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PROFESSOR (A): Alyson Vieira


Leia o texto abaixo.

In a city called Petrolina, there was a girl named Julia. Julia was 11 years old and lived with
her parents. Paulo is Julia's father, and Maria is her
mother. In Julia's house, there are two more people living,
André and Melissa.
André is Julia's brother, and Melissa is her sister.
Julia is a very clever and intelligent girl. She loves playing
with her tablet and watching cartoons on TV. Julia's
parents are very nice.
One day, the doorbell of Julia's house rang, and her
mother went to answer it.
When she opened the door, three children appeared and
asked for Julia: "Are we friends of Julia, is she here? We
came to play." They entered, and it was a great fun afternoon.

(1.0) Retire do texto, e coloque na nuvem trechos que contenham o verbo to be.

(2.0) Ainda sobre o texto, respondas as perguntas abaixo marcando a alternativa correta
Quem são os pais de Julia?
a) Paulo e Maria
b) André e Melissa
c) Os amigos de Julia
O que Julia adora fazer em seu tempo livre?
a) Quebrar seu tablet
b) Assistir desenhos na TV
c) Praticar esportes

Quem eram as três crianças que apareceram na casa de Julia?

a) Amigos de Julia
b) Parentes de Julia
c) Professores de Julia

(3.0) Sobre o verb to be marque a alternativa correta.

Escolha a forma correta do verbo "to be" para completar a seguinte frase:
I ___________ a doctor.
a) is
b) am
c) are

Selecione a opção correta para completar a seguinte frase negativa usando o verbo "to be":
She ___________ interested in the movie.
a) is not
b) am not
c) are not

Escolha a forma correta do verbo "to be" para completar a seguinte frase interrogativa:
___________ they coming to the party?
a) Am
b) Is
c) Are

Selecione a opção correta para completar a seguinte frase negativa usando o verbo "to be":
We ___________ happy with the results.
a) am not
b) is not
c) are not

(4.0) Encontre os verbos to be e complete a tabela ao lado.

(5.0) Sobre Was and Were responda.

Qual é a forma correta do verbo "to be" na primeira pessoa do singular (I) no passado?
a) Was
b) Were

Qual é a forma correta do verbo "to be" na segunda pessoa do singular (you) no passado?
a) Was
b) Were

Qual é a forma correta do verbo "to be" na terceira pessoa do plural (they) no passado?
a) Was
b) Were

(6.0) Complete as lacunas com Questions Words correspondentes e depois ligue com a resposta
correta de cada pergunta.

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