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JULY 7, 2023







We would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the following individuals who have played a significant role in the

success of our research project:

First and foremost, We would like to extend our deepest appreciation to our esteemed teacher, Sir Jerald Abejuela. His

exceptional guidance, unwavering support, and invaluable expertise have been instrumental in shaping our research

journey. His dedication to our academic growth has truly inspired us to reach new heights.

We would also like to extend a special thank you to the two anonymous student athletes, intercoder, who willingly

participated in our research. Their valuable insights and contributions have enriched our study, providing us with a

deeper understanding of the subject matter. Their willingness to share their experiences and perspectives has been truly


Furthermore, We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the student athletes who honestly answered our

questionnaire. Their time and effort in providing us with their responses have significantly contributed to the success of

our research. Their honesty and willingness to share their thoughts have allowed us to gain a comprehensive

understanding of the topic at hand.

Lastly, We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to Sir Jerald Abejuela, intercoder, and all the student athletes

who have supported and dedicated themselves to our research. Without their collective efforts, this study would not have

been possible. Their involvement and commitment have truly made a difference in our research journey.


This research paper is dedicated to all the student athletes who have faced numerous challenges while pursuing their

academic and athletic goals. Your determination, resilience, and commitment to excellence are truly inspiring. This paper
aims to shed light on the unique struggles you encounter and contribute to the ongoing efforts to support and empower

student athletes worldwide. Additionally, this research is also dedicated to the teachers and coaches who play a

significant role in shaping the future of these exceptional athletes through their guidance, mentorship, and unwavering

support. Lastly, to the future student athletes, may you find strength, courage, and resilience to overcome any obstacles

you may face. May our findings serve as a catalyst for change, urging institutions to provide the necessary resources,

opportunities, and support systems that enable student athletes to thrive academically, athletically, and beyond.

Table of content

Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01 - 17
 Background of the Study
 Statement of the Problem
 Significance of the Study
 Scope and Delimitation
 Hypothesis (optional; depending on research
 type)
 Research Framework
 Definition of Terms

Methodology--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 – 27
 Research Design
 Data Gathering Procedure
 Population and Sampling Design
 Research Instrument
 Method of Data Analysis
 Intercoder Reliability (for qualitative research)
 Research Ethics

Results and Discussion------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28 -32

 Results
 Discussion
 Conclusion
 Recommendation

Background of the study

Student-athletes are known to face unique challenges that stem from their need to balance their academic and athletic

responsibilities. These challenges can have negative impacts on their academic performance, as well as their overall

well-being. Studies have shown that student-athletes commonly face challenges such as time management, physical

exhaustion, and pressure to perform in both areas. As a result, they may experience stress, burnout, and negative

consequences on their mental health (Ryan, Gayles, & Bell, 2018).

Furthermore, injuries sustained during athletic competition can have significant psychological impacts on student-athletes

(Smith, 1996). Despite the availability of support programs and interventions, there is still a need to understand the

experiences and coping mechanisms used by student-athletes to balance their academic and athletic responsibilities.

This understanding can inform the development of more effective support programs and interventions.

To address these challenges and risks, universities offer various support programs and interventions. For instance,

academic advising tailored to student-athlete’s needs has been shown to be effective in improving their academic

success and retention rates (Brecht & Burnett, 2019). Providing the necessary academic and mental health support can

help meet the specific requirements of student-athletes, including the capability to cope with stress and any other

emotional difficulties related to their double roles (Owens, 2022).

Therefore, this study aims to explore the struggles faced by student-athletes in balancing their academic and athletic

responsibilities. By identifying the challenges that student-athletes face and the coping mechanisms they use to manage

these challenges, this study can help inform the development of more effective support programs and interventions that

can aid student-athletes in balancing their academic and athletic responsibilities. Ultimately, this research aims to

improve the academic success, retention rates, and overall well-being of student-athletes.
Research Questions

1. What are the unique challenges faced by student athletes in balancing their academic responsibilities with the

demands of their athletic commitments, and how do these challenges affect their overall academic and athletic


Our research question was chosen with the aim of giving more emphasis on the unique challenges that student athletes

face in balancing their academic responsibilities with their athletic commitments, and how these challenges impact their

overall well-being, academic performance, and athletic performance. Balancing academics and athletics is a daunting

task, and student athletes often find themselves struggling to keep up with the demands of both. They are expected to

excel in both areas, which can lead to physical and mental exhaustion, burnout, and negative consequences on their

academic performance and overall well-being.

Therefore, understanding the challenges that student athletes encounter is critical, as it enables universities and sports

organizations to create policies and practices that support their well-being. By identifying the challenges and struggles

that student athletes face, universities and sports organizations can implement strategies to ensure that student athletes

are supported in their academic and athletic pursuits. This will not only help them to achieve academic and athletic

success, but also ensure that their mental and physical health is not compromised in the process.

Furthermore, promoting a healthy balance between academics and athletics is essential for the overall well-being of

student athletes. This means finding ways to balance the demands of both, so that student athletes can achieve success

without sacrificing their mental and physical health. By exploring the challenges faced by student athletes, we hope to

identify strategies that can be used to support them in managing their academic and athletic responsibilities. This will
help to create a culture that promotes the well-being of student athletes, which is vital for their long-term success and


2. How do student athletes cope with the stress and pressure of balancing their academic and athletic commitments, and

what strategies do they use to manage their time and priorities effectively?

We chose this question because First, student athletes face a unique set of challenges that can impact their well-being,

including stress and pressure related to balancing academics and athletics. Understanding how student athletes cope

with these challenges can inform strategies to support their mental health and well-being. Second, this question

highlights the importance of mental health support for student athletes. Balancing academic and athletic responsibilities

can be a daunting task that can lead to burnout, anxiety, and other mental health concerns. By understanding how

student athletes cope with these challenges, universities and sports organizations can provide targeted support and

resources to promote their well-being. Third, the question addresses the role of resilience in the lives of student athletes.

Coping with the stress and pressure of balancing academic and athletic commitments requires a high level of resilience,

which is an important skill for success both on and off the field. By studying how student athletes cope with these

challenges, we can identify strategies for building resilience in student athletes. Overall, the significance of this question

lies in its potential to inform policies and practices that support the mental health and well-being of student athletes, and

promote their success both in academics and athletics.

3. What types of support and resources are most effective in helping student athletes overcome their academic and

athletic struggles?

We chose this question because First, it addresses the well-being and success of student athletes who face unique

challenges in balancing academic and athletic responsibilities. Student athletes require specific support and resources to

overcome their struggles, and identifying effective strategies can enhance their academic and athletic performance while

maintaining their physical and mental health.

Second, this question highlights the role of schools and universities in supporting the well-being and success of student

athletes. By identifying effective support and resources, universities and sports organizations can implement policies and

practices that prioritize the physical, emotional, and academic needs of student athletes.

Third, the question addresses the importance of preparing student athletes for success beyond sports. By providing

effective support and resources, schools and universities can help student athletes develop skills such as time

management, organizational skills, and resilience that are critical for success both on and off the field.

Overall, the significance of this question lies in its potential to inform policies and practices that prioritize the well-being

and success of student athletes. By identifying effective support and resources, schools and universities can better

support their student athletes and help them succeed both on and off the field.


WHO: The focus of this research is to cater to individuals who are associated with student athletes, such as coaches,

academic advisors, teachers, mental health professionals, academic researchers, policymakers, parents, and guardians.

These people play a crucial role in managing the academic performance and healthcare of student athletes.


Student athletes

Studying the struggles of student athletes can directly benefit them in several ways. Firstly, it can lead to the

development of targeted support programs that address the unique challenges that student athletes face. For example,
universities may invest in academic tutoring or time management workshops specifically tailored to the needs of student


Secondly, understanding the struggles of student athletes can help educators and administrators better advocate for their

needs. For example, if a study reveals that many student athletes struggle with inadequate access to healthcare, this can

be used as evidence to push for improved healthcare resources for student athletes.

Thirdly, raising awareness of the challenges that student athletes face can help reduce stigmatization and promote a

more supportive culture around athletics. By acknowledging the difficulties that student athletes encounter, universities

and athletic communities can create a more empathetic and inclusive environment where student athletes feel valued

and supported.

Overall, studying the struggles of student athletes can directly benefit them by improving their access to resources,

advocating for their needs, and creating a more supportive and inclusive culture around athletics. athletes' grades, and

enable them to develop effective support systems and interventions tailored to the unique needs of student athletes.


Studying the struggles of student athletes can also benefit coaches in several ways. Firstly, it can provide them with a

deeper understanding of the unique challenges faced by student athletes, which can help them to better support and

mentor their athletes. For example, if a coach knows that many of their athletes struggle with time management due to

busy schedules, they can work with them to develop strategies for balancing academics and athletics.
Secondly, understanding the struggles faced by student athletes can help coaches identify areas where they may need

additional resources or support. For example, if a study reveals that many student athletes are struggling with mental

health issues, a coach may be able to advocate for more access to counseling services or develop training programs to

help athletes cope with stress.

Finally, studying the struggles of student athletes can help coaches foster a more positive and supportive team dynamic.

By acknowledging and addressing the challenges faced by their athletes, coaches can create a more empathetic and

understanding team culture where athletes feel valued and supported.

Overall, studying the struggles of student athletes can benefit coaches by providing them with a deeper understanding of

their athletes' needs, identifying areas where additional support may be needed, and promoting a more positive and

supportive team culture.

Mental health professionals

Research on the struggles of student-athletes can provide mental health professionals with several benefits. Firstly, it can

help mental health professionals gain a deeper understanding of the unique challenges that student-athletes face, such

as performance anxiety, injury, and time management. Armed with this understanding, mental health professionals can

tailor their treatment plans to meet the specific needs of student-athletes. Secondly, research on the struggles of student-

athletes can help mental health professionals develop effective interventions that address the mental health challenges

that student-athletes experience. This can lead to better mental health outcomes for student-athletes and help them

perform better both on and off the field. Thirdly, a better understanding of the struggles of student-athletes can help
mental health professionals enhance prevention efforts aimed at promoting mental health and well-being among student-

athletes. Finally, by using research to inform their treatment approaches, mental health professionals can improve

treatment outcomes and help student-athletes achieve their goals both as athletes and as individuals. Overall, research

on the struggles of student-athletes can provide mental health professionals with valuable insights that can help them

better meet the needs of their clients who are student-athletes.

Parents and guardians

Research on the struggles of student-athletes can benefit parents and guardians in several ways. Firstly, it can increase

awareness and understanding of the unique challenges that student-athletes face. This can help parents and guardians

better understand their child's experiences and provide them with the support and guidance they need to navigate these

challenges effectively. Secondly, by understanding the struggles of student-athletes, parents and guardians can improve

communication with their child. They can provide a safe and supportive environment for their child to discuss their

concerns and challenges, and work together to develop strategies to address these challenges. Thirdly, research on the

struggles of student-athletes can help parents and guardians provide better support to their child. They can help their

child manage their time effectively, cope with stress and anxiety, and develop healthy habits that support their mental and

physical well-being. Finally, armed with a better understanding of the struggles of student-athletes, parents and

guardians can become better advocates for their child. They can work with coaches, teachers, and other school

personnel to ensure that their child's unique needs are being met, and that they have access to the resources and

support they need to succeed both as athletes and as students. Overall, research on the struggles of student-athletes

can benefit parents and guardians by increasing awareness and understanding, improving communication, providing

better support, and enhancing advocacy efforts on behalf of their child.

Academic researchers and policymakers

Research on the struggles of student-athletes is significant to academic researchers and policymakers because it can

help identify gaps in knowledge, inform policy development, improve academic outcomes, and enhance athlete well-

being. Firstly, academic researchers can use the research to identify gaps in knowledge and areas where further

research is needed. This can help guide future research and ensure that it is addressing the most pressing issues facing

student-athletes. Secondly, policymakers can use research on the struggles of student-athletes to inform the

development of policies that support the mental health and well-being of student-athletes. This can help ensure that

policies are evidence-based and effective in promoting positive outcomes for student-athletes. Thirdly, by addressing the

mental health challenges that student-athletes face, academic researchers and policymakers can help improve academic

outcomes for student-athletes. This can help ensure that student-athletes are successful both on and off the field. Finally,

research on the struggles of student-athletes can help academic researchers and policymakers develop interventions

and programs that promote athlete well-being. This can help ensure that student-athletes are healthy, happy, and able to

perform at their best. Overall, research on the struggles of student-athletes is significant to academic researchers and

policymakers because it can help create a healthier, more supportive environment for student-athletes.


Scope: This study will focus on the challenges faced by student athletes in managing their academic and athletic

commitments. Specifically, it will examine the effects of academic, psychological, physical, and social pressures on the

academic and athletic performance of student athletes. Additionally, the study will explore how student athletes address

and manage their day-to-day struggles.

Delimitation: The study will be delimited to high school student-athletes in imus,cavite and will not cover the struggles of

elementary-level or lower athletes. The main purpose of the study is to identify the struggles of the student athletes and

how to cope with it. This study only focuses on student athletes and their own struggles. The study excludes the benefits

and advantage of being a student athlete.


Theoreritcal framework

The struggles faced by student athletes in balancing their academic and athletic responsibilities can be understood

through the lens of several theoretical frameworks. One such framework is Role Strain Theory, which suggests that

individuals may experience stress and tension as a result of competing demands from different roles in their lives.

Role Strain Theory posits that individuals may experience role conflict, role overload, or role ambiguity when faced with

competing demands from multiple social roles. In the case of student athletes, the demands of their dual roles as

students and athletes can lead to role conflict and overload, resulting in stress and negative impacts on academic and

athletic performance.

To address this issue, it is important to consider other theoretical frameworks that may provide insights into effective

coping strategies for student athletes. One such framework is Social Support Theory, which suggests that social support

from peers, coaches, and academic advisors can buffer the negative effects of role strain and promote well-being among

student athletes.
In addition, Self-Determination Theory may also be useful in understanding the motivational factors that drive student

athletes to succeed both academically and athletically. This theory suggests that individuals are more likely to be

intrinsically motivated when they feel a sense of autonomy, competence, and relatedness in their pursuits. By creating an

environment that fosters these three psychological needs, coaches and academic advisors can help student athletes

stay motivated and engaged in both their academic and athletic pursuits.

Overall, the Role Strain Theory provides a useful framework for understanding some of the unique challenges faced by

student athletes. However, it is important to consider other theoretical perspectives and to develop comprehensive

support systems that address the complex and multifaceted nature of these challenges. By doing so, we can help

student athletes thrive both on and off the field, achieving success in both their academic and athletic pursuits.

Conceptual Framework

Input Process
A Qualitative study about the struggles of a -interview
student athlete.
-open ended questionares.

A Qualitative study about the struggles of a
student athlete.
- A list of common challenges faced
by student athletes, such as
balancing academic and athletic
commitments, managing time
effectively, dealing with injuries, and
coping with the pressure to perform
at a high level.
- Resources for student athletes,
including tips on time management,
stress management, and injury

Student athletes - Individuals who pursue both academic and high level of athletic performance while studying in an

educational institution.

Academic struggles - Challenges faced by student athletes due to balancing their academic workload with their athletic

responsibilities, which can result in lower grades, lack of time for assignments and studying, and limited academic


Academic Field - The assessment of student achievement across various academic subjects is a crucial part of

educational evaluation. Teachers and education officials typically measure student performance through classroom

assessment, graduation rates, and standardized testing results.

Athletic Commitments - refer to the obligations that athletes have to their sport. This includes attending practices, games,

and any other activities related to their sport, as well as adhering to team rules, regulations, and expectations.

Additionally, athletes may be expected to maintain their physical and mental health, as well as their academic

Academic Support - Academic support for student athletes is any type of assistance that helps them succeed both

academically and athletically. This may include tutoring, study skills workshops, academic advising, time management

training, and access to academic resources. It is important for student athletes to receive academic support to ensure

that they are properly balancing their academic and athletic commitments. Academic support can also help student

athletes develop skills that will help them succeed in the future.

Mental Health Support - Mental health support for student athletes is an important part of any successful athletic

program. It is important to provide a safe and supportive environment for student athletes to discuss their struggles and

have resources to turn to during difficult times. This can include providing access to mental health professionals,

confidential counseling, and resources such as mental health apps and other online support. Additionally, it is important

to provide student athletes with education about mental health and signs of distress, as well as promoting an open and

accepting attitude towards mental health issues.

Mental health struggles - Unique challenges faced by student athletes that can impact their mental health, such as

anxiety, depression, and stress due to the pressure to perform well in both academics and athletics.

Physical health struggles - Challenges faced by student athletes due to the demands of their sport, such as injuries that

may lead to stress, limited physical movement, and low self-esteem.

Social struggles - Issues that student athletes face due to feeling isolated from their peers and campus community, as

well as difficulty maintaining relationships outside of their sport due to demanding schedules.

Coaches and academic advisors - Members of the campus community who provide support and resources to help

student athletes overcome challenges and thrive both on and off the field.

Role - social roles or identities that student athletes have in their lives. Specifically, student athletes have the dual roles

of being students and athletes, which come with different demands and responsibilities.

Coaches: Individuals who train and guide sports teams or athletes to achieve their full potential in competitions or games.
Academic advisors: Professionals who provide guidance and support to students in academic matters, such as course

selection, study skills, and career planning.

Teachers: Educators who facilitate learning and impart knowledge and skills to students in various subjects and


Mental health professionals: Experts who specialize in diagnosing and treating mental health disorders, providing

counseling and therapy to individuals suffering from emotional and psychological problems.

Academic researchers: Scholars who conduct research studies and investigations to generate new knowledge and

insights into various academic fields, such as science, social sciences, humanities, etc.

Policymakers: Decision-makers who create and implement policies and regulations that govern society, organizations, or


Parents: Individuals who raise and take care of children, providing them with love, support, guidance, and resources to

ensure their well-being and development.

Guardians: Individuals who are legally appointed to take care of minors or individuals who are unable to make decisions

for themselves, ensuring their safety, education, and general welfare.



This research study aims to explore the experiences and struggles of student athletes who balance both athletic and

academic commitments. The overall objective is to identify underlying factors contributing to these challenges and

develop effective strategies to support their success both on and off the field. The research design employed in this study

is qualitative, using phenomenology as the approach to study the experiences of student athletes. This approach

involves examining, interpreting, and making sense of an individual's lived experience, emphasizing subjective

experience and the meanings individuals give to it. To collect data, the study used purposive random sampling to select a

sample of student athletes located in Imus/Bacoor Cavite who are at least in high school. In-depth interviews were

conducted to gain insights into the experiences and struggles of these participants. Thematic analysis was used to

identify patterns, themes, and categories within the data. The chosen methods were appropriate for the research

question as they allowed for in-depth exploration of the experiences and perspectives of student athletes. Purposive

random sampling ensured that the sample accurately reflected the desired population while controlling for potential

confounding variables. In-depth interviews allowed participants to share their stories and perspectives in their own words,

and thematic analysis helped uncover underlying factors contributing to their challenges. One strength of the chosen

methods is the ability to gain a rich, holistic understanding of student athlete experiences. However, limitations include

potential biases in participant selection and the subjective nature of qualitative data analysis. This chapter will provide an

introduction to the study's aims, objectives, and design. It will also detail the specific methods used for data collection
and analysis, justify the methodological choices made, and discuss the strengths and limitations of these methods.

Finally, it will outline the structure of the remaining chapters and what readers can expect from each section.

Research design

This research will employ a qualitative research design, using phenomenology as the approach to study the experiences

and struggles of student athletes who balance athletic and academic commitments.

Phenomenology is a philosophical approach to understanding experience by examining, interpreting, and making sense

of an individual's lived experience. It is an approach focused on subjective experience, emphasizing the individual's

experience of reality and the meanings they give to it.

By using a phenomenological approach within a qualitative research design, researchers can gain a rich, holistic

understanding of the experiences and struggles of student athletes who balance athletic and academic commitments.

This information can be used to create programs and support systems that are tailored to meet the unique needs of

student athletes who wants to excel both in sports and academics.

Population and Sampling design

The population would be all the student athletes who are atleast in highschool and located in Imus/Bacoor Cavite. The

sampling technique that will be use is purposive random sampling. This technique allows us to select a sample based on

specific criteria, such as sport type, gender, or level of struggle. This method enables us to select a sample that

accurately reflects the desired population and allows us to adjust for potential lifestyle or socioeconomic influences.
This method would ensure that our sample is representative of the entire population of student athletes in the basketball

program, while also allowing us to control for potential confounding variables like gender or level of struggle. The

sampling size would be atleast 10.

Research Instrument

Interviews can be a useful research instrument for qualitative studies of athletes for several reasons:

1. In-depth exploration: Interviews allow researchers to explore athletes' experiences, perspectives, and opinions in-

depth. This can provide rich and detailed data that can be used to uncover new insights and understandings of the

phenomena being studied.

2. Flexibility: Interviews can be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured, depending on the research question and the

information being sought. This flexibility allows researchers to tailor their interviews to the specific needs of their study

and to follow up on interesting responses to gain deeper insights.

3. Participant's voice: Interviews provide an opportunity for athletes to share their stories and perspectives in their own

words. This can help to ensure that the participant's voice is represented in the research and can help to identify

important themes and topics that may not have been apparent through other methods.
4. Non-verbal cues: Interviews allow researchers to observe non-verbal cues, such as body language and tone of voice,

which can provide additional insights into athletes' experiences and perspectives.

5. Building rapport: Interviews allow researchers to build rapport with the participants, which can help to create a

comfortable and safe environment for the participants to share their experiences and perspectives.

In a qualitative study of athletes, interviews can be used to explore a wide range of topics, such as athletes' experiences

of training and competition, their perceptions of their coaches and teammates, their motivations and goals, and the

impact of sport on their personal and social lives. Through questionaires, researchers can gain a deep understanding of

the complex and multifaceted nature of athletes' experiences and perspectives, and generate rich data that can be used

to develop theories and insights that can inform future research and practice. Additionally, questionaires can provide an

opportunity for athletes to share their stories and perspectives, which may not be fully captured through other research

methods, such as surveys or observations. interviews can be a valuable research instrument in qualitative studies of

athletes, enabling researchers to gain a nuanced understanding of athletes' experiences and perspectives.

Data Gathering Procedure

Using questionnaires in Google Forms as a research tool is a valuable procedure for exploring the overall struggles of

student athletes, including their emotional, academic, physical, mental, and social challenges. Here are the procedures

involved in using questionnaires in Google Forms, the benefits of structured questions, how it can provide insights into

the struggles of student athletes, and why using this procedure is essential for both researchers and student athletes.
Firstly, to use questionnaires in Google Forms as a research tool, the researcher should develop specific research

questions that are relevant to the overall struggles of student athletes. The research questions should guide the

development of the questionnaire items and the data analysis. The next step is to create a Google Form and design the

questionnaire items that will capture the necessary information.

Participants can be recruited by sharing the Google Form link through various means, such as distributing it through

athletic departments or coaches. It is important to ensure that participants understand the purpose of the research and

that their responses will remain confidential.

The questionnaire items should be structured and include a combination of closed-ended and open-ended questions.

Closed-ended questions have predefined response options and can provide quantitative data, while open-ended

questions allow participants to provide more detailed information about their experiences. By including both types of

questions, the researcher can gather both quantitative and qualitative data.

The questionnaire items can explore various aspects of the struggles faced by student athletes, including their emotional

well-being, academic workload, physical health, mental challenges, and social support networks. For example, closed-

ended questions can ask about the frequency of experiencing stress or the level of satisfaction with available resources,

while open-ended questions can ask participants to describe specific instances of challenges they have faced.

After collecting the responses, the researcher can analyze the data using Google Forms' built-in tools or by exporting the

data to other statistical software. The analysis may involve summarizing the closed-ended responses using descriptive
statistics and identifying patterns or themes in the open-ended responses. These findings can provide insights into the

overall struggles of student athletes and contribute to the development of interventions and support programs.

Using questionnaires in Google Forms as a research tool is essential for both researchers and student athletes. For

researchers, questionnaires allow for efficient data collection from a large number of participants, providing a broad

perspective on the struggles of student athletes. This data can inform evidence-based interventions and support

programs that address the specific needs of student athletes.

For student athletes, participating in the questionnaire provides an opportunity to share their experiences and contribute

to research efforts aimed at improving their well-being. It allows them to have their voices heard and potentially influence

the development of interventions and support programs. Additionally, participating in the research process can raise

awareness about the challenges faced by student athletes and reduce stigma surrounding mental health issues in the

athletic community.

In conclusion, using questionnaires in Google Forms as a research tool is a valuable procedure for exploring the overall

struggles of student athletes. Structured questions, including closed-ended and open-ended items, can provide both

quantitative and qualitative data that shed light on the challenges faced by student athletes. Questionnaires offer

efficiency in data collection and analysis, allowing researchers to develop interventions and support programs tailored to

the needs of student athletes. Moreover, student athletes can actively participate in the research process, contributing to

their own well-being and the betterment of the athletic community. Therefore, utilizing questionnaires in Google Forms is

an important step towards understanding and addressing the unique struggles of student athletes.
Method of Data Analysis

One reason thematic analysis is well-suited to studying student athlete struggles is that it can help uncover underlying

factors contributing to their challenges. With this approach involves identifying patterns, themes, and categories within

qualitative data, such as interview transcripts and open-ended interview responses. For example, a researcher using this

approach might identify common themes related to academic stress, time management, financial pressures, social

isolation, and performance anxiety. By analyzing these themes in depth, the researcher can begin to understand how

these factors interact and contribute to the overall struggles faced by student athletes.

Thematic analysis can also be used to explore variations in student athlete experiences across different contexts, such

as different sports programs, levels of competition, and types of institutions. By comparing and contrasting themes

identified through analysis of data from different groups, researchers can gain a better understanding of the unique

challenges and opportunities faced by student athletes in different contexts.

In conducting a thematic analysis of student athlete struggles, a researcher would typically follow several key steps. First,

they would collect data through interviews, ensuring that participants are representative of the target population. Next,

they would transcribe the data and begin coding for meaningful themes and patterns. This may involve manual coding or

the use of computer-assisted software, depending on the size and complexity of the data set. Finally, the researcher

would analyze the themes in depth, drawing conclusions about the broader issues facing student athletes and making

recommendations for addressing these challenges.

Overall, the use of thematic analysis in researching the struggles of student athletes offers a powerful tool for gaining

insight into the experiences of this population and developing effective strategies to support their success both on and off

the field.

Intercoder Reliability

Intercoder reliability is an important process to evaluate studies that explore the struggles of student athletes. In this

study, two coders were used; two of them are both athlete students. as conducted with a high degree of accuracy and

rigor. Both of the coders had extensive experience with student athletes and this expertise was utilized to ensure

accuracy in the coding process. To ensure intercoder reliability, the two coders independently coded the collected

material, then discussed their differences and resolved any disagreements through discussion. The process was

repeated until individual coding was consistent and reliable.

After coding, the agreement measure between the two coders was calculated to obtain an agreement score of 93%. This

indicates that the two coders could reliably interpret the data and that the coding was successful. This suggests that the

study provides a reliable representation of the struggles of student athletes. Both of the coders had extensive

experience with student athletes and this expertise was utilized to ensure accuracy in the coding process. To ensure

intercoder reliability, the two coders independently coded the collected material, then discussed their differences and

resolved any disagreements through discussion. The process was repeated until individual coding was consistent and

Research Ethics

Research ethics dictates that the safety and wellbeing of the participants must always come before any other

considerations when conducting research. Therefore, the rights of student athletes should be respected throughout the

research process.

Researchers should ensure that participants are informed of their rights and research procedures and not forced into

participation. Participation should also be voluntary, with enough time for students to make an informed decision. Prior

consent should be obtained from each student athlete.

Researchers must be careful to maintain the confidentiality of the participants. Personal information, including names

and contact information, should not be revealed without explicit consent.

In addition, researchers must be sensitive to the experiences of participants, ensuring that the questions and topics

explored do not cause psychological or emotional distress. Every effort must be made to ensure that the research

benefits participants, or at the very least does not cause any further harm. Furthermore, participants should be made

aware of their right to withdraw their participation at any time.

Finally, in order to ensure the quality of the research, data must be accurately collected, analyzed, and reported. All

findings must be reported accurately and without bias. Researchers must take into account the ethical implications of the

data they are collecting and be aware of any potential conflicts of interest which may arise.

In this chapter, we aim to present the significant outcomes and engage in a thorough discussion of the findings arising

from our research. Through the utilization of thematic data analysis, employing the chosen method, we have meticulously

examined and interpreted the collected data. This approach enables us to gain a deeper understanding of the

experiences and challenges faced by student athletes.


According to the results of the Google Forms questionnaire, the primary challenge faced by student athletes when trying

to balance academics and athletics is effective time management. This was indicated by 60% of the respondents,

highlighting the crucial importance of managing time effectively in order to succeed as a student athlete.

Furthermore, the questionnaire revealed that many student athletes lack effective coping mechanisms to handle the

stress and pressure associated with their dual roles. It was evident from the responses that developing and implementing

good coping mechanisms is essential to alleviate the stress and pressure that arises from these demanding


Additionally, the questionnaire findings highlighted that both financial and mental health support were regarded as the

most effective forms of assistance in helping student athletes overcome their struggles. Respondents suggested that

providing athletes with more financial resources and offering mental health support services can greatly contribute to

their overall well-being and enable them to perform at a higher level.

To summarize, the Google Forms questionnaire revealed that time management is a significant challenge for student

athletes and emphasized the importance of developing effective coping mechanisms. The results also emphasized the
need for financial and mental health support as effective means of assisting student athletes in overcoming their



Effective time management emerged as a primary challenge, indicating the critical importance of mastering this skill to

succeed in both areas. The findings also highlighted the need for student athletes to develop and implement effective

coping mechanisms to manage the stress and pressure associated with their dual roles. Additionally, the questionnaire

emphasized that financial and mental health support are essential for student athletes to overcome their struggles.

Respondents expressed the significance of providing athletes with more financial resources and offering comprehensive

mental health support services. These forms of assistance not only contribute to their overall well-being but also enable

them to perform at a higher level. In summary, the survey results confirm that time management, coping mechanisms,

financial support, and mental health services play crucial roles in supporting student athletes. By addressing these areas,

educational institutions can create an environment where student athletes can thrive academically, excel in their sports,

and maintain their mental well-being. Implementing the recommended strategies and support systems will not only

benefit student athletes but also reinforce the commitment to their holistic development. It is essential to recognize the

unique challenges faced by these individuals and provide them with the necessary resources and support to succeed on

their academic and athletic journeys.


As for support on the major themes, poor time management skills hinder student athletes and prevent them from

effectively allocating time to both academics and athletics. The article highlights the inability to find a proper balance as a
negative factor that hinders student athletes (Poor Time Management Can Make a Student Athlete Fail. (, ). GradesFixer.

Retrieved July 6, 2023, from


the main advantages of having effective coping mechanisms is stress reduction. The study highlighted that implementing

coping strategies, such as problem-solving and seeking social support, can help student athletes better manage stress

and maintain their psychological well-being1. By utilizing these techniques, I learned to identify stressors, develop action

plans, and leverage support networks to alleviate the burden of stress.

In addition to stress reduction, coping mechanisms were instrumental in emotional regulation. Student athletes often

experience a wide range of emotions, including frustration, anxiety, and pressure. An article published by the National

Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) emphasized the importance of coping mechanisms in emotional regulation,

allowing athletes to stay focused and perform at their best2. Techniques like deep breathing exercises, visualization, and

meditation helped me regulate my emotions, maintain composure in challenging situations, and improve my overall

mental state.

Furthermore, coping mechanisms fostered resilience and adaptability. Student athletes frequently encounter setbacks,

obstacles, and failures in both academics and athletics. However, through the development of coping skills, I learned to

bounce back from setbacks, embrace challenges as learning opportunities, and maintain a positive mindset. The

American Psychological Association (APA) highlighted that coping mechanisms build resilience, enabling individuals to

handle stress effectively and adapt to new situations3.

Lastly, the implementation of effective coping mechanisms significantly contributed to my mental well-being. A study

published in the Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology emphasized that athletes who utilize adaptive coping strategies

experience better mental health outcomes and higher life satisfaction4. This resonated with my own experiences. By

incorporating coping strategies into my routine, I noticed a significant improvement in my overall mental well-being. It

reduced the risk of burnout, anxiety, and depression, allowing me to find joy in both my academic and athletic pursuits.

In conclusion, it is clear that having good coping mechanisms is vital for student athletes. They serve as valuable tools in

managing stress, regulating emotions, fostering resilience, and promoting overall mental well-being. Through the

utilization of coping strategies, student athletes can navigate the challenges they face and perform at their best. The

development of coping mechanisms is an ongoing process, but the benefits make it a worthwhile investment.

In the world of sports, athletes often encounter financial challenges. Without proper financial education and support, they

may struggle with managing their earnings, making sound financial decisions, and planning for their future. This is where

financial health support comes in. By providing athletes with financial literacy programs and guidance, they can develop

the necessary skills to navigate financial hurdles, maximize their earnings, and secure a stable financial future Curington,

R. J. (2019).

Mental health is another vital aspect of an athlete's overall well-being and success. Athletes face immense pressure,

performance anxiety, and the demands of balancing their sport and personal life. Prioritizing mental health support can

significantly impact athletes' performance and well-being. Through interventions like sport psychology counseling and

mindfulness training, athletes can develop coping strategies, improve their focus and confidence, and enhance their

overall performance2 Money Smart Athlete. (2021)Additionally, mental health support helps athletes manage stress,
prevent mental health issues, and break the stigma surrounding seeking help Enhancing Financial Literacy Among

College Athletes. (n.d.)].

By providing financial and mental health support to athletes, we invest in their long-term success both on and off the

field. Financial literacy empowers athletes to make informed financial decisions and secure their financial future.

Meanwhile, mental health support enables athletes to thrive, perform at their best, and lead fulfilling lives. Together, these

forms of support contribute to the overall well-being and success of athletes.


Imagine being a student athlete, juggling between demanding academic responsibilities and rigorous training schedules.

The pressure to perform well in both areas takes a toll on your mental health, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and

exhausted.Fortunately, there are recommendations that aim to support student athletes like you in managing these dual

roles effectively and prioritizing your well-being.First, it's essential to develop strong time management skills. Workshops

and resources can be provided to help you learn how to plan and prioritize your academic and athletic commitments. By

mastering these skills, you can create a schedule that allows for adequate study time and training sessions, reducing

stress and enhancing your overall performance.Coping mechanisms are crucial for dealing with the stress and pressure

that often accompany the life of a student athlete. Educational programs and workshops can be offered to teach you

strategies such as mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and positive self-talk. These techniques enable you to navigate

challenges with resilience and maintain your mental well-being. Financial support can alleviate the burden of balancing

academics and athletics. Scholarships, grants, or financial assistance programs can provide you with the resources

necessary to focus on your pursuits without worrying excessively about financial constraints. Mental health support

services are of utmost importance. Having access to on-campus counseling services or partnerships with sports

psychologists ensures that you can seek professional help when needed. These services provide a safe space for you to
address any mental health concerns and receive the support necessary to thrive in both academics and sports. Building

a strong sense of community among student athletes is invaluable. Peer support programs, such as mentorship or buddy

systems, connect you with experienced athletes who can offer guidance, support, and advice. This camaraderie allows

you to share experiences and effective strategies for managing the challenges you face.Lastly, collaboration between

faculty and coaching staff is crucial for your success. Open communication between these two groups ensures that you

receive the necessary support and accommodations to excel academically and athletically.By implementing these

recommendations, our aim is to create an environment where student athletes can thrive academically, excel in their

sports, and maintain their mental well-being. We want to support you in achieving a healthy balance between your

academic goals and athletic aspirations.


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National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) - Sports Science: Why Coping Strategies Matter. Retrieved

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Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information
Name: Joshua Gabriel S. Tejada

Age: 18

Address: blk 31 lot 16 primarosa phase 5 imus buhay na tubig cavite

Birthday: May 27, 2005

Sex: Male

Nationality: filipino

Educational Background

Primary: Academy for Christian Education

Address: 4 L25 Queen's Main Ave, Bacoor, 4102 Cavite

School year: 2009 - 2020

Secondary: Imus National High School

Address: N.I.A. Rd, Imus, Cavite

School year: 2020 – 2022

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name: Miguel E. Magbanua

Age: 17

Address: Blk 9 lot 11 phase 12B castañeda st.

Birthday: Dec 21, 2005

Sex: Male

Nationality: filipino

Educational Background

Primary: Divine Jesus Learning Center

Address: 1 Apacible St, Bacoor, 4102 Cavite

School year: 2020 - 2022

Secondary: General Flaviano Yengko Senior High School

Address: 9XV6+3WV, Dama de Noche St, Imus, Cavite

School year: 2020 – 2022

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name: Rhiann Zharlo O. Aenlle

Age: 17

Address: Blk6 Lot3 Ohio St. Richmond 2 subd. Brgy. Magdalo,

Imus City, Cavite

Birthday: June 21, 2006

Sex: Male

Nationality: filipino

Educational Background

Primary: Pasong Buaya 2 Elementary School

Address: Bugallon, Pasong Buaya II, Imus, 4103, Cavite 1 Apacible St, Bacoor, 4102 Cavite

School year: 2012 - 2018

Secondary: General Flaviano Yengko Senior High School

Address: 9XV6+3WV, Dama de Noche St, Imus, Cavite

School year: 2020 – 2022

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name: Francis Joshua Damian

Age: 17

Address: Bacoor camella 35 2f newton st

Birthday: July 5, 2006

Sex: Male

Nationality: filipino

Educational Background

Primary: imus pilot elementary school

Address: CWGQ+PMR, Nueno Ave, Imus, Cavite

School year: 2012 - 2018

Secondary: Cavite bacoor national high school

Address: CXFG+472, Molino Rd, Bacoor, 4102 Cavite

School year: 2020 – 2022

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name: Orlando M. Gomez Jr.

Age: 17

Address: B5 L27 Mondale St Ph5 Mambog 5

Birthday: Dec 26, 2005

Sex: Male

Nationality: filipino

Educational Background

Primary: imus pilot elementary school

Address: CWGQ+PMR, Nueno Ave, Imus, Cavite

School year: 2012 - 2018

Secondary: General emillio Aguinaldo national High school

Address: CXFG+472, Molino Rd, Bacoor, 4102 Cavite

School year: 2020 – 2022

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