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The best travel books of this year fall into three main categories: ______
informational, narrative, and anecdotal.
A. truly B. fully C. literally D. purely
2. As a matter of ______, we have six security guards on the premises at all times.
A. wisdom B. prudence C. foresight D. acumen
As a matter of prudence: để đề phòng
3. With just a little preparation and regular feeding and watering, you can guarantee
that you have a ______ of colour throughout the summer.
A. disturbance B. riot C. demonstration D. Rally
Have a riot of colour: be extremely colourful and bright
4. It was such a sad movie that we were all reduced ______ tears.
A. for B. with C. into D. to
Be reduced to tears: cause to tear
5. Serena is still ______ ignorant of the fact that she is about to be made redundant.
A. blissfully B. decorously C. jubilantly D. ecstatically
6. At the end of the competition, all the runner were ______ exhausted.
A. actually B. wholly C. utterly D. eventually
7. No decision has been taken about the building of the new airport. The authorities
are still ______.
A. beating about the bush B. comparing apples and oranges
C. sitting on the fence D. holding all the aces
8. The inconsiderate driver was ______ for parking his vehicle in the wrong place.
A. inflicted B. harassed C. condemned D. confined
9. It’s important to keep your ______ about you when you are walking through the
African bush.
A. wits B. heads C. brains D. minds
10. His appearance at the reception with the late Mayor’s widow caused something
of a ______.
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A. confusion B. rumour C. wonder D. stir
Cause a stir: cause controversy, argument,…
11. Derek had no experience of white-water canoeing, so it was extremely______
of him to try and shoot the rapids.
A. hazardous B. intrepid C. perilous D. foolhardy
12. Members of the aristocracy don’t ______ a great deal of power nowadays.
A. practice B. wield C. sway D. manage
Wield power: sử dụng quyền lực (quyền hành)
13. Why do you object to him being taken on – he’ll be a(n) ______ to
the company?
A. property B. estate C. asset D. material
14. A boycott of other countries’ sporting events appears a politically more
expedient form of protest than trade ______.
A. treaties B. actions C. blocks D. sanctions
Trade sanctions: restrictions on trade with a country for reasons of foreign policy
15. I heard ______ that Jack has been dropped from the basketball team.
A. in the woods B. on the grapevine
C. under your feet D. on the olive branch
1. One problem for teacher is that each student has his/ her own ________ needs.
A. separate B. divided C. individual D. distinctive
2. They talked for three days before finally_________to a decision.
A. reaching B. coming C. getting D. going
3. The workers decided to__________until their demands were met.
A. stand up B. lie behind C. sit in D. sleep out
4. I must take this watch to be repaired; it _______________ over twenty minutes
a day.
A. increases B. progresses C. accelerates D. gains
5. John has ________ painting since he retired.
A. taken up B. taken off C. taken over D. take in
6. ________ stay the night if it’s too difficult to get home.
A. At all costs B. By all means C. In all D. On the whole

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By all means: dĩ nhiên, chắc chắn (khi ai đó rất sẵn lòng giúp đỡ)
7. Robert and his wife ________ to my house for tea yesterday evening.
A. came round B. came about C. came down D. came away
8. Each of the guests ________ a bunch of flowers.
A. are given B. is given C. were given D. give
9. To everyone’s surprise, Mr. Brown ________ at the Trade Union meeting.
A. turned in B. turned over C. turned up D. turned round
10. The company directors asked the government to _________________ in the
dispute and prevent a strike.
A. intervene B. interact C. intercept D. interpose
11. Don’t worry. We _______ the report by 11 o’clock.
A. will be finishing B. will have finished
C. are going to finish D. finish
12. _______the ball, we would have won the game.
A. Should Thomson catch B. Were Thomson to catch
C. If Thomson catches D. Had Thomson caught
13. Fred was pleased _______to the college.
A. admitting B. to admit C. being admitted D. to be admitted
14. My decision to leave university after a year is one I now ____ regret.
A. harshly B. painfully C. keenly D. heavily
15. I enjoy going to school by bike. But on rainy days, I_______ to going by bus.
A. prefer B. would rather C. would like D. resort
16. He spoke to me as if he _______ my father.
A. is B. would be C. were D. had been
17. She pleaded_______ him not to take her child_______.
A. to – off B. with – away C. at – off D. about – out
18. My mother goes to _______church every ______ Sunday morning.
A. Þ – Þ B. the – every C. the – the D. a – Þ
19. It took us quite a long time to get here. It was ______ journey.
A. 3 hour B. a 3-hours C. a 3-hour D. 3-hours
20. Mary bought______ hat yesterday.
A. a red big plastic hat B. a big red plastic hat
C. a plastic big red hat D. a bit plastic red hat
26. Laura took ____________ on the homeless man and bought him some groceries.
A. sorrow B. shame C. grief D. pity
Take pity on someone: to feel sorry for someone and to do something to shows this
27. The man gave the police a full ____________ of what had happened among the crash
survivors on the deserted island.
A. explanation B. account C. interpretation D. story
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Give an account of something: explain about something
28. Every day we get ____________ calls on the phone from total strangers trying to sell us
something. That’s annoying!
A. cold B. warm C. hot D. chilling
29. In the end, it all ____________ down to the fact that you don’t really care about me.
A. goes B. turns C. comes D. gets
30. She’s ____________ with Jonas Brothers and collects anything and everything connected
with them.
A. devoted B. addicted C. absorbed D. obsessed
Be obsessed with something
31. How often do you ____________ at the gym?
A. work out B. wear out C. catch out D. watch out
32. It had been a terrible day for him and when he learned finally that he had lost his job, he
simply blew his top. “Blew his top” means ____________.
A. lost his nerve B. lost his courage
C. lost his temper D. lost his respect
33. My boss is always talking ____________ to me as if I’m not worth consideration!
A. at B. down C. through D. back
34. My English teacher, Mr. Sean Hughes, was a ____________ figure in my education, and the
vital reason why I went on to study English at university.
A. key B. prime C. critical D. main
A key figure: an important person, the brain of a company
35. He ran and hid behind a tree in order to be ____________.
A. out of reach B. out of control
C. out of breath D. out of danger
Out of danger: thoát nạn, thoát khỏi tình huống nguy hiểm.
36. Mark seemed very young, but he was ____________ older than all of us.
A. in secret B. in reality C. in theory D. in private
37. Even though James has suffered the most damage in life, no one has ever heard him
____________ a groan or a word of complaint.
A. yell B. murmur C. shout D. utter
Utter a groan
38. We’ve got so much work on that we’ve had to ____________ more staff.
A. take on B. take up C. take in D. take apart
39. She has a real ____________ for detail, which makes her very good at her job.
A. mind B. brain C. head D. eye
Have an eye for something: to be good at noticing a particular type of thing
40. I can’t imagine Mary dancing on a table - she’s much too prim and ____________.
A. perfect B. correct C. right D. proper
1. The boxer hit his opponent so hard that he was ___________ for ten minutes.
A. asleep B. knocked about C. unconscious D. stopped

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2. Because of an unfortunate ______ your order was not dispatched by the date requested.
A. hindrance B. oversight
C. negligence D. transgression
3. The death ___________ in the earthquake has been put at over one thousand.
A. damage B. toll C. rate D. loss
The death toll (collocation)
4. Don’t be __________ by false advertisements. If something looks too good to be true,
it probably is.
A. put off B. given up C. taken in D. put down
5. By next Saturday you ___________ with us for 6 months.
A. will have stayed B. will stay C. have stayed D. are staying
6. The child sat in the middle of the floor and ___________ refused to move.
A. distinctively B. decisively C. flatly D. totally
Flatly (adv) in a way that is very definite and will not be changed
7. The manager told his assistant to ___________ the mistake immediately.
A. rectify B. maltreat C. sanction D. banish
Rectify (v) correct something, put right something which is wrong
8. After a six-year relationship, Martha and Billy have decided to ___________.
A. break the bank B. turn the page C. tie the knot D. make the grade
9. Not until the seventeenth century ___________ to measure the speed of light.
A. anyone did even attempt B. did anyone even attempt
C. even did anyone attempt D. did even attempt anyone
Not until + time + đảo ngữ một phần + objects
10. The director retired early ___________ ill health.
A. on behalf of B. ahead of C. on account of D. in front of
11. Little did I imagine The Amazing Race would entail long-winded journeys and ups
and downs __________ .
A. aplenty B. inexhaustibly C. profusely D. superabundant
Aplenty (n) so much, a large amount
12. It stands to reason that a touch of humor and optimism can work ____________ .
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A. on all cylinders B. spectacles
C. wonders D. your fingers to the bone
Work on all cylinders: using all your energy to do, working as well as possible
13. I admit that I am late for the conference, but by _______________ of excuse let me
explain: my plane was delayed for 6 hours in Hanoi.
A. courtesy B. dint C. means D. way
14. A lot of criticism and scorn has been heaped _____________ his opinions.
A. above B. beyond C. on D. up
heap something on someone: to give someone a lot of praise, criticism, etc.
15. At first, she was ____________ dumbfounded to hear that he wanted to break up, and
then came the stirrings of auto-hypnotic perturbation.
A. exceedingly B. out-and-out C. somewhat D. utterly
Utterly dumbfounded
16. What stands out from The Voice Kids is that many young children are ___________
with natural talent for music.
A. bestowed B. conferred C. endowed D. vouchsafed
Be endowed with something: to naturally have a particular feature, quality…
17. With the economic situation looming large, many families find it difficult to rear their
A. descendant B. lineage C. offspring D. successor
18. Researchers have made a(n) __________ plea for more sponsorship so that they can
continue their project.
A. compassionate B. dispassionate C. encompassed D. impassioned
An impassioned plea (not impassive plea)
19. That Mary is an ______ liar: you must take what she says with a small grain of salt.
A. incorrigible B. incurable C. irredeemable D. irremediable
20. Unanswered, the demands for nuclear deterrents have _________ fears of civil war.
A. flashed up B. prognosticated C. sidetracked D. stoked up
Stoke up fears (collocation)
1. He had a ______ escape since the bullet came within inches of his head.
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A. slender B. close C. near D. narrow
2. You can buy goods on the Internet with a credit card, but there is a danger of
______ if someone else obtains the number.
A. corruption B. fraud C. embezzlement D. disruption
3. It was mindless of you to _____ Sam in the face. You should never have done it
if you expect him to love you.
A. slam B. clap C. slap D. clasp
4. At first Tom insisted he was right, but then began to ____.
A. back down B. follow up C. drop off D. break up
5. The inconsiderate driver was ____ for parking his vehicle in the wrong place.
A. inflicted B. harassed C. condemned D. confined
6. A lot of people who have had a ___________ deal in life will show surprising
A. bad B. rough C. raw D. clean
7 . The accused man was released on _________ pending the hearing of the case.
A. deposit B. bond C. deposition D. bail
8. Strong protests were made .................. with demands for an international
A. joined B. added C. coupled D. included
Make coupled with something
9. What her problems all seemed to ............................. to was lack of money.
A. analyze B. condense C. boil down D. sum up
10. I have to stress that the ______ is on you to bring up your own children.
A. duty B. charge C. onus D. liability
11. She was just an ordinary person before suddenly thrusting into the ______.
A. limelight B. floodlight C. headlight D. flashlight

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12. Many people no longer trust their own _____ memories and commit every
detail of their lives to some digital device or other and are completely lost without
A. fallible B. susceptible C. vulnerable D. controllable
13. Take care that your love for him doesn't _______ your judgment.
A. cloud B. darken C. shadow D. topple
14. Although the twins look identical, they have widely _______ opinions on
almost every topic under the sun.
A. distinct B. dissimilar C. divergent D. distinguished
15. The children's interest in playing the game soon _______.
A. flagged B. stumbled C. tottered D. thawed

1. When she puts her mind to it, she is always capable of _____ sarcasm.
A. biting B. sharpening C. slicing D. striking
Biting sarcasm: cruel and critical sarcasm
2. Fred has a__________ of staying out of trouble at the office - he never gets involved.
A. trait B. ability C. skill D. knack
Have a knack for something: have a natural ability
3. It is ________that the Minister of Justice should be accused of corruption
A. sarcastic B. sardonic C. ironic D. cynical
It is ironic that…
4. You can’t believe a word that woman says –she is a ________liar.
A. committed B. compulsive C. impulsive D. devoted
5. The judge show that the murderer had shown a callous ________for human life.
A. disregard B. ignorance C. omission D. neglect
A callous disregard (collocation)
6. It was ________ whether the operation would go ahead because so many staff were on
sick leave that week.
A. safe and sound B. touch-and-go C. pros and cons D. grin and bear
7. Anna’s friend knew the casting director, so she pulled a few ________ to arrange an
A. ropes B. wires C. threads D. strings
8. The play is simply a vehicle for its stars and falls ________ of having a decent plot.
A. fast B. short C. quick D. thin
9. Although he’s shy, it certainly hasn’t _______ his career in any way.
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A. restricted B. obstructed C. cramped D. impeded
10. She was caught cheating in the race. _______, she was disqualified.
A. Explicitly B. Accordingly C. Equally D. Fundamentally
11. Burglar alarms on cars and houses may act as a _______ to the casual thief.
A. prevention B. precaution C. stopper D. deterrent
12 The ________ are against her winning a fourth consecutive gold medal.
A. chances B. bets C. prospects D. odds
13. Hardship and hard work are very much part and ________ of student life.
A. package B. section C. province D. parcel
14. I’m sorry to have bothered you. I was under the ____ that you wanted me to call you.
A. mistake B. miscalculation C. misconception D. misapprehension
15. ____ we went swimming.
A. Being a hot day, B. It was a hot day, C. The day being hot, D. Due to a hot day,
16. I’ve yet ________ a person as Theo.
A. to meet as infuriating B. to have met such infuriating
C. been meeting as infuriating D. been meeting such infuriating
17. Sniffer dogs are able to locate survivors beneath the rubble with ________ .
A. precision B. correctness C. meticulousness D. exactitude
18. The preparations for the Olympic Games are on ________ according to the committee
in charge.
A. goal B. progress C. target D. aim
Be on target
19. A ________ number of mothers with young children are deterred from undertaking
paid work because they lack access to childcare.
A. substantial B. bleak C. thoughtless D. quaint
20. As I waited on the pavement, a black Mercedes __________beside me.
A. pulled up B. pulled down C. pulled off D. pulled through

1. ___________ is a phrase which describes a situation in which one must take a

chance that whatever is available will prove to be good or acceptable..
A. Potshot B. Pepper pot C. Pot luck D. Melting pot
2. What stands out from The Voice Kids is that many young children are
______________ with natural talent for music.
A. bestowed B. conferred C. endowed D. vouchsafed
3. While backpacking in a quiet, traditional region, I came across the seemingly
__________ fast food ads typical of my hometown.
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A. invasive B. infuriating C. irritating D. ubiquitous
4. Her colleagues put her _________ a hopeless case, but she proved to be the most
talented of all politicians.
A. down as B. into C. on to D. through
Put down as someone/something: S is condered be someon/ something
5. The mirror __________ broken when I dropped it in the bathroom.
A. got B. turned C. grew D. felt
6. To __________ means to study hard in a short period of time, usually before the
A. pram B. cramp C. dram D. cram
cram (v): nhồi, nhét, tống vào.
7. It looks like the sky is ________ up. It’s going to be a beautiful day.
A. shining B. clearing C. clear D. clean
8. The sky is ________ this morning, but the sun is supposed to come out by late
A. moisture B. humidity C. overcast D. cloud
9. Dedication, commitment, and knowledge are ___________of a good teacher.
A. characters B. celebrities C. personalities D. characteristics
10. In ____________, with the benefits of hindsight,, it is clear that this was a bad
A. reflection B. retrospect C. status quo D. a second thought
In retrospect: when looking back at the past situation
11. Born into a rich Fmily, he has____________________for nothing all his life.
A. needed B. required C. lack D. wanted
12. Managers claim we are in desperate__________________of greater investment
in our industries.
A. requirement B. excess C. need D. lack
13. I seem to be________________in energy this morning
A. berefit B. short C. lack D. low

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14. Recent EC legislation is aimed at removing trade_____________between
member states.
A. barriers B. walls C. boudaries D. fences
15. The tabloid newspapers, which are engaged in a _______________war, are all
trying to print the most sensational stories to improve sales.
A. press B. paper C. trading D. circulation

1. My friend eventually decided to quit her job, _______ upset me a lot

A. that B. what C. which D. who
2. Sales began the year at 30,000 units in January and increased slightly ________
2,000 units in February.
A. by B. to C. in D. at
3. John: “Our teacher, Mr. Jones, is not very flexible. He always requires us to
submit his assignments on time.”
Jack: “ _________. He should know that we have to learn many subjects.”
A. I can’t disagree with you more B. I can’t agree with you more
C. That can be true D. I am not with you here
4. _____ Mississippi River flows into _____ Gulf of Mexico in _______ state of
A. - / the / the B. The / the / the C. The / - / - D. - / - / -
5. You _______ then ; otherwise , the policeman wouldn’t have stopped you .
A. could have been speeding B. must have been speeding
C. might have been speeding D. ought to have been speeding
6. We cannot judge a person simply on the ______ of his education.
A. theory B. condition C. basis D. principle
On the basis of something: căn cứ theo something
7. The number of learners not large; therefore, a number of headphones
available to them in the lab
A. are - is B. is - are C. are - are D. is – is
8. He apologized me not having come to my birthday party
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A. to – for B. Ø – for C. to - on D. with – for
Apologize to someone to something
9. When friends insist on ______ expensive gifts, it makes most people
A. them to accept B. they accepting C. their accepting D. they accept
10. By the time Brown’s daughter graduates, __________ retired.
A. he B. he has C. he’ll being D. he’ll have
11. The ________ are against her winning a fourth consecutive gold medal.
A. chances B. bets C. prospects D. odds
12. References can have a considerable _______ on employment prospects.
A. cause B. decision C. weight D. bearing
Have a bearing on something: have an influence on something
13. Her performance in the last scene was quite ________.
A. describable B. remarkable C. notable D. noticeable
14. You should be _________ ashamed of yourself for what you have done.
A. thoroughly B. hopelessly C. entirely D. earnestly
Thoroughly ashamed
15. Hardship and hard work are very much part and ________ of student life.
A. package B. section C. province D. parcel
16. You’ll be glad to know that Yuki’s work is showing a ___________
A. mediocre B. minimal C. prominent D. pronounced
A pronounced improvement
17. Far be it from me to _________ down the law, but I think we need to pull our
socks up.
A. put B. lay C. write D. set
Lay down the law: ban hành luật
18. The prospects of picking up any survivors are now __________.
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A. thin B. narrow C. slim D. restricted
Slim prospects
19. I think that Tolstoy should be ________ reading for anyone interested in
A. necessary B. compelled C. required D. legal
20. Hopes are _______ of finding the missing boat.
A. darkening B. going C. fading D. draining
1. I’m not a serious investor, but I like to _______ in the stock market.
A. splash B. splatter C. paddle D. dabble
dabble in/with something to take part in something but not very seriously
2. In all _______ there will never be a Third World War.
A. odds B. probability C. certainty D. possibilities
In all probability: it is very likely that…
3. He had to retire from the match, suffering from a _______ ligament.
A. torn B. broken C. slipped D. sprained
Torn things: damaged things
4. You have to be rich to send a child to a private school because the fees are
A. astrological B. aeronautical C. astronomical D. atmospherical
Astronomical: very large (price, money…)
5. Archaeology is one of the most interesting scientific _______.
A. divisions B. disciplines C. matters D. compartments
6. It is doubtful whether the momentum of the peace movement can be _______.
A. sustained B. supplied C. supported D. subverted
7. Conversations you strike up with travelling acquaintances usually tend to be
A. trivial B. perverse C. insufficient D. imperative
8. Charles Babbage’s difference engine was widely regarded as the _______ of
the computer.
A. ancestor B. precursor C. antecedent D. premonition
9. He was in his late fifties, with staring eyes and a _____ hairline.
A. straggling B. receding C. bushy D. curly
A receding hair: tóc không mọc nữa

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10. After several hours on the road, they became ____ to the fact that they would
never reach the hotel by nightfall.
A. dejected B. resigned C. depressed D. disillusioned
11. The professor’s _______ theory is that singing preceded speech.
A. preferable B. pet C. fond D. fancied
12. A local charity benefited from the _______ of the annual summer fate.
A. earnings B. income C. pay D. proceeds
13. Two months is _______ time to allow for the job to be completed.
A. profuse B. protracted C. ample D. extensive
Ample time: it’s the high time to…
14. After her eye operation she had to wear an eye _______ for protection.
A. patch B. veil C. glass D. screen
15. The noise of the machinery _______ the words of the factory manager.
A. covered B. suppressed C. drowned D. deadened
16. All that was left for breakfast was some _____ bread and tea.
A. stale B. rotten C. sour D. rancid
17. Emma fell down and _____ her knee.
A. skimmed B. grazed C. rubbed D. scrubbed
18. The Press thought the football manager would be depressed by his dismissal but
he just _____.
A. ran it down B. called it off C. turned it down D. laughed it off
Run something down: make something to lose its power or stop working
19. Lindsay’s excuses for being late are beginning to _____ rather thin.
A. get B. turn C. wear D. go
20.The train service has been a _____ since they introduced the new schedules.
A. shambles B. rumpus C. chaos D. fracas
1. Without additional funds from the government, the principal cannot
___________ the issue of overcrowding in his school.
A. rectify B. banish C. sanction D. maltreat
2. Salt intake may lead to raised blood pressure in ___________ adults.
A. susceptible B. dangerous C. futile D. feasible
3. No one appreciated his work during his lifetime, but ___________ it is clear that
he is a great artist.
A. in the aftermath B. by the time C. in retrospect D. in this eventuality
In the aftermath of something: một hoàn cảnh nào đó sau khi something xảy ra
In retrospect: when looking back to a past situation
4. In recent years, many hills have been ___________ to give way to buildings.
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A. demolished B. levelled C. flattened D. felled
Level (v) make something flat and smooth
Flatten (v) something flattened, something destroyed
5. The ___________ of thirst is based on the concentration of salt in the blood.
A. sensation B. sentiment C. response D. impression
Sensation (n) a feeling that you get when somehthing affects your body
Sentiment (n) a feeling or an opinion made by your emotions and heart
6. The brother and sister were ___________ over who would get to inherit the
beach house.
A. at large B. at odds C. at a standstill D. at a loose end
Be at odds over/with: in disagreement with
7. Don’t trust what you hear on the grapevine. It’s best to hear it straight from the
___________ mouth so you know it’s true.
A. dog’s B. horse’s C. camel’s D. cat’s
8. Charles Babbage’s “difference engine” is widely regarded as the ___________
of modern computers.
A. precedent B. precursor C. ancestor D. antecedent
9. Because so much wheat has been sold to other countries, local supplies are
A. expanded B. depleted C. apprehended D. preoccupied
10. Parents know that a caring attitude can not only save you a small fortune, but
also even make you feel good about being ___________ and offering more care
than presents.
A. tight-fisted B. pigheaded C. highly strung D. easy-going
11. Ann’s encouraging words gave me ___________ to undertake the demanding
task once again.
A. a point B. an incentive C. a resolution D. a target
12. The international conference of the Cardiological Association has been
___________ in Cairo to discuss the revolutionary discovery of doctor Gonzales
from Mexico.
A. deployed B. collected C. mobilized D. summoned
13. We did our best to fix the broken computer but our efforts bore no
A. success B. fruit C. luck D. end
14. It was decide that the cost of the project would be ______ so it was abandoned.
A. repressive B. prohibitive C. restrictive D. exclusive
15. Many children who get into trouble in their early teens go on to become ______
A. persistent B. insistent C. inverted D. innate
16. Advertisers often claim their campaigns at young people as they have
considerable spending _______.

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A. power B. force C. energy D. ability
17. Before their restoration, parts of the medieval building were in a state of
A. debris B. dilapidation C. devastation D. destruction
18. As you are the strongest in the group, you can take the ______ .
A. lead B. head C. part D. way
19. His new play is not only interesting but also unique. It is really off the beaten
_____ .
A. track B. road C. path D. route
20. Even the best medicines are not ______ .
A. infallible B. unfailing C. fail-proof D. falsified

An addition explanation is that humans tend to have a soft (10) _________

for any form of flatter.
A. spot B. dot C. area D. point
Have a soft spot/ corner for someone/something: like

The book ________ up memories of my childhood.

A. evoked B. stimulated C. summoned D. flashed

Summon up: to make a feeling, a memory, etc. come into your mind

________ over the top with emotional language and unreasonable claims will get
you nowhere.
A. Being B. Going C. Getting D. Reaching
Go over the top: done with too much effort, acting, or emotion

Be sure to remember, however, that is unwise to _________ threats unless you are
in a position to carry them out.
. Bear B. Do C. Carry D. Make
make + noun to become or develop into something; to be suitable for something
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1. Journalists were ______ around the hotel, waiting to interview the star.
A. sauntering B. milling C. trudging D. staggering
Mill around: go around somewhere to get more information
2. Tim’s extremely punctual. He turns up every day at nine o’clock on the ______
A. dot B. spur C. spot D. day
3. That human rights are ______ is unacceptable in a civilized society.
A. abrogated B. impeached C. infringed D. quashed
4. A: You should never have agreed to help mend her car!
B: “__________________”
A. Famous last words B. Well, you live and learn
C. It’s a small word D. You can’t win them all
Famous last words: trong giây cuối cùng đã không ngờ điều nói ra trái với sự thật
5. The rents in this area are ______ the highest in the city.
A. far from away B. away by far
C. far and away D. far or away
Far and away: by a very large amount
6. All building work must be carried out ______ safety regulations.
A. on behalf of B. with obedience to
C. in compliance with D. with reference to
In compliance with: following the rules
7. We’ll have to take what he says on ______.
A. trust B. faith C. belief D. confidence
8. I don’t like that movie because the storyline seemed ______ .
A. compulsory B. analogue C. poised D. contrived
Contrived (a) planned in advance and not natural
9. I can’t tell you much about the subject, I’m afraid. I only have a very ______ knowledge of it
A. fundamental B. rudimentary C. elemental D. primary
10. No matter how angry he was, he would never ______ to violence.
A. resort B. recourse C. exert D. resolve

11. He looks very aggressive and threatening, and so his soft, gentle voice is rather ______

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A. disembodied B. disconcerting C. dismissive D. discordant

12. We were ______ by the officers' decision to divert the whole traffic from the main route.

A. rambled B. shuffled C. stumbled D. baffled

Be baffled by something: be confused of something

13. I usually buy my clothes ______. It’s cheaper than going to the dressmaker.

A. on the house B. off the peg C. in public D. on the shelf

14. My father _______ when he found out that I had damaged his car.

A. brought the house down B. saw pink elephants

C. made my blood boil D. hit the roof

15. She was kept awake for most of the night by the ______ of a mosquito in her car.

A. groan B. moan C. whine D. screech

16. Their eventual choice of the house was _____ by the time Peter would take to get to the

A. related B. consequent C. determined D. dependent

17. When the funds finally ______ , they had to abandon the scheme.
A. faded away B. clamped down C. petered out D. fobbed off
18. I was in a quandary ______ what to say.
A. as to B. for C. owing to D. of
Be in a quandary as to
19. The agricultural project suffered a major ______ when winter arrived three weeks earlier than
A. distortion B. downfall C. contraction D. setback
20. The police arrested the wrong man mainly because they ______ the names they had been
given by the witness.
A. bewildered B. merged C. confused D. puzzled

Be soaked to the skin: ướt như chuột lột

Sleeping quarters (collocation)
Yearn for something: desire something strongly

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1. I didn’t see the whole occurrence. I just managed to catch a .................... of it.

A. glimpse B. look C. sight D. view

Catch a glimpse of something

2. I suggested .................... to this letter as soon as possible.

A. Mark to reply B. to Mark replying

C. that Mark reply D. replying by Mark

Suggest that S + V sử dụng khi muốn khuyên 1 nhóm người hoặc 1 người cụ

3. You can’t expect to win the competition. Your drawings are ....................

near as professional as the other painters’ ones.

A. never B. nothing C. nowhere D. nobody

Be nowhere near as Adjectives as: not close in distance, time and quality

4. Raul and I ....................responsibility for the project. That’s why we cooperate

so closely.

A. combine B. divide C. share D. associate

Share responsibility for something

5. You may use the facilities freely. They are all at your ....................

A. disposition B. dispossession C. display D. disposal

Be all at your disposal: be allowed to use something freely

6. The more make-up she puts on, ....................

A. she looks less attractive B. less attractive does she look

C. the less attractive she looks D. the less she looks attractive

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7. .................... return home so quickly, we’d have seen the rest of the

A. If we didn’t have to B. Not having had to

C. Had we not to D. Hadn’t we had to

8. It’s been announced that the officer will .................... trial for leaking secret data
to the enemy’s intelligence.

A. walk B. sit C. lie D. stand

Go on trial/ stand trial (idiom) bị xử trong một phiên toà.

9. The passengers were asked to put on life belts for the .................... of their

A. risk B. sake C. care D. point

10. A number of scientists and nature lovers have .................... to performing

experiments on animals.

A. refused B. disagreed C. objected D. protested

11. Let’s send an order. We’re running .................... of our medicines supplies.

A. small B. tiny C. short D. low

12. Rather than .................... I would do it myself.

A. having the job to be done by someone

B. to have done the job by someone

C. have the job done by someone

D. I have to do the job by someone

13. ....................was the best thing that could happen to me.

A. Having awarded me the prize B. Being awarded to the prize

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C. Being awarding the prize D. To have been awarded the prize

14. Don’t be afraid to .................... your mind whenever you have something
important to say.

A. express B. speak C. tell D. pronounce

15. The rock band played their greatest hits at their fans’ ....................

A. demand B. request C. enquiry D. order

16. Because we live within easy .................... of the city centre, we don’t have to
travel to school by bus.

A. range B. distance C. access D. reach

Within easy reach

17. No matter ...................., Betty wouldn’t listen to him.

A. how hardly did Tom try to explain B. as how hard Tom tried explaining

C. if Tom tried to explain hardly D. how hard Tom tried to explain

18. Stop pulling .................... over my eyes. Tell me the truth.

A. wool B. cotton C. suede D. threads

Pull wool over one’s eyes: take someone in

19. It was hard to make head or .................... of what the man was talking about.

A. neck B. back C. nose D tail

20. I remember .................... again.

A. your promising never to smoke B. you to promise to never


C. that you promised never smoking D. you promise to not ever smoke.
1. All that was left for breakfast was some _____ and tea.
A. stale B. rotten C. sour D. rancid
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2. The little girl fell down and _______ her knee.
A. skimmed B. grazed C. rubbed D. scrubbed
3. Five readers ______ the correct solution to our recent competition.
A. communicated B. qualified C. submitted D. subscribed
4. They are happily married although, of course they argue _______.
A. most times B. from day to day
C. every now and then D. on the occasion
5. During the evening football match, the stadium was illuminated by ______.
A. spotlights B. flashlights C. highlights D.
6. Whenever we plan to go for a picnic, it ________ rains.
A. continuously B. invariably C. unavoidably D. interminably
7. The students visited the museum and spent several hours with the ________, who was
very helpful.
A. commissioner B. bursar C. steward D. curator
8. There has been a great deal of ________ in the press about the results of the murder
A. speculation B. prediction C. contemplator D. sensation
9. If you want a flat in the centre of the city, you have to pay through the ______ for it.
A. teeth B. back of your head C. nose D. arm
10. I didn’t suspect anything at first, but when I noticed her going through the office
drawers, I began to smell ________.
A. a rat B. a pig C. a thief D. a culprit
11. People who take on a second job inevitably _______ themselves to greater stress.
A. offer B. subject C. field D. place
12. His poor handling of the business _________on negligence.
A. bordered B. edged C. approached D. neared
Border on something: gần như, giống kiểu
-> Cách xử lí công việc kinh doanh giống như cái tính cẩu thả của anh ta vậy
13. She says that unfortunately, in the _______ circumstances, she cannot afford to help
A. ongoing B. contemporary C. actual D. present
In the present circumstances
14. It has been established _________ dispute that this disease can be cured.
A. past B. over C. beyond D. outside
Beyond dispute: certain and certainty, without doubt
15. Despite all the interruptions, he ________ with his work.
A. stuck at B. held on C. hung out D. pressed on
16. ________, the people who come to this club are in the twenties and thirties.
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A. By and large B. Altogether C. To a degree D. Virtually
17. I’m ________ having to pay yet another visit to the dentist.
A. dreading B. frighten C. terrified D. afraid
Yet another: nhấn mạnh số lượng cái gì cứ đang liên tục tăng lên
18. Sally has an _____ command of the French language.
A. extreme B. utter C. outstanding D. intensive
19. We could have provided him with a detached house but he ________ asked for a
small flat.
A. decidedly B. specifically C. strongly D. solely
20. He was blinded by the _________ of the approaching car’s headlights.
A. flare B. gleam C. glare D. glow

1. Harry was offered a scholarship to study in Spain and he____ the opportunity with both hands.
A. grasped B. grabbed C. held D. passed
2. No way will you beat him. You don’t _____ a chance. He ‘s a hundred times better than you
A. hold B. run C. possess D. stand
Stand a chance: have a possibility to succeed
3. It was ____ by chance that we managed to find her.
A. sheerly B. purely C. plainly D. highly
4. Both the favourite and then the second favourite pulled out. Naturally, we thought we were
_____ a chance .
A. in with B. up for C. in for D. up with
5. What I find most ______ about it is that he didn’t even have the decency to say that he was
A.galling B. furious C. touchy D. resentful
Galling (a) making someone angry because it is unfair
6. Football fans are leaving for Matxcova in _______ to watch World cup 2018.
A. pack B. droves C. herd D. boards
In droves: in a large group
7. Grace couldn’t help feeling ________about missing the championships because of her
A.dehydrated B. despondent C. devoted D. disobedient
Despondent (a) sad, dejected, without much hope
8. I’m not a big fan of Chinese food, but I don’t mind it ________.
A. over and over B. one at a time C. bit by bit D. once in a while
9. The professor’s book succeeded in_______ mathematical theory.
A. observing B. comprising C. socializing D. popularizing
10. Investigators have not yet_______ the possibility that he was being blackmailed.
A. dug around B. ruled out C. boiled down to D. thrived on

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11. Cellphones have _____ changed the way we communicate with others.
A. dreadfully B. genuinely C. fundamentally D. colloquially
12. The customs officer requested that_________her suitcase. open B. her opening C. she had opened D. she open
New structure
13. The investigator left no stone _______ in her search for information.
A. preserved B. forgotten C. unearthed D. unturned
14. He submitted an extraordinary essay that pleasantly ______ English tutor.
A. confounded B. Polarized C. Grossed D. Replenished
Confound someone: make someone surprised and confused
15.The prolonged drought _____ the water shortage in the arid area.
A. agitated B. Outfited C. Accrued D. exacerbated
16. Marie Curie was able to _____ an enviable reputation as a scientist.
A. forge B. Reside C. Articulate D. lure
17. The job requires excellent communication skills and an ability to think on your ______.
A. toes B. feet C. hands D. legs
18. Susan passed her law exams without doing a ________of work.
A. finger B. stroke C. speck D. dot
19. Anne’s refusal to join us is nothing ________ of ridiculous.
A. less B. more C. short D. far
20. Being alone in the house all day looking after three young children is enough to make
anyone’s patience wear ________.
A. thin B. out C. down D. slim

1. The accident __________the train’s departure by a few hours.

A retained B sent back C delayed D called off
2. The sound of a tap __________stopped him going to sleep
A. squirting B. dripping C. splashing D. slopping
3. Before the firm closed down, it made 500 workers___________
A. obsolete B. unemployed C. redundant D. extra
4. The manager asked his secretary to take____________of the meeting as it progressed.
A. records B. note C. reports D. minutes
Take minutes: record the speech by writing
5. Hardly a single old building _______standing after the council remodelled the town.
A. remained B. stayed C. kept D. continued
6. The precious crystal vase __________into a thousand pieces when it hit the floor.
A. crumpled B. dashed C. splintered D. crushed
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Splinter (v) break something into pieces
7. They couldn’t decide what to do so they __________a coin
A. flung B. threw C. spun D.tossed
8. After much fruitless discussion the meeting was __________to the following day.
A. adjourned B.deferred C. held up D. withheld
Adjourn to: delay to (someday)
9. The old man sat in a corner quietly _______a song to himself as he waited.
A. cooing B. gurgling C.croaking D. humming
10. The food being cooked in the kitchen was giving ____________a wonderful smell.
A. up B. off C. round D. over
11. Why do you always ask me a favour when I have got my ________full?
A. palms B. brains C. hands D. arms
12. I wouldn’t go so far as to __________my professional career on the unsafe enterprise.
A. venture B. stake C. dare D. expose
Stake the career
13. They said I’d be on__________for the first two or three weeks as they want to find out about
my skills.
A. testing B. examination C. inspection D. probation
14. We thank the host for their generous________and got under way.
A. hostility B. honesty C. hospitality D. hostage
15. It was …………to Mark that he had better withdraw from the game in case his knee injury
got worse
A. argumentedB. recommended C. insisted D. appealed
16. Thousands of newcomers imagine this place to be their El Dorado where they can easily
make a ___________start in life.
A. plain B. fresh C. clean D. first
17. The silly gossip____________to a panic among the private entrepreneurs who began closing
their accounts in the National Bank.
A. led B. prompted C. resulted D. aroused
18. The authorities probably want to be tough and won’t __________to the hijackers’ absurd
A. abandon B. resign C. yield D. collapse

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19. The Stetsons’ son must be ___________his family a lot of trouble and worry with his wild
A. making B. developing C. providing D. giving
20. Pasta in its various forms is the_____________diet in Italy.
A. common B. staple C. usual D. obvious

1. “There is no further treatment we can give”; said Dr John

“We must let the disease take its …………….”
A. course B. term C. end D. way
2. I was ………….by the wording of the advertisement
A. mistaken B. misled C. misunderstood D. misguided
3. By the age of twenty-five he had ………..his ambition of becoming a pianist.
A. reached B. completed C. achieved D. obtained
4. The complettion of the new Town Hall has been ………..owning to a strike
A. held off B. held down C. held up D. held on
5. A part-time job gives me the freedom to ………… own interests.
A. chase B. seek C. catch D. pursue
6. When you are learning a language at home, you can work at your own ………….
A. pace B. speed C. way D. mind
7. The public at………. does not know enough about AIDS
A. first B. large C. once D. times
8. He ……….some unusual educational beliefs
A. keeps B. carries C. holds D. takes
9. Our thoughts …………..on our four missing colleagues
A. based B. centered C. imposed D. depended
10. I won’t ………….those children making a noise in my house
A. allow B. let C. permit D. have
11. I wish we had never bought him a T.V – all he ever does is sit ……….to the box
A. fixed B. stuck C. glued D. sealed
12. In Southern Spain, you can play golf on beautiful …….. overlooking the sea.
A. courses B. field C. pitches D. courts
13. A new computer has been produced, which will ………all previous models

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A. excel B. overdo C. overwhelm D. supersede
14. Despite being a very good student, she didn’t fulfill her …………. later in life
A. aptitude B. capacity C. potential D. makings
15. …………. in 1607, Jamestown in Virginia was the first settlement in the New World
A. Finding B. Found C. Founding D. Founded
16. It is vital that everyone_______ aware of the protection of the environment.
A. is B. be C. are D. were
17. The woman was________ from hospital only a week after her operation.
A. discharged B. expelled C. evicted D. ejected
18. _______appears considerably larger at the horizon than it does overhead is merely an optical
A. The moon B. The moon which C. When the moon D. That the moon
19. I don't think it would be wise to try to make max change his mind about divorcing Narnia.
Well, in his place I __________her at all.
A. would never marry B. must never have married
C. would never have married D. needn't have married
20. Ask David to give you a hand moving the furniture. He's as strong as________ .
A. an elephant B. a mountain C. a gorilla D. a horse

1. The police say they have some important clues ____ the murderer.
A. on B. about C. to D. in
Clue to someone/something
Say/have something to someone
2. Camels have either one hump or two humps. The Arabian camel has one hump.
The Bactrian camel, ____ has two humps.
A. nevertheless B. however C. therefore D. otherwise
3. I’ll be with all of you in ____ hour.
A. a quarter of an B. one quarter of an C. a quarter of one D. a quarter
4. ____ any other politician would have given way to this sort of pressure years
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A. Really B. Practically C. Actually D. Utterly
Give way to something: nhượng bộ, chịu thua
5. Private printing was simply a means ____ he could increase his income.
A. whereupon B. whereby C. wherewithal D.
Whereby (adv) nhờ đó, do vậy
6. Buying shares in this company is as safe as ____. There’s no way you can lose
your money.
A. houses B. a bank C. gold bars D. a vault
7. I’m sorry to have bothered you. I was under the ____ that you wanted me to call
A. mistake B. miscalculation C. misconception D. misapprehension
8. When he examined the gun, the detective’s suspicion turned into ____.
A. certainty B. confirmation C. reality D.
Turn into certainty
9. The management are making ____ to increase the company’s efficiency.
A. measures B. steps C. moves D. deeds
10. Tim: “Will you come for a walk with me?” Mary: “____”.
A. No, I won’t, thanks B. No, I shan’t, thanks
C. No, I’d prefer not, thanks D. No, I’d prefer not to, thank
11. Kate: “It seems to me that spring is the most beautiful time of the year.”
Tony: “____! It’s really lovely!”
A. You’re exactly right B. You could be right
C. You are wrong D. I couldn’t agree less
12. She said that she would be punctual for the opening speech, ____ she were late?
A. but what if B. how about C. and what about D. so if
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13. In a money-oriented society, the average individual cares little about solving
____ problem.
A. any other B. any other’s
C. anyone else’s D. anyone’s else
14. Would you please leave us details of your address ____ forwarding any of your
mail to come?
A. for the purpose of B. as a consequence of
C. for the sake of D. by means of
15. ____ of the Chairman, the Executive Director will be responsible for chairing
the meeting.
A. For the absence B. On the absence
C. In the absence D. To the absence
16. ____, we went swimming.
A. Being a hot day B. It was a hot day
C. The day being hot D. Due to a hot day
17. The web of the common house spider is an ingenious trap that catches small
A. simple B. useful C. fragile D. clever
18. For most male spiders courtship is a perilous procedure, for they may be eaten
by females.
A. complicated B. peculiar C. dangerous D. ordinary
19. These two essays are word ____ word the same.
A. for B. from C. with D. in
Word for word: using exacly the same words
20. “What time is it ____ your watch?”
A. at B. with C. by D. from

1. Two dead bodies were _________ from the wreckage after the bomb went off.

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A. recovered B. saved C. salvaged D. liberated
2. He was not _________ to taking on all the extra responsibilities the promotion entailed.
A. hesitant B. unenthusiastic C. reluctant D. averse
3. The Red Cross is __________an international aid organization.
A. intriguingly B. intrusively C. intrinsically D. intrepidly
4. The quality papers are a different _________ of fish from the gutter press.
A. pan B. basket C. box D. kettle
5. As a result of ___________, the price of new cars has risen dramatically over the last few
A. inflation B. escalation C. distension D. extension
6. A new _________ of programs on wildlife will be shown on Channel 4 in the autumn.
A. episode B. series C. serial D. sequel
7. As I boarded the train, I was suddenly ________ by the arm and ushered towards a first-class
A. clutched B. grabbed C. caught D. plucked
8. There has been a lot of _________________ surrounding the government’s proposed scheme.
A. controversy B. consent C. conformity D. consequence
9. The local authorities need to _________________down on illegal parking, in my opinion.
A. hit B. move C. force D. crack
10. My uncle pulled a few _____________ and got me a job in the company where he works.
A. ropes B. strings C. threads D. chords
11. I put my ______ down and told Andy he couldn’t use our car any more.
A. hand B. finger C. arm D. foot
12. Your face looks red. You’ve really ______ the sun, haven’t you?
A. caught B. had C. made D. owned
Catch the sun: become slightly sunburnt
13. You are advised not to engage in______ activity during very hot weather.
A. strenuous B. strained C. stringent D. stern
14. I decided to have a long calm talk with her to __________.
A. have a go at her B. cross words with her
C. clear the air D. jump down my throat
Clear the air: xua tan không khí nặng nề do hiểu lầm hay nghi kỵ gây ra
Have a go at someone: criticize something
Jump down my throat: to react angrily to something that someone says
15. He had never acted before, but he_____ to the task and gave a very convincing
A. arose B. rose C. aroused D. raised

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16. He still suffers from a rare tropical disease which he ................. while in Africa.
A. infected B. complained C. gained D. contracted
17. The rebuilding of the church organ was a real labour of _________.
A. love B. heart C. business D. nose
18. As we were waiting on the pavement, a black Mercedes __________beside us.
A. pulled down B. pulled up C. pulled off D. pulled through
19. Ms. Hoa, your form teacher, _________as a very sympathetic person. She can be a shoulder
to cry on.
A. comes out B. comes at C. comes over D. comes about
20. You shouldn’t ________ other people’s problems, even if you don’t consider them to be very
A. shed light upon B. come to light C. make light of D. see the light

1.By the time we arrived, the film______________.

A. has already started B. already started
C. would already start D. had already started
2. Application for membership are accepted ________that applicants are over 18.
A. on condition B. provided
C. supporting D. but for
3. Lisa and Peter are basically _________from here, so it’ll take about the same
time to get to either of them.
A. distance B. equidistant C. distant D. distantly
4. The _________customers thanked the salesperson for the good service.
A. satisfy B. satisfactory C. satisfied D. satisfying
5. It was a reasonable ________to draw in the light of the evidence.
A. assessment B. conclusion C. interpretation D. verdict
6. All ________barristers are expected to study at the Inns of Court.
A. hopeful B. wishful
C. willing D. prospective
7. The witness _________that statements made by the accused man.
A. agreed B. confessed C. corroborated D. testified
8. The film is_____________ released at the end of next year.
A. on the verge of being B. on the point of being
C. due to be D. about to be
9.Joining a gym___________, but I didn’t really fancy the idea.
A. was suggested me B. to me was suggested
C. was suggested to me D. was suggesting me
10. The police officer told the homeless man to ________and he walked slowly and
painfully down the road.
A. move on B. move out
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C. move over D. move with
11. When Tet holiday comes, Vietnamese people often feel inclined to ______ their
A. do up B. do in C. do through D. do over
12. Our project was successful ________ its practicality.
A. in terms of B. with a view to
C. regardless D. on behalf of
13. We are talking about the new writer Nguyen Ngoc Tu, ____latest book Canh
Dong Bat Tan is becoming one of the best-sellers this year.
A. who B. whose C. which D. whom
14.Jan decided not to______________the exam in November.
A. take on B. go in for
C. get round to D. make for
15.The woman was convicted and sentenced ________six months in prison.
A. for B. on C. with D. to
16.I saw him hiding something in a __________bag.
A. small plastic black C. black small plastics
B. small black plastic D. plastic small black
17.______been for your support, I could not have done it.
A. Had I not B. Hadn't I C. I had not D. I not had
18. The number of homeless people after the flood____________ dramatically.
A. are increasing B. has increased
C. increase D. had increased
19. ___________had the restaurant opened____people were flocking to eat there.
A. Hardly… than B. No sooner.. that
C. No sooner.. than D. hardly.. that
20. Tim and Tom are talking about playing sports.
- Tim: “I think golf is really great.”
- Tom: “________________________”
A. Do you? I think it’s boring. B. Don’t you believe so?
C. Neither do I. D. Almost every day.

1. General Custer was confident of victory despite being vastly __________ by the enemy
A. outnumbered B. outclassed C. overcome D. overtaken
2. The lawyer insisted that his client ____________never have been arrested in the first
A. must B. should C. would D. could
3. I wish the neighbors_____________ making so much noise

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A. would stop B. will stop C. stopped D. stopping
4. This painting stands a good ______________ of winning a prize
A. possibility B. opportunity C. certainty D. chance
5. I expect ____________the course next year
A. completing B. to complete C. will complete D. completed
6. Do not _____________ the driver while the bus is in motion
A. disturb B. distract C. convert D. interrupt
Disturb (v) interrupt someone when they are trying to work and sleep
Distract (v) take someone’s attention away from what they are trying to do
7. At their time of year farmers____________ their crops and store them for winter
A. gather B. remove C. pick up D. take in
8. The cliffs on this part of the coast are being_______________ by the sea
A. worn B. eroded C. demolished D. deteriorated
9. Anyone ___________ticket has been stolen should contact the airline immediately
A. his B. their C. whose D. which
10. Mrs. Archer is known ______________the finest collection of twentieth century art in
private hands
A. as hand B. having C. by having D. to have
Someone be known to do/have something
11. He ___________ his life to the skill of the surgeons
A. owes B. keeps C. preserves D. maintains
12. ______________ we understand his reasons, we can not condone his behavior
A. Even if B. Only if C. What if D. As if
13. I don’t think that this fashion will_____________
A. catch on B. catch up C. catch out D. catch over
14. If you do not repay the money we will., as a last______________, take you to the
A. measure B. attempt C. act D. resort
As a last resort: if all other methods fail
15. The two train came______________ ten metres of collision
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A. just B. near C. within D. almost
16. All but two of the injured were___________________ from hospital within twenty-
four hours
A. discharged B. released C. sent D. allowed
17. He was awarded a medal in ___________________of his services to the Queen
A. view B. recognition C. regard D. light
18. _____________had I left the hotel when I was surrounded by the photographers
A. No sooner B. Immediately C. Just D. Hardly
19. You must refrain ______________ tea or coffee while taking this medicine
A. to drink B. from drinking C. drink D. drinking
20. There is nothing we can do ______________than wait
A. except B. other C. rather D. moreover

1. What she said was really ________ for thought. It taught us to be more considerate.
A. drink B. food C. nourishment D. fodder
Food for thought: một ý kiến đáng được cứu xét, dù không biết nó đúng hay sai
2. The new teacher was taken advantage of by the students and often had to ________ her
A. assert B. confirm C. inflict D. strike
3. Are you still bearing a ________ against Peter because of his criticism about your
A. dislike B. grudge C. contempt D. scorn
Bear a grudge against someone: căm tức, căm hờn ai
4. When the funds finally ________, they had to abandon the scheme.
A. faded away B. clamped down C. petered out D. fobbed off
5. The team won the championship four years ________.
A. running B. passing C. following D. rotating
Four years running: 4 năm liên tiếp
6. She said she was disturbed by the shadow of somebody ________ behind the trees.
A. luring B. lurking C. lurching D. launching

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7. Derek had no experience of white-water canoeing, so it was extremely________ of him
to try and shoot the rapids.
A. hazardous B. intrepid C. perilous D. foolhardy
Be foolhardy of someone: take unnecessary risks
8. I’m so tired I think I’ll probably ________ off in the cinema.
A. doze B. sleep C. turn D. fall
9. You never quite know what Ken is up to - he’s rather a dark ________.
A. dog B. fox C. wolf D. horse
Dark horse: a person keeps their interests and ideas secret
10. I can’t possibly make the announcement now - I’ve got a ________ in my throat!
A. fish B. toad C. bird D. frog
11. Jack: This medicine tastes horrible! ~ Jill: ________, it will cure your cough.
A. Be that as it may B. Come what may
C. How much horrible is it D. Whatever it tastes
Be that as it may: despite that
12. She got a bit hot ________ the collar when a colleague started criticizing her work.
A. under B. on C. beyond D. from
13. The press thought the football manager would be depressed by his dismissal but he
just ________.
A. ran it down B. brought it off C. turned it down D. laughed it off
14. The woman accused of shop lifting was found not guilty and was ________.
A. acquitted B. liberated C. excused D. interned
15. It was only when he had been unemployed for six months that Neil's situation hit
A. base B. down C. home D. back
Hit home: have a strong effect on someone to make them realize what true facts of
the situation are
16. Once at the skating rink, Ivan was allowed to skate to his heart's ________.
A. happiness B. content C. contentment D. delight

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17. After making several bad business deals the company was losing money hand over
A. finger B. wrist C. thumb D. fist
18. He was claimed to be an unskilled writer, but his latest works have definitely
________ witness to his great talent.
A. constituted B. borne C. dealt D. displayed
Bear witness to something: something proves that it is true
19. Due to the computer malfunction all our data was lost. So unhappily, we had to begin
all the calculations from ________.
A. onset B. source C. original D. scratch
20. Jenny has been on a diet, but she can’t resist her ________ for sweets now and then.
A. inclination B. craving C. attraction D. tendency

1. The brother and sister were _______ over who would get to inherit the beach house.
A. at large B. at odds C. at a standstill D. at a loose end
2. You can’t always depend on _______ on time.
A. the trains’ arriving B. the trains to arrive
C. the arriving of trains D. the train that arriving
3. In all _______ there will never be a Third World War.
A. odds B. probability C. certainty D. possibilities
4. Conversations you strike up with travelling acquaintances usually tend to be _______.
A. trivial B. perverse C. insufficient D. imperative
5. Because so much wheat has been sold to other countries, local supplies are _______.
A. expanded B. depleted C. apprehended D. preoccupied
6. Her performance in the last scene was quite ________.
A. describable B. remarkable C. notable D. noticeable
7. She was caught cheating in the race. _______, she was disqualified.
A. Explicitly B. Accordingly C. Equally D. Fundamentally
8. His laziness at work made him _______ with his workmate.
A. improper B. disliked C. unpopular D. unappealing
9. They came to inspect the house _______ buying it.
A. in the event of B. with reference to C. with a view to D. on account of
10. You should be _______ashamed of yourself for what you have done.
A. thoroughly B. hopelessly C. entirely D. earnestly
Hopelessly ashamed
11. Jane handed in the test and awaited the results _______.
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A. with bated breath B. out of breath
C. under her breath C. in the same breath
12. Lindsay’s excuses for being late are beginning to _______rather thin.
A. get B. turn C. wear D. go
13. He cannot_______ ignorance as his excuse; he should have known what was happening in his
own department.
A. insist B. plead C. refer D. defend
14. _______ is a belief generally held by people who live in colder climates.
A. That weather affects a person’s mood
B. Weather affects a person’s mood
C. A person’s mood is affected by weather
D. Although a person’s mood is affected by weather
15. If you have a minor illness, it’s usually better just to let the nature take its _______.
A. time B. path C. way D. course
Take its course: complete its natural development without interference
16. I’m afraid that the herring we had for dinner has given me _______.
A. sickness B. indisposition C. infection D. indigestion
17. The facilities at many schools today are still _______ inadequate.
A. sadly B. woefully C. regrettably D. grimly.
Woefully inadequate
18. The preparations for the Olympic Games are on ________ according to the committee in
A. goal B. progress C. target D. aim
Be on target:
make progress
19. Having never worked on a major newspaper before, he was all at _______when he first
A. loss B. water C. coast D. sea
20. _______, scientists have greatly increased the yield of crops such as corn, rice, and wheat.
A. As using the laws of genetics B. Using the laws of genetics
C. The laws of genetics D. The laws of genetics are to be used

Section 1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B , C or D) which best completes each sentence.
(20 points)

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1. When the storm prevented the climbers from reaching the top of the mountain, they were ____
A. bitterly B. savagely C. stormily D. angrily
2. He was absolutely __________ with anger when he found that I had scratched his car.
A. burned B. carmine C. fickle D. livid
3. He had an honest and __________ expression, which hid the fact he had a very devious mind.
A. competent B. trusting C. integrated D. integrity
4. I must admit, Fred is the __________ person I would have thought of to marry Jane.
A. last B. ultimate C. final D. end
5. The praise of his boss and his colleagues was __________to his ears.
A. song B. music C. harmony D. melody
Be music to one’s ears: be something that someone is very pleased to hear
6. You’ve obviously lost weight, and this dress will need to be __________ to fit you properly.
A. dressed up B. taken in C. put out D. taken of
7. In __________, it was a bad idea to pay him in cash.
A. hindsight B. consideration C. retrospect D. knowledge
8. We had a _______ of a time at Jason's party 10 yesterday.
A whale B period C whole D week
Have a whale of a time: enjoy oneself no end, have a blast
9. To get his proposal accepted, the Finance Manager had to __________ heavy pressure from
A. laugh off B. fend off C. send off D. rose up
10. It is very appropriate that the prize __________ go to such a young architect.
A. could B. should C. need D. might
11. Casinos ensure there is a healthy __________ between what they take from gamblers and
what they pay out.
A. balance B. profit C. margin D. difference
Margin (n) the differenence between the cost of buying or producing something and the price
they sell for
12. I revised my views comments from colleagues.
A. in the light of B. further to C. against D. consequent upon
In the light of: because of, as a result of // after considering something
13 They attempted to the painting to its original.
A. renovate B. restore C. repair D. refurbish
14. This is a matter of the __________ concern.
A. ultimate B. utmost C. utter D. universal
The utmost concern (COLLOCATION)
15.It is an impressive work at first but it does not really _______ close examination.
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A. stand up to B. stand out from C. stand up for D. stand in for
Stand up to someone/something: resist someone/something
Stand up to something: remain in good conditions despite of rough treatment
16.The lecturer _______ a number of parallels between Blake's engravings and devotional art.
A. drew B. pulled C. tied D. linked
Draw parallels between (COLLOCATION)
17.The course is intended for well qualified graduates who wish to improve their career
A. perspectives B. views C. prospects D. vistas
18.In these times of high unemployment everyone thought my giving up my job was ______
A. sheer B. steep C. high D. deep
Sheer madness (N.P)
19.That loud heavy metal music from next door is _______ me up the wall.
A. driving B. sending C. bringing D. pushing
Drive/go someone up the wall
20. Bright children who are ________ on the uptake may get bored easily if they are not
stimulated enough at school.
A. swift B. fast C. quick D. rapid
21. Researchers claim to only want a better understanding of the condition and to be able to offer
help with some of the effects of autism such as (8)_____ social anxiety.
A. maiming B. limping C. hobbling D. crippling
Crippling social anxiety (N.P)
22.A number of (6)______ groups fear that researchers would like to find a cure for autism
A. support B. backing C. loyalty D. assistance
Support groups (N.P)
23. World Autism Awareness Day is ____ on April 2 nd and aims to promote understanding of all
issues related to people ______ as being on the spectrum of autism disorders.
A. watched/classified B. observed/pigeonholed C. held/tabulated D.
Pigeonhole (v) decide someone/something belongs to a particular group without deeply thinking
The essence of individuality (N.P)
24. Those involved in research into ASDs concur that autism should not simply be eradicated but,
_____ , that it needs to be better understood.
A. nonetheless B. albeit C. notwithstanding D. however
Nonetheless: despite the fact
Notwithstanding: despite + N/N.P

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1. The speaker’s __________ greatly impressed the audience.
A. eloquence B. fulfillment C. notoriety D. obstinacy
Eloquence (n) the ability to use language and express your opinions well // the quality of
expressing a lot of feelings
2. Paul was in the __________ of despair when he heard that Jane was leaving him.
A. abyss B. depths C. valley D. pits
3. Sorry I couldn’t ring you yesterday because my phone has been on the _________.
A. wink B. go C. run D. blink
On the blink: no longer work correctly
4. If the student wants to do better on his exams, it is important that he _______ harder.
A. study B. studied C. studying D. studies
5. Busy as he is, he makes sure he spends a few hours __________ time with his children every
A. full B. a part-time C. quality D. perfect
spend quality time
6. Instead of defending traditional values, the church frequently seems ___________ and
A. far-fetchedB. strong-willed C. weak-kneed D. long-awaited
Weak-kneed (a) not having courage or strength
Far-fetched (a) very difficult to believe
Strong-willed (a) determined to do what you want to do even though you are advised not
to do
7. I supposed, as __________ we all, that the meeting would be cancelled.
A. did B. would C. only D. just
8. On the island __________ the only representative of the Indian’s handicraft.
A. does it remain B. did it remain C. remains it D. remains
9. The other people in the group all _________ my ideas, which was very disappointing.
A. prohibited B. repelled C. denied D. rejected
10. The global recession has had a major __________ on every economy in the world.
A. crash B. impact C. consequence D. impression
11. _____________ the cold weather and my bad leg, I haven’t been out for weeks.

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A. What with B. If it weren’t for C. Barring D. Given
12. It never __________ my mind that he was lying to me.
A. crossed B. racked C. took D. put
13. The information he gave us was __________ useless. It didn’t help us at all.
A. deeply B. utterly C. extremely D. painfully
Utterly useless (COLLOCATION)
14. I overslept this morning and caught the last bus to school by the skin of my _______ .
A. mouth B. leg C. neck D. teeth
15. You’ll be pleased to know that you are _____ for a scholarship if you wish to apply.
A. entitled B. eligible C. appropriate D. particular
16. Employees who have a ________ are encouraged to discuss it with the management.
A. hindrance B. grievance C. disadvantage D. disturbance
17. Those campers are really ___________. They have no idea how to set up a tent.
A. white B. blue C. green D. black
18. __________ I’ve told him not to go out with those people, but he wouldn’t listen. Just let him
face the music now.
A. Many a time B. Many the time C. Quite a time D. For a time
19. The more expensive carpet is a good choice __________ it will last longer.
A. by means of B. due to C. in that D. in view of
20. There was no one downstairs; so she turned off the lights again and decided that she
___________ have imagined things.
A. must B. should C. can’t D. needn’t
21. It should come as no surprise that social life _______ around the sea
A. centers B. revolves C. turns D. gathers
Revolve around something: move around something in a circle
22.When Auckland office workers leave their desks at the end of the working day, they don’t
_______ home.
A. move B. aim C. head D. divert
Head home: đi thẳng về nhà

1. Since our train leaves at 11.30, it is ______that everyone be at the station no less than 11.15.
A. urgent B. imperative C. desired D. inescapable

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2. Don't rush me. I hate having to make ______ decisions.
A. sharp B. curt C. snap D. prompt
3. The teacher didn't have to persuade his students to tidy the classroom up after lesson, they did
it with their own free______.
A. hands B. heart C. will D. way
Do something of one’s own free will: do something by choice and not be forced to do
4. Rail travellers can expect to face further ______as services are cut.
A. disruption B. disturbance C. derangement D. derailment
Further disruption
5. The tennis player couldn't ______ the possibility of withdrawing from the championship
because of injury.
A. come off B. pass over C. do without D. rule out
6. Just say you need me and I am ______ hand.
A. on B. for C. at D. by
Be on hand: always by your side when you need my help
7. Alice is going to ______ the job of a sales assistant in London.
A. put in for B. set off C. make out D. stand out
Put in for (a job): officially ask for something (a job)
8. His business must be going rather well, ______ by the car he drives.
A. deducing B. deciding C. inferring D. judging
9. What if I ______ you that there's a good chance I can get tickets for the concert?
A. have told B. were to tell C. were tellingD. would to tell
10. Morton says his parents kicked him out, but his brother says this isn't ______.
A. that B. it C. so D. there
11. To ______ means to study hard in a short period of time, usually before the exam.
A. pram B. cramp C. dram D. cram

12. It’s curious that he ______ her to come after they had that bitter quarrel last week.

A. should ask B. would ask C. might ask D. asked

13. Arthur’s skills as a businessman are ______ to his position at the company. The boss hired
him because he wanted a regular golf partner.

A. adventurous B. apposite C. adventitious D. arrant

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Adventitious (a) happening in accident, not planned

14. Why doesn’t Mike ______ some of his work to his assistant?
A. delegate B. resign C. widen D. demand
Delegate (v) give someone in lower position a lot of work to do
15. Your rental agreement ______ states that no pets are allowed in the building.
A. explicitly B. credibly C. mildly D. decently
Explicitly state
16. Even a suspicion of wrongdoing can ______ a politician’s reputation.
A. stain B. impair C. tarnish D. smudge
Tarnish one’s reputation
17. Captain Henry, ______crept slowly through the underbrush.
A. being remote from the enemy
B. attempting to not encounter the enemy
C. not involving himself in the enemy
D. trying to avoid the enemy
18. ______ to have stolen credit cards, he has been investigated for days.
A. Suspecting B. Suspected C. Having suspected D. To be suspected
19. Katie was ______ good form last night at the dinner party, wasn't she?
A. of B. at C. for D. in
Be in good form: be in cheerful and comfortable and happy…
20. That human rights are _____ is unacceptable in a civilized society.
A. infringed B. impeached C. abrogated D. quashed

For questions 1 to 10, read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C or D that best
fits each gap. (10 points)
How men first learnt to (1.)_______ words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language
is a (2.)_______. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, (3.)_______invented certain
sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things so that they could communicate with
each other; and that later they agreed (4.)_______certain signs, called letters, which could be
combined to represent those sounds, and which could be written down. These sounds,
(5.)_______spoken or written in letters, are called words. Great writers are those who not only
have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words that (6.)_______ powerfully to our

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minds and emotions. This charming and telling use of words is what we call literacy (7.)_______.
Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can (8.)_______his meanings in words which
sing like music, and which by their position and association can (9.)_______ men to tears. We
should, therefore, learn to choose our words carefully, (10.)_______they will make our speech
silly and vulgar.
1. A. invent B. create C. make D. discover
2. A. story B. secret C. mystery D. legend
3. A. somehow B. however C. somewhat D. whatever
4. A. at B. upon C. with D. to
5. A. if B. however C. whether D. though
6. A. interest B. appeal C. attract D. lure
7. A. prose B. work C. form D. type
8. A. carry B. convey C. transfer D. transmit
9. A. take B. send C. break D. move
10. A. or B. so C. although D. because

1. There wasn't a...................of truth in what he said.

A. ray B. lump C. grain D. pinch
2. I would ............ my colleague's wrath and displeasure by using his research without consent.
A. incur B. co-occur C. concur D. recur
Incur something (v) deal with something
3. A student on the............. of a new life at university killed himself with a massive tranquiliser
A. inception B. kick-off C. portal D. threshold
On/At the threshold of something
4. We giggled at the sight of Mrs. Brown.........down the road in her six-inch stiletto high-heels.
A. staggering B. tottering C. reeling D. stumbling
5. Has the show finally jumped the..............?
A. salmon B. herring C. shark D. dolphin
Jump the shark: reach the point when something becomes unpopular than they used to
6.The end-of- semester marks in each year all count...............your final degree.

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A. for B. towards C. in for D. as
Count towards something: đóng góp một phần quan. trọng để đạt được mục đích gì đó
7. I found the information for the project in the encyclopedia but I couldn’t give …………. and
verse on it.
A. chapter B. unit C. poem D. extract
Give/Have/Cite chapter and verse on something: Nói có sách, mách có chứng
8.He was engrossed in the paperwork to the .............of his own interests and the annoyance of
everybody concerned.
A. damage B. harm C. detriment D. disadvantage
To the detriment of someone/something
9. He was absolutely _________ with anger when he found that I had scratched his car.
A, burned B. carmine C. fickle D. livid
10. She gets fifteen percent...........on every insurance policy she sells.
A. salary B. commission C. bonus D. pension
11. The removal men.................. the heavy piano up the stairs with great difficulty.
A. pushed B. shoved C. thrust D. heaved
Heave (v) lift, pull or carry something very heavy with a great effort
12. Members of rock groups were asked to............their behaviour or else leave the hotel.
A. modify B. amend C. transfer D. convert
13. Hedgehogs, bears and other animals and hibernate remain................during winter.
A. deactivated B. impassive C. dormant D. inert
14. I don't know how George could ever find anything as his desk was always ..........
A. messed B. cluttered C. jumbled D. crammed
15. Her father ...............her when she came home two hours late from a party.
A. let in for B. let out C. laid into D. laid aside
Lay into someone: attack someone violently with hard hits and words
16. I'm afraid we got our ................crossed. I thought my husband would be picking up the
children and he thought I was doing it.
A. minds B. purposes C. fingers D. wires
Get one’s wires crossed: misunderstand

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17. It was not only when I saw Manhattan ...........into the distance beneath and behind me that I
finally began to relax.
A. receding B. withdrawing C. abating D. reversing
Recede (v) move gradually away from someone/something
18. All the members of the board were ..........................themselves to please the Chairperson.
A. coming about B. jumping over C. carrying off D. falling over
19.They spent their time fishing or ................through the woods.
A. ambling B. striding C. roaming D. treading
Oxford dictionary online contains this statement as an example for ‘amble’
20. Everything included, the cost of our new living room came to a of ₴10,000.
A. full B. grand C. gross D. great
A grand total: a final total
In (all) fairness (to someone): used to introduce a statement that defends somebody who has just
been criticized

Read the following passage and choose the words that best complete the sentences.
There (1)_____ the Tale Of The Rocks In The Jar: a teacher presents his pupils with a jam jar, a
few large rocks, several smaller pebbles, and some sand. Their challenge is to fit them all into the
jar. The students, who apparently aren’t very (2)_____, try putting the sand or pebbles in first, but
then find the rocks won’t fit. Whereupon the teacher, doubtless with a (3)_____ smile, reveals the
answer: put the big rocks in first, then the pebbles and finally the sand, so the smaller items nestle
between the larger. The (4)_____: to get around to your most important tasks – your “big rocks”
– you have to prioritize them. (5)_____ you’ll never fit them in.
But what never gets mentioned is that the teacher is being (6)_____. He’s rigged his
demonstration by bringing only a few rocks, which he knows in (7)_____ will fit. Yet for most
people, these days, the main problem of time management isn’t failing to prioritize what matters.
It’s that there are too many things that matter: too many tasks we pretty much have to accomplish
in order to keep our jobs, pay the rent, be (8)_____ parents, and so on. There are, in other words,
too many rocks. And many of them are never getting near that jar.
Maybe your boss’s demands can’t be met with the resources you have; maybe you can’t be the
spouse or parent you want to be without quitting your current job. Maybe there’s no (9)_____ in
life that will make you feel you’re meeting your family’s expectations while simultaneously
(10)_____ your soul. There’s no principle that says you must be able to fulfill all the roles you
think you ought to fulfill. And when the rules of a game make it unwinnable, the only way to win
is to change the rules.
1. A. comes B. says C. tells D. goes
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2. A. sparkling B. bright C. twinkling D. gleaming
3. A.condescending B. encouraging C. broad D. friendly
4. A. moral B. morale C. morality D. moralist
5. A. However B. In case C. Otherwise D. Likewise
6. A. fraudulent B. deceiving C. deceptive D. deceitful
7. A. deed B. retrospect C. advance D. fact
8. A. substantial B. sufficient C. adequate D. enough
9. A. path B. way C. road D. street
10. A. soothing B. serving C. cheering D. patting
Adequate parents
Serve your soul (idiom)

1. They lived in a thatched cottage in a ________ village in the heart of the English countryside.
A. dense B. conventional C. lush D. quaint
2. People suffered many hardships during the years of ________ after the war.
A. severity B. austerity C. sobriety D. integrity
3. She was very fortunate to ______ an excellent private tutor to help her with her study.
A. think through B. seek out C. pick up D. light upon
Light on/upon someone/something: see or find someone/something by accident
4. He’s a nice guy, always already to do somebody a good __________.
A. present B. play C. turn D. pleasure
5. The new company had been________ with one problem after another and looked as if it were
about to go under.
A. glorified B. tainted C. fraught D. bewildered
6. Disagreements among party members have led to a major political _______.
A. wrangle B. tussle C. scrap D. Squabble
A political wrangle
7. _______ police were called to the scene where violent protesters posed a threat to the public.
A. Trouble B. Riot C. Mutiny D. Crowd

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Riot police: police who are organized, deployed, trained or equipped to confront crowds, protests
or riots
8. Their decision on whether I get the job or not will be based mostly on my academic ________.
A. reputation B. credit C. standing D. credentials
Academic credentials
9. Take the doctor’s advice into consideration. He’s in ________ earnest about the epidemic.
A. mortally B. fatally C. gravely D. deadly
10. Most people who win a lot of money __________ usually it on unnecessary things.
A. consume B. give C. squander D. throw
11. When he saw the damage to his car, he ______________ into a rage.
A. rushed B. drove C. jumped D. flew
12. All efforts to calm the situation down only ______________ the situation.
A. exacerbated B. exasperated C. exaggeratedD. extrapolated
13. They have a(n) ______________ interest in keeping the club as exclusive as possible.
A. vested B. invested C. shadowed D. implied
A vested interest (in something): a personal reason for wanting something to happen
14. The manager’s future ______________ whether the team wins or loses this one game.
A. stems from B. rests on C. derives from D. counts on
Rest on/upon someone/something: depend or rely on someone/something
15. On the way to Cambridge yesterday, the road was blocked by a fallen tree, so we had to
make a ______________.
A. deviation B. digression C. departure D. detour
16. It was some time before she came to ______________ with the fact that she had lost.
A. catches B. holds C. grips D. grabs
Come/Get to grips with something: begin to understand, deal with something difficult
Get/Take a grip on yourself: improve your behavior or control your emotions
Lose your grip on something: become unable to understand or control a situation
17. When the Chairman ran off with his secretary, the Board tried to ______________ the matter.
A. switch off B. hush up C. calm down D. tuck away
Hush something up (= paper over something)
18. We are aware that he has tried his best; ________, his work is just not good enough.
A. let alone B. albeit C. be that as it may D. come what may

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Come what may: despite difficulties
19. It must be true. I heard it straight from the ______________ mouth.
A. dog's B. horse's C. camel's D. cat's
20. I slept badly last night and am feeling particularly ______________this morning.
A. slow-witted B. far-reaching C. off-hand D. top-heavy

From the words listed below, choose the one which best fits the space, A, B, C or D.
Black cabs, officially known as Hackney Carriages, are (1) _______ London and are special for a
number of reasons. For a start, they are the only taxis in the city that can be hailed from the kerb with a
raised hand signal to get the driver’s attention. Currently, it is estimated that there are 20,000 black cabs
(2) _______ on the capital’s streets. Their origin, in fact, can be (3) _______ the name ‘Hackney Carriage’
said to derive from the French word haquenée referring to the type of horse used to pull the carriages in
the days of horse-drawn carriages. The first horse-drawn Hackney coaches appeared on London’s streets
in the 17th century during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. As transport developed and motor cars were (4)
_______, motor cabs replaced the horse-drawn carriages. Since the end of the 19 th century, various car
manufacturers’ vehicles have been used as motor cabs but it was not until the mid-20 th century that the
cabs we have been (5) _______ over the last decades first appeared.
It is such a(n) (6) _______ of becoming a black cab driver in London and it is (7) _______. If you
want to gain this honour you will need to have passed the infamous test known as ‘the Knowledge’, which
was first introduced in 1851 following (8) _______ of complaints by passengers whose cab drivers got
lost. This incredibly difficult test can take around three or four years to prepare for and you can often
catch a glimpse of those drivers who are doing just this zipping around London on their mopeds, with a
map (9) _______ to a clipboard on their handlebars. These people are essentially trying not only to master
the 25,000 or so streets within a six-mile radius of Charing Cross, but also to work out the most direct
routes from place to place. They must know thousands of ‘points of interest’ such as hotels, hospitals,
places of worship, theatres, stations, sports and leisure facilities, to name but a few. Practically
everywhere and anywhere that a potential passenger would wish to be taken to or from must be known, so
a nodding acquaintance, for a black cab driver, is (10) _______, and perhaps this is the most difficult part,
knowing the quickest way to get from one place to another. Little wonder so few people are successful.

1. A. commensurate with B. equivalent to C. synonymous with D. tantamount to

2. A. hereabouts B. hither and thither C. or thereabouts D. there and then
3. A. ferreted out from B. hunted down from C. mapped out to D. traced back to
4. A. all the rage B. of high standing C. of repute D. in vogue
5. A. clued in on B. genned up on C. in the know about D. no stranger to
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6. A. handiwork B. procurement C. realisation D. undertaking
7. A. beyond you B. no brainer C. no mean feat D. over your head
8. A. droves B. hordes C. packs D. swarms

9. A. chained B. fastened C. linked D. sealed

10. A. beyond measure B. beyond redemption C. beyond the pale D. beyond the veil
Commensurate (with something): matching with something in size, quality, importance…
Tantamount to something: having the same bad effect with something else
Hearabouts (adv) near this place
Hither and thither: in many different directions
Thereabouts (adv) near the place mentioned
Ferret out: discover or find something by searching carefully and completely
Hunt someone down: search for someone until you catch them to punish and harm them
Map something out: plan or arrange something in careful and detailed way
Be all the rage: be very popular and fashionable
Of high standing
In vogue: in fashion
Clue in (on something): give someone the most recent information about something
Gen up (on something): find out and give information about something
Be no strange to something: be familiar with particular experience
No mean feat: be a great achievement but not easy to reach
Over your head: beyond your ability to understand
Beyond the pale: outside the bounds of acceptable behavior
Beyond the veil: in a mysterious or hidden place or state

1. They are fighting to eradicate the ________ of starvation caused by the civil war.
A. leftovers B. legacy C. remains D. tradition
The legacy of starvation
2. The employee suffered from depression ________ by overwork and ill-health.
A. brought on B. come about C. taken up D. put through
Bring on: help something develop in unpleasant way
3. Tax _______deprives the country of a great deal of money a year.
A. retention B. dissertation C. escapism D. evasion
4. The measurements must be accurate to ________five centimeters to ensure the success of an
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A. about B. under C. within D. near
Accurate to within something: chính xác đến khoảng sai số nào
5. Mind that the baby shouldn’t touch the knife; it’s as sharp as a ________.
A. blade B. sword C. cut D. razor
As sharp as razor: rất sắc (dao)
6. Children born out of _______ shouldn’t be made fun of.
A. marriage B. marriage license C. wedlock D. home
Born out of wedlock: đẻ hoang, chửa hoang, con ngoài giá thú
7. I’ve just heard that argument before and quite frankly it just doesn’t ________!
A. face the music B. hit the nail on the head
C. carry weight D. hold water
Hold water: appear to be valid, sound or reasonable
Carry weight: be considered serious and important enough to influence other people
8. Attempts to help only ________ the problem so they were forced to call in the emergency
A. extricated B. enervated C. extirpated D. exacerbated
9. The spoilt schoolboy was ________ from school for his disruptive behavior.
A. dispelled B. repealed C. expelled D. compelled
10. Don’t trust cunning friends. They can _______ you in the back.
A. hit B. stab C. cut D. punch
Stab someone in the back: betray someone

No one else in the group (1) _______ have been as relieved as I was to leave the dense forest.
The thick (2) _______ had cut my knees and thighs and streaks of mud lined my shoes. On (3)
_______, I was probably the most inappropriately dressed. I regretted not reading the itinerary
before leaving the house. At the very least, I could have dressed suitably. The area ahead was
much better. I walked more confidently, even daring to walk (4) _______ the others instead of
behind them. For a while, I continued (5) _______ at the ground, out of habit trying to search for
places where the ground had already been (6) _______ on.
We were about to stop for a break when Jason, the leader, (7) _______ suddenly. He held up
both arms horizontally, forming a human barrier to prevent us from walking ahead. I nearly
bumped (8) _______ him. Luckily, Ash gripped my arms to (9) _______ me. Any further
movement from me would have been (10) _______.
1. A. should B. must C. could D. need
2. A. undergrowth B. overgrowth C. outgrowth D. regrowth
3. A. retrospect B. hindsight C. thinking D. purpose
4. A. after B. outside C. alongside D. round
5. A. peeping B. regarding C. staring D. noticing
6. A. stridden B. stepped C. footed D. ambled
7. A. halted B. ceased C. settled D. braked
8. A. up B. off C. against D. after

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9. A. becalm B. steady C. overrule D. collide
10. A. faithful B. needless C. wasted D. fatal
Bump up against: to experience a problem you have never expected

1. He was absolutely _______with anger when he found that I had scratched his car.
A. burned B. carmine C. fickle D. livid
2. The real test of your relationship will come when you start to see your boyfriend ______ and
A. faults B. spots C. moles D. warts
Warts and all: including features or qualities that are not appealing or attrative
3. We are making an ______ effort to increase production.
A. all out B. altogether C. all in D. all together
Make an all out effort: try very hard
4. We were able to present the latest film by Steven Spielberg only______ the Film Academy.
A. by courtesy of B. according to C. on behalf of D. in accordance with
By courtersy of someone/something: because of someone/something’s help
5. We should all _______ when advertisers attempt to use unfair practices.
A. make a stand B. make a deal C. make amends D. make a comeback
6. The princess’s nanny’s autobiography really gives the _______ on life among the royals.
A. know-how B. low-down C. look-out D. show-down
Give someone the low-down on something: nói cho ai biết sự thật về điều gì
7. The new tax policy has ________ a lot of anger and dissatisfaction.
A. devised B. evoked C. originated D. provoked
8. The doctors have doubtless done all they can; ______ that’s the impression I gained.
A. moreover B. at least C. nevertheless D. furthermore
9. I don't think Paul will ever get married — he's the stereotypical _______ bachelor.
A. settled B. confirmed C. fixed D. determined
A confirmed bachelor: a man who never gets married and focus more on his career
10. All the members of the board were __________ themselves to please the Chairperson.
A. falling over B. jumping over C. carrying off D. coming about
11. He ________ a yawn as the actor began yet another long speech.
A. squashed B. suffocated C. submerged D. stifled
Stifle a yawn (contained in Oxford Dictionary online)
12. In ______ to them, it wasn't their fault that the party went so badly.
A. fairness B. justice C. recognition D. sympathy
13. As we were in an urgent need of syringes and other medical equipment, the aid organization
promised to deliver them _______ the double.
A. at B. in C. with D. round
At the double: quick and hurrying
14. I’ve yet_______ a person as his father.

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A. to have known such generous B. to know as generous
C. knowing as generous D. been knowing such generous
15. Did you see Jonathan this morning? He looked like__. It must have been quite a party last
A. a bear with a sore head B. death warmed up
C. dead duck D. a wet blanket
Feel/Look like death warmed up: look or feel very ill and tired
A dead duck: a failed project, plan…
16. The difference between the polar and equatorial diameters of Mars has not been
unequivocally determined.
A. easily B. definitely C. conventionally D. arithmetically
17. Don’t call Pam just now. Something has gone wrong with the computer; she’s ______
because she can’t get the data she needs.
A. in a stew B. out of a rut C. in the swim D. under the sink
In a stew: be anxious or upset about something
18. Many athletes have reached their ________ by the time they are twenty.
A. summit B. top C. point D. peak
19. The escaped prisoner fought _________ before he was finally overpowered.
A. head over heels B. tooth and nail C. heart and soul D. foot and mouth
Fight tooth and nail: fight in determined way for what you want
20. The actor was so nervous that he could only remember small ________ of dialogue.
A. shreds B. pieces C. patches D. snatches
A Great Composer
The classical composer Ernst Hoffsberger, who passed away earlier this week, truly 1.______ the
world of contemporary classical music and was a great 2._______of inspiration to a whole
generation of 3.________young artists in various fields. In many ways his three symphonies
completely 4.________ the achievements of all other composers of the late twentieth century and
by 5.______ the classical genre with jazz, rock and latterly hip-hop, his work at times bore little
6._______ to what is commonly considered to be a classical sound. Born in California just after
the Second World War, Hoffsberger had a strict religious 7.________during which he was taught
classical piano by his father. He first found work as a(n) 8._________ journalist, playing and
composing music in his free time. During the late sixties, he worked together in 9._______ with a
number of other amateur musicians before finally 10._______ professional with the first public
performance of his inspirational Tenor Sax Concerto in 1971. From then on, throughout the
seventies and eighties, each new work seemed to surpass the limits of the orchestral medium and
also helped to bring classical music to a wider audience. What many people consider
Hoffsberger's defining quality that kept his music fresh and original was that he never lost the
human touch which gave him the ability to sit down and jam with musicians and artists from all
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walks of life.
1. A revolutionised B restored C renovated D refurbished
2. A form B kind C source D outlet
3. A branching B budding C blooming D bursting

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4. A overcame B overshadowed C overturned D overwhelmed
5. A adjoining B attaching C co-joining D fusing
6. A similarity B familiarity C resemblance D identification
7. A family B background C childhood D upbringing
8. A non-contract B off-the-books C freelance D odd-job
9. A collaboration B combination C coordination D contribution
10. A taking B getting C making D turning

1. The science teacher asked the class to ______ the results of their experiment on a graph.
A. draw B. illustrate C. plot D. sketch

2. She's such a ______ of strength that everyone relies on her in a crisis.

A. tower B. pillar C. post D. support

3. Tom was able to ______ a pretty picture of the situation and impressed his manager.
A. paint B. draw C. present D. make

4. It is far too easy to lay the blame ______ on the shoulders of the management.
A. flatly B. willingly C. squarely D. perfectly

5. David has a(n) ______ to fainting at the sight of blood.

A. inclination B. predilection C. predisposition D. penchant

6. The school committee paid ______ to their famous former pupil by naming the new gym
after her.
A. esteem B. homage C. honour D. respect

7. After his long illness, the old man appeared so thin and ______ that a gust of wind might
have blown him away.
A. flimsy B. faint C. withered D. frail

8. You could tell that she wasn't happy about the news by the way she ______ her face in
A. came on B. brought round C. settled for D. screwed up

9. Going to the unemployment office and having to wait there for hours is a ______
A. soul-destroying B. heart-stopping C. power-sharing D. thought-
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10. ______ a language family is a group of languages with a common origin and similar
vocabulary, grammar, and sound systems.
A. Linguists call it B. It is called by linguists
C. What linguists call D. What do linguists call
11. ________, the balcony chairs will be ruined in this weather.
A. Leaving uncovered B. Having left uncovered
C. Left uncovered D. Been left uncovered

12. The contemporary dialogue for me struck a slightly _______ note.

A. disembodied B. discordant C. dismissive D. disconcerting

13. Both of the jobs I’ve been offered are fantastic opportunities – I’m in such _______!

A. a constituency B. a deviation C. an arrhythmia D. a quandary

14. Sharon is such a positive person – she _______ her problems, whatever they are.

A. goes light on B. throws light to C. makes light of D. sheds light upon

15. The brother and sister were ________ over who would get to inherit the beach house.
A. at large B. at odds
C. at a standstill D. at a loose end
16. ________ that Kim was getting married, we were sorry she’d be leaving home.
A. Delighted though we were B. As we were delighted
C. However delighted were we D. As we were so delighted
17. Peter’s so ________! I think he’d think things through a little more carefully.
A. impulsive B. repulsive C. compulsive D. expulsive
18. I’ve yet ________ a person as Theo.
A. to meet as infuriating B. to have met such infuriating
C. been meeting as infuriating D. been meeting such infuriating
19. Sniffer dogs are able to locate survivors beneath the rubble with ________ .
A. precision B. correctness C. meticulousness D. exactitude
20. The locks to the doors of the building are controlled ________ .
A. mainly B. centrally C. solidly D. completely

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Face-to-face conversation is a two-way process. You speak to me, I reply to you and so on.
Two –way (1) ____ depends on having a coding system that is understood by both (2) ____ and
receiver, and an agreed convention about (3) ____ the beginning and end of the (4) ____ . In
speech, the coding system is the language like English or Spanish; the convention that one person
speaks at a time may seem too obvious to (5) ____ . In fact, the (6) ____ that people use in
conversations and meetings are often non- verbal. For example, lowering the pitch of the voice
may mean the end of a sentence; a sharp intake of breath may signal the desire to (7) ____ ,
catching the chairman’s (8) ____ may indicate the desire to speak in a formal setting like a (9)
____ , a clenched fist may indicate anger. When these (10) ____ signals are not possible, more
formal signals may be needed.
1. A. communication B. exchange C. interchange D. correspondence
2. A. transmitter B. messenger C. sender D. announcer
3. A. signaling B. symbolizing C. signing D. showing
4. A. idea B. theme C. topic D. message
5. A. notice B. mention C. recognize D. judge
6. A .signs B. signals C. symptoms D. symbols
7. A. interfere B. interchange C. interrupt D. intercept
8. A. elbow B. shoulder C. hand D. eye
9. A. debate B. chat C. lecture D. broadcast
10. A. auditory B. visual C. verbal D. sensory

1. There are five ______ mistakes in this picture. Can you find them and win a prize?
A. presumptuous B. intensive C. deliberate D. instrumental
Deliberate mistakes
2. That’s exactly what I mean, Ben. You’ve ______!
A. put your foot on it B. killed two birds with one stone
C. put two and two together D. hit the nail on the head
Put one’s foot in it: say something that causes someone to be embarrassed
Put one’s foot down: kiên quyết phản đối, không cho phép điều gì xảy ra
Put two and two together: guess the truth about the situation from what you have seen
Kill two birds with two stone: achieve two aims at once
3. The police finally arrested the ______ criminal.
A. famous B. renowned C. respectable D. notorious
4. She was shocked to see her living room painted pink, as she chose a very light shade of green,
so she told the workers to _______ the whole job ________.
A. do... over B. make ...out C. run ... off D. let... down
5. He was in his late fifties, with staring eyes and a ______ hairline.
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A. straggling B. receding C. bushy D. curly
6. It is expected that all members will ______ to the rules of the club.
A. comply B. concede C. conform D. compromise
7. He promised me an Oxford dictionary, but to my great disappointment, he _____ his words.
A. stood by B. stuck at C. went back on D. held onto
Go back on something: fail to keep a promise, change your mind about something
8. Although the patient received intensive treatment, there was no ______ improvement in her
A. decipherable B. legible C. discernible D. intelligible
9. The air in the house felt cold and _______after weeks of bad weather.
A. wet B. damp C. moist D. watery
10. Although they met with many difficulties, I heard that they succeeded ______.
A. over all B. above all C. after all D. all in all
Above all: most important of all, especially
11. The babysitter has told Billy's parents about his attention-seeking behaviour and how he starts
________ as soon as they leave home.
A. pulling up B. acting up C. knocking off D. playing down
Act up: behave badly
Pull someone up: criticize someone because they have done something wrong
Knock something off: complete something quickly and without much effort
Knock someone off: murder someone
12. I said Ricardson, but I meant Richardson. It was just a ______ of the tongue.
A. slip B. mistake C. fault D. laspe
13. Mike’s tendency towards forgetting things is a ______ joke among his closest friends.
A. continuing B. lasting C. constant D. standing
A standing joke: something that a group of people regularly laugh at
14. Thousands of newcomers imagine this place to be their EL Dorado where they can easily
make a ______ start in life.
A. plain B. fresh C. clean D. first
15. In the novel Zeno's Conscience, Zeno Cosini ________ some events of his life at the
insistence of his psychoanalyst.
A.comes down with B. looks back on C. gets by with D. drops out of
Get by (on/in/with something): manage to live or do a particular thing using what you have

16. John first dabbled ______ buying old maps for his collection.
A. in B. on C. at D. for
Dabble in something: take part on an activity but not very seriously
17. It was dr Dalton who______ us how to deal with this complicated example.
A. noted B. explained C. interpreted D. instructed
18. Let me _____ my luck at cards. If I win, I promise to invite you to a posh restaurant.
A. have B. try C. put D. view
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Try your luck (at something): do something that involves risk and luck, hoping with succeed
19. The old man did not notice it had begun to rain. He was so ______ in feeding the pigeons.
A. obsessed B. engrossed C. fascinated D. concentrated
Be engrossed in/with something: so interested and involved in something
20. Don’t forget to ______ your clocks _______ by one hour tonight, as it’s the last Saturday in
A. clear ... up B. put... down C. count... in D. set... back

Public opinion polls that crime is viewed as one of the most serious problems of many
societies. Yet, (1)____studies have revealed that the among of violent crime is (2)____. Our
peculiar awareness and fear is largely brought about by the great attention it is (3)___in the mass
media and also because of violent crime being a popular theme for television series and films.
Among all crimes, murder makes the headlines and there is a little doubt that homicides
still continue to be a (4)____question in a number of countries. The various causes of severe
crime are being constantly (5)___and innumerable reasons for is are being polluted out. Among
these are unemployment, drug (6)___, inadequate police enforcement, ineffective courts, racial
discrimination, television and the general (7)___in social values.
An acknowledged fact is that it is mainly poverty that (8)___crime. Individuals incapable
of securing for themselves and their families the rudimentary means of living unavoidably take to
stealing, burgling or (9)____other offences. We may try to explain crime on different
(10)___cultural, economics, psychological or political, but criminologists are still far from
detecting the exact source of violent offences as the direct link between these particular factors
isn’t possible to spectify.
1. A. pervading B. infiltrating C. examining D. penetrating
2. A. outspoken B. overestimated C. presuuosed D. upgrated
3. A. granted B. awarded C. devoted D. entrusted
4. A. burdening B. obstructing C. nagging D. contending
5. A.debated B. conversed C. ultered D. articulated
6. A. escalation B. abuse C. maltreated D.disuse
7. A.flop B. impediment C. shortfall D. decline
8. A. rears B. nurtures C. breeds D. urges
9. A. commiting B. performing C. fullilling D. conducting
10. A. motives B. arguments C. reasons D. grounds
Nagging question: pending question
Breed crime
Commit crime

1. Every year on January 8th, thousand of fan travel to Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee to
__________ the king of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley.

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A. visit upon B. pay homage to C. pay attention to D. memorize
Visit opon someone/something: punish someone/something
2. It’s been ________________ at the school this week – we’re exhausted.
A. on the go B. going on and on C. all go D. on and off
On the go/move: be very active and busy
On and on: without stopping, continuously
All go: full of acitivity that you are tired
On and off: from time to time, now and again
3. Seeing those pictures on the TV news really ____________ to me how terrible it must be live
near a volcano.
A. bring it home B. rings a bell C. take it easy D. turn a new leaf
Bring something home to someone: make someone realize the actual situation
4. For children in poor countries, access to clean water is _________________.
A. a matter of course B. a different matter
C. a matter of life and death D. a matter of fact
A matter of life and/or death: a situation which is very serious and important
As a matter of course: as an usual and correct thing to do
5. The idea of manual _____________ doesn’t appeal to me at all.
A. effort B. labour C. endeavor D. exercise
6. When I got struck in the elevator, I was scared out of my ________.
A. brains B. head C. wits D. nerve
7. Thousand of fans ______________ on the stadium to watch the match.
A. convened B. conversed C. converged D. conjoined
Converge on: move towards the place from different directions to meet one another
8. Would you like to pay _______ to all musicians who made this wonderful concert possible.
A. praise B. reward C. tribute D. thanks
9. If some experts are correct, the technological revolution is only in its _______________.
A. childhood B. infancy C. youth D. nativity
To be in its infancy: thời kỳ đầu, thời thơ ấu
10. Work hard, try your best and one day you will _____________ all your ambition.
A. win B. get C. have D. realize
Realize one’s ambition: thực hiện hoài bão
Getting to the root of Bonsai crime
Bonsai trees have always been a source of great fascination to people. They are perfect
miniatures, grown in pots small enough to sit on a windowsill. You have to keep reminding
yourself that these trees are (1) _____ real and identical to their larger cousins in all respects
except their size. Rather like other small and perfectly-formed artifacts, bonsai trees (2) _____
quite a high price in the marketplace and so it doesn’t come as a great surprise to find that they
also attract the attention of thieves. It seems that quite a flourishing business has (3) _____, in

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which they are stolen from the homes of growers and collectors, then repotted and trimmed by
unscrupulous dealers, to be sold on, at good prices, to unsuspecting buyers.
One of Britain’s top collectors of bonsai trees, Paul Waddington, believes that he has
found a solution, however. After losing his life’s work, (4) _____ at £250,000, when burglars
broke into his home one night, Paul decided to (5) _____ the possibilities of electronically
tagging the trees he bought as a replacement. This (6) _____ injecting a microchip the size of a
(7) _____ of rice into the trunk of each tree. Each chip is a laser-etched with information which is
(8) _____ in a central register held by the police. Paul is quite aware that this kind of data-tagging
doesn’t prevent thieves from stealing the trees in the first (9) _____, although it may increase the
(10) _____ of getting them back. So he’s also installing a security alarm system, complete with
infra-red detectors, in his home.
1 A. deeply B. eventually C. actually D. greatly
2 A. obtain B. expect C. command D. charge
3 A. erupted B. evolved C. adapted D. arrived
4 A. prized B. treasured C. valued D. costed
5 A. look into B. set about C. try out D. go after
6 A. requires B. includes C. involves D. reflects
7 A. crumb B. speck C. bean D. grain
8 A. stored B. detained C. locked D. piled
9 A. turn B. time C. point D. place
1 A. counts B. chances C. choices D. claims
Command a high price
Value at + the amount of money
Look into the possibilities
A grain of wheat, rice, or other cereal crop: a seed from them

1. The company is famous for making sturdy work clothes that can............hard wears.
A. stand up for B. stand up to C. stand in for D. stand up against
Stand up to: resist someone/something, not to accept bad treatment from someone without complaining
Stand up for: support or defend someone/something
Stand in for: take someone’s place
2. The ceiling fans were on, but unfortunately they only …………. the hot, humid air.
A. stirred up B. poured through C. turned into D. cut back
Stir something up: cause something bad
3. He lost his job ................ no fault of his own.
A. with B. by C. through D. over
Through no fault of one’s own

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4. When Helen agreed to run the school play, she got more than she .......................
A. came down to B. bargained for C. faced up to D. got round to
Bargain for: wait for, expect for something happened
5. Can you ...................... to it that no one uses this entrance
A. ensure B. guarantee C. assure D. see
See to it: make sure
6. We had to get a bank loan when the money finally ...................... .
A. gave in B. gave off C. gave over D. gave out
Give out: come to an end, be completely used up
Give over: tell someone to stop doing something
7. Giving up smoking is just one of the ways to ..................... heart disease.
A. push off B. put off C. ward off D. throw off
8. I was proud to be ....................... out for special praise for my performance.
A. selected B. singled C. separated D. distinguished
9. The President accused his critics of being oversensitive and of __________.
A. playing it by ear B. cutting to the chase
C. making a mountain out of a molehill D. splitting hairs
Make a mountain out of a molehill: make an unimportant matter seems important
10. My secretary left me in the _________ last month and I haven’t found a replacement yet.
A. rock B. lurch C. face D. fire
Leave someone in the lurch: fail to help someone when they are relying on you to do so

11. Eric had intended to make his announcement in an article in the Times but the paper ________by
advertising the article a week before publishing.
A. gave the game away B. covered the tracks C. blew the whistle D. led the garden path
Give the game away: tell a secret by accident
Cover your tracks: try to hide what you have done because you don’t want people to find out about it
Blow the whistle on someone/something: tell someone in authority about something done wrong, illegal
Lead someone up/down the garden path: deceive someone

12. Ann’s encouraging words gave me ____ to undertake the demanding task once again.
A. a point B. an incentive C. a resolution D. a target
13. We are going to build a fence around the field with ____ to breeding sheep and cattle
A. a goal B. an outlook C. a reason D. a view
14. Having made his first film earlier this year, he is ____starring in a new musical.
A. actually B. currently C. lately D. recently
15. Ever since we quarreled in the office, Janice and I have been _____ enemies.

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A. assured B. confirmed C. defined D. guaranteed
16. He seemed very quiet, but it would be a mistake to ______ his intelligence.
A. devalue B. depreciate C. underrate D. minimize
Underrate one’s intelligence
17. Paul’s been in Alice’s bad _____ ever since he offended her at the party.
A. eyes B. books C. likes D. treats
18. I was sitting in a train looking out of the window when my mind suddenly ____back to that amazing
trip we made to India.
A. put B. flashed C. stirred D. associated
19. The professor’s ____theory is that singing preceded speech.
A. fancied B. fond C. pet D. preferable
20. Social work suits her ____to the ground.
A. for B. down C. out D. round
Suit someone down to the ground: very suitable and right for someone
It only (1) _____ the completion of the reconstruction of the human genetic map for a whole host
of hereditary diseases to be (2) _____. Originally, it was forecast that the venture would take until the
beginning of the 21st century to be accomplished. At present, it is clear that the task can be finished much
Hundreds of scholars have gone to extremes to help (3) _____ the mystery of the human genetic
structure with an ardent hope for (4) _____ mankind from disorders such as cancer, cystic fibrosis or
arthritis. The progress in this incredible undertaking is (5) _____ by an accurate interpretation of the
information involved in the chromosomes forming the trillions of the cells in the human body. Locating
and characterizing every single gene may (6) _____ an implausible assignment, but very considerable (7)
_____ has already been made. What we know by now is that the hereditary code is assembled in DNA,
some parts of which may be diseased and (8) _____ to the uncontrollable transmission of the damaged
code from parents to their children.
Whereas work at the completion of the human genome may last for a few years more, notions like
gene therapy or genetic engineering don't evoke much surprise any longer. Their potential application has
already been (9) _____ in the effective struggle against many viruses or in the genetic treatment of blood
disorders. The hopes are, then, that hundreds of maladies that humanity is (10) ______ with at present
might eventually cease to exist in the not too distant future.
1. A. expects B. anticipates C. requires D. remains
2. A. eradicated B. interfered C. terminated D. disrupted
3. A. dissolve B. interrogate C. respond D. unravel
4. A. liberating B. insulating C. surviving D. averting
5. A. dependent B. reliant C. qualified D. conditioned
6. A. perceive B. hear C. voice D. sound

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7. A. headline B. headway C. heading D. headship
8. A. amiable B. conceivable C. conducive D. evocative
9. A. examined B. inquired C. corroborated D. accounted
10. A. aggravated B. plagued C. persecuted D. teased
Insulate something from/against something: protect something with material that prevents something
Sound an implausible assignment
Make headway: move forward and make progress
Conducive to something: make it easy, possible or likely for something to happen
Corroborate something: provide some information to prove a fact, comfirm
1. Most people feel a slight _______of nostalgia as they think back on their schooldays.
A. feeling B. surge C. pang D. chain
2. The cost of a new house in the UK has become _______high over the last few years.
A. totally B. astronomically C. blatantly D. utterly
3. The entire staff was thrown off _______when the news of the takeover was announced.
A. composure B. disarray C. stable D. balance
4. Mr Simkins is the big _______ in the company as he has just been promoted to the position of
Managing Director.
A. bread B. cheese C. apple D. meat
5. Of all entries received, his was _______ out for special raise.
A. isolated B. brought C. opted D. singled
6. I was in a _______ as to what to do. If I told the truth, he would get into trouble, but if I said
nothing I would be more in trouble.
A. doubt B. quandary C. hitch D. complexity
7. The matter has been left in _______until the legal ramifications have been explored.
A. recess B. suspension C. abeyance D. criticism
8. It was an extremely hostile article which cast _______on the conduct of the entire cabinet.
A. criticism B. aspersions C. disapproval D. abuse
9. He's so lazy! We all have to work harder because he's always _______ his duties.
A. evading B. shirking C. ducking D. dodging
10. I found the information for the project in the encyclopedia but I couldn't give ______and
verse on it.
A. chapter B. unit C. poem D. extract
11. The engineer _______the machine with a hammer and, miraculously, it roared back to life.
A. slapped B. smacked C. whacked D. punched
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12. The Oscar winning actress simply _______charm and professionalism in her acceptance
A. exuded B. excluded C. expunged D. extricated
Exude (v) exude particular feeling (confidence, charm, professionalism…)
Exclude (v) not include something when you are considering
Expunge (v) remove something from your memory
Extricate (v) to escape or enable someone to escape from difficult situation
13. The carrots are ready; could you drain them in the _______and put them in the serving dish?
A. casserole B. colander C. whisk D. blender
14. Sue went for a _______when she injured her foot and broke several toenails.
A. manicure B. pediment C. foot massage D. pedicure
Pedicure (n) a beauty treatment for the feet that involves cutting and sometimes painting the
15. What I find most ________ about it is that he didn’t even have a decency to say that he was
A. galling B. furious C. touchy D. blazing
16. I’m hoping that this work experience will stand me in _______in my future career.
A. good grounding B. good stead C. fine precedent D. stable footing
17. A meal in that restaurant costs the _______but still it is always packed.
A. world B. soil C. earth D. moon
Cost the earth: đắt đỏ, tốn kém
18. Terry is an old _______of mine. We split up nine years ago but we’ve stayed friends.
A. fire B. spark C. frame D. blaze
19. Take the doctor's advice into consideration. He's in _______ earnest about the epidemic.
A. deadly B. fatally C. gravely D. mortally
20. What's that horrible noise downstairs?'
'It's only Sam. He always screams _______ murder when we take him to the dentist.'
A. red B. black C. yellow D. blue
Earth is the only place we know of in the universe that can support human life. (1)_______
human activities are making the planet less fit to live on. As the western world (2) _______ on
consuming two-thirds of the world's resources while half of the world's population do so (3)
_______ to stay alive we are rapidly destroying the (4) _______ resource we have by which all
people can survive and prosper. Everywhere fertile soil is (5) _______ built on or washed into the
sea. Renewable resources are exploited so much that they will never be able to recover (6)
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_______ We discharge pollutants into the atmosphere without any thought of the consequences.
As a (7) _______ the planet's ability to support people is being (8) _______at the very time when
rising human numbers and consumption are (9) _______ increasingly heavy demands on it.
The Earth's (10) _______ resources are there for us to use. We need food, water, air, energy,
medicines, warmth, shelter and minerals to keep us fed, comfortable, healthy and active. If we are
sensible in how we use the resources they will last indefinitely. But if we use them wastefully and
excessively they will soon run out and everyone will suffer.
1. A. Although B. Still C. Yet D. Despite
2. A. continues B. repeats C. carries D. follows
3. A. already B. just C. for D. entirely
4. A. alone B. individual C. lone D. only
5. A. sooner B. neither C. either D. rather
6. A. quite B. greatly C. utterly D. completely
7. A. development B. result C. reaction D. product
8. A. stopped B. narrowed C. reduced D. cut
9. A. doing B. having C. taking D. making
10. A. natural B. real C. living D. genuine
Recover completely
Reduce ability

1. _______, the balcony chairs will be ruined in this weather.

A. Leaving uncovered B. Having left uncovered
C. Left uncovered D. Been left uncovered
2. His friends offered to_______the next time he was in town, so that he wouldn’t have to pay for
a hotel.
A. place him in B. put him up C. back him up D. turn him out
3. The life_______of individuals in developed countries increases dramatically every decade.
A. expectation B. exception C. exertion D. expectancy
4. Although the journey was_______with danger, it turned out to be a rewarding.
A. fraught B. filled C. full D. littered
5. She worried_______about her exam and couldn’t focus on her revision.
A. constantly B. practically C. decidedly D. effectively
6. I tried to talk her_______ joining our trip, but she refused.
A. on B. in C. out of D. into
Talk someone into/out of something: persuade someone to/not to do something
7. What a stupid thing to do. Can you imagine anyone_______so stupid?
A. to be B. who C. being D. that
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8. If only you_______Jack what I said, everything would have been all right.
A. didn’t tell B. don’t tell C. hadn't told D. shouldn't tell
9. The crowd _____ in disagreement as the politician left the platform.
A. rustled B. banged C. neighed D. booed
Boo (v) show that you do not like a person, performance, idea…
10. A bee was _____ angrily against the window pane, unable to get out.
A. humming B. buzzing C. crashing D. howling
11. My English is progressing ………..
A. leaps and bounds B. bounds and leaps
C. odds and ends D. ends and odds
12. Tina never comes here now. We only see her once in a_______moon.
A. blue B. yellow C. white D. gold
13. No matter how angry he was, he would never_______to violence.
A. exert B. recourse C. resort D. resolve
14. I_______to Greece until Sally and I went there last summer.
A. have never been B. had never been C. was never being D. were never
15“ The food at that new restaurant isn’t bad”. “ It’s all right, but it’s …….the food at Mario’s”
A. a far cry from B. a far laugh C. a close cry from D. a close laugh
16. Ann’s encouraging words gave me _____ to undertake the demanding task once again.
A. a point B. an incentive C. a resolution D. a target
17. We are going to build a fence around the field with _____ to breeding sheep and cattle
A. a goal B. au outlook C. a reason D. a view
18. If it hadn’t been for the hint that the professor ______, nobody would have found out the
correct answer.
A. dropped B. cast C. threw D. flung
Drop the hints
19. The doctor _____ all night with the patients in the hospital.
A. put out B. sat up C. sat in D. put on
Sit up (and do something): start to pay careful attention to what is happening
20. You'd better not place a bet on Stallion. In my opinion, the horse doesn't _____ a chance of
winning the race.
A. win B. rise C. stand D. play
Working parents are devoting more quality time to their children than previous generations,
despite time-consuming (1)_____, research has shown. The findings of this study go against the
claim that modern parents, especially working mothers, spend less time with their children. The

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study found that parents devote more than twice as much time on the (2)_____of their children
than they did 30 years ago. Full-time working parents were found to spend more time with their
children than their part time and non-working counterparts. This time is spent talking to children
and enjoying planned (3)_____activities, such as swimming and trips to museums together.
The results of the research show that parents devote an average of 85 minutes a day to each child.
This compares with 25 minutes a day in the (4)_____1970s. And it is predicted that the figure
will (5)_____to 100 minutes a day by 2010.
The study highlighted a new concept of "positive parenting", where mothers and fathers are
(6)_____committed to working hard to be good parents and providing the best material and
emotional support for their children. The findings suggest that the "new man" is not a myth.
Today's fathers were found to be more involved in their children's lives than their own fathers or
grandfathers were. More fathers are said to be equal (7)_____in parenting.
During the study, three generations of families were questioned on their (8)_____to
parenting. What is clear is that parents desire an increase in creative involvement with children,
and for family democracy. (9)_____, this increase in parental involvement also suggests an
increase in the stress (10)_____being a parent. In the future, parenting classes could become as
commonplace as antenatal classes are today.
1. A. jobs B. work C. positions D. occupations
2. A. education B. upbringing C. training D. instruction
3. A. amusement B. free C. leisure D. pleasure
4. A. mid B. middle C. medium D. halfway
5. A. arise B. arouse C. rise D. raise
6. A. equally B. hardly C. similar D. nearly
7. A. couples B. partners C. colleagues D. mates
8. A. thinkings B. opinions C. agreements D. attitudes
9. A. However B. Therefore C. Although D. Despite
10. A. for B. of C. in D. to
In the mid 1970s
In the stress of

1. I am fully prepared for my interview and I am confident that I can answer any questions they
may care to ___________ me.
A. throw at B. drop on C. slide to D. roll to
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2. The planes were delayed and the hotel was awful, but ___________ we still had a good time.
A. on the contrary B. for all that C. on top of all that D. by the same token
By the same token: for the same reasons
3. If he tries to ___________ ignorance as his excuse, just tell him we’ve got a copy of the
authorization with his signature on it.
A. defend B. plead C. pretend D. protest
4. John was ___________ something under his breath, but I didn’t catch what he said.
A. whispering B. muttering C. growling D. swallowing
Mutter (v) speak quietly that it is difficult to hear
Whisper (v) speak quietly so that you are not annoying to others
5. Rumors going around, Mr. Long is ___________ Head of the Department.
A. in adjacent to B. in view of C. in line for D. in the proximity
6. Who needs more than the _________necessities of life?
A. naked B. pure C. bare D. sole
Bare necessities (n) the most basic things
7. The announcement about job losses has _________ consequences for the firm.
A. hard-hittingB. far-reaching C. never-ending D. wide-ranging
Far-reaching consequences
Hard-hitting (a) not afraid to talk about someone honestly and directly
Never-ending (a) seeming to last fovever
8. Mr. Green supposes, _________, that he will retire at 60.
A. like most people did B. as most of people
C. like most people do D. as do most people
9. Jeremy’s friends were fond of him _________ because of his generosity.
A. even less B. at least C. not least D. still less
10. I'd opt for a glass of mineral water just to _________ my thirst.
A. quit B. quench C. quiver D. quiet
11. Over the ______________of the next few weeks, their relationship changed completely.
A. span B. duration C. course D. term
Over the course of time: as time goes by
12. Charles was not sure which profession to enter but finally ____________for law.
A. chose B. opted C. accepted D. selected
13. I didn’t_____________ to cause a problem, but unfortunately that’s what happened.
A. get off B. take on C. set out D. make for
Set out: start working on something to achieve something
Get off (find more about this on Oxford Dictionary online)
14. It stands to reasons that a touch of humour and optimism can work____________.
A. on all cylinders B. spectacles C. wonders D. your fingers to the bone
15. Tom’s normally very efficient but he’s been making a lot of mistakes ___________.
A. of late B. for now C. in a while D. shortly
16. __________ they make show that young children are capable of arriving at surprisingly subtle
grammatical generalizations.

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A. The mistake B. The very mistakes
C. Some very mistakes D. Very mistakes
Danh từ có mệnh đề quan hệ hỗ trợ làm rõ nghĩa (they make) nên phải dùng mạo từ
"the" loại C và D
“Show”  Loại A
17. Although he was a hardened criminal, his one _____________ feature was his love of
A. saving B. redeeming C. recovering D. acquitting
Redeeming feature
18. My cousin was nervous about being interviewed on television, but she rose to the
___________ wonderfully.
A. event B. performance C. incident D. occasion
19. Despite all the interruptions, he _____________with his work.
A. stuck at B. held on C. hung out D. pressed on
20. When I got stuck in the elevator, I was scared out of my _____________.
A. brains B. head C. wits D. nerves

Reports that the government is about to _________( 1) the go ahead to plans for the
building of a new runway at London’s Gatwick airport have angered local residents and raised
fears of increased noise and exhaust pollution. The (2) _________ plans also include permission
for additional night flights and will (3) _________ the compulsory purchase of farmland, as well
as the demolition of a number of private homes. According to sources close to the Ministry of
Transport, the government is known to be concerned by the increasing (4) _________ of traffic at
London Heathrow, where there are no plans for further runways in the foreseeable (5) _________
. Gatwick is widely (6) _________ as a better (7) _________ for expansion than London’s third
airport, Stansted, which still suffers from poor transport links. A spokesperson for the Keep
Gatwick Quiet association, (8) ________ up of local people, accused the government of going
back on promises made before the General Election. “We were told then that the airport authority
had no (9) _________ of building another runway, and we believe that the government has a duty
to (10) _________ its pledges. “Prominent figures in the government are also believed to be
concerned at the news, although the Prime Minister, interviewed last night, is quoted as saying
that reports were “misleading”. However, he would not give an assurance that plans for building
a runway had definitely been rejected.

1. A. sign B. make C. give D. approve

2. A. controversial B. debatable C. notorious D. doubtful
3. A. involve B. concern C. assume D. need

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4. A. sum B. size C. volume D. length
5. A. years B. period C. time D. future
6. A. regarded B. believed C. felt D. held
7. A. potential B. outlook C. prospect D. likelihood
8. A. made B. set C. brought D. taken
9. A. desire B. intention C. wish D. objective
10. A. bear out B. count on C. pull off D. stand by
Give the go-ahead: give permission to do something
Foreseeable future: as far into the future as you can imagine or plan for
Prospect for something
Have no intention of doing something
Stand by: to be ready for action

1. The politician tried to arouse the crowd, but most of them were ________to his arguments.
A. indifferent B. differ C. differently D. different
2. It’s not fair to make the dog _________in the car on such a hot day.
A. to wait B. wait C. waiting D. for waiting
Make someone/something do something
3. There’s no_______ between Gary and Mark, even though they are brothers.
A. resemblance B. appreance C. correspondence D. reflection
4. Everyone started to____around the old woman on the floor, but no one offered her any help.
A. crowd B. put C. spread D. hang
5. Many women find it hard to_____________both a job and a family.
A. catch up with B. deal with
C. cope with D. keep up with
Cope with: đối phó với căng thẳng, áp lực hay tình trạng tâm lý không ổn định
Deal with: giải quyết, xử lí vấn đề (thường trong công việc)
6. She should have been here but she’s ____________flu. Therefore, she has to go to see the
A. gone through with B. gone down with
C. come in for D. come against
7. Pornography may be legally banned but it is still available _______the counter.

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A. under B. over C. in D. without
Under the counter: secretly and confidentially
8. We all have to follow the rules, and none of us is________the law.
A. beyond B. over C. above D. onto
9. In most _______developed countries, up to 50% of______population enters higher education
at some time in their lives.
A. a/a B. the/the C. a/the D. Ø /the
10. You’re the first person I’ve met________polictical views are more left-wing than mine!
A. who has B. whose C. which D. whom
11.________in this national park declined from a few thousand to a few hundred in ten years.
A. For a number of tigers B. The number of tigers
C. A number of tigers D. That the number of tigers
12. ___________that she burst into tears.
A. So angry was she B. Such her anger
C. She was so anger D. Her anger was so
13. Larry drove all night to get here for his sister’s wedding. He_________ exhausted by the time
he arrived.
A. must have been B. could be
C. ought to be D. will have been
14. ___________________, he would have been able to pass the exam.
A. Studying more B. Had he studied more
C. If he studied more D. If he were studying more
15. I have a good job with good salary. You _________send me any money, my lovely mother.
A. mustn’t B. had better
C. can’t D. needn’t
16.No matter how much pressure you put on Simon, he won’t budge a(n) _______ .
A. inch B. mile C. foot D. meter
17. Staying in a hotel costs _______ renting a room in a dormitory for a week.
A. as much as twice B. twice as much as
C. twice more than D. twice as
18. The windows were all left open. _____, the room was a real mess after the windstorm.
A. Nevertheless B. However C. Consequently D. Otherwise

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19. Mike and Joe are talking about transport in the future.
- Mike: “Do you think there will be pilotless planes?” – Joe: “______________”
A. I’m afraid I can’t.
B. What for? There are quite a few around.
C. Why not? There have been cars without drivers.
D. I’m glad you like it.
20. Julie and Ann are talking about their classmate.
- Julie: “_______________” - Ann: “Yeah, not bad, I suppose.”
A. Do you see him often? B. What are you thinking?
C. How did you meet him? D. He is quite good-looking, isn’t he?

1. The woman was ____________from hospital yesterday only a week after her operation.
A. ejected B. expelled C. evicted D. discharged
2. ____________further rioting to occur, the governement would be forced to use its emergency
A. Should B. Did C. Were D. Had
3. Unfortunately, our local cinema is on the____________of closing down.
A. verge B. hint C. edge D. threat
4. All courses at the college are offered on a full-time basis unless____________indicated.
A. further B. otherwise C. below D. differently
5. Your argument ____________that Britain is still a great power, this is no longer the case.
A. outlines B. presupposes C. concerns D. presents
6. The construction of the new road is____________winning the support of local residents.
A. thanks to B. reliant on C. dependent on D. responsible to
Reliant on something: dựa dẫm vào cái gì
Dependent on something: phụ thuộc vào điều gì
7. Although he didn’t actually say he wanted a radio for his birthday he did ____________pretty
A. imply B. suggest C. mention D. hint
Hint (v) to say something in a very indirect way, but other people can guess what you mean
Imply (v) say something is true without saying that thing

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8. Because of cutbacks in council spending, plans for the new swimming pool had to be
A. stockpiled B. overthrown C. shelved D. disrupted
Shelve (v) decide not to continue a plan for a short time
9. Don’t let that old rascal take you____________with his clever talk – none of it is true.
A. along B. in C. about D. down
10. People living abroad are not ____________to enter for his competition.
A. enabled B. permission C. capable D. eligible
Eligible for something // to do something đủ tư cách để làm gì
11. When attacked by his opponents, the general ________ with a strong justification for his
A. hit back B. struck up C. leapt up D. pushed forward
Hit back: attack or criticize
12. Activities in the department store were _______ by animal rights activists protesting against
the sale of fur coats.
A. disorientated B. disrupted C. deranged D. disturbed
Disrupt (v) make it difficult for something to continue in the normal way
Disturb (v) interrupt someone when they are trying to do something
Disorientate (v) make someone confused what they should do or where they should go
Deranged (a) unable to think and behave normally due to mental illness
13. In terms of protocol, the President takes ________ over all others in the country.
A. priority B. the lead C. precedence D. the head
Something takes precedence over something: something is more important than something
Something takes pritority over something: something should be the first thing to solve
14. I recommend that you ______ out the information for the courses online. You’ll find
everything you need there.
A. checking B. to check C. check D. for checking
15. You’ll be pleased to know that you are _____ for a scholarship if you wish to apply.
A. entitled B. eligible C. appropriate D. particular
16. It never _____ my mind that he was lying to me.
A. crossed B. racked C. took D. put
17. The children’s diet was _____ in Vitamin C, which has caused a lot of problems.

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A. absent B. faulty C. deficient D. missing
18. Don’t thank me for helping in the garden. It was _____ pleasure to be working out of doors
A. plain B. mere C. simple D. sheer
19. My sunburnt nose made me feel rather_____ for the first few days of the holiday.
A. self-effacing B. self-centred C. self- concious D. self-evident
20. He’s a nice guy, always already to do somebody a good___________.
A. present B. play C. turn D. pleasure
21. Nabraska has had floods in some years,_____________
A. in others drought B. droughts are others C. while other droughts D. others in drought
Câu gốc: In others it has drought  câu rút gọn: In others drought (rút “it has” không thay
đổi nghĩa của câu)
It only requires the completion of the reconstruction of the human genetic map for a
whole host of hereditary disease to be (1) ………... Originally, it was forecast that the venture
would take until the beginning of the 21st century to be accomplished. At present, it is clear that
the task can be finished much earlier. Hundreds of scholars have gone to (2) ………... to help (3)
………... the mystery of the human genetic structure with an ardent hope for (4) ………...
mankind from disorders such as cancer, cystic fibrosis or arthritis.
The progress in this incredible undertaking is (5) ………... by an accurate interpretation
of the information contained in the chromosomes forming the trillions of the cells in the human
body. Locating and characterizing every single gene may (6) ………... an implausible
assignment, but very considerable (7) ………... has already been made. What we know by now is
that the hereditary code is assembled in DNA, some parts of which may be diseased and (8)
………... to the uncontrollable transmission of the damaged code from parents to their children.
Whereas work at the completion of the human genome may last for a few years more,
notions like gene therapy or genetic engineering don't (9) ………... much surprise any longer.
Their potential application has already been examined in the effective struggle against many
viruses or in the genetic treatment of blood disorders. The hopes are, then, that hundreds of
maladies that humanity is (10) ………... with at the present might eventually cease to exist in the
not too distant future.
1. A. terminated B. interfered C. eradicated D. disrupted
2. A. maximum B. utmost C. supreme D. extremes
3. A. dissolve B. interrogate C. respond D. unravel

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4. A. liberating B. surviving C. insulating D. averting
5. A. dependent B. reliant C. qualified D. conditioned
6. A. sound B. hear C. voice D. perceive
7. A. headline B. heading C. headway D. headship
8. A. amiable B. conceivable C. evocative D. conducive
9. A. evoke B. institute C. discharge D. encourage
10. A. aggravated B. teased C. persecuted D. plagued
Evoke (v) gây nên sự ngạc nhiên
Conducive (a) make it easy, possible or likely for something to happen
Make headway: make progress
Be plagued with: be caused pain or trouble to someone/something
Extreme (n) the greatest or highest degree of something

1. We may win, we may lose – it’s just the ______ of the draw!
A. strike B. odds C. chance D. luck

2. The police accused the bank employee of ______ after financial irregularities were uncovered
in his department’s accounts.
A. fraud B. hoodwink C. swindle D. cheating

3. Due to the computer malfunction all our data was lost. So unhappily, we had to begin all the
calculations from _____.
A. onset B. source C. original D. scratch

4. I’ll just______ an eye over these figures before you type them.
A. cast B. fling C. toss D. throw

5. Looking down at the coral reef, we saw ______ of tiny, multi-colored fish.
A. swarms B. flocks C. teams D. shoals

6. I don't agree with his policies but I'm going to ______ them for now.
A. play along with B. play cat and mouse with
C. play havoc with D. play down
Play havoc with something: make the situation much more difficult or confusing

7. Don’t bother Alice with the problem - she’s in the ______ of moving house.
A. anguish B. throes C. agony D. pains
In the throes of something: in the middle of doing and dealing with difficulty

8. In the last century, it was widely ______ that Indian fakirs were capable of superhuman feats.
A. held B. grasped C. kept D. shaken

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9. Chris was ______ between buying a new house and going on a round-the-world cruise.
A. pulled B. torn C. moving D. leaning
Be torn between A and B: be unable to decide and choose between A and B

10. Don’t quote me. What I am about to say is ______ the record.
A. on B. off C. without D. above

11. The teacher obviously didn’t like me because she was always ______ on me.
A. setting B. picking C. keeping D. getting
Pick on someone: quấy rầy, làm phiền, trêu chọc ai đó

12. It may be raining but I’m ______ enjoying myself.

A. thoroughlyB. highly C. extremely D. desperately
Thoroughly enjoy oneself

13. Italy was knocked ______ the World Cup.

A. into B. away from C. out of D. forward to
Knock out of: bị loại khỏi (cuộc chơi)

14. She gave a/an ______ reading of the sonata that had the audience on their feet.
A. impeccableB. rocketing C. eminent D. heavy-handed

15. The film ends with a sheriff lying in a ______ of blood.

A. bath B. puddle C. jet D. pool
A pool of blood (COLLOCATION)

16. The 5% wage increases they propose are ______.

A. all for one B. by and large C. top to bottom D. across the board
Across the board: be applying for all
All for one, and one for all: mọi người vì một người, một người vì mọi người

17. The first amusement park in our city was a ______ success for its owners. Everybody would
go there to have a good time.
A. cracking B. ringing C. sparking D. roaring

18. I’d opt for a glass of mineral water just to ______ my thirst.
A. quit B. quench C. quiver D. quieten

19. Burt knows his chances against the better skilled opponents are slim, but he is too much of a
competitor to give up making at least a ______ at it.
A. stake B. start C. stab D. stack
Make a stab at someone/something: try to do something though not want to be successful

20. Wait a minute, there is an answer from the Federal Bureau with ______ to your previous
A. consideration B. reflection C. attention D. regard

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The latest addiction to trap thousands of people is Internet, which has been (1)_____ for
broken relationships, job losses, financial ruin and even one suicide. Psychologists now recognize
Internet Addiction Syndrome (IAS) as a new illness that could (2)_____ serious problems and
ruin many lives. Special help groups have been set up to (3) _____ sufferers help and support.
IAS is similar to (4) _____ problems like gambling, smoking and drinking: addicts have
dreams about Internet; they need to use it first thing in the morning; they (5)_____ to their
partners about how much time they spend online; they (6) _____ they could cut down, but are
unable to do so . A recent study found that many users spend up to 40 hours a week on the
Internet; (7) _____ they felt guilty, they became depressed if they were (8) _____ to stop using it.
Almost anyone can be at risk. Some of the addicts are teenagers who are already hooked
on computer games and who (9) _____ it very difficult to resist the games on the Internet.
Surprisingly, however, psychologists (10) _____that most victims are middle-aged housewives
who have never used a computer before.
1. A. accused B. mistaken C. blamed D. faulted
2. A. take B. cause C. affect D. lead
3. A. recommend B. offer C. suggest D. advise
4. A. others B. another C. the other D. other
5. A. lie B. cheat C. deceive D. betray
6. A. rather B. want C. prefer D. wish
7. A. unless B. without C. although D. despite
8. A. made B. allowed C. let D. had
9. A. have B. find C. feel D. say
10. A. say B. tell C. object D. promise
Somone be made to do something (passive voice of “make someone do something”)

1. Sir, are you aware that local fire restrictions ___________ the number of people allowed in a
club this size to 200?
A. top B. cap C. stop D. limit
2. If Harold never won any cups, why is his name ___________ onto this golfing trophy?
A. daubed B. scribbled C. carved D. etched
Etch (v) cut lines into piece of glass, mental, etc. in order to make words or a picture
3. The extensive winds that have been ___________ Florida will move away as the weekend
draws to a close.
A. battering B. punching C. cracking D. thumping
4. Despite the scandal, the leader emerged with his reputation ___________.
A. untarnished B. unpolluted C. unimpaired D. unfettered
5. Three of the escapees have now been recaptured but police spokesmen have said they are
concerned that, of the fourth prisoner, ___________ information is known that could help the
authorities put him back behind bars.

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A. scant B. rare C. slight D. a little
Scant information/detail…
6. If the manager says anything about the missed deadline, just ___________ your tongue, say
nothing and we can discuss it later.
A. eat B. swallow C. bite D. suck
Bite your tongue: cố gắng lắm để không nói điều mình thực sự muốn nói
7. I didn't realise you were so ___________ interested in fishing.
A. vividly B. keenly C. extensively D. patently
8. The most important parts of your job may seem difficult now but they will become second
___________ to you within a couple of weeks.
A. instinct B. thought C. nature D. mind
9. Local police have promised to ___________ on the rampant drug scene that is thought to have
contributed to the death of two teenagers last week.
A. crack down B. weigh down C. put down D. come down
10. We used to spend hours on this beach, ___________ among the rocks and the sand dunes.
Seems like centuries ago!
A. scuttling B. limping C. clambering D. hopping
Clamber (v) leo trèo
11. Just because we’ve had a good year, this does not mean that we cannot do better. we must not
A. have our heads in the clouds B. bury our heads in the sand
C. count on blessings D. rest on our laurels
12. That’s exactly what I mean, Ben. You’ve ______!
A. put your foot on it B. killed two birds with one stone
C. put two and two together D. hit the nail on the head
13. I’m hoping that this work experience will stand me in good ______ in my future career.
A. stead B. grounding C. precedent D. footing
14. I don’t feel like buying a ________ in a poke; we’d better check the content.

A. pig B. cattle C. buffalo D. ox

15. The birth of their first child caused a lot of _____ in Angela and Ken’s lives.
A. uproar B. upheaval C. outcry D. overthrow
Upheaval (v) a big change that cause a lot of worry and problems

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16. Did you see Jonathan this morning? He looked like _____. It must have been quite a party last
A. a wet blanket B. death warmed up
C. a dead duck D. a bear with a sore head
17. I was in a _______ as to what to do. If I told the truth, he would get into trouble, but if I said
nothing I would be more in trouble.

A. doubt B. quandary C. hitch D.

18. David’s leaving on Friday. I suggest we all _____ and get him a going away present.

A. dish out B. chip in C. hold off D. give in

Chip in: quyên góp, ủng hộ
19. Take the doctor's advice into consideration. He's in _______ earnest about the epidemic.

A. deadly B. fatally C. gravely D. mortally

20. What's that horrible noise downstairs?'

'It's only Sam. He always screams _______ murder when we take him to the dentist.'

A. red B. black C. yellow D. blue

Long hours and health don't mix

Women are much healthier when they take it easy, reveals a new survey. Those who work long
hours are more likely than men to (1) ____ in unhealthy behaviour such as eating snacks,
smoking and drinking caffeine. (Long hours have no such (2) ____ on men.) One positive benefit
of long hours for both sexes, however, is that alcohol (3) ____ is reduced.

The study, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, is part of a wider study by
psychologists from the University of Leeds, into the effects of stress on eating. 'Stress causes
people to (4) ____ for unhealthy high-fat and high-sugar snacks in (5) ____ to healthier food
choices,' says researcher Dr Daryl O'Connor of the University of Leeds. 'People under stress eat
less than usual in their main meals, including their vegetable (6) ____, but shift their preference
to high-fat, high-sugar snacks instead.

'Our (7) ____ are disturbing in that they show stress produces harmful changes in diet and (8)
____ to unhealthy eating behaviour,' continues Dr O'Connor. 'An overwhelming (9) ____ of
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evidence shows the importance of maintaining a balanced diet in (10) ____ of reducing the risk
of cancer and cardiovascular diseases and that means eating a low-fat diet and five portions of
fruit and vegetables a day.

1. A. indulge B. satisfy C. yield D. tempt

2. A. contact B. clash C. conflict D. impact
3. A. beverage B. consumption C. expenditure D. acceptance
4. A. choose B. select C. design D. opt
5. A. difference B. option C. preference D. priority
6. A. intake B. influx C. emission D. immersion
7. A. instructions B. rulings C. findings D. institutions
8. A. sends B. makes C. guides D. leads
9. A. lump B. body C. sack D. packet
10. A. moments B. sessions C. terms D. senses
Body of evidence: tổng thể bằng chứng
Since there is little concrete evidence on which to draw
The knowledge and eloquence that people gain through travelling is usually perceived as the best
(1) ________ in life. It is the inquisitive human nature that (2) ________ people to seek thrilling
experiences and to set out on an exploration trip. Those who travel frequently and to (3) ________ places
benefit from establishing new relationships and acquire a better knowledge about other cultures and
However, there is a (4) ________ of truth in the assumption that people are prone to (5) ________ clichés
and unfounded prejudices about other nations and their characteristics. Sometimes, it is only the first-hand
encounter that can help change the (6) ________ towards the so-called ‘inferior communities’. This direct
contact with a different civilization enables travelers to drop their baseless assumptions and get (7)
________ with the real concept of life in all four corners of the globe.
(8) ________ question, travelling (9) ________ friendship and makes it easier for many individuals to
acknowledge the true value of different traditions and customs. Yet, it does not always mean enjoyment. It
may also involve coming close with the atrocities of real existence as well as becoming aware of the
challenges and hardships that other people have to struggle with. Hence, a true voyage is the one with a
good deal of experience to (10) ________ about, very often combined with exposure to abhorrent sights
and incredible ordeals. The learning to be complete, thus, requires an ability to observe and analyze the
surroundings, both their glamour and brutality.
1. A. completion B. fulfillment C. conclusion D. resolution
2. A. impels B. involves C. entails D. pursues
3. A. reverse B. averse C. diverse D. converse

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4. A. speck B. grain C. scrap D. tip
5. A. persevering B. cherishing C. indulging D. persisting
6. A. prejudice B. manner C. outlook D. approach
7. A. informed B. realized C. acquainted D. defined
8. A. Apart B. Beyond C. Unfailing D. Beneath
9. A. facilitates B. affords C. elicits D. incites
10. A. commemorate B. reminisce C. resemble D. remind
Impel someone to do something: force someone to do something
Be prone to something: likely to something bad
Get acquainted with something: be familiar with something
Beyond question: không nghi ngờ gì nữa
Reminisce about something: think or talk about a happy time in the past

The sleepy village of Bussier-Badil is (1)______ the place where you’d expected to find an internationally
famous ceramics exhibition attracting fifteen thousand visitors each year. Yet when a pottery fair was first
held there over fifty years ago, it was the only one (2)_______ of France , and it is still one of the most
But why here? There is a seam of clay that runs through the area, but it is red clay of the type used to
make tiles and bricks as (3)________ pots, so there is no (4)____________ tradition of art pottery. The
idea of the fair started when a pottery potter by the name of Miguel Calado (5)__________ a studio in the
village at the (6)________of the mayor, himself a local tile-maker, who was (7)__________ to put the
region on the map.
And he had certainly succeeded. Every year, up to 40 potters from all over France and beyond (8)_______
on the village to display their wares in a huge purpose-built shed. (9)________on show range from the
utilitarian to the decorative, with every nuance in between. And the crowds come to look, to (10)_______
at the potters’ art, and to buy.
1.A. hardly B. seldom C. improbably D. unlikely
2.A. in all B. altogether C. all D. of all
3.A. opposed to B. rather than C. instead of D. apart from
4.A. certain B. particular C. exact D. individual
5.A. turned up B. took up C. made up D. set up
6.A. instigation B. advice C. encouragement D. persuasion
7.A. convinced B. determined C. dedicated D. committed
8.A. gather B. assemble C. converge D. collect
9.A. Issues B. Items C. Matters D. Topics
10.A. astonish B. fascinate C. amaze D. marvel

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(3) As opposed to something: rather than, instead of something
(6) At the instigation of someone: because of someone’s suggestion
(10) marvel at something: be surprised or impressed by somthing

There can be no doubt at all that the Internet has made a huge difference to our lives. Parents worry that
their children spend too much time browsing the Internet or playing computer games, hardly (1) ……..
doing anything else in their spare time. Naturally, parents are (2) ……. to find out why the Internet is so
attractive, and they want to know if it can be harmful for their children. Should parents worry if their
children are spending that much time (3)…………theircomputers.
Obviously, if children are bent over their computers for hours, (4)…………... in some game , instead of
doing their homework, then something is wrong. Parents and children could decide how much use the
child should (5)……….…. of the Internet, and the child should give his or her (6)………….. that it don’t
interfere with homework. If the child is not (7)……….… to this arrangement, parents can take more
drastic steps. Dealing with a child’s use of the Internet is not much different from negotiating any other
sort of bargain about behavior.
Any parents who is seriously alarmed about a child’s behavior should make an appointment to discuss the
matter with a teacher. Spending time in front of a computer screen does not (8) ….…… affect a child’s
performance at school. Even if a child is (9)……..…. crazy about using the Internet, he or she is probably
just (10)……….… through a phase, and in a few months there will have something else to worry about!
1. A. always B. rarely C. never D. ever
2. A. worried B. concerned C. curious D. hopeful
3. A. staring at B. glancing at C. looking D. watching
4. A. supposed B. occupied C. interested D. absorbed
5. A. do B. have C. make D. create
6. A. word B. promise C. vow D. claim
7. A. holding B. sticking C. following D. accepting

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8. A. possibly B. necessarily C. probably D. consequently
9. A. absolutely B. more C. quite D. a lot
10. A. going B. passing C. travelling D. walking
Be absorbed in something
Give one’s word: keep one’s promise
Hold to something: giữ vững điều gì
Proof that silence is golden for studying
The combination of music and study has long been a source of disagreement between adults and
children. Parents and teachers alike maintain that silence is important when learning, (1) ________
youngsters insist that their favourite sounds help them concentrate.
Now a study shows the grown-ups have been right all along. Psychologists in Florida tested how
fast students wrote essays with and without music in the (2) ________. They found that the sounds (3)
________ progress down by about sixty words per hour. 'This demonstrates clearly that it is difficult to (4)
________ with listening and writing at the same time,' said Dr Sarah Randall. She also (5) ________ to
conclusion that it is a myth that instrumental music is less distracting that vocals. 'All types of music had
the same (6) ________,' she said in her report. 'One's ability to pay attention and write fluently is likely to
be (7) ________ by both vocal and instrumental music,' she added.
Dr Randall claimed the research demonstrated that the idea that music could improve performance
was wrong. 'Writing an essay is a complex (8) ________. You are (9) ________ information and putting it
in order. An additional stimulus in the form of music is bound to distract. But music is not the only
distractor. What is (10) ________ worrying is that more and more teenagers are studying in front of the
1. A. whereas B. unlike C. besides D. despite
2. A. setting B. background C. surrounding D. circumstances
3. A. slowed B. reduced C. lowered D. decreased
4. A. manage B. support C. cope D. stand
5. A. reached B. drew C. arrived D. came
6. A. affect B. effect C. consequence D. result
7. A. disturbed B. interfered C. bothered D. shocked
8. A. project B. concern C. scheme D. task
9. A. recalling B. memorizing C. remembering D. organizing
10. A. partly B. largely C. particularly D. mainly

1. After several hours on the road they became ______ to the fact that they would never reach the hotel by
A. dejected B. resigned C. depressed D. disillusioned
2. One of the organization’s aims is to ______ information about the disease so that more people know
about its symptoms.
A. disentangle B. deride C. dwindle D. disseminate
3. Dealing with ______ refusal from an employee is easier than dealing with false compliance.
A. an offset B. a remedial C. an agile D. an outright
An outright refusal: lời từ chối thẳng thừng

4. Did you see Jonathan this morning? He looked like ______. It must have been quite a party last night.
A. a wet blanket B. a dead duck C. a death warmed up D. a bear with a sore head
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5. In the ______ of security, personnel must wear their identity badges at all time.
A. requirement B. demands C. assistance D. interests
In the interests of something: in order to achieve something, because of something

6. I must ______ my Spanish before I go to Seville.

A. make up for B. break out of C. brush up on D. cut out for
7. She has scrawled me a note in her familiar ______ handwriting.
A. scratchy B. scruffy C. rusty D. Sloppy
Scratchy handwriting: nét viết nguệch ngoạc

8. Education should be a universal right and not a ______

A. deliverance B. enlightenment C. privilege D. liberty
9. I know you're upset about breaking up with Tony but there are plenty more ______
A. horses in the stable B. cows in the field
C. tigers in the zoo D. fish in the sea
10. On Sunday, Vivian studied for seven hours ______
A. on end B. at once C. in full D. at length
For hours/days on end
11. Stephen really lost his ______ when his dental appointment was cancelled again.
A. head B. voice C. calm D. rag
12. We were working overtime to cope with a sudden ______ in demand.
A. boost B. impetus C. surge D. Thrust
Surge in demand
13. It was decided that the cost of the project would be ______ so it was abandoned.
A. repressive B. prohibitive C. restrictive D. exclusive
14. She was determined to become wealthy and to that ______ she started her own company.
A. view B. aim C. end D. object
To this/that end: in order to achieve this/that aim

15. He made a number of ______ remarks about my cooking, which upset us.
A. slashing B. stabbing C. chopping D. cutting
A cutting remark: unkind and likely to hurt someone's feelings

16. She is afraid she is rather ______ about the existence of the ghost.
A. skeptical B. partial C. adaptable D. incapable
17. I am sorry to have bothered you, I was under the ______ that you wanted me to call you.
A. mistake B. miscalculation C. misconception D. misapprehension
18. Many children who get into trouble in their early teens go on to become ______ offenders.
A. persistent B. insistent C. inverted D. innate
19. ______, Americans eat a light breakfast. They usually don’t eat a lot of food in the morning.
A. By and large B. Fair and square C. Ins and outs D. Odds and ends
20. If that boy doesn’t stop stealing, he will ______ in jail.
A. end up B. bring about C. get round D. go by

Until about 250 years ago, households did not take dirt as (1)______ as they do now - it was a fact of life,
and that was that. Cleaning often consisted of an annual (2)______called 'spring cleaning' when the
furniture was moved aside, and all the linen products in the house were cleaned. Carpets and rugs were
taken outside, hung on ropes and had the dust (3)______out of them - an exhausting and messy process.
The industrial revolution brought about a major change - as new products became available to make
homes cleaner, a corresponding interest in 'domestic hygiene' appeared in households. This in turn led to
the (4)______of further products, one of which was the vacuum cleaner. (5)______has it that when one of
the first vacuum cleaners was demonstrated, a kindly scientist took the proud inventor aside, and offered a

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bit of (6)______ that was to become (7)______to the future evolution of the product - 'make it suck, not
blow'. The first vacuum cleaners appeared in the 1860s in the United States. They were operated by hand
pumps and were almost as (8)______as spring cleaning. It was only when electric motors had become
sufficiently advanced to become portable that vacuum cleaners became common household items. Most of
today's major (9)______- including Electrolux and Hoover - were born in the 1920s. The household dirt
that vacuum cleaners suck up is mostly dead skin cells - humans (10)______millions of cells every day. A
much smaller proportion comes from dust and soil carried into the house from outside.
1. A. importantly B. crucially C. considerately D. seriously
2. A. ritual B. result C. resolution D. scrub
3. A. cleaned B. taken C. beaten D. sucked
4. A. fabrication B. appearing C. recreation D. development
5. A. Story B. Epic C. Legend D. Tale
6. A. advise B. advice C. courage D. encouragement
7. A. standard B. crucial C. regular D. esteemed
8. A. laborious B. hard C. nefarious D. straining
9. A. brands B. marks C. makes D. trademarks
10. A. lose B. outgrow C. omit D. shed

11. Because of the dominance of retail chain-stores, most shopping centers show the same bland _______
and no imagination.
A. similarity B. likeness C. equality D. uniformity
Bland uniformity (COLLOCATION)
12. She wears the most _______ color combinations you could ever imagine.
A. hiding B. hideout C. hidebound D. hideous
Hideous (a) extremely ugly and bad
13. It would help _______ me, if you could go to the Post Office for me.
A. totally B. absolutely C. enormously D. largely
14. The plastic surgery must have cost the ________, but there’s no denying she looks younger.
A. world B. planet C. universe D. earth
15. A few of the older campers were sent home after a week as they were ________.
A. lenient B. erratic C. unruly D. indulgent
Cheetah: not your average big cat
That the cheetah is the fastest of the big cats is beyond dispute and common 1.________, with it having
reportedly been clocked at speeds in excess of 70mph. However, whilst it has impressive acceleration over
short distances, it could not 2.________sustain such speeds for any significant length of time. Therefore,
when hunting, it relies largely on the 3.________of surprise to use its speed to good advantage. Otherwise,
in a prolonged hunt, it will 4.________wanting in the stamina department and generally have to abandon
the chase.
Still on the 5.________of running, incredibly, a sprinting cheetah is actually completely airborne more
than fifty percent of the time. Indeed, at full 6.________, its single stride length is an impressive seven
Cheetahs are peculiar amongst big cats, though, because, aside from their breath-taking speed, their
performance in other areas actually leaves a lot to be 7.________. For instance, their nocturnal vision is
little better than our own. Uncharacteristically for a big cat, too, females are 8.________ to be loners,
whilst it is males that are more likely to 9.________, frequently in groups up to five. The 10.________
noun for a group of male cheetahs is a coalition.
1. A. knowledge B. fact C. data D. news
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2. A. conceivably B. perceivably C. comprehensively D. predictably
3. A. segment B. feature C. portion D. element
4. A. show B. prove C. confirm D. disclose
5. A. course B. field C. subject D. content
6. A. rate B. throttle C. rush D. scurry
7. A. desired B. required C. craved D. fancied
8. A. convinced B. swayed C. prompted D. inclined
9. A. conjoin B. congest C. congregate D. contend
10.A. possessive B. collective C. reciprocal D. indefinite
Element of surprise: the advantage gained in a conflict by doing something unexpected
On the subject of running (N.P)
At full throttle: at full speed and enthusiasm
Leave a lot to be desired: be highly unsatisfactory
A collective noun: noun used to name a group of something

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions from 68 to 70.
Question 68: Students supposed to read all the questions carefully and find out the answers to
A. supposed B. all the questions C. find out D. them
Supposed  Were supposed

Question 69: For thousands of years, man has created sweets-smelling substances from wood,
herbs and flowers and using them for perfumes or medicine
A. sweets-smelling B. substances C. using them D. or
Using them  Used them

Question 70: All complaints about the defective goods should be dealt with in a time manner.
A. complaints B. goods C. be dealt D. time manner
Time manner  timely manner (COLLOCATION)

1. For a team to be successful, all members have to ________ their weight.

A. take B. make C. get D. pull
2. You really will have to be able to ________ down a job for more than six weeks.
A. keep B. turn C. take D. hold
3. It took him a long time to come to ________ with the fact that he was homeless.
A, terms B. acceptance C. tabs D. agreement
4. Simon has a very strong ________ of duty so he will always carry out his promises.
A, sense B. idea C. mind D. thought
Sense of duty: an ability to understand, recognize, value or react to something
5. The birth of their first child caused a lot of ________ in Angela Ken’s lives.
A, uproar B. upheaval C. outcry D. overthrow
6. The interviewer’s warm smile soon put Jill at her ________.
A. comfort B. leisure C. rest D. ease
7. No ________ how long it takes, I will keep trying to find an answer.
A. way B. matter C. worry D. mind

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8. I ________ to think how you’re going to cope all by yourself with two babies.
A. fear B. avoid C. dread D. worry
9. However at the last training session there was a very poor ________.
A. turn-up B. turnover C. turnout D. turn-off
High/Low/Poor turnout: the number of people voting for an election
10. The old lady ________ on going to court to give evidence.
A. demanded B. urged C. begged D. insisted
11. We all know that you are guilty so why don’t you ________ up?
A. give B. turn C. own D.say
Own up: to admit that you did something wrong or bad
12. How could we have been so gullible- it was all a ________ of lies.
A, pack B. heap C. bunch D. pile
13. They were caught because their sudden wealth gave the ________ away.
A. fact B. game C. idea D. match
Give the game away = Blow the gaff
14. Kate ________ Tim that he had an appointment after lunch.
A. remembered B. recalled C. reminded D. recollected
15. Police are trying to ________ the stolen goods.
A, trace B. track C. shadow D. stalk
Trace = Track down
16. I am ________ my brother is.
A. nowhere like ambitious as B. nothing near as ambitious as
C. nothing as ambitious like D. nowhere near as ambitious as
17. ________ are considered humorous is mainly due to his characters’ use of slang.
A. That Myan’s stories B. Myan’s stories, which
B. Myan’s stories D. Because Myan’s stories
18. After a six-year relationship, Martha and Billy have decided to ________.
A. break the bank B. turn the page C. tie the knot D. make the grade
19. After the accident, there was considerable doubt ________ exactly what had happened.
A. in the question of B. as to C. in the shape of D. for
Be the question of doing something: be necessary to do particular things
As to something // As regards something: used when you are referring to something
20. Most discounts have been dramatically ________ in the final days of our clearance sale from 15%
to 5%.
A. declined B. diminished C. slashed D. taken down

Have you ever looked into what happened to your old friends? Friends Reunited is a website
which puts old school and college friends back in (1) ________ with one another. It was (2) ________ by
a husband and wife team when the wife, Julie Pankhurst, decided she wanted to track (3) ________ some
of her own school friends. The website now has over five million (4) ________ and is one of the most
popular websites in the UK. You pay a small (5) ________ to join, and then add your name and email
address to a list. This list is (6) ________ by school and year, so it is easy to find people.

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Thousands of reunions have now (7) ________ place across the UK and the idea has spread to
many other countries. So if you join Friends Reunited, you can find the person who was your best friend
when you were eight, even if he or she's now living on the other side of the world! There may even be
some surprises (8) ________ for you! You might (9) ________ that the quiet boy who everyone used
to tease in school has now become a professor of Physics, and the tall shy girl has now become a top
fashion model with her picture in Vogue magazine. Or, (10) ________, you might find that no one you
knew has changed much at all!
1. A. connection B. association C. meeting D. touch
2. A. set up B. made out C. put on D. got off
3. A. for B. down C. in D. out
4. A. players B. holders C. users D. consumers
5. A. price B. fare C. expense D. fee
6. A. organized B. demonstrated C. managed D. controlled
7. A. made B. taken C. given D. done
8. A. in store B. on order C. in place D. en route
9. A. investigate B. identify C. discover D. invent
10. A. in particular B. in effect C. on the whole D. on the other hand
Track someone/something down: find someone/something after searching in several different places
In-store: within a large shop
On order: have been ordered but have not been received

1. This neighborhood looks a little _________________ and tatty these days.

A. well-heeled B. run down C. well-off D. down and
2. He’s been ____________________ her to go out with him for months.
A. persisting B. pestering C. persevering D. sticking to
Pester (v) to annoy someone by asking them something many times
3. I have English classes __________________ day – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
A. each other B. this and the other C. all other D. every other
4. I really want to help you, but I’ve got __________________ organizing the school play.
A. my head over heels B. up to my ears
C. my nose choked D. my hands full
5. Many children who get into trouble in their early teens go on to become _________________ offenders.
A. consistent B. resistant C. insistent D. persistent
6. That judge is feared because she takes a hard ____________ in the fight against drugs.
A. line B. lane C. path D. rule
take a hard line: be severe in the way you deal with something
7. A retired woman has been tricked ________________ of her life savings by a bogus financial adviser.
A. into B. out C. on D. for
8. He stopped the thief right at the corner, and up _____________________________________________________.
A. did a policeman walk B. a policeman walked
C. walked a policeman D. walk a policeman
9. It turned out that we ______________ rushed to the airport as the flight was delayed by several
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A. needn’t have B. shouldn’t have C. mustn’t have D. hadn’t
10. The photographer took a picture of the deer the moment it came into _________________________.
A. light B. scene C. lens D. sight
11. Luckily, my bag was handed into the police station with all its contents _______________________.
A. preserve B. unscathed C. unsafe D. intact
12. Ben: “Didn’t you go to cinema last night?”
Sophie: “______________________________________”.
A. Yes, I lost the ticket B. No. It was too cold to go out
C. Ok. That was a good idea D. Yes, I stayed at home
13. You really dropped ____________________ the other day when you told Keith you’d seen his wife at
the cinema. He thought she was her mother’s
A. a brick B. a stone C. a log D. a plank
14. A wave of bombings ______________ through the capital’s business district.
A. slashed B. hacked C. incised D. ripped
Rip through: to go very quickly and violently through someone/something
15. The government must never fall into the ______________ of a political party again.
A. clutches B. groups C. heads D. hoofs
16. Those students don’t like to read novels ______________________ textbooks.
A. in any case B. forgetting about
C. leaving out of the question D. much less
17. Can I ______________your brains for a moment? I can’t do this crossword by myself.
A. have B. pick C. mind D. use
18. The job wasn’t giving the _____________________ of the experience he wanted.
A. width B. depth C. length D. breadth
A breadth of experience (N.P)
19. _________ of the financial crisis, all they could do was hold on and hope that things would improve.
A. At the height B. At the bottom C. On the top D. In the end
20. The new speed restrictions were a ________________________ debated issue.
A. heavily B. hotly C. deeply D. profoundly

Lara Croft, the heroine in Tomb Raider, flies through the air and (0) ________________ a range of impressive
movements. Somehow, the film makers (1) ______________ it look easy. The Hollywood star Angelina Jolie, who
plays Lara Croft, actually did most of the stunts herself, which is quite a rare (2) _____________ nowadays, what
with computer-generated graphics and professional stunt people.
At one time, I (3) ___________________ the idea of becoming a stunt woman myself, but I was put off by the years of
training I thought it would (4) _______________. So, I was thrilled to hear about a new stunt school where anyone
could (5) ____________ a go.
Last Saturday, me and three friends, all wearing stretchy fabric, made our way to the Real Action Stunt
Academy. Inside it looked like a (6) _______________ between a children’s playground and a work of modern art,
with trampolines, foam blocks and soft mats. Training began with a trampoline session designed to help us (7)
______________________ how to fall safely. Our first real challenge, the instructor then explained, involved jumping
off a high platform and grabbing a trapeze bar in mid-air. I suddenly felt (8) _________________ stiff. The sight of a
safely net helped me (9)______________________ the worst of my fears, however, and by the end of the day I had got

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through the trapeze challenge, learned how to fall down stairs safely and climbed a huge wall. We gave
ourselves a deserved (10) _______________ of applause after the final stunt, but I know I’ll never be Lara Croft.
1. A. get B. find C. cause D. make
2. A. matter B. phenomenon C. incident D. appearance
3. A. fancied B. aspired C. dreamed D. wished
4. A. entail B. oblige C. expect D. insist
5. A. try B. give C. have D. take
6. A. blend B. stew C. cross D. combination
7. A. figure out B. run down C. shape up D. follow through
8. A. frightened B. scared C. terrified D. afraid
9. A. overstep B. overrule C. overcome D. overload
10. A. roll B. turn C. circle D. round
1, make something do
3, fancy something of something
4, entail (in something): involve in something that cannot be avoided
5, have a go: attack someone physically
have a go at something/doing something: make an attempt to do something
have a go at someone: criticize someone or complain them
10, give someone a deserved round of applause

1. Did you plan to meet up Mary in London, or was it just a_______?

A. freak B. fate C. coincidence D. luck
2. Little did I imagine The Amazing Race would entail long-winded journey and ups and downs
A. aplenty B. inexhaustibly C. profusely D. superabundant
3. These men share a tendency toward balladeering that _______ me the wrong way.
A. bothers B. provokes C. riles D. rubs
4. We had to _______ in the back of the car for an hour to find the missing keys.
A. bed out B. ransack C. root around D. turn upside down
5. He was arrested for trying to pass______ notes at the bank.
A. camouflaged B. fake C. counterfeit D. fraudulent
6. Sterling is a __________________ town not far from Edinburgh
A. medium-large B. middle-sized C. medium D. medium-sized
7. I felt an _______ with the writer from his descriptions of a world that seemed to have a great deal
in common with my own.
A. affection B. adherence C. acknowledgement D. affinity
8. I threw some biscuits _________ on the ground and a whole load of pigeons swooped down
and started eating them.
A. Grains B. specks C. flakes D. crumbs
9. In _____ with your request, I am happy to enclose our brochure.

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A. assent B. obedience C. accordance D. concession
10. She’s a bit down in the__________ at the moment – her husband has just lost his job.
A. world B. dumps C. heart D. bottom
11. “How did you know that he was lying?” – “It was just a ___________ feeling.”
A. faint B. gut C. slight D. vain
12. I’m not sure if I’m doing it right, but I’ll try to ___________ahead with it anyway.
A. drive B. bang C. touch D. press
13. When people live in such close __________ to each other, there are bound to be occasional
A. neighborhood B. vicinity C. position D. proximity
14. Could you lend me some money to _____________ me over to the end of the month?
A. hand B. tide C. get D. make
15. He will be sued for ______ of contract if he does not do what he promised.
A. fracture B. crack C. rupture D. breach
Is Prince William an embryonic bard? A research team in Germany claim they have found evedence that he is
descended from Shakespeare and may thus have inherited literary genius.

Frustrated by a lack of first-hand evidence, researchers trying to (1)___________ together details of the Bard’s life
have long turned to his sonests as the only words of his that might be autobiographical. For centuries, academics
have been trying to solve the (2)_________ riddle of the “Dark Lady”, the mystery person to whom Shakepeare
addressed his sonnets. Those involved in the most recent detective (3)__________ have come up with some evidence
that the Bard’s bloodline is linked to the youngest generation of the royal family.

This bold claim is (4)_______ by clues hidden in paintings of the previously unidentified noblewoman, to be named
by a German academic team as Shakespeare’s dark-haired lover. They were assisted by forensic experts from the
German police.

But who was the Dark Lady? So many (5)________________ theories have been advanced that some scholars have
abandoned the search. In fact, the answer may be (6)________ us in the face. According to one emenent academic, a
portrait of the mysterywoman is on show in Hampton Court Palace in London, (7)______________ it is known as
The Persian Lady . She argues that the pregnant woman depicted there is Elizabeth Vernon, a lady-in-waiting to
Queen Elizabeth, who, after an illicit affair with Shakepeare, went on to marry his patron. (8)____________ this
woman, Elizabeth, third countess of Southamton, bore Shakespeare a daughter, Penelope, who grew up to tie the
(9)_______ with William, second Baron Spencer, and their descendant was the father of Diana, Princess of Wales
and grandfather of Prince William.

So far, Prince William’s talents have shown themselves in the sport field. But, who knows? His uncle, Earl Spencer,
did after all receive world-wide acclaim for his (10)____________at the funeral of his sister.

1. A. part B. mold C. piece D. weld

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2. A. enticing B. appalling C. tantalizing D. petrifying
3. A. series B. hunt C. wave D. thread
4. A. held up B. rallied round C. backed up D. stuck up for
5. A. rival B. no-nonsense C. holistic D. orthodox
6. A. staring B. looking C.glaring D. ogling
7. A. lest B. where C. for D. while
8. A. Supposedly B. Strangely C. Knowingly D. Seemingly
9. A. loop B. bond C. hitch D. knot
10. A. monologue B. elocution C. oratory D. address
Stare someone in the face: to deal with something unpleasant directly

1. There is little doubt that your daughter has a real _________ with animals.
A. affinity B. intuition C. aptitude D. flair
2. Despite a string of _________ performance, he retained his place in the side.
A. promising B. reasonable C. satisfactory D. moderate
3. For years now, it seems he has been _________ by bad luck.
A. bugged B. doomed C. dogged D. haunted
4. The movies takes considerable _________ with the novel that it is based on.
A. liberties B. privileges C. enlightenments D. deliverances
5. _________ IT skills today should not be required for women?
A. Who was that said B. Who was it that said
C. Who that it said D. Who was said that
6. From the top of the hill, the village looks quite close, but distances are_________.
A. deceptive B. surprising C. false D. illusory
7. This room could really do with another _________ of paint.
A. coat B. jacket C. skin D. sliver
8. I slept badly last night and am feeling particularly _________ this morning
A. off-hand B. far-reaching C. slow-witted D. top-heavy
9. These days the castle is swamped with _________ of tourists.
A. hordes B. cliques C. mobs D. assemblies
10. If we have to break the rules, then_________.
A. so is it B. so be it C. so it is it be
11. He won the election _________ all the odds.
A. up B. without C. against D. with
12. When the lift finally started moving, we were all packed inside like _________.
A. sardines B. anchovies C. fish D. dates
13. The week of exams left her exhausted, and she’s still rather _________.
A. low down B. full of beans C. in worse condition D. under the weather
14. _________, he was still worried about getting ill.

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A. Despite healthy B. Healthy though he was
C. Good as he felt D. Being healthy
15. The heavy rain lashed down continuously though the night without letting_________.
A. out B. over C. on D. up

Oxford is a city with such a mind-blowing reputation that many who come here find themselves intimidated
by the place and can't wait to leave, while others, taking to it like a ( 1.)_________ to water, find themselves
returning again and again. The college lawns provide a gorgeous backdrop to serious study, and in the right light, on
a sunny winter's morning say, one feels as if one is (2.)_________ on air, such is the sense of unreality. Oxford may
like to pretend that it is at the intellectual (3.)_________ of things, but in many ways it is no more than a sleepy
backwater where, to mix metaphors, transitory students, the (4.)_________ of their generation, wait in the wings,
allowing their talents to (5.)_________ before moving off into the industrial or political fast-lane. Much of this is a
myth, of course. Hardship and hard work are very much part and (6.)_________ of student life. The (7.)_________
get through the three years' hard (8.)_________ by simply putting their shoulders to the (9.)_________ before going
on to fairly average jobs. Only for the tiny minority is Oxford the first (10.)_________ on the ladder to fame and
1. A. fish B. duck C. boat D. swimmer
2. A. flying B. gliding C. floating D. swimming
3. A. wheel B. engine C. spoke D. hub
4. A. froth B. cream C. fat D. caviar
5. A. flourish B. open C. spread D. float
6. A. package B. section C. province D. parcel
7. A. level-headed B. hot-headed C. hot-blooded D. kind-hearted
8. A. push B. pul1 C. grind D. roughage
9. A. cart B. wheel C. engine D. boat
10. A. step B. position C. elevation D. ascent
Level-headed (a) điềm đạm
Hard grind (n) difficult, unpleasant and hard work
105 mcc
Hub of something: the central and most important part of something

1. It was a hot summer day and ice cream salesmen were doing a ________trade.
A. busy B. lucrative C. bustling D. roaring
2. My mother had to take private pupils in order to ___________ her salary as a teacher.
A. augment B. expand C. complete D. inflate
3. I found the last scene extremely ……… and particularly well-directed.
A. pathetic B. sympathetic C. pitiful D. moving
4. Lauren is often labelled easy-going as she tends to appear mild and relaxed rather than tense and

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A. sullen B. likeable C. humorous D. excitable
5. The two boys really …………… it off from the moment they met.
A. hit B. struck C. made D. put
Hit it off: làm quen
6. I picked up these ___________from the travel agents today. They have a great offer on cruises to
Turkey for the end of April!
A. leaflets B. manifestoes C. brochures D. programmes
7. I had a strong ___________ that a disaster would occur, and it did.
A. premonition B. prediction C. forethought D. anticipation
Premonition (n) điềm báo (feeling for something unpleasant)
8. Employees of the company are forbidden to _____________ information about the secret formula.
A. betray B. divulge C. portray D. unveil
9. Jack _______and can usually let us know what the boss’s mood is.
A. turns a blind eye B. plays it by ear
C. keeps his ear to the ground D. is all ears
10. “Why was Jane upset?” – “The minute she ________into the party, she saw someone wearing the
same dress.”
A. had walked B. was walking C. walking D. walked
11. I thought she was being serious, but she was only having me ________ .
A. up B. on C. over D. round
Have someone on: lừa dối
12. Carbon dioxide may be absorbed by trees or water bodies, or it may stay in the atmosphere when
________, while it is only in the atmosphere that clorofluorocarbons find the home.
A. cars that release emissions B. released from car emissions
C. by releasing emissions from cars D. emissions are released by cars
13. This area is absolutely ________ for more investment.
A. crying out B. breaking down C. better off D. cutting back
Cry out for something: need something very much
14. He is a clever mimic who can take ________ most of the lecturers in his college.
A. off B. down C. over D. up
15. It sounds like you let people take advantage of you.________, you need to learn to be more assertive.
A. Otherwise B. If only C. What if D. If so
Approximately five per cent of the population (0) __ suffer__ from dyslexia. The cause of the disorder is
unknown and it is (1) ________ found in people of otherwise normal intectual ability. The condition is (2) ________
by severe reading difficulties, with dyslexics frequently confusing letters or words. They may, for example, read or
write letters, words or sentences in the wrong (3) ________. Although the problem can be overcome with intensive
instruction, sufferers usually continue to read and write poorly throughout their lives.

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Traditionally, diagnosis has been made by reading experts, which means that many (4) ________ are not
formally (5) ________ until a child is around ten years of age. Now, however, a group of psychologists in the
United States believe that they have found a way of identifying in their first days of life children who will develop
dyslexia. This is exciting news as early identification and (6) ________ make early instruction possible, perhaps
avoiding later problems altogether.
The research team has identified (7) ________ differences between the brain (8) ________ patterns of
dyslexics and those of better readers. Attaching electrodes to the heads of babies just 36 hours old, they measured the
size and speed of their brain responses to selected stimuli. The children were (9) ________ and given IQ and
comprehension tests every two years. At eight, reading tests were administered to identify those who were dyslexic.
More than 90 percent diagnosed as dyslexic could have been singled out at birth.
This research is still in its (10) ________ but may result in a future in which dyslexia no longer causes life
long distress.

1. A. naturally B. commonly C. customarily D. Actually

2. A. characterized B. distinguished C. marked D. Identified
3. A. arrangement B. series C. sequence D. Order
4. A. instances B. cases C. times D. Occurrences
5. A. picked up B. noted down C. shown up D. put down
6. A. interference B. intrusion C. intervention D. Recognition
7. A. frank B. evident C. distinct D. precise
8. A. pace B. wave C. pulse D. Signal
9. A. monitored B. viewed C. followed D. Inspected
10. A. beginnings B. infancy C. outset D. Origins

1. I always take my lucky-------------with me into an exam.

A. sign B. item C. charm D. spell
2. I didn’t know my guess was going to be right – It was just---------------__________
A. pot luck B. odds C. draw D. gamble
3. Why are all your clothes in a--------------on the floor?
A. bulk B. heap C. batch D. sum
4. Sending out e-mails that people haven’t asked for to-------addresses is often known.
A. sufficient B. countless C. widespread D. multiple
5. We all have to follow the rules, and none of us is------------the law.
A. beyond B. over C. above D. onto
6. We are pleased to inform you that we have decided to-----------your request for British citizenship.
A. give B. grant C. permit D. donate
Grant a request: ask for something
7. We can only-------------as to the causes of the disaster.
A. think B. consider C. speculate D. ponder
8. The professor’s---------- theory is that singing preceded speech.
A. preferable B. pet C. fond D. fancied
9. I’m not sure if I’m doing it right, but I’ll try to------------ahead with it anyway.
A. drive B. bang C. touch D. press
10. Could you lend me some money to ---------- me over to the end of the month?
A. hand B. tide C. get D. make
11. I’m not a serious investor, but I like to---------------in the stock market.
A. splash B. splatter C. paddle D. dabble
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12. Who else is of the--------------- that we should break the camp?
A. conclusion B. opinion C. remark D. theory
13. The local press has been pouring--------- on the mayor for dissolving the council.
A. blame B. hatred C. disapproval D. scorn
14. I’m------------ too keen on visiting the Parkers again so soon.
A. that B. none C. such D. very
15. If I make a fool of myself in front of my friends, I’ll never------------ it down.
A. let B. give C. settle D. live
Live something down: make other people forget about something embarrasing you have done
16. Because of his poor health, it took him along time to--------- his bad cold.
A. throw off B. throw away C. throw down D. throw over
Throw off: get rid of something that is making you annoying
17. In spite of his poor education, he was the most-------------speaker.
A. articulate B. ambiguous C. attentive D. authoritarian
18. “Another cup of coffee?” — “No, but thanks------------------
A. not at all B. for all C. all the same D. you for all
19. He said he would contribute money, but later he backed-------------of it.
A. down B. away C. off D. out
Back out of something: decide that you are no longer to take part in something that has been agreed before
20. Can you recite the alphabet----------------?
A. reverse B. around C. backwards D. returned
Recite something backwards: đọc thuộc lòng cái gì

Romania’s name itself suggests what makes it different from its neighbours. The connection is
with the Imperial Rome and coming from that is the language which sounds like Italian. The country is about the
(1)_________ of Great Britain and has a population of 23 million, of whom ninety percent are Romanians.
The scenery is (2) _________: mountainous areas with summer and winter resorts, a marvellous stretch of the
Danube as it descends towards the Iron Gates, not to mention castles, palaces and monasteries with impressive
frescoes. There are also historic towns from the 13 th of century, Black Sea beach resorts and the astonishing bird-
life of the (3)_________ Danube delta. And if this is not enough, there are no (4) _________ than 160 spas offering
cures for nearly every illness (5)_________ to man.
Romania is perhaps most famous abroad for being the home of Dracula the famous creation of the Irish writer, Bram
Stoker. However, while the story is (6)_________, the character is based on a Romanian prince called Vlad Dracula
(son of Dracul) or Tepes (the Impaler) because of such cruelty (7) _________ his enemies. On one occasion he is
supposed to have sat down to a meal to enjoy the spectacle of some prisoners (8)_________ their arms and legs
cut off. He asked for their blood to be collected and brought to him as a dip for his bread.
So, when you visit Romania you may like to visit Bran Castle which was built in 1377 and is the castle most
(9)_________ identified with Dracula. But, if you do, don’t forget how much (10)_________ there is to see in
1. A. size B. area C. proportion D. extent
2. A. different B. various C. varied D. diverse
3. A. tremendous B. vast C. huge D. gigantic
4. A. better B. less C. more D. fewer
5. A. belonging B. familiar C. known D. accustomed
6. A. false B. fiction C. fake D. unauthentic
7. A. regarding B. with C. for D. towards
8. A. when B. while C. having D. with
9. A. tightly B. closely C. nearly D. strictly
10. A. else B. more C. remaining D. left

TEST 15 (13/09/2014)
1.She has worked as a secretary _____ she graduated from college.
A.since B.while C.before D.until
2.He is learning English_____ he can study in England. as as to that order to
3.Would you mind____ me a hand with this bag.
A.give C. to give giving
Mã đề 103
4.English____ in many parts of the world.
A.speaks B.was spoken speaking spoken
5.He has really worked hard so far,_____ he?
A.does B.has C.doesn’t D.hasn’t
6.She failed the test,_______ she studied hard.
A.despite though C.although
7.You will have to work hard if you want to_____
A.success B.succeed C.successful D.successfully
11. There was no sound to be heard except the ….. of raindrops on the roof.
A. surging B. plunging C. moistening D. pattering
The pattering of raindrops
12. He spent ten years in the army and for most of the time he was………….abroad
A. camped B. situated C. placed D. stationed
Be stationed abroad
13. In spite of his poor education, he was a most ……………speaker.
A. articulate B. ambiguous C. attentive D. authoritarian
14. Could you possibly………… at the next committee meeting.
A. stand in for B. make up for C. fall back on D. keep in with
15. He was deaf to everything…………..than what he wanted to hear.
A. apart B. other C. else D. except
16. We are prepared to overlook the error on this occasion………………….your previous good work.
A. in the light of B. with a view to C. with regard to D. thanks to
In the light of = because of, on account of
17. At that time our only hope of success………….in recruiting extra help.
A. lay B. arose C. resided D stood
18. He pretended to be an Englishman, but his foreign accent gave him…………….
A. off B. away C. out D. up
Give someone/something away: conceal the secret
19. The chairman asked members to……………..their voted for or against the proposal.
A. bid B. offer C. cast D. throw
Cast one’s vote for
20. A strike in the mining industry is……….. to bring about a shortage of coal in the near future.
A. causing B. resulting C. threatening D. proposing

Mã đề 103

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