either you eat fish or meat
2. You can either eat fish or meat
3. I will either travel to Sikasso or Mopti
4. Either I will travel to Sikasso or Mopti
5. I’m going to the shop to buy either coca cola or natural juice
6. You can either drink water or juice
7. I will take a cinema ticket either thriller or action
8. Either you come on time or you stay back

NEITHER ………………. NOR (NI ……………… NI)

1. I will buy neither an airline company nor rail company
2. I neither eat a lot of sugar nor oil
3. Place

1. Who else = qui d’autre
2. Go ahead = allez - y
3. To paste = afficher
4. Despise = detester / mepriser
5. L’un après l’autre = one after the other
6. Slave = esclave
7. Slavery = esclavage
8. To produce =
9. File = dossier, fichier, la chemise qu’on utlilise pour classer les
10.Expensive, costly, dear = cher
11. Expensive = inexpensive
12.Costly , dear = cheap
13. Supporting documents = les supports
14. As usual = comme d’habitude
15. To trust someone = faire confiance
16. Trust = la confiance
17. Be sensible / be careful = sois sage, sois prudent, faire attention
18. to Show up = to visit
19. To delay = retarder
20. Delay = le retard
21. Deadline = date de limite
22. Delay = Delai
23. Le temps menace = the weather is bad
24. Can we call it a day ?
25. Let’s call it a day

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