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Religion and LGBTQ community

Understanding who you are and where you fit in this world can be perplexing and scary.
Before a person could even understand of being what LGBTQ is, he/she/they is made to
believe how LGBTQ community is peculiar and how we should stay away from them because
a certain religion doesn’t allow it.
 Ancient Indian society did accept homosexuality- sculpture at the kandariya mahadeva
temple in khajrao,legends of bhagirathi, story of varna and Mitra. As far as 1992, WHO
conclusively stated that homosexuality is not a disease it is a sexual orientation as normal as
 Many parents forces their child to undergo conversion therapy by stating, engaging in
homosexuality acts shakes the throne of god. Therapy attempts to change sexual orientation
from homosexual to heterosexual, it is by far discredited by all major medical and
physiological insinuates that being a gay is merely a disease that is curable.
Radical religious leaders continue to oppose the community as if they have learned no lesson
from supreme court’s judgement of Navtej Singh Johar v. Union of India that Section 377
was unconstitutional.[1]  Alot of homophobia comes from lack of exposure. Many dharma
gurus stuck to their views calling LGBTQ as immoral, illness, unnatural, ungodly and even
 What homosexuals wants and deserve is dignity, autonomy and self determination. There is
a robust proof for genetic contributions to sexual orientation however the ones contributions
do now no longer cement the complete sexual lifespan from birth, what they do is push its
improvement in a sure direction. Is the religion views it sinful or with boon, it all depends on
one’s surroundings and exposure.
To justify one’s support to LGBTQ equality arguments like “born that way” is irrelevant and
cliche. As all humans are born free, everybody has a right to choose what they want to be.
Opposing LGBTQ rights is simply encroaching one’s private space. Even madras high court
has directed centre to protect LGBTQ community until enactment of a law to safeguard their
There is a pretty long and shameful history of dismissing and denying the experience of
LGBTQ individuals
1.     How different religions treat LGBTQ community and how religion affects homosexuals ?
2.     Whether religious discrimination against LGBTQ individuals has any rational basis or
whether it’s just plain old, unconstitutional hatred and prejudice?


A number of Hindu texts have portrayed homosexual experience as natural and joyful. [2]
agni, the god of fire was married to soma, the male god and svaha, the female goddess. In the
great epic mahabharata, Shikhandi, a male but a transgender because of shiva’s blessing.
There are also alot of hindu deities which were gender fluid and falling into LGBTQ
spectrum. Lord vishnu also adopted gender fluidity each time he functioned as protector of
universe and took female shape of enchantress, mohini.
 Kamasutra has also accepted homosexual relationships . Shiva has frequently been held as
the final embodiment of masculinity , however his ardhanarishvara shape is an androgynous
composite of Shiva and goddess parvati. On the contrary Vedic text like manusmriti has
completely forbidden homosexuality.
 Contemporary india are divided in its opinion, some saints have performed same sex
marriages. Some radicals sweepingly denies the acceptance of homosexuality, they are of
view that God has created men and women. Homosexuality is because of western conspiracy.

Every person has a right to form his own perception. Christianity is also divided in it’s
opinion, there is catholic church with extreme views like, any sexual act is sinful if it is not
assisting in reproduction process. There are numerous sects under the church ,which works
for a symbiotic relation between church and LGBTQ community. The United Church of
Christ celebrates gay marriages.[3]
However ,Bible has condemned homosexuality and admonish marriage and sexual activities
has to be between a man and a woman additionally prohibiting homosexual acts in general.
To liberal Christians faith and sexuality can co-exist in harmony without consuming parts of
LGBTQ community.

Some hadith collections condemns gay and transgender acts,prescribing demise penalty for
each lively and receptive companions who've engaged in male gay intercourse Lgbtq is
forbidden in traditional Islamic jurisprudence. There is little or no instance of homosexual
act in Islamic society.
Young Muslims struggling to reconcile their spirituality and sexuality are informed that, to
be gay and to experience this desire is one thing and to act on those desires constitutes a
major sin. Quran in its 7:81 verse says “you lust after men instead of women! you are
certainly transgressor”[4]
The dating between Buddhism and sexual orientation varies through subculture and
teaching. Early buddhism seems to have no stigma on gay relations,  among buddhism there
are many sects divided in their opinion and have diversity of perceptions. In Buddhist text,
vinaya explicitly says- monks are prohibited from keeping sexual relations with- male,
female, ubhatovyanjanakas(who have both female and male characters) and pandakas(trans-
feminine).  This means buddhism recognizes lgbtq community but there is no strong
evidence to support or refute it. It depends on one’s perception.
When  there is a Ying there will always be a yang and where there are different people there
will be different perceptions.
 If legally it is justified, will it be ever justified morally ?
Being a part of LGBTQ community within a place of worship is complicated. Philippines is
one of the most gay friendly nation in the world but statistics prove otherwise. In 2008 alone
there were 29 transgender murder and in 2011 there were 28 lgbtq killings. There is a rise in
anti-gay attacks in the United Kingdom.
 USA supreme court ruled LGBTQ workers are protected from Job discrimination ,saying
title 8 of the civil rights act,1964 makes it illegal for employers to discriminate because of
person’s sex.[5]  However in 28 states it is perfectly legal to fire someone for being gay, India
has introduced transgender person(protection of right) act,2019, which in its true sense
failed to provide protection to Transgender as hate crimes against them are on rise.
 hates crimes against the community is at all time high, if we all are supposed to be created in
the image and likeness of god why is that this particular group of people are scrutinized
being who they are. Radicals in a religion have always protested against lgbtq, so the
thoughts of being associated with such a thing is seen unacceptable. Neo-nazi Marched
against LGBTQ+ community in Madrid raises alarm over growing homophobia [6] .
Such reaction to a particular community is caustic . Youngsters are stuck with fear of even
the mere possibility of gay terrifed being gay as it is termed as a bad thing. After exploration
of their self identification LGBTQ's are forced to adopt traits and mannerisms as to be
associated with being of  straight sexual orientation and hiding who he/she really is.
when thinking about faith one can by no means count on that, any religion is ok with
homosexuality. Homosexuality is not the desired subject to speak about. But now humans
are increasingly accepting lgbtq network. This has created a Kindle in Faith due to the fact , it
has been a religion that supply consolation and sorrow for people inside LGBTQ network.
 After being treated unequal and being watched as peculiar why would someone would want
to be associated with a God who let them feel shame for who they are.

these two parts, sexuality and religion, identity did’nt have to be separated. To have a
conversation about sexuality and simply addressing the issue at hand is a huge step in the
right direction. Additionally closing the gap between both communities to come together and
have open discussions. The minimal one can do is to educate oneself as he/she/they can
effect real people around them. Just like heterosexuals, LGBTQ community also live, love
and experience pain.
 They also feels disingenuous to their identity as a critical thinking human. The author is of
the view that, don’t invalidate anyone’s sexual or gender identity. Socially and economically
deprived homosexuals also wants to actually feel cared. All those clinging to homophobia,
rational and medical science doesn’t support them.
Not accepting “born that way” argument and accepting them as a equal citizen of society is a
necessity. Lady gaga’s song- “born that way” even have become an unofficial anthem of the
homosexual community . Religious radical oppose LGBTQ community, since their
experience didn’t fit their conventional wisdom.
Religious radicals has given india a “bad name” for revoking section 377. A Bad name for
treating all its citizen equally? For fighting discrimination against a community which has
faced decades of violence and trauma by society and Law.
If one retain his ability to respond to life without any prejudice, without any restriction one
will see himself become free.

[1] Supreme court decriminalise Section 377 . (2018, September 6). Times of india, p.6.
[2] (n.d.). Hinduism and lgbt topics . Retrieved from
[4] (n.d.). Sheehan International  . Retrieved from
[5] (2020,June 15). In landmark case,sc rules LGBTQ workers are protected
from Job discrimination. Retrieved from
[6] Al pais . (2021,September 20) . Hate crimes

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