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Deven – The world health organization describes mental health as a complete

state of social and mental well-being. However, people are unable to
understand that mental health is as important as physical health. So here we
are to shine light on mental health and provide a solution to improve it. But
before you should know the 2 main enemies of mental health.
Aiysh, Jervis, Ruel – The 2 main enemies of mental health are anxiety and
depression. Over the past few years youths and adult have been victim of
depression due to problems like money, getting a job, trouble with studies.
Here, first we need to break the myth of anxiety and depression. Anxiety is not
the feeling or nervousness or worrying but also trouble concentrating, trouble
sleeping, feeling of guilt and shame, loss of appetite and much more.
While depression is not being lazy and sadness but it is loss of interest, loss of
energy, sleep changes, anger or irritability and more.
This is what it looks like to go from feeling ok to depression.
Depression also affects many parts of the brain like brain stem, hippocampus,
interior cortex.
As bad these illnesses be, there are simple but effective ways of avoiding and
curing them.
Like giving adequate sleep allows the brain to recharge itself. One should also
be regularly exercising and keeping the brain active. Stay socially connected
and maintain a balanced diet.
Deven – As you can see that the base of good mental health need is support.
When we are young, we always share our problems with parents and elder
ones and they solve them, however, after teen age we start keeping things to
ourself and this starts building up and leads to mental illnesses. So here we
present our app SARTHI.
AAP Presentation.

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