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This report contains a report by Manvi Venkitachal Sarma,

Semester 2, Fashion Design, School of Design

Course code: DES1013

Course instructor: Mr. Pranjit Sarma

Dated: March-June 2023


2 Project 1 (TRY ME) 3-4

3 Project 2 (BEAUTY) 5-6

4 Project 3 ( LIFE REVIEW) 7-8

5 Project 4 (SHE) 9-10

6 Project 5 ( INFINITY MIRROR ART) 11-12

7 Project 6 ( THALASOPHILLE) 13-14

8 Project 7 ( PLAGUE DOCTOR) 15-16

9 Project 8 (FREEING THE FISHES) 17-18

10 Project 9 ( CO EXISTENCE) 19-20

11 Project 10 ( WANDERLUST) 21-22


What is tinkering?
Tinkering is to make small changes to something in order to improve
or repair it. It is about hands on experience, learning from failures, and
unstructured time to explore and invent using your creativity.
A tinkerer is the one who experiments with materials and ideas to fully
understand the capabilities and capacities, and who further iterates on
their learning to find better solutions to current problems.

Tinkering includes the following aspects:

Is the process of forming ideas from conception to implementation, it
is the compilation of multiple thoughts to one idea.
Is a group problem solving method that involves spontaneous
contribution of creative ideas and solutions.
Every idea has an interesting story attached to it, each story has an
inspiration behind it.
Material exploration is a huge part of tinkering as having the
knowledge of variety of materials helps you widen your radar for your
Not all plans execute the way we want, every project has its own ups
and downs, by using trial and errors you can ensure your project is the
best version of itself.

Using inspirations for your project is valid but adding your own
creativity is an essential part, by using your creativity in your project it
shows and tells a story related to you.
Having an original idea for your tinkering project is essential as you
will have a clear view about your project from scratch.

About my project, it is a means to communicate a person’s feelings

when they drown in their thoughts and have to fight with their thoughts
to live. Our generation often is overloaded with thoughts and emotions
they can’t express which lead to disorders such as depression, anxiety,
and OCD.
As a person who has gone through all of it, it is extremely difficult to
live your day-to-day life while you are tearing yourself apart from
During the entire time of creating this project it was a rollercoaster of
emotions as it made me recall my past but that made me realise about
mental well being and how there are more people like me who go
through the same emotions which is why I had to bring out this project
into the world so people realise that they’re not alone in this and things
will get better over time
Project 1
Anitha N
Project name: TRY ME

The project represents how individuals

face racism, body shaming and discrimination
in our society.

Racism is a pervasive social issue that is characterized by prejudice

attitudes and discriminatory behaviour towards people of
different races or ethnicities. It involves the belief in the superiority of
one race over the other and often leads to unequal treatment,
exclusion, and marginalization of certain groups. Body shaming on the
other hand refers to the act of criticizing or mocking someone’s
physical appearance. It can take many forms,
such as fat- shaming, skinny shaming, and
general body shaming.
The second part of the visual plan was to
Create and visually represent the cultures of Rajasthan,
Two clothing representing Rajasthan heritage is shown on two dolls.
Project 2
Vaishnavi Bhat
Project name: BEAUTY

This project showcases the cruel beauty standards

in our society, beauty standards hold a lot of power over us

how we are supposed to look like.

Her process and materials used particularly caught my eye.

She used mdf board as base and made an aluminium human figure on
top of it, on top of that she started sculpting using clay, the techniques
she used were impressive as she took the clay mixed it with water
created a medium liquid consistency and applied over the cracks. Using
steel wool as hair and cotton to show insides of the flesh was the perfect
usage of the materials.
Project 3
Nanditha P
Project name: LIFE REVIEW

This project revolves around a woman reminiscing her childhood and

reliving all her memories.
Childhood memories are often filled with a sense of nostalgia and
wonder. It is a time were at the most innocent stage of our life and we
don’t think much, we just experience new things and make connections
with people in our lives.
The idea was inspired by when she spent hours in travelling to the
university everyday where she thinks about her childhood and the
memories it holds.
To depict the person in this project and to showcase the body language
which is being represented of her innocence and playfulness as she was
thinking about her childhood. To make the reels she wanted to display
a vintage theme to show that the memories are old.
Project 4
Claudius Jinen
Project name: SHE (Speed, Hope, Experience)

The concept behind the project is about the yacht which is referred to
as SHE.

It relates to the idea of female figure such as a mother or goddess

guiding and protecting a ship or crew, It relates to his mom who has
guided him throughout his life.

The inspiration which was taken was from various yachts like
Lamborghini 63, freedom etc. It has always been a dream for him to
own one and his love towards yachts.

The tools made for the project was minimal, the sun board is the main
material used for the entire yacht, Stuck the yacht using glue gun and
fevicol, then used sand paper to smoothen the edges and painted the
yacht white.
Project 5
Jeswin Geo

An infinity mirror art is a type of optical illusion that creates a

seemingly endless series of reflections using mirrors and light. The art
form typically involves placing a mirror facing another partially
silvered mirror, with a light source behind them. The effect is created
by the reflection of the light back and forth between the mirrors,
creating the illusion of a never-ending tunnel of light. Infinity mirrors
can be used in a variety of ways, from creating mesmerizing art
installations to functional pieces like mirrors and coffee tables.
Project 6
Arya Bilay

The project is how much she loves oceans. The concept behind is how
as humans it is our responsibility to keep our ocean clean, the colour
blue is associated with feelings of calmness and peace, calmness and
listening to the flow of waves and swell of the sea naturally soothes.

The inspiration was taken by her from “MUMBAI URBAN ART

FESTIVAL” , it was mainly about the fisherman’s and how their lives
depend on the sea but because of the amount of water pollution their
job gets harder and harder.
Project 7
Agastya Dabas
Project name: PLAGUE DOCTOR

Plague doctors were physicians who treated victims of the bubonic

plague during the 14th to the 19th century in Europe. The clothing made
by the plague doctor was designed to protect them from the disease.

It consisted of a long black coat made of heavy fabric, gloves and a

wide brimmed hat. The coat was often waxed or oil to repel moisture
and prevent the fleas that carried the disease from clinging onto it.

The mask is a beak like nose filled with herbs and spices to purify the
air the doctors breathed, The eyes of the mask are covered with crystal
or glass to protect the doctors eyes from infection.

He also talked about how the mask can also be used to hide one persons
insecurities and also can show how people are not always themselves
in public and that they wear a mask just so that people accept them.
Project 8
Sanjana Vijay

The concept behind this project is meant to symbolise the sense of

freedom you feel when you step outside of your comfort zone. The mug
represents a safe space and the water falling out of the mug is is rapid
and not steady which represents the fear you may feel when you face
risks and uncertainties that come your way.

The koi fishes represent good fortune, perseverance and success. These
fishes are highly valued in Japanese and Chinese cultures, and are often
associated with strength, courage and determination.
Project 9
Project name: CO EXISTENCE

Her concept is that both nature and technology/ humans should be able
to co exist, we humans are responsible to take care of our surroundings
so that other living creatures can live too.

The concept also represents how humans are polluting the environment
and making it extremely for other beings to live in it.

She has used a brown hand to show nature classically, and a silver hand
to represent technology.

This project represents the unexplainable grief she feels when she sees
the nature getting destroyed. A creative way to approach this project is
seen as the ideation process included multiple elements for the project
as well as the materials used in it are vast.
Project 10
Sabarinath S
Project Name: WANDERLUST

The inspiration of this project comes from his love and passion for
bikes and travelling, since his childhood he has been fantasizing about
bikes and travelling, The concept is about a tourer, and goes to both the
ratro and modern style, and he came up with this chopper looking bike
which isn't been seen much nowadays.

I personally know how much he loves bikes, and his knowledge is quite

The entire concept on a bike and designing it to a chopper looking one

is commendable.

Bikes have a unique story behind them and this bike tells a story on
how he wants to travel the world and explore his freedom, In our daily
life we forget to give ourselves time for us to do something we
genuinely love.

His way of depicting his passion and love for his bike is shown in this

Observing and getting to know about each of these projects in detailed

has really helped with my ideation process and design thinking in
Witnessing each of these projects and getting to know the stories
behind them is inspirational. Each of these projects speaks about the
maker itself, the ideation process, the materials used, skill set used,
problems faced, these aspects gave me a clear perspective on how every
individual comes up with a completely different solution to a problem
and goes through a completely different approach.
Tinkering workshop gives you a clear picture about each of these
aspects and how one can get through these with ease.
I am inspired and impressed to be working among such individuals.

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