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Dosen Pembimbing: Dr.Maulizan Za,M.Pd

Emi Harmayanti (20060017)



Two different approaches to the definition of literature are describe and some features of a
prototypical literary work are outlined.the criterial approach attemps to provide criteria that must be
met by all texts to be called literature.the ptototypical approach focuses on a particularly good
example to which other exsample bear resemblance it is suggested that prototpycal literary work
are(1)written text (2)are marked by careful us of language,including features such as creative
metaphorse, wellturned phrases,elegant syntaxrhyme,alliteration and meter (3)are in a literary genre
(4)are read aesthetically(5)are intended by the author to be read aesthetically and contain many weak
implicatures and are deliberately somewhat open in interpretation,two text one from a cookbook and
the other a poem are analyzes according tp this definition,problem with this definition are examined
TABLE OF CONTENT………………………………………………………………………3
BAB 1…………………………………………………………………………………………4
1.1 BACKGROUND………………………………………………………………………….4
1.2 LITERARY PROBLEM FORMULATION……………………………………………….4
1.3 PURPOSE OF LITERATURE……………………………………………………………4
BAB II…………………………………………………………………………………………5
AWHAT IS LITERATURE……………………………………………………………………5
B.THE NATURE Of LITERARY WORKS…………………………………………………6
C.BENEFITS OF LITERATURE…………………………………………………………….6
BAB III………………………………………………………………………………………7

Literature is a form of creative and productive activity in produce a work that has aesthetic value
and reflect social realities. If viewed from the word literature in Indonesian comes from Sanskrit,
namely the root the word sas in a derived verb means to direct, teach,give directions or
instructions. The –tra suffix usually denotes a tool,means. Therefore, literature can be a tool for
teaching, books,
instructions, instruction books or teaching (Teeuw, 2013: 20). Wellek danWarren (2014: 3),
states that literature is a creative activity,a work of art. Meanwhile, Semi (1988: 7) states that the
wordliterature or literature can be found in a variety of different uses vary. This indicates that
literature is not something this imple. Literature encompasses a number of different activities.
Wecan also talk about literature as something associatedwith the characteristics of a nation or
group of people, for example we hear the terms Arabic literature, American literature,Javanese
literature, and so on.Various kinds of differences that occur in determining the definition of work
literature is caused by different perspectives and various types of worksliterature. As stated by
Aminuddin (in Siswanto,2008: 68) which states that the differences that occur in determining
definition of literary works in addition to being caused by various types and forms in literary
works, the difference in understanding is also caused by different angleslook.


1.what is literature
2. What is the nature of literature?
3. What are the benefits of literature?


1.a literature review is carried out with the aim of writing a paper to introduce new studies in a
particular topic that those who are active in the topic of science need to know.
A.What is literature
Literature broadly is any collection of written work, but it is also used more narrowly for writings
specifically considered to be an art form, especially prose fiction, drama, and poetry.In recent
centuries, the definition has expanded to include oral literature, much of which has been
transcribed.Regarding literary works, which are the interpretation of life, discovery and renewal,
have become the thoughts of many prominent writers and make it a working philosophy in their
literary activities. This was explicitly stated, among others, by the writer who received the 2001
Nobel Prize in Literature from Trinidad of Indian descent, V.S. Naipaul (2003) in the honorary
speech he gave at the University of Manhattan entitled our universitysal Civilization‖, and writer who
was awarded the 1991 Nobel Prize in Literature from South Africa,Nadine Gordimer (1995). There
are three things that distinguish literary works from other non-literary (written) works, namely
fictionality, aesthetic values and special use of language. of languages). In a further description of
fictionality, esthetic values and special use of language that distinguish literary works from other
written works, Jakob Sumaardjo and Saini KM (1988:13) argue that the fictional nature of literature
is the result of the fact that literary works are created with imagination; and although literary works
want to talk about the realities and problems of real life, they first create an imaginary world as a
background where the realities and problems can be contemplated and lived by the reader. Why do
writers use an imaginary world as a background for the reality or problem they want to present to the
reader? The answer is because through this imaginary world the reader can live up to the realities and
problems in their concrete form, and those who are touched by the problem are not only their
thoughts, but also their feelings and imagination. Thus, the reader can answer (respond) to the reality
or problem presented with his whole personality. Such a response is different from what readers give
to non-literary works, for example scientific or philosophical worksTeeuw (1984) and Luxemburg
(1986) suggest that no one has yet provided a strict answer to the question of the definition of
literature. The same thing was also expressed by B. Rahmanto (2000), Suminto A. Sayuti (2002), and
a Malaysian writer.

Ali Ahmad, in an article entitled Seeking a Literary Definition‖ (in Hamzah Hamdani 1988:19-26).
Furthermore, Luxemburg (1986:3-4) suggests that there are many proposals to define literature but
not many satisfactory proposals. He put forward the reasons as follows: (1) Often people want to
define too many at once. It is often forgotten that there is a difference between a descriptive
definition of literature which answers the question: what is literature?and an evaluative definition that
wants to assess whether a literary work is a good literary workor not; (2) Often people look for an
"ontological" definition of literature, that is, aa definition that expresses the nature of a literary work
while forgetting that literature should be defined in the situation of the users and readers of literature;
(3) Related to that, often the notion of literature is too determined by the example of Western
literature, especially since the Renaissance era, regardless of typical literary forms such as those
found in cultural circles outside Europe, in certain eras or in certain social circles. For example, the
concept of literature applied to the times
B.The Nature Of Literary Works
1.Karya sastra bersifat khayal(fictionality).
2. Karya sastra memiliki nilai-nilai seni(Aestic Values) yang meliputi keutuhan(unity), kesatuandan
keragaman(Unityin Variety), keseimbangan(Balance), keselarasan(Harmoni) dan Tekanan/focusyang
tepat(Right emphasis).
3.Penggunaan bahasa yang khas sebagai media sastra (special us of language

C.Benefits Ofl literature

1 Giving awareness to the reader about the truth of life.
2. Giving satisfaction and joy to the reader.
3. Provide job opportunities for writers.
4. Literature as a literary work has universal aesthetic value. Imagination (Imagination

1. Indonesian literary works have 3 forms. Namely: the form of prose, the form of poetry and the
form of drama
2. Prose is free writing. While poetry is an essay that is bound by rules. Dandrama is literature in the
form of staging.
3. Literary works have many schools.
4. Indonesian literary criticism has its own era, each pioneer and many new theories
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Ulfah, Suroto. 2000. Theory and Guidance on Appreciation of Indonesian Literature. Jakarta
Erlangga.3. Layun Rampan, Korrie. 1999. Types of Short Stories. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.4.
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