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Question 1: The police were baffled by the attack as there seemed to be no apparent _______.
A. design B. principle C. motive D. plot
Motive (n) động cơ, lí do
Plot (n) âm mưu, cốt truyện
Question2:If you want to be sure of receiving a copy of the magazine, I suggest you_______ an annual
A. put down B. take out C. Write off D. send up
Put sb down: làm ai bẽ mặt
Take out: đặt thuê bao
Write off: xoá nợ
Sent up: chế nhạo, cười nhạo
Question 3: After feeling off_______ for days, Tom finally went to see his doctor.
A. food B. color C. fitness D. balance
Question 4: _______ the phone rang later that night did Anna remermnber the appointment.
A. No sooner B. Only C. Not until D. Just before
Question 5: There was_______ evidence to bring charges against the man.
A. insubstantial B. inferior C. ineffective D. insufficient
Insubstantial (adj) ko có thật, ko xác thực
Question 6: The runner got a huge blister on his heel where his new shoes_______.
A. scratched B. rubbed C. scraped D. gripped
Scratch (v) cào xước
Ruv (v) chà xát
Scrape (v) đập j vụn ra
Grip (v) nắm, giữ chặt cái j
Question 7: The size of the pop-star’s personal fortune was the subject of much_______ in the press.
A. doubt B. guessing C. speculation D. wonderment
Speculation (n) sự suy đoán
Wonderment (n) điều kì diệu
Question 8: Jeremy’s friends were fond of him_______ because of his generosity.
A. at least B. still less C. even less D. not least
Not least = especially
Even less: thậm chí còn ít hơn
Question 9: The thick fog _______ out any possibility of our plane taking off before morning.
A. ruled B. struck C. stamped D. crossed
Rule out: loại trừ (khả năng…)
Question 10: Looking down at the coral reef, we saw_______ of tiny, multi-colored fish.
A. swarms B. flocks C. teams D. shoals
A swarm of côn trùng
A flock of gia cầm
A shoal/school of fish
Question 11: Of all the paintings in the gallery, it was this one that really_______ my eye.
A. grasped B. snatched C. caught D. seized
Question 12: She had made a firm decision and wasn’t _______by anything I said against it.
A. detracted B. prevailed C. induced D. swayed
detract (v) chê bai
Prevail over: chiếm ưu thế, thắng thế
Induce (v) xui khiến
Sway (v) dao động
Question13:We might have to change our plans for the weekend and, _______ we’ll let you know as
soon as possible.
A. in case B. if so C. providing D. supposing
Question 14: I was reluctant to_______ the subject because I thought he wouldn’t want to discuss it.
A. raise B. originate C. advance D. provoke
To raise the question/awareness/subject/issue
Question 15: My attempts to solve the problem only _______ to make it worse.
A. contributed B. functioned C. served D. attained
To contribute to doing st
To function … as
To attain st = to get st
To serve to V: đóng vai trò
Question 16: Can you tell me the _______ of these shoes?
A. charge B. price C. amount D. expense
Question 17: It is too early in the _______ to expect many visitors to the town.
A. term B. season C. time D. calendar
In the seaon: mùa du lịch
Question 18: She took up so many hobbies when she retired that she had hardly any time_______.
A. on her hands B. in hand C. at her hand D. at hand
To have time on one’s hands >< to have no time on one’s hands= not have free time
To be in hand: trong tầm tay
To be at hand: near/available
Question 19: Please leave this space_______ on the enrolment form.
A. absent B. blank C. missing D. undone
Question 20: After the flash flood, all the drains were overflowing _______ storm water.
A. from B. with C. by D. for
To overflow with st = to be full of st
Question 21: I would like to _______ Mr Fukuyama to present the trophy to the victorious team.
A. call over B. call out C. call upon D. call up
To call on/upon sb: ask/request sb
To call out: shout
To call up: recall memory
Question 22: My neighbor is _______; he is always showing that he never cares about his bad behavior.
A. grim-faced B. faceless C. face-saving D. barefaced
Face-saing: biết giữ thể diện
Faceles (Adj) ko có cá tính
Barefaced (adj) mặt dày, trơ trẽn
Grim-faced (Adj) dữ tợn, hung tơn
Question 23: The teacher doled_______ the chocolates to his students for having done well in the
A. off B. on C. out D. away
To dole out st to sb: phân phát chia cho ai cái j
Question 24: He kept his marriage a secret for years, but eventually the truth _______.
A. came out B. came through C. went out D. turned out
Question 25: “I call _______ you at 6 o'clock,” said James.
A. by B. up C. for D. in
To call for sb: to come to pick sb up
Call in: mời ai đến
Question 26: Many a leader _______ fallen due to pride.
A. is B. are C. has D. have
Question 27: If you want a good flat in London, you have to pay through the _______ for it.
A. month B. car C. nose D. teeth
To pay through the nose of st: pay a lot of money for st
Question 28: Employees who have a _______ are encouraged to discuss it with the management.
A. hindrance B. disturbance C. disadvantage D. grievance
Hindrance (n) sự cản trỏ
Grivevance (n) complaint
Question 29: William was as _______ as a cucumber when the harsh punishment was meted out to him
by the judge.
A. cool B. cold C. placid D. impassive
As cool as a cucumber= keep calm
Question30: _______ of the financial crisis, all they could do was hold on and hope that things would
A. At the bottom B. At the height C. On the top D. In the end
At the height of : đỉnh điểm của gì
Question 31: Nathalie seems very tough at work. She's a different person at home, .
A. though B. although C. as though D. even though
Question 32: I kept out of the conversation because it _______ me.
A. wasn't concerned B. wasn't concerning C. didn't concern D. didn't concern to
Not concern sb = not metion sb
Question 33: Hats like this may have been fashionable in the 60's, but now they are _______ the times.
A. behind B. over C. beneath D. under
Behind the times = old-fashioned=out of date=obsolete
Beind time = late
Question 34: Henry was overweight, so he went on a strict diet and _______ twenty kilos.
A. missed B. lost C. failed D. fell
Question 35: He was arrested because he answered to the description of the _______ man.
A. searched B. pursued C. wanted D. hunted
Question 36: Humanity has done great damage to the environment in its search for _______ materials.
A. live B. raw C. crude D. rude
Raw material
Crude oil
Question 37: _______ the balcony chairs will be ruined in this weather.
A. Leaving uncovered B. Having left uncovered C.Left uncovered D. Been left uncovered
Question 38: One way to let off _______ after a stressful day is to take some vigorous exercise.
A. cloud B. tension C. steam D. sweat
To let off steam = release stress
Question 39: Salaries have not _______ inflation in the last few years.
A. Put up with B. taken up on C. done out of D. kept up with
Question 40: After three days in the desert, his mind began to play_______ on him.
A. games B. jokes C. tricks D. fun
Question 41: It was the third time in six months that the bank had been held .
A. over B. down C. up D. out
Question42:I know you didn't want to upset me but I'd sooner you_______ me the whole truth yesterday.
A. could have told B. told C. have told D. had told
Question 43: As the drug took_______ the patient became quieter.
A. effect B. force C. influence D. impact
Question 44: The dawn red wood appears _______ some 100 million years ago in northern forests
around the world.
A. was flourished B. having to flourish C. to have flourished D. have flourished
Question 45: His comments _______ little or no relation to the facts and the figures of the case.
A. reflect B. bear C. give D. possess
Question 46: We're having terrible weather for our holiday. I just can't _______ it for much longer.
A. come up with B. fed up with C. keep up with D. put up with
Question47:His wife is a terrible snob.She _______ almost all his friends because they have north
country accents.
A. looks up to B. looks forward to C. looks out D. looks down on
Snob (n) trưởng giả
Question 48: John: This grammar test is the hardest one we've ever had this semester!
Mary: _______ but I think it’s quite easy.
A. I couldn't agree more B. I understand what you’re saying
C. You’re wrong D. I don’t see in that way
Question 49: Nga is very modest, always _______ her success.
A. keeping down B. turning around C. playing down D. pushing back
Keep down : kìm hãm
Push back : chống lại, phản đối ý tưởng, kế hoạch
To play down st: coi, xem nhẹ j
Question 50: I wish you’d do the accounts. I don't have _______ for numbers.
A. a head B. a mind C. the heart D. the nerve
To have a head for st = to be good at st
-The end-

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