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13. 1905: Partition of Ben, The second half of the nineteenth century saw the growth of national political consciousness in India, The | Indians realised the : 1 started a long struggle for freedom, which resulted in the ! culmination of independence in 1947. Indian National Movement growth of British imperialism and | Inorrioasarsaittl 1907: Surat Split 16 October 1906: Calcutta. | Session of INC Formation of INC founded a The Indians had suffered for a long time under the oppressive rule of the British. Gradually, the educated Indians realised that allowing the British to settle in India been detrimental to the interests of Indians. The British took advantage of conflicts which prevailed within following the disintegration of Empire and established a vast Growth of National Consciousness A significant feature of British rule i India was the economic exploitation 0 the Indians. Many foreigners had come t India and taken away wealth even prio to the British but the British drained th Tesources of ee mere subsistence levé without any hope of relief in the future. Th IvLoderates. These early nationalist leaders recognised the value of the freedom of press and speech, the right to organise public and political bodies, and therefore, opposed all attempts to curtail them. Working within the constitutional limits, it tried to awaken and organise Indian public opinion. It attempted to arouse political consciousness and the national spirit of the Indians and to educate and unite them on political questions. 1s. in he he an. as it. Limitations of the moderate demands # Up to 1905, there was no fundamental _ departure in these aims of the Congress. The Moderates had firm faith in the British sense of justice and fair play, hence, they Moderates : the section of the Congress that ‘ believed in constitutional methods of petitions _ and who had faith in British government ° Se See e roses ereeene — —~ sort Ltewopapers, VUURD alu a ress. “a mphlets and engagements to collect acca Oney for this purpose. the ot see The revolutionaries did not try to generate a mass revolution, which remained their primary weakness. Instead, they chose to assassinate officials or attempted armed ’ prisings with the help of Indian soldiers " ver possible. Republican Association TAL LCL CLS LTE OE Congress but to capture it from within. e the absolute autonomy for India unlike the goal of the moderates to attain colonial form of self-government. e They demanded swaraj (literally ‘self rule’). A Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Bipin Chandra Pal (Lal, Bal, Pal) + Extremists : The radical group of the Congress * + who were opposed to the ideologies and : _+ techniques of the Moderates and believed in : j or self rule : bine h 00 ot 8 Sw eN cect eee tee teehee oy Swat In pr Movs move good Later becat by th The > the « comfy good The grouy partic active and ¢ The g to a the | were years Exercises A. Choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks. 1. The Bengal British India Society was formed in the year a) 1838 by"1843 ©) 1857 d) 1861 The Ghadar party was formed by ____ in San Francisco. a) Bipin Chandra Pal b) Lala Lajpat Rai \pf Lala Har Dayal d) Bhagat Singh 3. The Extremists split from the Indian Nv National Congress in the session. a) Calcutta b) Bombay i) What the main program a o ahatoe Gandhi? snany leaders around the wor ii) How do you think Mahatma Gandhi influenced | CCCCCHOCHLOOLO Recap * The passing of the Rowlatt Act brought Mahatma Gandhi to the forefront of the national movement. . i the Khilaf In 1920, he launched the Non-Cooperation Movement which combined the Khilafat Movement and the protests against the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. ‘Swarajists aimed at destroying the government from within. The Simon Commission was boycotted to protest against the exclusion of Indians from the commission which was to carry out administrative reforms. The Nehru Report envisaged a constitution which was accepted by the All Parties Conference in 1928. In 1930, the Civil Disobedience Movement was launched and Gandhi broke the salt law. The third mass movement was the Quit India Movement of 1942. In 1947, the Mountbatten Plan proposed the division of India into India and Pakistan. The Indian Independence Act was passed on 14 July 1947 and India became independent on 15 August 1947, A. Choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks. 1. The Kesar-i-Hind medal was awarded to 4) Rabindranath Tagore AY Mahatma Gandhi ©) Subhas Chandra Bose x 4) Motilal Nehru Non-Aligned Movement The policy of Non-Alignment as 2 0 Balicy initiative is. India’s on ae to international relations. It is said me iy directly related to the Cold War wll) began after the Second World War. The sat Cold War denoted the acute tension thal developed between two major powers the United States of America and the Soviet Union, after the war was over. The Non-Aligned Movement was conceived at the Bandung Conference of 29 Afro-Asian nations. The first meeting of the non-aligned nations was held at Belgrade in 1961. The policy of non-alignment was to keep away from joining either of the two blocs and not to take military sides with either of the two and also to evolve an independent foreign policy. India, under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru, was the first country to have adopted the policy of non-alignment. Later several countries like Yugoslavia and Egypt joined the Non-Aligned Movement as it opposed imperialism, colonialism and racial discrimination. It gave an equal status to all the countries and encouraged friendly relations among the nations instead of bi-polar division of the world as a foreign India’s foreign policy has always had certain priorities like economic development of the country, maintenance of independence of action in foreign affairs, safeguarding the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and world peace. India has firmly believed that these objectives can be achieved only by keeping away from power blocs and exercising freedom in taking foreign policy decisions. War + asstate of hostility among the belonging to two military blocs 1945-1991 as also maintained a frig, similarly, with the countries of Soy dy feeree South Asian Association “ eal ‘Cooperation (SAARC) has bo ieee for the purpose of furthering the his oa stability and economic progress : of peson through mutual cooperation India continues with its active Participation in the efforts of the SAARC for region cooperation, particularly in the econon sphere. Today, India is implementing a ‘Look Fay policy which is formulated by importay economic considerations. Cc dia hi “Use the picture to answer the questions. % 1 Identify the flag. To which organi does ithelong? Unive ed KY ‘out the important organs 4 India’s relations with its neighbours China After independence, India tried to maintain 800d relations with China and recogni! the new government in China under Ma0 JSe Tung. But in 1950, the Chinese People’ Liberation army entered Tibet and brough itunder its control, India and China ti 5 Teached an agreemen! eps agreement is otherwise know" © ‘anchsheel or ‘Five Principles’. The ™* Of this policy were: =~ A — the correct answer and fill in the L a liberalisation formulated by a) Jawaharlal Nehru by Chandrashekhar ¢) Narasimha Rao d) Manmohan Singh 2 The first meeting of the Non-Alignment Movement was held in a) London b) New Delhi 9 Belgrade d) Washington Sti Lanka achieved independence in policies were b) 1947 d) 1949 separated from Pakistan in a) 1946 Match the columns. 1. Industrial Policy a. 1961 4 Resolution 3 2. Planning Commission b. 1948 4 3. First meeting of the —_¢, 1945-1991 non-aligned nations 4 4. Cold War d. 1950 Fill in the blanks. 1. The Constituent Assembly was set up in 2. India decided to follow a yfxed! economic model 3 Pinca Was aimed towards limiting government's role in the industrial sector. 4. The coe ees was first launched under the Five Year Plan. 5. The Planning was headed by Ni D. State whether true or false. If false, correct the statement. 1. The British had left behind a developed economy, hence it was requires that the government undertook planned approach towards economic development. =e 2. The period for each plan in India was set at five years. 3. The Green Revolution brought about a marked change in the Indian industrial segment. Halve 4. India reached the point of economic crisis because of the defective policies followed inthe past. Tyre 5. The biggest advantage of India’s Non-Alignment policy was that it was able to take independent decisions with regards to her foreign policy. Prue E. Answer the following questions in 10-20 words. 1, From where did the framers of the Constitution borrow ideas while framing the Constitution of India? 2. When was the Planning Commission set up? 2X What is the Green Revolution? 4. Define globalisation. F Answer the following questions in 50-70 words. 1. Briefly explain what is meant by Nehruvian socialism. _ 2. Why was the Planning Commission set up? 3 What decisions were taken in the Industrial Policy Resolution? following question, _ G. Answer the eg 30-100 words. i 1991 so crucial ; Why is the year I~ in 1 Mecent history of India? the has the policy of Non-Ali z ate to India’s interatn® relations? : 3. Throw light on the foreign policy Pursueg " by India after independence. H. Think and answer. 1. Can we say that India is a peaceoyj country? Give examples to support your answer. Do you believe that the benefits o economic measures undertaken by the government have reached alll sections of Indian society? Why/Why not? &- ‘assessment Tool Ihave learnt about the nature of India’s economy and the challenges faced while Policies. new — Fe | 6. Types of ; | Agriculture and Sestinght Major Crops emery 2 8 agriculture the factors that ae Me pence seucuiale Agriculture has been one of the most fundame GRRE OM es a activities of humans since they started a settled existenc meats. produces most of our requirements for food and cloth It also provides raw materials for various industries. b than half of the world’s population is directly or indir v The term ‘agriculture’ means the cultivation of * Climate: Elements of climate soil for the growing of crops. It also includes as_ temperature and rainfall pl raising livestock, forestry and fishing. important role in determining agric Agriculture has evolved down the ages, __ activities all over the world. For ex from the primitive subsistence type to the _in the warm tropical regions, agri modern, commercial and mechanised type. can be practised throughout th while in the higher latitudes, the temperature is too low for the ; of crops. Some crops like rice ar require more moisture and thus in areas of high rainfall while wh« millets grow in the drier areas. * Soil: Soils vary in their ct compositions. Hence, different of soils are suitable for different For example, rice grows best in alluvial soil while black lava suitable for cotton. * Relief: The low-lying lands, like tiver valleys and deltas are more: for cultivation of crops than hill This explains why in India the N Plains provide the best agricultu: as compared to the Himalayas Deccan Plateau. ante . So - subsistence agriculture, InteNSive shifting cultivation: It is a pany method of farming practised iy eee living in the dense tropical forests "4 the Congo Basin, Amazon Basin, Centra America, south-east Asia and north-eas India. They clear a patch of forested land by cutting and burning the trees and bushes t is why it is also known as slash an agriculture. Cultivation is don | this cleared land with very primitiv like digging sticks and hoes. Mosth ce agriculture agriculture practised for the domestic consumption of the with very little or no surplus for sale eere eeoes cece ee eee senses? ‘Commercial Agricurture Agriculture done with the aim of selling the product and earning profit is called commercial agriculture. There are different types of commercial agriculture practised in the world. Extensive agriculture: It is common ir regions where there is abundant land but very sparse population, particularly in the mid-latitude grasslands, that is, the prairies of North America, the pampas of Argentina e steppes of Eurasia and the downs o} ustralia. msive agriculture : commercial and ? ghly mechanised agriculture practised on large — ind holdings in sparsely populated regions fons wand the norureaswees — ained Market gardening 1S practised around the lot of major cities of India too. ds are oly it 2 a complaint, one can demand that the : er being written down. : ice, it must be signed by the person : the information recorded by the police eevee vouscbveus writ petition : legal instrument of the superior courts for remedies to persons against the arbitrary or illegal actions of any authority or lower court criminal court represents the case on beh of the state against the person accused of t crime. The object of a criminal trial is to fi out the truth and determine the guilt innocence of the accused. The prosecu' plays an important role in helping the cot arrive at the right decision. public prosecutor is a public serve hose duties and responsibilities are lic nature and of vital interest to t . He is not a part of an investigali ‘A. Choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks. 1. _____ decide how laws are to be applied to specific cases. » a) Parliament Courts ©) Police d) People a are responsible for maintaining law and order. a) Supreme Court b) Collector ey Police d) Public prosecutor 3. Financial disputes will be heard in the court. a) criminal byYcivil ©) high d) supreme 4. are appointed to help the police catch culprits in villages. a) Inspectors b) Sub-inspectors o) Chaukidars d) Thanedars 5. A report pertaining to cognisable offence received at police stations is called ay FIR ©) IPS b) SHO d) DMO B. Fill in the blanks. 1. The public favour of the f of our Constitution provides oot against arbitrary arrest and Presents the case in . Answer the . Answer the 5, The police must write down a complaint when information regarding cogtsclle offence is provided orally. . State whether true or false. If false, correct the statement. 1. The task of punishing culprits is fulfilled by the police. | 2. The public prosecutor defends the accused) 3. The inspector supervises about ten stations. T 4, FIRs are registered only for non- cognisable offences. 5. If the FIR is not registered, a written complaint must be sent in writing to the magistrate. following questions in 10-20 words. 1. What is the full form of FIR? Why is it called so? 2. Who isa public prosecutor? 3. Where should a person file an FIR? 4. What do you understand by fair trial? following questions in 50-70 words. 1. Compare the roles of a public prosecutor and a defence lawyer. 2. Discuss the rights of arrested person under the provisions of Article 22. 3. What information must be mentioned while lodging an FIR? Answer the 80-100 words. 1. What are the D K Basu Guidelines? Mention some provisions under it. 2. According to the rule of law, everyone is equal in the eyes of law. Keeping this statement in mind elaborate on the — concept of fair trial. ; following questions in : e Use the picture to answer the oe questions, ; Sr Th mi By SCé RAR inc i toy : 1. Can you name the States where the: ger i Green Revolution led to improved, Gul agricultural production? fan jy fan 22s Do you think the Green Revolution S ha been a success in India? ‘ , = OMI SHER deseo a cap The Public sector Proy Aptis idependence, there were only = , but these were neq act, ment and needed big is 1 government decideg Oly. $s under its own contro], Le industries include aa ti Uluw~ it ai Achieve Wares weewewsn sees — J, it aims to ; Seis and in all situations. Sanitation To promote rural sanitation, Central Rural Sanitation Programme was launched in 1986. It was the first comprehensive programme launched by then Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi. It was the first o its kind to provide financial assistance t oor families for construction of househok ‘toilets. In 2002, anotfter programme calle Nirmal Gram Pwuraskar was. launche (RED eee ee essential facilities that need to be provided for all by the state X Saad the correct answer and fill in the 1. Atleast of India’s populatio is engaged in agricultural sector a) 50% b) 80% ©) 65% 970% 2. The Planning Commission was set up in a) 1947 by 950 ©) 1991 a) 1961 3. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan aims at universalisation of ,a)Mniversalisation of — elementary education b) universlisation of higher education ©) universalisation of agriculture d) universalisation of sanitation 4. Zamindari system was abolished in a) 1950 1954 5 b) 1956@ d) 1955 industries need limited capital and labour force. _AY Small-scale d) Private a) Heavy ©) Public B. Fill in the blanks. 1. The Planning Commission has now been replaced by li 2. oT anew tex levied on supply ‘goods instead of many indirect taxes. . National Rural Drinking Water E. Answer pte C. State whether true or false. If false, correct the statement. ale industries in rural areas help 1. Small- check migration from village to cities. Liberalisation of the economy was believed to be a hindrance towards economic development. Foye 3. India followed the example of USA in applying planned economicdevelopment. True 4. The NITIAayog came up in the year 2017. © 5. Skill India aims at providing financial aid for starting business to the youth. D. Answer the following questions in 10-20 words. 1. Define Green Revolution. 2. What is meant by private sector? 3. What is small-scale industry? 4, Give two examples of public sector industries. 5. What is meant by demonetisation? X How many Five Year Plans have been completed so far? the 50-70 words. 1, What measures has the NITI Aayog adopted to help India face complex challenges? 2. How is poverty a major social challenge? List some schemes launched for poverty alleviation. 3. Differentiate between private and public sectors. What is meant by unemployment? Mention some measures that the government has undertaken to tackle the problem of unemployment. 5. Write a short note on ‘Sarva ae Abhiyan’. following questions in

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