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Sincelejo – Sucre
DANE: 170001000414 - ICFES: 015388-179283 - NIT: 892.280.020-4

NOMBRE DEL ALUMNO: ____________________________________________________________ GRADO 3° _______

EVALUACION DE INGLÉS PERIODO II FECHA: _________________________________________

Observa las imágenes y escoge la opción correcta.

1. This animal is
6. The bird can ..
A. Bird
A. Fly
B. Chicken
B. Speak
C. Bee
C. Read
D. Sheep
D. Run

2. This animal is
7. The dog can ….
A. Donkey
A. Speak
B. Duck
B. Read
C. Run
D. Bird
D. Fly

3. This animal is
A. Dog
Read and choice the correct option
B. Cat
C. Duck
8. The cat ….. swim
D. Cow
A. Can B. Can´t

4. This animal is
9. The sheep …… fly
A. Bird
A. Can B. Can´t
B. Cat
C. Chicken
D. Cow
10. The chicken ……. Jump
A. Can B. Can´t

5. This animal is
A. Duck
B. Sheep
C. Donkey
D. Chicken

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