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(dowry references)

When I visited sumana, her mother-In-law made me feel unwelcomed and pointedly
asked me how my parents could afford my medical education when they could not
afford to give proper gifts to the bridegroom and his family.

(Relevance again to be noted that there were constant demands for dowry.)

2. You state that you and Sumana shared a close relationship, so has there ever been
instances where it seemed that she was not mentally well prior to the marriage?
No, she had always been a high spirited individual, always doing well in her life, and
knew exactly what she wanted from life.

(Relevance: your honour it is to be noted that Sumana never suffered from any prior
depressive episodes, this also corroborates what the mother of the deceased was also
trying to establish. Therefore, it clear that Sumana’s change in personality and
character was aided by the Jadhavs.)

3. Did Sumana leave the call centre job out of her own accord?
Sumana was not a person who would have wanted to quit her job out of her own
accord. It was Karan who was so persistent that she gave in.

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