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1.B 2.B to get married to sb

3.C 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.D

water down: pha loãng

give out: hết sạch/ ngừng hoạt động

get away: đi nghỉ dưỡng/ trốn thoát

hold off: (mưa, bão) không xảy ra

8.B 9.B

To be allowed to V

To allow sb to do st

To allow doing st

Other Verbs: encourage, advise, propose, recommend

10.C 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.A

A. falling back : rút lui

B. falling out: tranh cãi, có mối quan hệ xấu với ai

C. falling off: giảm xuống

D. falling over: ngã

15. A 16. B 17.C 18.C 19. C 21. D 22.D 23.B 26.C 27.A 28.B 29.D 30.B
32.D 33.A 34.B 36. C 37.C 39.C 41.C 42. D

hit the right note (v): làm việc một cách đúng đắn, hợp lí

beat around the bush (v): nói vòng vo

play second fiddle (v): đóng vai phụ, ở thế yếu hơn

face the music (v): chịu trách nhiệm, phê bình, hoặc hình phạt

43. C Grow to là: Cuối cùng làm gì đó

44. C Mediterranean (n) Địa Trung Hải

45. B 46. B 47.D 48.B 49.B 50. A

warn sb about sth: cảnh báo ai về cái gì

warn sb against V-ing: cảnh báo ai không làm gì

51. C 52. D 58. C

protect (sb/sth) from/ against: bảo vệ ai khỏi, chống lại

in combination of: với sự kết hợp của

62. B 64.B 66.D 67.D 69.A 70.A 71.B

A. cut off: cắt giảm

B. seized up: trục trặc

C. gone off: biến mất

D. wiped out: xóa sổ

74.B 80.B 88.B 89.C 90.B 91.A 93. A 95. C 96. A 98.A 99.D 100.C 103.C

Enforce (v): thi hành

Enact = pass=bring in = (v): thông qua, ban ra

113. C

dip into (v): nghiền ngẫm, nhúng vào

review (v): đánh giá
go over (v): lướt qua, đọc lướt
114. C 115. Computing device: thiết bị máy tính
116. B desert expansion: sự mở rộng sa mạc, sự sa mạc hoá
117. B 121. C
wipe out: xóa sổ = CLOSE

put away: để dành

go over: kiểm tra

take off: cất cánh

124. D 125. D 126. B 127.D to follow in one’s footsteps: làm giống như ai đã làm trc đó

128. B to turn a blind eye to st: không quan tâm đến cái j

129. A flash flood: bão bất ngờ trg mưa

130. C for comfort: cho thoải mái

131. B in due time: vào thời điểm thik hợp
132. C 135. A to bear a striking/much/strong resemblance: rất giống nhau
136. B enriching experience: kinh nghiệm giàu thêm
137. D tight budget -> ko có nhiều tiền dư để tiêu tốn
138. B 139. C 141. B 142. B a good many Nđếm đc số nhiều: rất nhiều
143. B 144. B
To get away from: bỏ lại cái gì, thoát khỏi, rời xa cái j
To run on: tiếp tục làm gì mà ko dừng lại

1. up / join up: gia nhập quân đội

2. out

3. around

4. up for/ to stick up for sb: support/stand by sb

5. to/ It falls to me= It’s my responsibility…

6. away/ die away: biến mất

7. out

8. over/ to hang over sb: quẩn quanh ai

9. up to

10. off / hold off: tạm dừng

11. into/ to lay into sb= to tell sb off= to scold sb

12. for/ praise for

13. at/ to be gratified at sb/st: to be pleased with

14. to/ to have a deep aversion to: ko thik cái j


16. about

17. under/ under offer: đang đc trả giá

ON OFFER ĐƯỢC RAO BÁN thường là đc giảm giá

18. up/ to act up: BEHAVE BADLY

19. out

20. after

21. off/ to break off: tạm thời dừng lại

22. into/ eat into: ăn vào, tiêu thụ vào

23. up/ to add up: to make sense = be reasonable


Ex1: 1. Without 2. Its 3. But 4. 5. Exploiting 6. Provide 7. Despite 8. Ranging

9.Which 10. Last
1. unPredictable
2. Considerably
3. Historic
4. Abnormal
5. threatened
6. poverty
7. Drainage drainage system: hệ thống thoát nc
8. Timely
9. Starvation (n) sự chết đói
10.Subsistence subsistence crop: ruộng trồng cho nhà ăn, ko để bán
1. Increased
2. Stabilize (v) cố định, xác định
3. Associated = connected (adj) kết nối
4. Reachable
5. Contributor
6. Generation
7. Extensive
8. Efficiencies
9. Dramatically
10. Combustion (n) quá trình đốt cháy

1. Little likelihood that we will

2. Can’t no longer tolerate to
To tolerate to st: chịu đựng cái j
3. is off school on tuesday
to be off school: đc nghỉ học
4. make it impossible for the bank to give
5. less in demand because of the availability
6.  failure to succeed was a direct consequence of
to be a consequence of: là hậu quả của
8. Doesn’t have much flair for
9. Was given insufficient time to complete her
10. to have taken offence at
to take offence at st: bị xúc phạm

Part 2.

1. from our expectations, he refused to raise our salary.

2. COME WHAT MAY, we'll stay side by side.
COME WHAT MAY: whatever happens
3. Are that they will win the case.
4. No obligation to come and see the new house.
hold sb in high esteem: respect

Part 3.

1. I feel I am being given a raw deal.

To be give a raw deal = to get a raw deal: bị phân biệt đối xử
2. Your empty promises will cut no ice with her.
To cut no ice wth sb: ko ảnh hưởng tới ai
3. The washing machine reduced my silk shirt to tatters.
To reduce st (cloth) to tatters= make ragged: làm cho rách rưới
4. to keep a tight reign on: kiểm soát chặt chẽ cái j
5. on suspicion of spying
to be on suspicion of st: bị nghi ngờ làm gì



I. 1.A 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.A

II. 1.know -> knows

2. little nice -> nice little

3. the fear -> fear

4. never ->ever

5.close -. Close to


1. turns up
2. look into
3. went off
4. went for to go for sb= to attack sb
5. try out


I.0. I 1.G 2. E 3.F 4.A 5.H

II. 1. A
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. D
7. C
8. C
9. B
10. D

From Nguyễn Hương Giang to Everyone 09:05 AM


1. B
2. D
3. D
4. A
5. C



1. is more likely to be caused by a bee sting than a snake bite these days.
2. no circumstances should you lock this door when the building is open to the public.
3. must apply yourself to your study more.

4.himself on never being late.

5. to new technology being applied in the farmers’ fields, the output of rise was raised



2. WAS beyond belief.

3. had been careful

4. such a bad driver

5. were beaten by


1. The players’ protests made no difference to the referee’s decision at all.

2. I’ll take my camera to the party in case Sally doesn’t bring hers.

3. Tan doesn’t take after his father.

4. We have lost in touch for years.

5. She doesn’t mention her boyfriend in this letter.



I. 1. D in the absence of proof: vì ko có chứng cứ

2.A 3.A 4.B thick and thin: khó khăn,thăng trầm

5. A 6. A 7.B TO GET OFF: xuống tàu, bus, máy bay

8.B 9.C nephew (n) cháu trai

10. A


1.make -> take

2.when-> than




1. incorrectly
2. criminal
3. industrialized
4. thoughtful
5. well-being


1. with
2. behind
3. at at birth
4. Under
5. For
To charge for st
To charge sb wih st
To be in charge of


1. Unwritten

2. In
3. Best
4. Found


5. Breaking
6. like
7. Code
8. Children
9. Society
10. Next


1. B

2. D
3. D

4. A

5. C to saturate with = to cover with


1. circumstances should you lock this door when the building is open to the public.
2. it not been for my father’s money, we couldn’t have managed.

3. will you find a more dedicated worker than Mrs. Brown.

4. routes you take; it will still take you about three hours to get there.

5. as no surprise to me to hear that Karen had changed her job.


1. about her achievements WAS beyond belief.

2. to distance herself from the scandal caused by her husband's remarks.
To distance oneself from st: tránh xa khỏi cái j
3. given me a new lease of
to give sb a lease of life: làm ai hp
4. to have a word with Jack about the problem but he was too busy.
5. An instant liking to
To take an instant liking to sb: lập tức thik ai
6. Burning the midnight oil to
7. never follow things through
follow through
~ to continue doing something until it has been completed
~ see something through
8. are weighing on me
to weigh on sb: đặt nặng lên ai
9. to put her nose into my
to put one’s nose into: xía vào, cản trở
10. I was down in the mouth
be down in the mouth
~ to be sad
III. rumored to have sustained a loss of
2. no time was there any official acknowledgment regarding the role
3. taking over FROM PAUL
4. took my breath away
5. made no bones about helping me.
6.She just went through the motions of welcoming him, then quickly left the waiting room.
7.Your failure to obey the regulations may cause your disqualification.
8.It had been alleged that members of the team took drugs.
9.has put the blame on mass tourism
10.was time he took an

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