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Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 474 – 483

15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Prerequisite for

Sustainable Development”

Inspection method with infrared thermometry for detect void in

subway tunnel lining
Shinji Konishi a,*, Koichi Kawakami a, Masumi Taguchi a
Structure Sec. Infrastructure Maintenance Dep. Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd.,Tokyo, Japan


Spalling is the most serious problem in the maintenance of subway tunnels. Voids forming on or near the concrete surface are
often considered as signs of degradation leading to spalling. However, it is difficult to detect these voids by visual inspection
alone because no cracks or other signs of irregularities are visible on the surface (Fig.1). Thus, a non-destructive, contact-free
inspection method using infrared thermometry to detect these non-visible voids was studied on. Recently, performance of
infrared thermometry was improved dramatically. Thus, possibility to detect voids or flacks by the method increased. For this
reason, we carried out several measurements and tests in our box-type tunnel and shield tunnel to confirm feasibility of applying
this method for maintenance activities. For example, we have conducted a void detection test using infrared thermometry in our
subway tunnels during its non-operating hours, and compared the results with that of other conventional test methods, such as a
hammering test. This report describes details of the study.
© 2016
© 2016Published
The Authors. Published
by Elsevier by Elsevier
Ltd. This is an openLtd.
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground
Urbanisation under
as aresponsibility
scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a
Prerequisite for Sustainable Development
Keywords: Subway tunnel maintenance, Spalling, Inspection method, Infrared thermometry, Void in tunnel lining, subway tunnel.

1. Introduction

Infrared Thermometry has many inspection cases of the building, bridge and viaduct1). However, there are few
cases for tunnel, because temperature change is small in tunnel due to few effect of solar radiation. For this reason,

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +81338378086.

E-mail address:

1877-7058 © 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a
Prerequisite for Sustainable Development
Shinji Konishi et al. / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 474 – 483 475

we tried to develop an active infrared thermometry inspection with forced tunnel liming heating about 15 year’s
ago2). Unfortunately, the method could not be politicalized, because heating and cooling of tunnel lining needs a lot
of time. However, we re-try to develop passive infrared thermometry inspection which doesn’t use force heating,
because performance of infrared thermometry has dramatically improved recently. The subjects are 2000m part of
RC box type tunnel (Fig.2) and 100m part of single-track shield tunnel with RC rib type segmental lining (Fig.3).
We carried out fixed points measurements and movement measurements.
Next 3 items were investigated. 1. Temperature of inner tunnel and concrete wall surface. 2. Temperature
environment that is available to detect voids by thermal image photographs. 3. Accuracy of detecting voids with
infrared thermometry. 4. Arrangement of conditions that is available to detect voids. 5. Possibility to be applied for
practice tunnel inspection.

㼂㼛㼕㼐 㼜 㼑㼑㼘㼕㼚 㼓

㻳㼞㼛㼡 㼚 㼐 㻳㼞㼛㼡 㼚 㼐

㻯㼛㼚 㼏㼞㼑㼠㼑㻌㼘㼕㼚 㼕㼚 㼓 㻯㼛㼚 㼏㼞㼑㼠㼑㻌㼘㼕㼚 㼕㼚 㼓


㻵 㼚 㼟㼕㼐 㼑㻌㼛㼒㻌㼠㼡 㼚 㼚 㼑㼘 㻵 㼚 㼟㼕㼐 㼑㻌㼛㼒㻌㼠㼡 㼚 㼚 㼑㼘

Fig.1 Void and peeling

Vent A: Vent B: Vent A:

Center of Station X
䠝㥐೵㌴ሙ୰ᚰ 䠞㥐೵㌴ሙ୰ᚰ
Center of Station Y Vent A: 䠟㥐೵㌴ሙ୰ᚰ
Center of Station Z
1R 1R Vent A:
1R 1R 1R 1R Vent A: 1R
Vent A:

1R Vent B: longitudinal 1R
Vent A:

To Depot (Portal)
䖃 Vent A:
1R 䖃
䕦 䕦

䕦 䖃 Vent A: 1R ㌴
䕔 䕺 䕺 䕦

䕰 䕺
䕺 䕔 䖃 ᗜ
䕦 䕺 Temperatur 䕦 䖃 䖃
 ᗘ7 Temperatur
 ᗘ7 䖃

䖃 䕦
䕺 䕺 䕦
Temperature e 䖃 䖃 䕦 䕦 䕔 䕺 ᆙ
ᗘ  ᗘ7 e  ᗘ7
䕦 䕦 䕺
Temperature T3 Temperatur Temperatur 䕔
Temperatur  ᗘ7 ཱྀ

T1 e Temperatur e e
Temperature 1R Vent B: e Vent C:


Limits of
ィ ⠊ᅖ ᅖ
measuring 䖃䠖ᡴ㡢ㄪᰝ⟠ᡤ
Hammering test Seasonal photographing⇕⏬ീ䠅
䕦䠖Ꮨ⠇ẖ䛾᧜ᙳ⟠ᡤ䠄 point 䕰䠖ᅛᐃⅬィ ⟠ᡤ䠄
Stationary measuring⇕⏬ീ䠅
i (thermal image) (thermal image)
⥺ B㻮line
⥺ 䕺䠖 ᗘィタ⨨⟠ᡤ
Thermometer set up 䕔䠖㠀◚ቯ䞉
destructive testing
point i t

Cross section

Fig. 2. Longitudinal section view and cross section view of a subject box tunnel.
476 Shinji Konishi et al. / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 474 – 483

Fig.3. Longitudinal section view and cross section view of a subject shield tunnel.

2. Temperature Condition in tunnel

2.1. Cut & Cover Tunnel

From previous studies, it is cleared that the bigger difference between temperature of concrete and air is, the
higher accuracy of detecting non-visible voids with infrared thermometry become. It is also known that the
difference is apt to occur as change of temperature become bigger. Accordingly, we set fixed type small
thermometers at 10 points in the section and measured temperature of concrete surface and air near it in the tunnel
for about one year (Fig.2). We also took thermal images on every season to investigate the change of temperature
condition in the tunnel at 13 points (Fig.2). Fig. 4 shows typical distribution of temperature in the tunnel. Outside
temperature of the day was approximately 17.5ć. However, temperature of concrete surface in sections with many
vents, between 800m and 2k300m, was about 28ć. In here, it is considered that temperature of concrete surface
fall, because outside air enters from a vent or entrance. Temperature of air in the tunnel was also uniformly about
5ć lower than temperature of concrete surface. Fig. 5 shows diurnal temperature range in the tunnel. Diurnal
temperature range of No. T10, No.T6 and No.T8, nearer points to an entrance and vents, show larg vale between
highest and lowest temperature. The points were strongly influenced on outside air.
Temperature inside the tunnel on Sept. 27, 2013 ᮏ⏫ኚ㟁ᡤ
2013/9/27ᆙෆ ᗘ⎔ቃ Vent
᥮ẼཱྀB B
᥮ẼཱྀA Vent A
᥮ẼཱྀA A Vent
᥮ẼཱྀB B Vent
᥮ẼཱྀA A
35 Temperature
ᆙෆẼ  Vent
AA Vent
᥮ẼཱྀA A Vent
᥮ẼཱྀB B
inside the tunnel Station
䠞 㥐Y
୰㔝᪂ᶫ Vent A
᥮ẼཱྀA 䝫䞁䝥ᐊ
䝫䞁䝥ᐊ Vent
᥮ẼཱྀA AA
30 Concrete surface
䝁䞁䜽䝸䞊䝖⾲㠃 ᗘ
Ẽ 䠄Υ䠅

temperature Vent
᥮ẼཱྀB B
Co⾲㠃 ᗘ
25 teperature
 ᗘィタ⨨఩⨨ set
䕔 Vent
᥮ẼཱྀA AA
up point Vent
20 350 500 600 700 800 881 1084
1780 Station Z
䠟 㥐
୰㔝ᐩኈぢ⏫ 2236
䠝 㥐X
୰㔝ᆏୖ 䕔 䕔 䕔 䕔 䕔 䕔 䕔 䕔 䕔

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400
T1,T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 Distance
㊥㞳䠄䡉䠅(m) T9 T10

Fig. 4. Typical distribution of temperature in cut & cover tunnel.

Shinji Konishi et al. / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 474 – 483 477

Fig.5 Diurnal temperature range in cut & cover tunnel.

Fig. 6. Equipment and state of movement measurements.

2.2. Shield Tunnel

Fixed point measurement was carried out for 8 months ( from 16th July 2014 to 28th Feb. 2015 ) at one point
where is about 50m away from edge of the station. The movement measurements were carried out three times, on
Aug., Oct. 2014 and Jan. 2015. Photo 1 shows equipment and state of the movement measurements.
Fig. 6 shows temperature variation of longitudinal direction in tunnel. Also, Fig. 8 shows temperature variation of
cross direction at the section. The temperature condition of longitudinal direction was under heat radiation
condition. The difference between temperature of air and it of concrete surface fell down, as the measurement point
went toward an terminus point. The temperature differences of side-wall part were from 1.98ć to 2.09ć, whereas
it of crown part was 1.26ć. Namely, the difference of crown part became smaller as from 0.72.ć to 0.83ć than it
of side-wall part. It was cleared that voids of crown are difficult to detect in comparison with voids of side-wall.
478 Shinji Konishi et al. / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 474 – 483

Fig. 7. Temperature variation of longitudinal direction in shield.

Left wall Temperature near Right wall

crown:23.46Υ Temperature of concrete
Temperature of concrete Crown surface:23.09Υ

Overhead wiring:22.2Υ

Temperature 0f steel part:20.8Υ Υ
Gas pipe:21.11Υ

Distance (m)

Fig. 8. Temperature variation of cross section in shield tunnel.

3. Detection Accuracy

3.1. Cut & Cover Tunnel

To investigate the accuracy of detecting non-visible voids with infrared thermometry, we carried out hammering
inspection at 13 points (Fig.2) and compered with results of both methods. The extraction rate of infrared
thermometry was defined as the proportion of a number of voids with consistency to it of voids found by hammering
tests. Fig. 8 shows an example of comparison. In this study, a void in concrete was presumed that the part in the
range of over 5cm× 5cm has temperature difference of 0.03-0.1ć from surround surface due to results of previous
studies3). Fig. 9 shows relationship between difference of concrete surface temperature and air temperature in
tunnel, and void detection rate. Next three kinds of plots are shown in the Fig.5. 1. Temperature of concrete surface
was lower than it of air in tunnel (Condition of Heat absorption). 2. Temperature of concrete surface was higher than
it of air in tunnel (Condition of Heat radiation). 3.Condition of Heat radiation and size of void was larger than
Photo 3 shows a thermal image which was taken under the condition of difference temperature between concrete
surface and tunnel air is between 0ć to 0.5ć and on 0k556m and on 25th Nov. 2013. From the Figure, it can be
confirmed that detection of void become possible as temperature difference is over 0.2 ć and image contrast
between void and sound part become clear as the difference is beyond 0.35.

x In the condition of heat absorption, detection rate is low, as about 40%. In this case, detection rate did not rise,
even if difference of temperature became large.
x In the condition of heat radiation, detection rate was relatively high. The larger difference of temperature, the
higher detection rate. When difference of temperature was beyond 0.35ć, detection rate became 76%.
x When the condition of heat is radiation and size of void was larger than 10cm×10cm, detection rate became
father high, 78%. When difference of temperature was beyond 0.35ć, it became 86%.
Shinji Konishi et al. / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 474 – 483 479


Void detected by
Void detected by hammering test
hammering 18 Void detected by
hammering 20

Void detected Void detected by

by hammering thermometry
17 Void detected by
hammering 21

Void detected Void detected by

hammering 19

Fig. 9. Example of comparison.

Void detection rate

Case 1
Con<the atmosphere
Case 2 The atmosphere<Con
Case 3 The atmosphere<Con

10x10cm or more

Temperatures difference between the

atmosphere and the concrete surface (°C)

Fig. 10. Relationship between difference of concrete surface and air temperature in tunnel, and void detection rate.

2013 Nov.25 1:31 2013 Nov.25 3:12 2013 Nov.25 5:26 2013 Nov.25 5:47 2013 Nov.25 5:57
Difference 0°C Difference 0°C Difference 0.1°C Difference 0.15°C Difference 0.2°C

2013 Nov.25 6:03 2013 Nov.25 6:13 2013 Nov.25 6:46 2013 Nov.25 7:16 2013 Nov.25 11:17
Difference 0.25°C Difference 0.3°C Difference 0.35°C Difference 0.5°C Difference 0°C

Fig. 11. thermal image which was taken under the condition of difference temperature between concrete surface and tunnel air is between 0ć to

From the above, it was cleared that void detection rate become high when temperature of concrete surface is
higher than it of air in tunnel, large difference of temperature between air in tunnel and concrete surface and large
size of void.
480 Shinji Konishi et al. / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 474 – 483

Table 1. Criterion of void detected by hammering inspection.

Soundness rank Hammering Structure State
A Large percussive dullness Some possibility of spalling
Some possibility of spalling that might
B Medium percussive dullness
result in a future soundness rank of A
C Small percussive dullness Few possibility of spalling

3.2. Shield Tunnel

We also carried out hammering inspection to segmental lining too. Detected voids by hammering inspection
were ranked in three ranks depending on the degree of percussive dullness. Table 1 shows the criterion of void
detected by hammering inspection. We detected voids from thermal images and visible images by seasonal
movement measurement. Figure 12 shows an example of voids detection. Fig. 13 shows temperature variation in
tunnel at each date of measurement. The temperature condition of the first measurement was not suitable for
measurement, because the difference between temperature of air and it of concrete surface was very small, such as
mean difference was 0.06ć,and temperature condition showed heat absorption condition. On the other hand,
temperature conditions of second and third measurement were favorable, because the temperature differences were
over 0.35ć, such as mean differences were 1.72ćand 1.51ć,and temperatre condition showed heat radiation
condition. Table 2 shows comparison with detection results by hammering inspection and infrared thermometry. In
the table, number of detection means number of places where the void detected by hammering inspection matches
with the void detected by infrared thermometry. And, detection rate is defined as the proportion of a number of
voids detected by infrared thermometry with consistency to a number of voids found by hammering inspection.
Because the second and third measurement which were performed under condition with sufficient temperature
difference could detect with over 95% probability for voids in rank A and B, it can be determined that voids with
problem of maintenance can be detected. The reason of high detection rate is that temperature condition was
favorable at the measurement. Confirmation of temperature condition at measurement is necessary to carry out
measurement and evaluate the results of measurement.

Fig. 12. Example of voids detection.

Shinji Konishi et al. / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 474 – 483 481

Fig.13 Temperature variation in tunnel at each date of measurement.

Table 2. Comparison with detection results by hammering inspection and infrared thermometry.
Item Rank A Rank B Rank C
Hammering test Place number 2 2 21
1st Detection number 2 8 81
Measuement by infrared

Detection rate 100% 38% 36%

2nd Detection number 2 20 135
Detection rate 100% 95% 61%

3rd Detection number 2 20 142

Detection rate 100% 95% 64%

Fig. 14. Monthly rate of measurable day in box tunnel at each positon.
482 Shinji Konishi et al. / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 474 – 483

Fig. 15. Monthly rate of measurable day in shield tunnel.

4. Property conditions for detecting voids in lining

4.1. Property season for detecting voids

The results of our investigations allowed us to confirm that when the temperature of concrete surface exceeds that
of tunnel inside air by 0.35°C or more we have a higher rate of void detection. Therefore, we counted the number of
days by month and at each measuring point where infrared thermometry is feasible supposing that the thermography
is feasible on the days where the temperature of concrete surface exceeds that of tunnel inside air by 0.35 °C or more
during a time zone that enables us to carry out the measurement (during the subway non-operating time from 1:00 to
4:00). The result of this calculation is shown in Fig. 11. The period which had high rate of heat radiation condition
was from Nov. to Feb. We also counted the number of monthly measurable days about the shield tunnel from
measurement results of temperature in tune. Fig. 12 shows monthly rate of measurable day. The rate of July,
August and September were low, from 27% to 31%. However, the rate of November, December and January were
high, from 84% to 90%.

4.2. Property section for detecting voids

We estimate that property sections for detecting voids are not so far from vents, entrances and stations, because
the places are influenced by outside air and temperature in the tunnel is easy to vary.

4.3. Void property for detecting

To investigate property voids condition for detection by infrared thermometry, we carried out electromagnetic
distance test and endoscopic test in the box type tunnel4). The thickness of concrete covering measured by the
electromagnetic distance test was 17mm to 102mm on average. The depth of the gaps found in the concrete by the
endoscopic test which caused voids was from 2mm to 16mm. However, the depth of honeycombs was about
For the shield tunnel, voids which can be caught large and medium percussive dullness by hammering test can be
detected by the infrared thermometry. The voids had steel bar corrosion in the depth of from 19mm to 30mm.

5. Conclusion

We summarize below our main findings through the present study:

x When the temperature of concrete surface exceeds that of tunnel inside atmosphere by 0.35°C or more the
infrared thermometry is able to detect void with high accuracy.
Shinji Konishi et al. / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 474 – 483 483

x The distance from station and vents had an influence on the temperature condition inside the tunnel. Because air
can inflow-outflow and move in the near section from ventilation opening or underground station, temperature
become easy to change and detection rate of void become high.
x Favorable seasons for detecting void by the infrared thermometry are period from November to February when
dismal temperature range becomes large and temperature difference is likely to occur.
x When the temperature of concrete surface exceeds that of tunnel inside atmosphere by 0.35°C or more, the
detection rate of void in cut & cover tunnel became 76%. And when the size of void was larger than 10cm×10cm,
detection rate became 86%.
x When the inspections were performed under condition with sufficient temperature difference, detection rate of
voids in rank A and B, in which percussive dullness occure clearly, by the infrared thermometry in shield tunnel
became over 95%.

From the above, it was cleared that voids with problem of maintenance in shield tunnel can be detected by the
infrared thermometry. If temperature condition in tunnel can be satisfied, it is considered that the practical use of
infrared method in cut & cover tunnel will come within our reach.
When the method is applied to practical subway tunnel investigation, we have to pay attention to next 3 points.

x Grasp temperature condition of the tunnel in advance and carry out inspection with the infrared thermometry in
proper time.
x Measure air temperature in the tunnel, concrete surface temperature of the tunnel and air temoerature of outside
from daytime at typicalpoints, graspe change of the temperatures on inspection planned day. From the results,
decide propriety of the inspection with the infrared thermometry.
x For the section with lettle outside air influx, carry out forced ventiration before the inspection to improve the
temperature condition.


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[2] H. Tanaka, S. Tottori, and T. Nihei, Detection of Concrete Spalling Using Active Infrared Thermography, QR of RTRI. 47(3) (2006).
[3] M. Kubo, I. Amano, S. Nakayama, and Q. Phan, Development and Application of Concrete Inspection and Diagnostic Analysis System with
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