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Dana Cardenas


Ave. Televisión No. 357 Col.Juárez

“If I were president”

Alumno (a): Dana Stephanie Cardenas Cruz

Materia: Ingles
Grado: 6to semestre
Profesor: Mayra del Rocio

Tijuana Baja California

Dana Cardenas

In the next project we will see what are the problems that I see in my country, which is Mexico,
using what is the conditional if zero, etc.

The objective of this project is to remember and continue practicing what the conditionals are and
to know how to use it better in my day to day
Dana Cardenas

1. Insecurity and crime

Insecurity is one of the best-known problems in this country, being considered the greatest cause
of concern for the inhabitants of Mexico and this country has some of the most dangerous cities in
the world. The main reasons for this are delinquency and organized crime, especially drug

2. Poverty
Another of the major social problems in Mexico, and probably one of those at the base of most of
the rest of the problems on this list, is the high level of poverty. Although it seems that over the
years the country's economy has improved, the truth is that a large part of the population is below
the poverty line, especially in rural areas .

3. Inequality
A key factor in the social problems that Mexico is experiencing is found in inequality, or rather, in
the inequalities that exist among citizens.

There is a great inequality of opportunities, observing, for example, inequalities at the gender
level), territorial or even at the migratory level. As in other countries, socioeconomic status is also
a relevant factor when it comes to having or not having access to different goods, services and
development possibilities.
Dana Cardenas

The Economic Impact of COVID-19

The crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the great challenges we face as societies,
making gender inequalities more evident: women are the most affected by the increase in
unemployment, poverty and the overload of unpaid care.

Who is most affected by the crisis caused by COVID-19?

It is estimated that the pandemic will leave 118 million women and girls in poverty in the region.
The reduction in economic activity affects in the first instance informal workers who lose their
livelihoods almost immediately, without any network or possibility of replacing the daily income in

More than half of the women work in sectors at high risk of being affected by the economic
downturn: commerce, domestic work, manufacturing, tourism, administrative services, real estate
activity and the health sector; where women are overrepresented in the first line of response, but
with a minority participation in decision-making in the face of the pandemic.

Women are losing their jobs at a much higher rate than men. The unemployment rate for women
in the region will be 15.2% - almost 6 percentage points than in 2019 (ECLAC / ILO, 2020 and
unemployment projections).
Dana Cardenas

How will you issue those problems?

I would change the problems in Mexico starting with myself since in order to have an opinion I
have to say the change that I have exercised.

How are you going to improve your country?

Taking punishments for example if you throw the garbage in the street you will have a fine or if
you insult a woman verbally or physically a fine of 1000 dlls the point is that if they do something
they will have consequences.

What makes you the best candidate for the job?

I feel that I am very strict in some things and I would like to help my country in whatever way I
could if I could.
Dana Cardenas

In this project, more than practicing the conditionals, I was very interested in everything about
what Mexico is suffering and it gives me courage that there are no changes but I will start little to
make a change

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