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Scenario: John is a high school student who struggles with low self-
esteem. He perceives himself as socially awkward and unlikable, and he
often thinks that his classmates don't like him. As a result, he tends to
avoid social situations and spends most of his time alone. One day, his
teacher tells him that he has noticed that John is intelligent and has a
lot of potential. However, John dismisses this feedback and thinks that
the teacher is just being polite. Later that week, John is invited to a
party but decides not to go because he assumes that nobody will want
to talk to him. The next day, he hears that the party was a lot of fun and
that everyone had a great time, which reinforces his belief that he is
not likable.
Q1: How does John perceive himself?

Q2: How does John's perception of himself affect his behavior?

Q3: What feedback does John receive from his teacher?
Q4: How does John respond to the feedback from his teacher?
Q5: What self-fulfilling prophecy does John create?
Q6: How might John's distorted self-perception be corrected?
Q7: What role do John's beliefs and attitudes play in his self-
Q8: How might John's perception of others influence his interactions
with them?

Q.1.John perceives himself as socially awkward, unlikable, and lacking
in self-esteem. This perception of himself is likely influenced by
negative experiences or feedback from others in the past, as well as
internal beliefs and emotions.

Q2: John's perception of himself leads him to avoid social situations and
spend most of his time alone. This behavior reinforces his negative self-
perception and can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Q3: John's teacher tells him that he is intelligent and has a lot of
potential. This feedback challenges John's negative self-perception and
offers a more positive view of himself.

Q4: John dismisses the feedback from his teacher and thinks that the
teacher is just being polite. This response suggests that John's distorted
self-perception is resistant to change, and he may have difficulty
accepting positive feedback.

Q5: John creates a self-fulfilling prophecy by assuming that nobody will

want to talk to him at the party and therefore not attending, which
reinforces his belief that he is not likable. This behavior confirms his
negative self-perception and can perpetuate a cycle of low self-esteem
and social isolation.

Q6: John's distorted self-perception might be corrected through

therapy, positive feedback and reinforcement from others, and by
focusing on his strengths and achievements. These strategies can help
John challenge his negative beliefs and develop a more accurate and
positive view of himself.

Q7: John's beliefs and attitudes about himself shape his self-perception
and influence his behaviors and emotions. This suggests that John's
self-perception is not fixed or innate but rather can be influenced by his
experiences, feedback from others, and internal thought processes.

Q8. John's perception of others as not liking him might lead him to
avoid interactions with them, which can further reinforce his negative
self-perception. This suggests that John's perception of others can
influence his behavior and emotions and highlights the importance of
addressing both his internal beliefs and his interactions with others in
improving his self-perception.

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