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BSR 2 A Final presentations

1. Should companies prioritize creating a diverse and inclusive workplace?

2. Should schools prioritize teaching students about the importance of
resilience and perseverance?
3. Should individuals be encouraged to learn a new skill or hobby to stimulate
their minds and promote personal growth?
4. Should companies provide opportunities for employees to attend networking
events and conferences to promote professional development?
5. Should schools offer classes on critical thinking and problem-solving skills?
6. Should individuals be encouraged to travel and explore new cultures to gain
new perspectives and experiences?
7. Should universities be required to provide mental health services to
students? Should bloggers and social media influencers be held accountable
for the content they produce?
8. Should social media platforms be banned in schools to promote better focus
and social skills?
9. Should schools teach financial literacy as a mandatory subject to promote
better financial planning and management?
10. Should schools implement mental health programs to support students with
anxiety and depression?
11. Should schools provide vocational training to promote job readiness?
12. Should schools implement anti-bullying programs to prevent harassment and
promote a positive school environment?
13. Should schools promote volunteerism to cultivate social responsibility?
14. Should schools implement language classes to promote multilingualism and
cultural awareness?
15. Should the government invest more in healthcare infrastructure and improve
access to quality healthcare for all citizens?
16. Should the education system be reformed to better prepare students for the
demands of the job market and the economy?
17. Should the government take measures to address the issue of food insecurity
and provide better access to nutrition for all citizens?
BSR 2 A Final presentations
18. Should the government implement stronger measures to address corruption
in the country and promote transparency and accountability?
19. Should Pakistan take a more active role in promoting peace and stability in
the region and in resolving conflicts with neighboring countries?
20. Should social media influencers be held accountable for promoting
unrealistic beauty standards and unhealthy lifestyle habits?
21. Should the fashion industry be held accountable for promoting unsustainable
and harmful production practices?
22. Should consumers be more conscious of the environmental impact of their
consumption choices?
23. Should the government consider raising taxes on luxury items to promote
greater income equality and reduce income disparity?
24. Should the government prioritize policies and programs to support and uplift
poor and marginalized communities?
25. Should brands be required to use more sustainable and ethical production
26. Should social media influencers use their platforms to promote social justice
causes and raise awareness about social issues in Pakistan?
27. Should consumers be encouraged to adopt more minimalist lifestyles to
promote sustainability and reduce waste?
28. Should the government implement policies and programs to provide greater
access to education and job opportunities for low-income individuals and
29. Should consumers be more aware of the impact of their consumption
choices on the economy and the environment, and be encouraged to make
more conscious and responsible choices?

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