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Prevention and mental health:

Understanding the evidence so that we can address the greatest

health challenge of our times

A resource for policymakers, health

professionals, mental health advocates
and their families and friends

Dr. Antonis Kousoulis



1 Introduction
2 An immense challenge
4 Prevention is possible
6 Risk and protective factors
8 The causes of mental health problems
10 One integrated model of mental health
12 Our life events
14 It’s personal
15 Quality of life
16 One health
18 The meaning of prevention
21 Investing in prevention
23 What is holding us back?
24 Our emotions and our attitudes
25 Making a start on prevention
27 References
31 Acknowledgements

Introduction 1.


Mental health should be valued and understood as a key that

allows us to unlock a wide range of health and social advantages.
When this resource is damaged, it leaves us unable to reach our
collective potential.

o other group of health So much has changed in recent decades
conditions comes close to mental about how we view and treat mental
health problems in relation to the health. Now is the time to build on this
prevalence, persistence and breadth of positive change and join the call that
damage that can be caused, requiring the makes the most sense: preventing mental
most urgent public health commitment of health problems.
our generation.

An immense challenge

We all have mental health. But not all of us live with good mental health.

When we experience good mental health, we can make full use of our
abilities, cope with the normal stresses of life and play a full part in
our families, workplaces and communities, as well as among friends.

espite our mental health being depression or anxiety. If it’s not ourselves,
such an important personal it’s our children, parents, siblings,
and social resource, the extent colleagues or neighbours.
of mental health problems in the
Every day, hundreds of thousands of us
population means that too many of us
feel limited and disabled by symptoms of
are struggling, rather than thriving and
stress, low mood, unusual thoughts, anger,
reaching our full potential.
poor concentration, and lack of sleep.
Depression is the number one cause of
Every day, thousands of us get through
disability worldwide. Anxiety disorders
the day battling thoughts that life is not
follow closely, making number six on the list.
worth living. And some of our fellow
Every week, one in six of us faces a citizens – every single day – will reach
common mental health problem such as their lowest point and take their own
An immense challenege 3.

lives, seeking relief from what they right solutions to support this. Can our
thought were permanent problems. healthcare systems cope with millions of
people needing urgent help because they
But, in reality, many of these problems
are experiencing distress every week?
could have been managed with
professional help. The answer is no.

We have learnt so much about preventing Now, we need to do all that we can to
people from reaching these crisis points prevent people from reaching crisis point
in the last 70 years. For instance, we in the first instance by taking action in
know that a combination of reduced our workplaces, schools and homes, and
stigma, clinical help, social support and for those within our communities that
personal intervention makes the biggest have the least power to influence change.
difference in people’s lives.
And, to do that, we need to understand
Yet, we haven’t achieved the necessary that prevention is possible.
societal change or implemented the

Every week, one in six of us faces a common mental health problem.

Depression is the number
one cause of disability

Prevention is possible

To learn how we can prevent mental health problems, we need to

search for answers to this fundamental question: what causes mental
health problems?

his question has received various We now know that our genes do not set our
responses over the centuries. From destiny. Poor mental health is also not a case
evil spirits to brain abnormalities, of being born with a ‘deficiency’.
and from our genes to chemical imbalances
Our biology is important, as it shapes the
in our bodies, many explanations have been
way our bodies respond to what happens
put forward, only to be disproved or found
to us. However, having a purely biomedical
to be lacking and partial.
approach does not consider the effect of
Traditionally, there has been a focus towards the environment on our mental health.
the biomedical model of mental health. This
And we know that, although some mental
means that many theories sought to prove
health problems are partly influenced
that mental health problems were caused
by genetics, genes play a much smaller
solely by a chemical imbalance in the brain,
role in shaping our health than our social
irrespective of context or events.
Based on this, experts classified (and many
In almost all cases, our genes do nothing
still do) mental health problems as a brain
more than carry a slight risk. What is more
disorder resulting from faulty genes or a
important to look at is the wide range of
problem with the way a brain develops and
social, economic, family and emotional
factors that interact with our genes and our
Forty years and millions of pounds of biology.
investment later, we have been unable to
These factors can make us more or less
find consistent patterns in our genes or
likely to develop a mental health problem.
a single biomedical test specific for any
This is the case for common mental health
mental health problem.
problems like depression, anxiety and OCD,
Prevention is possible 5.

“With the right

approach, mental
health problems
of all kinds can
be prevented.”
as well as severe and chronic mental health know that mental ill-health will always be
problems like psychosis and bipolar disorder. part of life.

If we understand this key evidence, we will But the causes of poor mental health can
be able to succeed in following the much- be addressed to prevent such high numbers
needed fundamental change in attitudes of people from developing a mental health
clearly suggesting that, with the right problem. This means that we can also
approach, mental health problems of all support people living with and without
kinds can be prevented. mental health problems to stay well and
prevent people from relapsing or reaching
This is not to say that we could or should put
crisis points.
an end to all mental health problems. We

The causes of mental

health problems

A singular approach to what causes mental health problems is

simplistic and not backed by evidence. We know it is a combination
of factors.

ven if we look at the biological 1) The deeply personal experiences
changes among those of us that define us. Our mental health
who experience symptoms, it is can be influenced by our family, our
important to ask what causes those. relationships and how we see ourselves.

In some cases, it will be our stress levels, 2) The social circumstances we find
a chronic experience of discrimination, ourselves in. This includes poverty,
a lack of exercise or sleep, unhealthy violence and employment.
eating habits, or an experience of
This interaction of our biology and our
circumstances is key to our health. And it
And, in turn, we have to ask: What can either protect our mental health or be
makes us stressed? What increases the a risk to it.
chances that we’ll be discriminated
However, there are factors affecting this
against? What shapes our opportunities
interaction that are not controlled by us
to be active or sleep well? What
as individuals and instead come from
determines our choices of what we eat?
our environment.
What exposes us to a higher chance of
The conditions in which we are born,
experiencing trauma?
grow, live, work and age are shaped by our
The answers lie in the circumstances in
social and physical contexts and health
which we are born, grow, live, work and age.
services. These, in turn, are affected by the
These either enable us to thrive, or don’t.
distribution of money, power and resources
So, beyond our genes, our mental health at global, national and local levels.
is fundamentally shaped by two sets of
Among others, they include things
such as income and wealth, family and
The causes of mental health problems 7.






our mental

household structure, social support and current circumstances determines a

and isolation, education, occupation, person’s unique state of wellbeing.
discrimination, neighbourhood
The huge amounts of funding that have gone
conditions, and social institutions.
into this narrow biomedical model mean
Mental health is complex. There is not, nor that we’ve missed opportunities to invest in
will there be, any biomedical test that can addressing the roots of poor mental health
predict what combination of personal history and to reduce the rates of diagnosis.

One integrated model

of mental health

We now need to focus on one model that pulls together the biological,
psychological, social and environmental factors.

or instance, when we look at early factors – for instance, equipping parents to
experiences in childhood, a mix of nurture their children in a non-judgemental
these different factors can work way, ensuring a reliable adult presence at
together to either protect or pose a risk to school, or providing professional and peer
mental health later in life. support early.

Some children may be more genetically Or, in another example, factors like
vulnerable to stressful experiences. This childhood adversity, living in deprived
means they may be more likely to be neighbourhoods, discrimination, and life
affected by events such as being involved events like bullying can bias the way we
in an accident or shame-based parenting. interpret what happens to us.

This interaction between their genetic Subsequent stress or adult adverse life
susceptibility and circumstances (including experiences can impact the hormonal balance
powerful experiences like childhood abuse) in our bodies and result in misinterpreting
can have knock-on effects on their biology the importance of non-dangerous events or
by causing their brain to become over- or developing biased thinking.
For instance, a friendly neighbour may
Further down the line, a stressful life event be seen as scary or intimidating because
such as losing a job may be more likely to the brain has adapted to protect us in a
trigger depression or anxiety as a response difficult environment by becoming more
than someone who did not experience reactive. These fear or danger responses
these personal circumstances. sometimes evolve to become paranoid
ideas that can be triggered even in safe
However, this also means that there may
be key opportunities to prevent this from
happening by introducing protective Symptoms of psychosis (like such paranoid
One integrated model of mental health 9.

ideas) or obsessions and compulsions factors, we can achieve this critical mission
might, again, be expected responses to of reducing the number and severity of
childhood adversity. mental health problems. We can also
improve resilience to those bumps in the
It is clear that, if we can tackle the risk
road that aren’t readily preventable.
factors and maximise the protective


Our genes and The places we live The things that
the ways they are and work, and the happen to us -
expressed relationships we especially in our
have early life

Our life events

Distress tends to find us at times when we are most vulnerable. It

often bites during times of change.

his can be a bigger change such And then there are life events that cause
as leaving our family home for powerful impacts on our mental health.
the first time, or a smaller one
Traumatic experiences can be defined as
such as changing jobs. The change
experiences that we perceive as serious
can be negative, such as being made
or life-threatening and that have lasting
redundant, or even positive, such as
negative effects on our wellbeing. This can
becoming a parent. The changes can also
be a single event, such as being involved in a
be physical, such as a serious diagnosis
road accident, or a series of events, such as
like cancer, or something more common,
prolonged abuse.
like not getting enough sleep.
Further, experiences of adversity – such
It’s at times like these when we turn to
as living in a deprived neighbourhood or
our fundamental protective factors: our
being discriminated against – can turn
knowledge around mental health, our
into trauma if the person believes they are
emotional awareness, our education,
alone in their experiences or excluded from
our family and friends, our hobbies and
the rest of society.
our talents.
Trauma is a powerful factor linked to mental
There are several evidence-based ways –
health problems. The experience of traumatic
simple or more complicated – that serve
events is overwhelming to our brain. In normal
the same purpose of protecting our mental
circumstances, we can form full memories of
health. Yet, many of us have either never
a specific event – for instance, memories of
received this information or were given it in
enjoying ourselves and blowing out birthday
a way we couldn’t understand or apply to
candles at a celebration.
our own lives.
On experiencing a traumatic event,
As a result, we were never given the chance
however, our brain instead often records
to thrive.
Our life events 11.

“Many of us were
never given the
chance to thrive.”
separate fragments of the event. This play in our families and communities.
could be in the form of images, sounds and
Arguing for preventing mental health
physical sensations, without much context
problems can be seen as an attempt
behind them.
to disregard those who have already
When we re-experience these sensations recovered from or experienced such
that remind us of the event, they then trauma. This is not the case. Our societies
become triggers of the past to trigger fear are largely shaped by, and our attitudes
or danger responses, expose us to extreme have been largely shifted thanks to, such
stress, or lead us to unhealthy behaviours. survivors of trauma.

Like life changes, triggers are very But the scale of the problem is so big, and
important to our mental health, as they can the risk to our lives so grave, that prevention
throw us off balance even when we have is the only reasonable solution to invest
been taking good care of ourselves. more in if we are to enable a diverse and
evolving world.
It is important to understand that our
experiences of these life events lead to We need to understand how such life
genuine biological changes to our nervous experiences are central to who we are.
system, and, further, often shape who we
are as individuals and the roles we go on to

Risk... ...and

Early years Childhood

• Abuse
• Parental neglect • Parental divorce
• Family facing adversity • Malnutrition
• Child poverty • Adverse Childhood Experiences

• Good education
• Positive parenting
• Supportive parenting
• Nurturing home environment
• Emotional literacy
• Strong attachment
• Communication skills

Teens Early Adulthood

• Bullying • Isolation
• Pressure to succeed • Harassment
• Shame-based parenting • Move out of family home
• Failure at school • Alcohol and drug dependence

• Friendships • Social networks

• Affirmation of sexuality • Self-esteem
• Positive body image • Good understanding
• Safety of mental health

Adulthood Later years

• Discrimination
• Loneliness
• Relationship breakdown
• Loss • Inequality
• Debt and poverty • Unemployment
• Physical illness and disability
• Community violence • Toxic work

• Savings
Positive roles
• Good work
Family connections
• Good quality housing
Financial security
• Family contribution

It’s personal

Even for the small minority of us living with high levels of positive
mental health, days of low mood, stressful tasks at work or struggles
with a change in our circumstances will be familiar.

one of us will lead a long life without community. And our political beliefs may
having felt limited by our mental lead us to underestimate the role of social
health at some point, for a shorter inequalities in enabling people to flourish.
or longer period.
Mental health is a big part of our identity and
However, despite these universal experiences, it affects many of the aspects of our day-to-
it remains a fact that mental health is affected day lives: our relationships, our work and our
by a range of social and environmental education. We know that children with mental
factors that interact with our own biological health problems have worse educational
susceptibility and family circumstances. This outcomes, adults with high levels of stress are
makes the experience of a mental health less productive at work, and people who are
problem very personal to each of us. experiencing a mental health problem are
more likely to feel lonely and isolated.
In mental health, perhaps more than in any
other area of health, we face the contradiction When it comes to our mental health, we are
of ultimately being the experts in our own on a spectrum. It’s not just a simple yes/no
mental health, but also being limited by our diagnosis. Our mood, stress levels, wellbeing
understanding of our own experiences. This and how we act fluctuate depending on the
can be compounded if we don’t talk about circumstances in our lives. And this is the case
mental health. We may go for years bottling up even for those who live with a diagnosis of a
our emotions and ignoring serious symptoms. long-term mental health problem.

Our community (as defined by our ethnic Our wellbeing can move between a point of
or socioeconomic background) may ignore struggling and a point of thriving.
or underestimate the causes and impact
On a fundamental level, this personal
of mental health problems in another
experience is about our quality of life.
Quality of life 15.

Quality of life

To have a better chance of addressing the challenge of poor mental

health in our societies, we need to understand an important fact: that
the healthier we are mentally, the healthier we will be physically as well.
But remember – mental health is a very personal experience.

his personal view is called ‘self- record health statistics and identify trends)
rated health’. Evidence clearly reframed how it measured the outcome of
links how we say our health is (e.g. a health condition beyond the traditional
poor, okay or excellent) with a number of focus of how many people die because of a
different conditions and overall mortality. condition, towards a focus on the years of
productive life lost due to disability.
In other words, the worse we consider
our personal health to be, the more likely Mental ill-health went from being
we are to be experiencing a variety of almost invisible in global public health
problems and, in fact, to die younger. statistics to topping global surveys on the
conditions causing the biggest impact
It is important to note that our own
on people’s lives. This was a revolution in
perceptions of health and wellbeing do
our understanding, as it brought mental
not exist in a vacuum, but have a complex
ill-health into the spotlight. The historical
relationship with our socioeconomic
marginalisation of mental health, though
situation (e.g. our income, savings and
– in terms of how much is being invested
quality of housing), our environment (e.g.
in research, understanding and services
how safe we feel in our neighbourhood
addressing problems – has been persistent.
and the mood of our close friends and
family), and our physical health (especially With a focus on prevention, we are more
our levels of activity, any addictions and able to take a holistic view of mental
our diet). health that includes issues of disability
and the connection to our physical health.
In an important milestone, in the mid-
1990s, the ‘Global Burden of Disease’
initiative (the most comprehensive effort to

One health

This relationship between mental and physical health is one of

extremely high importance. We know that mental and physical health
interact in several direct and indirect ways.

or example, mental health problems In public health, these relationships in
sometimes affect our ability to which one health problem increases the
make decisions, which can affect risk of another one is usually called a
our ability to access good information on, mediation factor. Research shows that
or act to improve, our health. For instance, approximately 1 in 20 of all physical health
we know that smoking and lack of physical problems we may currently experience
activity are more common among people are a direct or indirect result of a past or
experiencing mental health problems. current mental health problem.

Further, mental and physical health interact The costs of mental, neurological and
with each other via indirect routes, such as substance abuse problems (which often
employment. Poor mental health may lead start as a self-medication attempt for
to loss of productivity, then loss of wages, mental distress) account for 9 out of the 20
hence reducing access to healthier foods. leading causes of the years people live with
Or stress at work can lead to lack of sleep, a disability around the world.
which has negative physical health results.
Of course, protecting mental health is
Another important route of interaction not – and should not be – just down to
is through our relationships and social us as individuals. It can be incredibly
life. People experiencing mental health difficult to work on ways of protecting our
problems are more likely to feel, and mental health if we are struggling with
indeed be, lonely or socially isolated. Both our wellbeing.
loneliness and social isolation strongly
For this reason, laws exist in several
impact our physical health and have been
countries around the world that class
found to be linked with increased risk of
diagnosed long-term mental health
early death.
One health 17.

“In the past few decades, we’ve

made incredible progress to
prevent simple or severe problems
facing our physical health. Our
next milestone is to make the same
progress for our mental health.”

problems, on a par with long-term physical Our next milestone is to make the same
health problems, as disabilities. In general progress for our mental health. At a deep,
terms in public health, considering mental fundamental level, our mental health is
illness diagnoses as disabilities has been a mediator of our overall good health.
a fundamental progressive step in giving And nothing helps our health more than
people certain rights. investing in structures that fully and
freely allow and empower us to develop
In the past few decades, we’ve learnt
ourselves as social beings with a sense of
to ask to be vaccinated to prevent
purpose, value and belonging.
infectious diseases, we’ve got used
to talking about family planning and It is clear that we need to invest more in
contraception to protect our personal the relationship of our internal personal
health, we’ve grown to consistently follow factors with the societal factors that
laws to wear seatbelts to prevent injuries, shape our lives. This is well understood in
and we’ve moved to not smoking indoors physical health when talking, for example,
in order to prevent cancer. about prevention of heart disease or lung
cancer. However, globally, mental health
We’ve made incredible progress to
still lags behind physical health in terms
prevent simple or severe problems facing
of spending and funding.
our physical health, and reduced the
numbers of childhood deaths for children We need to understand better what
under 5 years old. prevention means.

The meaning of prevention

When we talk about prevention, we don’t follow the narrow sense of

the term.

e know that mental health Universal solutions neither discriminate nor
problems affect millions of us, in focus – rather, their aim is to protect. We
our families, communities and can all identify non-mental-health-related
workplaces. We all have mental health that will universal solutions already in our lives, as
fluctuate in response to life events. It would be they include things like banning smoking in
unwise to suggest that prevention is only for buildings and making it compulsory to wear
those who currently feel ‘in good health’. seatbelts in the car.

We define prevention in the ‘public health’ Often, a universal approach will aim to
(the health of the population as a whole) sense protect the most vulnerable members of
of the term. Under this lens, there are three a community in a non-stigmatising way,
types of prevention. thus benefitting everyone. For example,
mandating that all buildings have an
1. Primary prevention: preventing problems
accessible entrance means that people
before they emerge
using wheelchairs can access a space,
Primary prevention focuses on stopping
but this is also handy for those carrying a
problems before they emerge. Primary
suitcase or delivering a large package.
prevention is relevant to all of us – often whole
We need social and political changes in
societies or nations – so solutions targeting
our society that can benefit everyone,
primary prevention are called ‘universal’.
including education and reducing
Examples of universal solutions include a
socioeconomic inequality across places
national anti-stigma campaign that makes
and nations.
sure we all follow the same standards when
This can be extended to how we talk
talking about mental health, or teaching h
about health and illness. In mental health,
school children about emotions and mental
ensuring that the language we use is
ill-health from a young age.
thoughtful and appropriate (e.g. on days
The meaning of prevention 19.

when we struggle, saying “I am feeling low” 2. Secondary prevention: prevention for

instead of “I am so depressed”) respects people exposed to inequality
those who experience disabling symptoms
Secondary prevention is the type of
while enabling an inclusive community.
prevention that focuses on the people who
Mirroring this with our actions and
share characteristics that place them at a
legislations goes a step further to apply a
higher risk of developing a mental health
protective ‘filter’. We’ll talk more about our
problem. Secondary prevention solutions
language later on.
are often called ‘targeted’ or ‘selective’.

Where Primary
prevention and
prevention works
prevention works: promotion of
for people at high
good health is
A person’s journey needed for
risk because they
have been exposed
through life everyone
to risk factors

Possible Exposure Possible

diagnosis of Tertiary to risk development
mental health prevention is factors of symptoms
problem about self- of mental
management and ill-health
With prevention
prevention of relapse
measures in place,
among people with
good health, recovery,
a diagnosis
and effective
self-management of
a disability is
more likely

If we don’t
Treatment is achieve
usually only prevention,
introduced after chronic distress
a mental health or early death can
problem has been be likely

Examples of targeted solutions include 3. Tertiary prevention: prevention that

enabling support for those who are lonely goes to a deeper level
or marginalised, giving access to higher-
The third layer of prevention is called
quality education for young people who
tertiary. This type of prevention has a lot
are excluded from schools, or ensuring
to do with our quality of life once we have
quick access to support for those who have
experienced a problem, and also with
experienced trauma or have been victims
reducing the risk of recurrence. Solutions
of hate crime.
in tertiary prevention focus on people
A range of characteristics we are born with who are already affected by mental
place us at an increased risk of developing health problems, and are often called
mental health problems. In public health, ‘indicated’ solutions.
these are called ‘inequalities’ because they
Indicated solutions aim to reduce
mean that certain groups of people face an
symptoms that can be disabling, limit
unequal risk of becoming unwell. They can
complications of an illness, reduce the
include being LGBT+ (as we know that this
risk of relapse, and empower people
group of people might face a higher chance
experiencing problems to manage their
of being bullied) or having a physical health
own symptoms as much as possible.
condition like diabetes (where we know that
Even though tertiary prevention works
there is a much higher chance of developing
with people who may have a diagnosis,
a mental health problem like depression).
it is seen as distinct from treatment, but
Tackling inequalities in our communities
complementary in that the goal of reducing
means that we need to look into all these
the severity of an illness and the risk of relapse
social, economic, environmental and other
is shared. Indicated solutions tend to be set in
factors and invest a higher amount of
communities rather than clinical settings.
energy in engaging people who are not
Often, the aim is to shift the focus
traditionally helped through universal
of control from the clinician to the
approaches. These targeted solutions
person who is using services in terms of
are often aimed at people who are
identifying what works best for them in
experiencing some symptoms of distress,
their circumstances.
and they are about intervening when it
matters most. So, in many ways, prevention is a lot about
our personal experience of illness within
Reducing poverty and inequality is
our societal context.
fundamental if we are to make meaningful
progress in prevention.
Investing in prevention 21.

Investing in prevention

To address mental health problems, we would need a concentrated

effort as a society, tackling those persistent inequalities with
prevention and early intervention (i.e. provision of support when we
show early symptoms of mental ill-health).

his is the case for both common that is proportionate to the level of
and more serious and rare mental disadvantage (i.e. more intensive for
health problems. those experiencing higher risk or more
severe problems).
The three types of prevention are not
in competition or clashing in scope. Unfortunately, when it comes to mental
Rather, to tackle an issue as common and health, there is no single vaccine that
widespread as mental health problems, can protect us against distress or mental
we need whole society plans that invest health problems.
in all layers of prevention.
But if we invest more energy and
Working together at the level of national attention into the fact that mental health
government, local authorities, and bigger is actually a mediator of all good health
or smaller third-sector organisations, we in a community, then we can make great
need to be focusing efforts on rolling out strides towards applying the education,
universal solutions that protect everyone, resilience and policies needed to protect
while enabling targeted and indicated everyone’s mental health.
solutions supporting those at risk or
And we will be able to reap the
experiencing problems.
subsequent benefits in ourselves, our
In public health, we call this holistic families, our environments and our
approach ‘proportionate universalism’. economies. Successful prevention
This principle suggests that our of poor mental health means better
actions should be universal (i.e. quality of life, improved physical health,
benefitting everyone), but with a scale reduced alcoholism, fewer suicides, and

a more holistic human contribution from successfully preventing the rates and
everyone. It’s hard to imagine a bigger severity of mental ill-health.
contribution to human flourishing than
What is holding us back? 23.

What is holding us back?

Building a society where mental health is everyone’s business should

be a no-brainer. Prevention is possible.

ut it’s a difficult personal goal systematically stigmatised for so many
because, often, our everyday decades has historically settled for a
stresses overwhelm us, and we tend discriminatory vocabulary. Generations
to only understand the value of prevention of people have grown up in societies that
once we have reached crisis point. found terms like ‘psycho’, ‘schizo’, ‘loony’
and ‘crazy’ perfectly acceptable.
It’s a hard political sell because it
is achieved through concentrated, Stigma is not only an element of mental
cross-government and long-term health, of course, but the extent to
commitments that go beyond the which it has permeated our language,
average political cycles. compared to any other area of ill-health,
is profound.
It’s a high social aim because several of
the determinants allowing prevention Many would argue that it is practice and
can only be shifted through addressing not language that matters. But words are
issues of social justice. a barrier to people seeking help.

And it represents a big community shift Our language is emotionally charged

because we’ve mystified mental ill- and it is evolving, and how we talk
health diagnoses for centuries and we’re about mental ill-health in our immediate
still catching up on the stigma we’ve environment is critical. Therefore,
allowed to permeate our way of thinking. being respectful and thoughtful in our
mental-health-related language could
The challenges are many. But not
do wonders for the automatic responses
disheartening. We need to urgently start
that our brains produce to words, and,
talking about prevention and mental health.
hence, the emotions of the people
In talking, it is perhaps not surprising
around us.
that an area of health that has been so

Our emotions and

our attitudes

Our evolution as human beings has left a complicated picture of how we

express our emotions.

lot of the activity happening language. We are still exposed to unhealthy
in our brain triggers emotions imaging and expressions. The potential of
that would have been normal humour to help address stigma is welcome,
and protective some tens of thousands of but, as a rule of thumb, trivialising diagnostic
years ago. terms should have no place in our societies.

For example, our ancestors got angry to For too long, most campaigning efforts
protect themselves against a threat and cried in psychiatry and public health have
to ask for help when they didn’t have the focused on increasing the understanding
words for it. But now we mostly understand of the biomedical model of mental illness
‘negative’ emotions as problematic. (i.e. the physical, organic and biological
aspects of illness).
It is true that we have come a long way in
public mental health in recent years in terms We now know that social circumstances play
of our attitudes around, and our efforts to a huge role in the development of mental
tackle, the stigma of mental ill-health, but we health problems. Research shows that, while
are not there yet. this increased understanding of the biology
leads to greater acceptance of professional
It remains true that several thousands of our
help, it hasn’t really changed attitudes
fellow citizens experiencing symptoms of
towards people with mental illness.
mental ill-health will not seek professional
clinical help because of the stigma attached A greater understanding of the social
to mental health problems and the fear of circumstances that we grow and live in – that
being misunderstood. either expose us to risk or add protection to
our mental health – is needed. We cannot
Media, retailers and social media have
change this understanding unless our
been playing a role in the persistent use of
language evolves. And this is rooted in how
stigmatising, stereotyping and offensive
prevention works.
Making a start on prevention 25.

Making a start
on prevention

It is clear that we must now personally and collectively do as much as

we can to protect our mental health.

etting better sleep, practising of mystifying mental illness. We are now
mindfulness, drinking less and well beyond the times when we thought
exercising more are all helpful. that, if we locked up people experiencing
symptoms that we don’t understand, then
Also, crucially, caring and doing things for
maybe they would stop existing.
others is important, whether that’s through
working on our relationships with family, We know that mental health problems
letting go of old grudges, building positive and exist in our homes and communities, that
lasting friendships, reaching out to someone they are common, and that they can be
who may be lonely and being altruistic, addressed through prevention, timely
engaging in acts of kindness, or volunteering. treatment and concentrated societal effort.
The weight of the evidence piles up, urging
If we stay open-minded, we can move from
us to focus on the social and environmental
a very individualistic perspective on mental
factors and their influence on our mental
health to a collective, societal view.
health. We need far greater resources on
But our individual actions are rarely
research and policy change.
enough. We need more efforts across
Let’s invest in what will make the biggest
society to empower everyone to be the
genuine difference. Enable women and
change they’d like to see. We don’t need to
men to be educated mothers and fathers,
wait until we become unwell to change how
protect children from neighbourhood
we talk about mental health.
trauma, educate adolescents to
Little by little, through citizen activism
understand and manage their emotions,
and a new generation of celebrities willing
support adults experiencing excessive
to open up about their own experiences
stress at work, build connections in our
of mental health problems, our language
communities, reduce loneliness for older
is slowly catching up with the centuries
people, acknowledge and care for people

with suicidal thoughts, and empower this could go a long way. Mental health
people experiencing symptoms of mental problems and distress can be prevented.
ill-health to recover and self-manage. The
The challenge is immense, and the barriers
faces of prevention are many. We have
are many. But not disheartening. So, let us
neglected those for too long.
look forward to the future and embrace
Some of us will be working across the this challenge of prevention. And, when
health sector and government to correct we achieve the promised progress, we will
this inequality and help address the look back and see that this was our time’s
challenge. And all of us can start from greatest contribution to human flourishing.
our homes and communities when
Join us in a future where we can all thrive
things get too much: be kind to ourselves
with good mental health.
and compassionate to our friends and

Let’s invest in what will make the biggest genuine difference

Enable women and Protect children Educate adolescents Support adults

men to be educated from trauma to understand and experiencing excessive
mothers and fathers manage their emotions stress at work

Reduce loneliness Build connections Acknowledge and care Empower people

for older people in our communities for people with to recover and
suicidal thoughts self-manage
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I am grateful to the following colleagues who have provided incredibly valuable

inspiration, food for thought, or feedback on the content, wording or structure of this
paper or its previous versions:

Linda Liao, Mark Rowland, Lee Knifton, Jo Ackerman, Lucy Boisselet, Jenny Burns,
Jane Caro, Jolie Goodman, Bethan Harvey, Chris O’Sullivan, Sarah Tite, Lucy Thorpe
and Isabella Goldie.


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