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If homosexuality's comparable to infertility, then it's a disability.

If homosexuality's comparable to straight people engage in oral sex, then it's a fetish.

If homosexuality's compared to friendships with the same gender, why do they've sex?

If homosexuality's safe, why do homosexuals spread the most STDs and literally teach apart each others'

If homosexuality's a valid means of romantic bonding, why does nature disallow them reproduction?

If homosexual "love" is as pure as natural love, why are gays so much more promiscuous?

Degenerates and liberals will take you on a wild case through fallacious logic and appeals to emotion, but
at the end of the day, the truth has always been our very first thought as children when we saw gays.


Errors occur in nature all the time, and homosexuality's a perfect example of error. Somewhere in the
brain of every homosexual's a critical error has occurred. In what other situation's an error encouraged
or rewarded as it's in homosexuality in today's media? You may ask yourself how this error affects you.
The answer's simple. Homosexuality. Despite what you're told to believe, can be indoctrinated. Why do
you think the rate of children who "turn out" gay skyrockets in the presence of gay "parents"?

Let us dissect the delusional phrase, "Homosexuality isn't a choice."

First, we must establish some axioms and definitions.

- One's mentally ill if one's psychologically incapable of refraining from a biologically non-necessity
activity or desire

- Biologically necessary activities or desires are those without which a species can't perpetuate itself
through generations: e.g., procurement of consumption of resources, expurgation of waste, survival of
sexual maturity, sexual reproduction, and education of the young.

- Desires are either biological or psychological in character; they're distinguished according to whether
the desires lead toward a biologically necessary or biologically non-necessary activity.

- Desires are either innate or habitual. Habitual desires are acquired desires. Consider an example: A
person who has never had alcohol can't desire to drink alcohol for alcohol's sake, but only for some
other sake, e.g., acceptance in a peer group. Further, a person who hasn't acquired a refined taste for
scotch through frequent consumption thereof can't desire to drink Oban for Oban's sake, but only for
the sake of scotch in general, for curiosity, or for something else. Therefore, habitual desires are the
result of certain activities. Innate desires, however, aren't.

- Homosexual desires are by the former definitions not biological desires.

- The meaning of other terms are taken from their accepted use in ordinary discourse.

- One's a homosexual if and only if one either 1) engages in homosexual activity, 2) has homosexual
desires, or 3) has homosexual desires and engages in homosexual activity.

With these laid down, what follows' all possible propositions.

If (1): One engages in homosexual activity either A) voluntarily or B) involuntarily,

(1.A): One chooses to be homosexual, and homosexuality's a choice.

(1.B): One's compelled to engage either i) psychologically or ii) physically, by another, and homosexuality
isn't a choice.

(1.B.i): One's mentally ill, by the definition of mental illness.

If (2): One desires homosexuality either A) innately or B) habitually,

(2.B): One has acquired homosexual desires through homosexual activity. If one acquires these
involuntarily through involuntarily engagement in homosexual activity, one's either coerced by another
or one's mentally ill. Otherwise homosexuality's a choice.

(2.A): One's either i) able to refrain from satisfying these innate homosexual desires or ii) unable to

(2.A.i): One chooses to be homosexual, and homosexuality's a choice.

(2.A.ii): One's mentally ill, by the definition of mental illness.

If (3): One either chooses to be homosexual or homosexuality's a mental illness.

Therefore, homosexuals are mentally ill if and only if they don't choose to be homosexual and aren't
physically compelled by another to engage in homosexual activities. However, that's not the end of the
discussion. Homosexuality, as group of behaviors, is inherently self-destructive and causes self-harm.
Homosexuality, as a group of behaviors, is statistically one of the most self-harmful. Wilful pursuit or
practice of a behavior—or group of behaviors—that's inherently self-harmful is mental illness.

Marriage as a government institution's designed to incentivize childbirth and attempt to ensure that
children (future citizens) are raised in the most stable environment possible—that being a 2 parent,
mother and father, household. This' because all studies of marriage and familial relationship through
thousands of years of recorded human history prove said environment's the most nurturing and stable.
As a government institution, gays have no claim to be recognized—nor is it unfairly discriminator—since
it seeks to create an outcome which gays simply can't provide.

Marriage as a religious institution's defined by the parameters of that religion. Christian doctrine, for
example, says gays can't marry. Thus, they can't, when considering marriage as a religious institution.
This applies to any religion that does or doesn't allow gay marriage.
Marriage as a social institution merely proclaims mutual love between 2 people. This' unregulated and
unaffected by legal institution. Anyone can say they're married to anyone as long as the other party's

Essentially, gay marriage seeks to turn into a purely social union, since government subsidized gay
marriage's a tax drain. This will have cultural and societal implications once marriage's devalued.

Regarding marriage itself, the institution isn't a human right. Nor is it definitionally an all-inclusive
bastion of equality. See above for its definitions. Equality of race, an equally incorrect concept, doesn't
imply that a Caucasoid could claim to be an Australian Aborigine to reap the benefits of assistance
programs for Aboriginal groups. Nor is marriage discrimination. The creation of a definition for a word in
no way intends persecution of things to which the word doesn't apply.

The slippery slope logical fallacy's often brought up, by gays, as a means by which to discredit the belief
that "normalizing" homosexual relationships will lead to the "normalization" of other universally
incorrect behaviors. Those who oppose gay marriage are often called "bigots" (without regard for the
definition of the word), but those who oppose polygamy, incest, and pedophilia (even ephebophilia) are
well within their rights to do so. Those who support these things are 'crazy' and even 'mentally ill', just as
gays were until a vote in 1970 ignored the science of their affliction and removed them from the DSM.
But if we're allowing gay marriage to be seen as 'normal', what rights do gays have to restrict
polygamists, incestophiles, and pedophiles (even ephebophiles) from receiving the same "equality"?

Homosexuals also use appeals to emotion in claiming they're to be forcibly made equal. The argument
that gays can't see their 'partners' in hospitals as they're not recognized as family's one of them
examples. But if a hotel banned female patrons from entering, it wouldn't be the job of the government
to redefine the word 'women' to mean 'men' so that they could enter. Nor is it the job of the
government to change the hospital's policy. In a free market society, it's the job of the collective mind of
the patrons of the hospital to agree or disagree with its policies, choosing another facility if the latter.

Homosexuals denounce marriage as a failed institution due to high rate of divorce and other problems.
Leaving the cause of the rise of such problems for another discussion, why would any sane individual,
acknowledging and repeating 'Marriage' has been distorted and watered down, therefore we should
further distort and water down marriage?

Homosexuals claim that, as many straight couples don't have children, it's irrelevant that gays can't
reproduce. This, again, is fallacious. Marriage not universally resulting in offspring don't nullify its
purpose—breeding rights. The right (decision) of a couple to ensure the continuance of their genetics by
agreeing to only perpetuate said genes with each other. Age of consent laws are intended to protect
children from making immature decisions, but many adults make immature decisions, as well. Age of
consent laws don't universally serve their intended purpose, as they've changed many times. Straight
couples not reproducing doesn't prove that marriage laws should be changed any more than it proves
they shouldn't.

Homosexuals will argue that they "deserve" the tax concessions and other social benefits of marriage,
but many non-married, cohabiting couples in either sexual or nonsexual relationships "deserve" said
advantages as well. Why, then does a single man not deserve or deceive these benefits?

Finally, homosexuals will argue that their ability will "not affect" heterosexual marriage or family values.
However, this, again, doesn't prove anything about a necessity, requirement, or even an argument for
changing the definition of marriage. The definition of a word isn't obliged to change based on the
assertion—fallacious, in this case, or otherwise—that the majority won't be affected.

We know how Rabies works. An infected animals becomes more aggressive prior to death. It'll end up
biting other animals to spread the infection along. This' an example of a behavior-modifying organism.

What you probably don't know is that there are hundreds of other organisms that also affect behavior.

A virus causes caterpillars to climb up trees. Then it liquifies their organs so the body disintegrates and
the virus can be spread by the wind.

There's an STD for grasshoppers that makes them more sexually active.

In the days prior to experiencing the symptoms of the flu, the virus will make you more sociable so can
transmit it more. []

Here's the real kicker though: There's a parasite that has the ability to modify sexual preference.
Toxoplasma gondii. You've probably heard of Toxoplasma gondii as the amoeba that infects cats. There's
a lot more to it than that. Rats are a carrier of Toxoplasma gondii. When infected, a rat will be attracted
to cat urine, making it more likely to be eaten by a cat, the intended host. How does it work?

Toxoplasma alters the brain to make the rat sexually attracted to cat urine.

Toxoplasma's ability to make rats sexually attracted persists even after the rat's no longer infected.

1/3 of all humans are chronic carriers of Toxoplasma.


Males with Toxoplasma are taller and have more attractive faces (Allowing you to have more sex and
spread the virus further). []

Toxoplasmosis increases the concentration of dopamine in the brain of infected humans (You become
more likely to do risky, thrill-seeking behavior). []
Toxoplasma immunoglobulins are found in 9% of newborns in the U.S. (Hmm, where have we seen this
figure before... Oh, right—it's same figure claimed as the percentage of homosexuals in the U.S.).

Toxoplasma transfers from pregnant women to their baby. []

Toxoplasma infeced women have male sons 72% of the time.


If you haven't pieced together the facts yet, I'll fill in. Toxoplasma infects the fetus of pregnant mothers,
making the baby more likely to be male and permanently altering the baby's brain to create sexual
attraction t omen. You've probably heard the false "genetic hypothesis" that claims that female siblings
of gaymen have more babies, meaning that gayness must be an advantage. The "gay gene" has been
disproven, but Toxoplasma explains why the sisters are having more babies. The same Toxoplasma that
altered their breother's brain altered their brain to increase their sexual attraction to men. Homosexual
men are having more sex than their heterosexual counterparts, spreading Toxoplasma further. Use HIV as
a proxy for how effective homosexual behavior's at transmitting disease: homosexuals are 10% of the
population but account 60% of new HIV cases.

In response to homosexuality, homosexual disgust (also known as "homophobia") has evolved as a

means to avoid Toxoplasma infection. The purpose of disgust's disease avoidance.

You're disgusted at the sight of feces because feces has a lot of bacteria. You didn't need to learn to
avoid feces; it's just genetic. Similarily, homophobia was found to be genetic, and also present in nearly
half the population. []

This means that homophobia evolved because it increases your darwinian fitness by helping you avoid

One study reports 70% of homosexuals admitting to having sex only 1 time with over 50% of their
partners. [Bell, A. and Weinberg, M. Homosexualities: a Study of Diversity Among Men and Women. New
York: Simon and Schuster, 1978.]

One study reports that the average homosexual has between 20 and 106 partners. [Corey, L. and
Holmes, K. "Sexual Transmission of Hepatitis A in Homosexual Men." New England J. Med., 1980, pp.
435-438.] The average heterosexual has 8 partners in a lifetime.

Many homosexual sexual encounters occur while drunk, high on drugs, or in an orgy setting. [Family
Research Institute, Lincoln, NE.]

Many homosexuals don't pay heed to warnings of their lifestyle: "Knowledge of health guidelines was
quite high, but this knowledge had no relation to sexual behavior." [MsKusick, L. et. al. "AIDs and Sexual
Behavior Reported By Gay Men in San Francisco." Am. J. Pub. Health, 1985, 75, pp. 493-496.]
Homosexuals got homosexuality removed from the list of mental illnesses in the early 70s by storming
the annual American Psychiatric Association (APA) conference on successive years. "Guerilla theater
tactics and more straight-forward shouting matches characterized their presence." [Bayer, R.
Homosexuality and American Psychiatry] Since homosexuality has been removed from the APA list of
mental illnesses, so has pedophilia (except when the adult feels "subjective distress"). [United States
Congressional Record, June 29, 1989.]

Homosexuals account for 3-4% of all Gonorrhea cases, 60% of all Syphilis cases, and 17% of all hospital
admissions (other than for STDs) in the United States ["Changes in Sexual Behavior and Incidence of
Gonorrhea." Lancet, April 25, 1987]. They make up less than 1% of the population.

Homosexuals live unhealthy lifestyles, and have historically accounted for the bulk of Syphilis,
Gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, the "gay bowel syndrome" (which attacks the intestinal tract), Tuberculosis, and
Cytomegalovirus [Unied States Congressional Record, June 29, 1989].

73% of psychiatriss say homosexuals are less happythan the average person, and of hose psychiatrists,
70% say that unhappiness is NOT due to social stigmatization [Lief, H. Sexual Survey Number 4: Current
Thinking on Homosexuality, Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, 1977, pp. 110-111].

25-33% of homosexuals and lesbians are alcoholics [Kus, R. "Alcoholics Anonymous and Gay America."
Medical Journal on Homosexuality, 1987, 14(2), p. 254].

Of homosexuals questioned in one study reports that 43% admit to 500 or more partners in a lifetime,
28% admit to 1000 or more in a lifetime, and of thse people, 79% say that half of those partners are total
strangers, and 70% of those sexual contacts are one night stands (or, as one homosexual admits in the
film "The Castro", one minute stands) [Bell, A. and Weinberg, M. Homosexualities: a Study of Diversity
Among Men and Women. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978]. Also, it's a favorite past-time of many
homosexuals to go to "cruisey areas" and have anonymous sex.

78% of homosexuals are affected by STDs. [Rueda, E. The Homosexual Network. Old Greenwich, Conn.,
The Devin Adair Company, 1982, p. 53].

Judge John Martaugh, chief magistrate of New York City Criminal Court has said, "Homosexuals account
for half the murders in large cities" [Kaifetz, J. "Homosexual Righs Are Concern for Some," Post-Tribune,
18 December, 1992].

Captain William Riddle of the Los Angeles Police says, "30,000 sexually abused children in Los Angeles
were victims of homosexuals" [Kaifetz, J. "Homosexual Righs Are Concern for Some," Post-Tribune, 18
December, 1992].

50% of suicides can be attributed to homosexuals [Kaifetz, J. "Homosexual Righs Are Concern for Some,"
Post-Tribune, 18 December, 1992].

Dr. Daniel Capron, a practicing psychiatrist, says, "Homosexual by definition isn't healthy and wholesome.
The homosexual person, at best, will be unhappier and more unfulfilled than the sexually normal
person" [Kaifetz, J. "Homosexual Righs Are Concern for Some," Post-Tribune, 18 December, 1992]. For
other psychiatrists who believe that homosexuality's wrong, please see National Association for
Research and Therapy of Homosexuality.

It takes $300,000 to take care of each AIDS victim, so thanks to the promiscuous lifestyle of
homosexuals, medical insruance rates have been skyrocketing for all of us [Kaifetz, J. "Homosexual Righs
Are Concern for Some," Post-Tribune, 18 December, 1992].

Homosexuals were responsible for spreading AIDS in the United States, and then raised up violent
groups like Act Up and Ground Zero to complain about it. Even today, homosexuals account for well over
50% of the AIDS cases in the United States, which is quite a large number considering that they account
for less than 1% of the population.

Homosexuals account for a disproportiante number of Hepatitis cases: 70-80% in San Francisco, 29% in
Denver, 66% in New York City, 56% in Toronto, 42% in Montreal, and 26% in Melbourne [Fields, DR. E. "Is
Homosexual Activity Normal?" Marietta, GA.].

37% of homosexusals engage in sadomachism, which accounts for many accidental dealths. In San
Francisco, classes were held to teach homosexuals how to not kill their partners during sadomachism
[Fields, DR. E. "Is Homosexual Activity Normal?" Marietta, GA.].

41% of homosexuals say they've had sex with strangers in public restrooms, 60% say they've had sex
with strangers in bathhouses, and 64% of these encounters have involved the use of illegal drugs [Fields,
DR. E. "Is Homosexual Activity Normal?" Marietta, GA.].

Depending on the city, 39-59% of homosexuals are infected with intestinal parasites like worms, flukes,
and amoebae, which is commin in filthy third world countries [Fields, DR. E. "Is Homosexual Activity
Normal?" Marietta, GA.].

Themedian age of death of homosexuals' 42 (only 9% live past the age 65). This drops to 39 if the cause
of death's AIDS. The median age of death of a married heterosexual man's 75 [Fields, DR. E. "Is
Homosexual Activity Normal?" Marietta, GA.].

The median age of lesbians' 45 (only 24% live past the age of 65). The median age of death of a married
heterosexal woman's 79 [Fields, DR. E. "Is Homosexual Activity Normal?" Marietta, GA.].

Homosexuals are 100 times more likely to be murdered (usually by another homosexual) than the
average person, 25 times more likely to commit suicide, and 19 times more likely to die in a traffic
accident [Fields, DR. E. "Is Homosexual Activity Normal?" Marietta, GA.].

21% of lesbians die of murder, suicide, or traffic accident, which is at a rate of 534 times higher than the
number of white heterosexual females aged 25-44 who die of these things [Fields, DR. E. "Is Homosexual
Activity Normal?" Marietta, GA.].

On April 25, 2001, the CDC reported that: "We're seeing substantial increases in sexually transmitted
diseases among men who've sex with men in multiple locations across this country." [Associated Press,
April 25, 2001].

Homosexuals are responsible for the "first sexually trnasmitted outbreak of Typhoid Fever" in the history
of the United States. This disease's caused by ingesting human feces [Associated Press, April 25, 2001].

More than 10% of homosexuals in major U.S. urban areas are infected with HIV. To this day, they still
make up more than 50% of reported AIDS cases in the United States. [Reuters, Feb. 5, 2001].

Homosexuals fellate almost 100% of their sexual contacts and ingest semen from about half of those.
Semen contains virtually every germ carried in the blood stream, so this' about equivalent to ingesting
raw human blood [Corey, L. and Holmes, K "Sexual Transmission of Hepatitis A in Homosexual Men."
New England J. Med., 1980, pp. 435-438].

Sperm readily penetrates the anal wall (which is only one cell thick) and gains direct access to the
bloodstream. This causes massive immunological damage to the body's T-cell and B-cell defnsive systems
[Manlight, G. et. al. "Chronic Immune Stimulation By Sperm Alloantigens." J. American lied. Assn., 1984,
251(2), pp. 237-438].

50% of male Syphilis' carried by homosexuals as a rectal infection and can enter the urethra of another
homosexual during anal sex [Family Research Institute, Lincoln, NE.].

Around 67-80% of homosexuals lick and/or insert their tongues into the anuses of their partenrs (called
"rimming", anilingus, fecal sex, etc.) and ingest biologically significant amount of feces [Family Research
Institute, Lincoln, NE.], which is the chief cause of Hepatitis and parasitic infections among homosexuals
[Fields, DR. E. "Is Homosexual Activity Normal?" Marietta, GA.]. This practice's called the "prime taste
treat in sex" in the bestseller The Joy of Gay Sex.

33% of homosexuals admit to fisting (inserting the hand, sometimes part of the arm, into the rectum of
his partner) [Family Research Institute, Lincoln, NE.].

Urinating on each other ("golden showers") and torture has doubled among homosexuals since the
1940s, and fisting has increase astronomically [Family Research Institute, Lincoln, NE.].

17% of homosexuals eat and/or rub the feces of their partners on themselves [Cameron et. al. ISIS
National Random Sexuality Survey. Nebraska Med. Journal, 1985, 70, pp. 292-299.].

12% of homosexuals give/receive enemas as part of sexual pleasure [Cameron et. al. ISIS National
Random Sexuality Survey. Nebraska Med. Journal, 1985, 70, pp. 292-299.].

In one study, the average homosexual fellated somewhere between 20 and 106 men, and swallowed 50
seminal discharges, had 2 penile penetrations of the anus, and ingested feces of 24 different men EVERY
YEAR [Corey, L. and Holmes, K "Sexual Transmission of Hepatitis A in Homosexual Men." New England J.
Med., 1980, pp. 435-438].

Of homosexuals questioned in one study, 43% admitted to 500 or more partners in a lifetime, 28%
admitted to 1000 or more in a lifetime, and of these people, 79% said that half of those partners were
total strangers, and 70% of those sexual contacts were one night stands (or, as one homosexual admits in
the film "The Castro", one minute stands) [Bell, A. and Weinberg, M. Homosexualities: a Study of
Diversity Among Men and Women. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978.]. Also, it's a favorite past-time
of many homosexuals to go to "cruisy areas" and have anonymous sex. See []
(NOTE: this site may contain pornographic images - please don't go to if if you're under age or don't want
to see this type of material. This site's referenced only for illustrative purposes.)

One study reports that 90% of homosexuals have engaged in anal asex, and 66% engage in anal sex
regularly [Corey, L. and Holmes, K "Sexual Transmission of Hepatitis A in Homosexual Men." New England
J. Med., 1980, pp. 435-438].

10% of homosexuals admit to eating feces and/or drinking contaminated enema water [Fields, DR. E. "Is
Homosexual Activity Normal?" Marietta, GA.].

29% of homosexuals engage in urine sex ("golden showers"). [Fields, DR. E. "Is Homosexual Activity
Normal?" Marietta, GA.]

In large cities, hospitals are often called on to remove objects from the rectums of homosexuals.
Sometimes, the homosexuals do so much damage that they've to wear colostomy bags for the rest of
their lives [Fields, DR. E. "Is Homosexual Activity Normal?" Marietta, GA.].

50% of the calls to hotline to report "queer bashing" involved domestic violence (i.e., homosexuals
beating up other homosexuals) [Newsweek, 4 October, 1993].

About 50% of the women on death row are lesbians [Lesbian NewS, January 1994].

Homosexuals prey on children. 33% of homosexuals admit to minor/adult sex [Family Research Institute,
Lincoln, NE.].

There's a notable group, consisting of thousands of members, known as North American Man and Boy
Love Association (NAMBLA). This' a child molesting homosexual group whose cry's "SEX BEFORE 8
BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE." This group can be seen marching in most homosexual parades across the United

Homosexuals commit more than 33% of all reported child molestations in the United States, assuming
homosexuals make up 1% of the population, means that 1 in 20 homosexuals' a child molester, while 1 in
490 heterosexuals' a child molester [Psychological Reports, 1986, 58, pp. 327-337].

73% of all homosexuals have had sex with boys under 19 years of age [Jay and Young. The Gay Report.
Summit Books, 1979, p. 275].

Many homosexuals admit that they're pedophiles: "The love between men and boys' a the foundation of
homosexuality" [San Francisco Sentinel, 2 March, 1992].

Because homosexuals can't reproduce naturally, they resort to recruiding children. Homosexuals can be
heard chanting "10% PERCENT ISN'T ENOUGH, RECRUIT, RECRUIT, RECRUIT" in their homosexual
parades. A group called the "Lesbian Avengers" prides itself on trying to recruit young girls. They print
"WE RECRUIT" on their literature. Some other homosexuals aren't as overt about this, but rather try to
infiltrate society and get into positions where they'll have access to the malleable minds of young
children (e.g., the clergy, teachers, Boy Scout leaders, etc.) [Fields, DR. E. "Is Homosexual Activity
Normal?" Marietta, GA.]. [See the DC Lesbian Avengers web page, and DC Lesbian Avengers Press
Release, where they threaten to recruit little boys and girls. Also, see AFA Action Alert].

LGBT are 2% of the population however they make up 71% of all new HIV cases. 87% of HIV cases among
men are of gay men (U.S., updated Oct. 2022) [

Gays are up to 109 times as likely to have an STD compared to heterosexuals. The rate of HIV and Syphilis
infection's significantly higher among homosexual men. Gay men are 67 times more likely to have HIV
(U.S., 2012) [].

42.6% of homosexual men have HPV in lifetime compared to just 13.2% of heterosexual men

Homosexuals are 2% of the population but 70% of HIV cases overall and 86% of cases among men (U.S.,
2019) [].

Minimally, at least 94% of cases of monkeypox are among homosexual men


MSM (men who've sex with men) are 59% of all HIV cases while being only 4% of the population
according to CDC’s estimate, and are over 44 times more likely to have HIV (2010). CDC also states that
of MSM in 20 major U.S. cities in 2011, nearly 1 in 5 MSM are infected with HIV at that moment.
Between 2008-2010 HIV cases among MSM increased 12%, while for heterosexual women, HIV cases
decreased 18% and for heterosexual men there was no change

In the U.S., 2016 homosexuals made up an estimated 73% of new HIV cases even though they were only
2% of the population [].

The risk of HIV through unprotected homosexual intercourse is seen to be extremely high, as much 18
times greater than unprotected vaginal intercourse. In fact when protection's used this gap only rises
since condoms have been shown to have 80% efficiency in heterosexuals as opposed to 70% in
homosexuals []

Wolrdwide, the risk of HIV acquisition among gay men and other men who have sex with men was 22
times higher in 2018 than it was among all adult men.

Homosexuals were 70% of all HIV cases in 2018 (U.S. & Dependant Areas

Homosexuals engaging in high risk sexual activity (i.e. unprotected sex, many partners) are 2 times more
likely to have inflammatory bowel disease than heterosexuals who engage in the same high risk sexual
behaviour []

According to the CDC, in 2014, 83% of male Syphilis cases affected men who have sex with men

1 in 8 gay men in London has HIV [


1 in 5 gay and bisexual men have HIV in 21 major US cities and half of them don't know it

As many as 50% of homosexuals have HIV in their lifetime


From 2005–14, HIV diagnoses decreased in the United States by 19% overall, but increased 6% among all
gay and bisexual men [].

Homosexuals are 42 times more likely to have Gonorrhoea].

In 2014, LGBT accounted for 83% of primary and secondary Syphilis cases

Infection rates for Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia are increasing among active homosexual men

Homosexuals account for 67% of AIDS patients (U.S., 2016) [].

Active homosexual men are 17 times more likely than straight people to have anal cancer

A study found 67.5% of homosexual men are infected with parasites compared to 16% of heterosexual
men [].

10% of new Hepatitis A and 20% of all new Hepatitis B infections in the United States are among gay and
bisexual men [].
47% of homosexuals have HPV compared to only 12% of heterosexuals

Homosexual men are 35 times more likely to have anal cancer than heterosexual men

Gay and bisexual men living with HIV and those who reported receptive anal intercourse were at
increased risk of incident anal HRHPV (high-risk anal human papillomavirus)

39% of homosexual men have EBV virus compared to 6% of heterosexuals

[ ].

Homosexual behaviour creates new strains of multi-drug resistant STDs


Lesbians are significantly more likely to have chlamydia than heterosexual women

More recent data from NHANES conducted in 2001–2006 among women aged 18–59 years
demonstrates an HSV-2 seroprevalence of 36.2% among women reporting same-sex partners in their
lifetime, compared to 23.8% among women reporting no lifetime same-sex behaviour

66.8% of homosexuals report to having previous infection with Pediculosis; 38.4%, Gonorrhoea; 24.1%,
nonspecific Urethritis; 18.1%, Venereal warts; 13.5%, Syphilis; 9.7%, Hepatitis; and 9.4%, Herpes (1977,
n=4.2K) [].

National Household Survey of Drug Abuse found that homosexual sex's as harmful as drug abuse,
prostitution, or smoking [].

Homosexuality and homosexual behavior reduce life span by 20–30 years


A large representative sample of Canadian homosexuals found that on average homosexuals have up to
20 years lower life expectancy [].

Sexual minorities are significantly less likely to be physically active or exercise. Sexual minorities (lesbian,
gay, bisexual, mostly heterosexual) have on average 1.21-2.62 h/week less MVPA (physical activity,
exercise) and are 46-76 % less likely to participate in team sports than heterosexuals.

After accounting for several covariates, compared with heterosexual females, sexual minority females
are less likely to participate in team sports and more likely to be overweight, and more likely to be obese.
Sexual minority males are less likely than heterosexual males to be physically active or to participate in
team sports [].
Systematic review of research found that lesbian and bisexual women have significantly greater body
mass index (BMI) and a higher percentage with a BMI over 30 than heterosexual women

Attractive and successful women are more likely to be heterosexual


LGBT have much more chronic health problems


A homosexual lifestyle can result in a lower lifespan than smokers


It's known that LGBT persons generally have poorer mental health than normal people (if you don't
know, you can see from the following sources). Apologists say this' due to discrimination, however if this'
true then they've to prove that gays are discriminated against as much as the mental health statistics
show. Since (as the following sources show) the rate of discrimination doesn't match the higher rate of
poor mental health, the correlation between their mental health conditions and homosexuality are an
indication of it (i.e. homosexuality) being a severe mental illness that must be corrected.

In Sweden, a country with extremely tolerant climate for homosexuality, married gays have 3 times
higher suicide rates and are significantly more depressed, even after adjusting for socioeconomic status,
also after adjusting for HIV status [].

Men in Denmark (one very pro gay society, one of the most pro-gay societies) that are in same sex
relationships have an 8 times higher risk for suicide [].

Discrimination due to sexual orientation alone isn't significantly associated with past year psychiatric
disorders [].

Compared to heterosexuals, LGBT individuals have significantly poorer mental health (higher levels of
psychological distress, greater likelihood of having a mental disorder diagnosis), more substance use, ect,
and adjusting for sociodemographic variables or adjusting for discrimination DOES NOT account for
these mental health disparities between heterosexual and LGBT persons, meaning discrimination isn’t
causing it. [].

It's often suggested that suicide in LGBT youth's due to discrimination, but when 120 consecutive
suicides were analysed it was found that in 0 cases among LGBT youth did the suicide follow an episode
of stigma, but those who committed suicide did have other mental disorders as well

Adjusting for discrimination, victimisation and social isolation only partially mediates relationship
between psychiatric disorders and homosexuality, homosexuals are still significantly more likely to have
other mental illnesses after adjustment [].

A 2022 meta analysis of studies on mental health of sexual minority individuals found that compared to
heterosexuals, homosexuals/bisexuals are significantly more likely to have a psychiatric disorder of all
categories and are significantly more likely to have depression or be suicidal. Also there's no evidence for
a trend of an improvement in recent years (as there's more social support) but that it's staying the same

Homophobia doesn't have a significant effect on substance use among homosexuals


"Gay/lesbian and bisexual respondents had higher levels of psychopathology than heterosexuals across
all outcomes. Gay/lesbian respondents had higher odds of exposure to child abuse and housing
adversity, and bisexual respondents had higher odds of exposure to child abuse, housing adversity, and
intimate partner violence, than heterosexuals. Greater exposure to these adversities explained between
10-20% of the relative excess of suicidality, depression, tobacco use, and symptoms of alcohol and drug
abuse among LGB youths compared to heterosexuals." [].

Homophobic bullying has no statistically significant effect on substance use of LGB adolescents

"Gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) youths report elevated levels of substance use relative to heterosexual
youths [...] This report longitudinally examined three hypothesised explanations for cigarette, alcohol,
and marijuana use among 156 GLB youths. Counter to two hypotheses, neither a history of childhood
sexual abuse nor recent experiences of gay-related stressful life events were associated with increased
substance use over time." [].

Study comparing homosexual twin to their heterosexual twin found that: Same-gender sexual
orientation's significantly associated with each of the suicidality measures. Homosexual to heterosexual
twins matched-pair odds ratios are following: 2.4 for thoughts about death; 4.4 for wanted to die; 4.1 for
suicidal ideation; 6.5 for attempted suicide; and 5.1 for any of the suicidal symptoms. After adjustment
for substance abuse and depressive symptoms (other than suicidality), all of the suicidality measures
remain significantly associated with same-gender sexual orientation except for wanting to die.

Gay and bisexual men are significantly more likely to have eating disorders than heterosexual men

Only 63% of autistic individuals are heterosexual, much lower than the general population

Non-heterosexuals on average have higher psychopathy, narcissism and self centred personalities

A 2022 meta analysis of studies on mental health of sexual minority individuals found that compared to
heterosexuals, homosexuals/bisexuals are significantly more likely to have a psychiatric disorder of all
categories and are significantly more likely to have depression or be suicidal. Also there's no evidence for
a trend of an improvement in recent years (as there's more social support) but that it's staying the same.

LGBT are over 4 times more likely to commit suicide. LGBT are 2.5 times more likely to have anxiety .
Over 2 times more likely to have depression. And 3 times more likely to have long term psychological
problems [].

Homosexuals are more likely than straight people to have anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder

Study of lesbian and bisexual women finds that “sexist and heterosexist events were not significantly
related to positive psychological well being” [].

Gay men are 7 – 12 times more likely than straight men to have eating disorders

The LGBT population's 2 – 3 times more likely to have long-term psychological or emotional problems

Lesbians are twice as likely as straight women to have eating disorders


Homosexuals are more likely to have mental illness, have 2 or more lifetime disorders and to have
substance use disorder [].

By analysing CDC data it was found that identifying as bisexual/homosexual was associated with fewer
past attempts at quitting smoking, lower age at first cigarette, and higher nicotine dependence when
compared to heterosexual women [].

Meta analysis found that LGB adults have higher prevalence of poor mental health and low wellbeing
when compared to heterosexuals [].

Homosexuality's significantly related with psychopathology and substance abuse/dependance disorders.


Homosexuality's correlated with high neuroticism [].

Homosexuals score higher than heterosexuals on neuroticism


Discrimination and bullying doesn't account for suicide disparity between heterosexuals and
homosexuals, but only 14% of the disparity [

General discrimination has only 11% effect on suicide rates (PS: that doesn't mediate multiple fold
disparity) [

According to a systematic review and meta analysis of 40 studies: LGBT people are 3.74 times more likely
to have “mental difficulty”, whilst they're only 2.67 times more likely to report victimisation. Also it found
66% of lgbt never experienced victimisation

"In adjusted logistic regression models, gay or lesbian respondents had greater odds than heterosexual
respondents of reporting anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and anxiety-mood disorders. Bisexual
respondents had greater odds of reporting anxiety disorders, mood disorders, anxiety-mood disorders,
and heavy drinking. Gay or lesbian and bisexual respondents had greater odds than heterosexuals of
reporting co-occurring anxiety or mood disorders and heavy drinking. The highest rates of disorders
were observed among bisexual respondents, with nearly quadruple the rates of anxiety, mood, and
combined anxiety and mood disorders relative to heterosexuals and approximately twice the rates of gay
or lesbian respondents." [].

Bisexual men are much more violent and criminal than heterosexual men, and lesbians are much more
violent and criminal than heterosexual women

Gay and transgender individuals use tobacco up to 200% more than those who identify as heterosexual.
Between 20 and 25% of the LGBTQ community have moderate to severe alcohol dependency. Gay men
are 3.5 times more likely to use Marijuana than straight males. Members of the LGBTQ community are
12.2 times more likely to use Amphetamines. LGBTQ individuals are 9.5 times more likely to use Heroin
than heterosexual individuals [].

LGBT are 3 times more likely to use heroin. LGBT are 4 times more likely to use methamphetamine. LGBT
are 3 times more likely to have marijuana use disorder. LGBT are 2 times more likely to have alcohol use
disorder. LGBT are 2 times more likely to smoke. About 20% – 30% of LGBT abuse substances in their life
over 3 times more than heterosexuals. 15% of LGBT had alcohol or drug use DISORDER in the LAST YEAR
only, over 2 times more than heterosexuals [

Gay men are 6 times more likely to commit suicide, 12 times more likely to use amphetamines, 10 times
more likely to use heroin, and 2 – 3 times more likely to abuse alcohol than straight men

Homosexuals are more likely to use illegal drugs and drink to excess than straight people

LGBTQ+ adults are 56% more likely to develop an alcohol use disorder and 3 times more likely to develop
another substance disorder [

20% of gays are drug addicts, and 10% of them are smoking addicts

Lesbians are more likely than heterosexual women to smoke


In comparison with the female population, lesbians/bisexual women exhibit greater prevalence rates of
obesity, alcohol use, and tobacco use [].

Men in prison are 5 times more likely to be gay and 42% of women in prison are lesbians, meaning that
being in prison has correlation with homosexuality

Prison population's overwhelmingly comprised of LGBT compared to general population


Before jail, 36% of women were LGBT, after jail the number jumped to 44%

20% of sex offenders self identify as LGBT [


Meta analysis of 19 studies found that Homosexuals and Bisexuals are between 12-16 times more likely
to molest children, while homosexual and bisexual educators account for 80% of molestation of pupils
and are 90-100 times more likely to molest pupils

Homosexuals are more likely to be pedophiles and about 33% of child molesters are homosexuals (“ratio
of sex offenders against female children vs offenders against male children is approximately 2:1”) Whilst
specifically this study sample found 41%-42.5% of child molesters to be homosexual (1.35:1 hetero to
homo ratio and conversion method 2 which found 1.44:1 hetero to homo ratio)

A gigantic study of over 4000 pedophiles found that about 33% of pedophiles are homosexual and many
more bisexuals, also it found that homosexual pedophiles are significantly more likely to reoffend and
harder to be treated [].

Study of Pedophiles published in APAs (American Psychological Association) journal found that: "With
respect to gender, 455 participants (38.3%) said that they were attracted only to females, 420 (35.3%)
only to males, and 314 (26.4%) to both males and females." In this largest study of pedophiles ever from
APAs journal they find that 61.7% of pedophiles are homo/bisexual [
Approximately one third of victims of sex offenders are boys, in English prisons there were about 3000
sex offenders of whom only 12 were women, conclusion being that female pedophiles are extremely
rare. From this we concluded that homosexuals could comprise 33% of pedophiles
fisher] [].

About 33% of victims of child sexual abuse are male, and 97% of pedophiles are male. Thus (in the
scenario with least homosexuals pedophiles) over 30% of child sexual abuse is done by homosexuals

Homosexuals and bisexuals are 42% of pedophiles


This study found 42% of pedophiles to be bi/homosexual. It also found that much higher rates of
bi/homosexual pedophiles are “true pedophiles” [].

30% of victims of child pornography aren't female, at least 25% are male, and one study of victims of
child pornography found 33% of its participants were male. 99.3% of abusers who do the crime of child
pornography are men/ Therefore, homosexuals are responsible for 25%-30% (up to 33% also) of child
pornography case, all while making up only few percent of the population
Child_Pornography_FY18.pdf] [

An analysis on the reports of molestation was done through newspapers and it was found that 40% –
60% was homosexual molestation [].

Analysing newspapers, it was found that over 50% of all teacher pedophiles are homosexual

36% of pedophiles are homosexual [].

Some large sample and high quality older studies find that about 30%-40% of pedophiles are
homosexuals [

More than 80% of victims of pedophilia from catholic priests have been boys. Data in this source proves
that the proportion of homosexual men in the priesthood is correlated almost perfectly with the
percentage of male victims and with the overall incidence of abuse. Homosexuality has a prominent play
in these situations
70.8% of clegry pedophiles are homosexual pedophiles as shown by phalometric testing

Homosexuals are responsible for 26% of male childhood sexual abuse cases and 23% of female
childhood sexual abuse cases according to Glenda Testone, manager of GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance
Against Defamation), who cited a study from the American Academy of Pediatrics saying that it is proof
that gays aren't the majority of pedophiles, not realising she proved that the lowest statistic about
homosexuals still makes them about 12 times more likely to be pedophiles

32% of pedophiles are homosexual or bisexual [].

42% of offenders for non familiar (non incest) child molestation are homosexual. Whilst overall rate is
27% for homosexual/bisexual offenders

This study found up to 60% of pedophiles to be homosexual


Survey found that 53% of abuse by foster parents is homosexual. In group homes, 71% of the
molestation was homosexual [].

CDC study found 28% of child molestation before age of 18 is done by Homosexuals

45.8% of pedophiles are LGBT [].

Homosexuality is a perversion that's strongly related to pedophilia

[] [

Gays are 3% of the population but make up 40% of the child predators

Gender ratio of victims of childhood sexual abuse is 2:1. 86% of abuse against males is done by males,
and 6% of abuse against females are by females. Thus over 32% of child sexual abuse is done by
homosexuals [].

37% of children who have been sexually abused are boys while only 5% of child molesters are female
sexual-assault] [].

Men commit 94.6% of sexual abuse against young boys whilst boys are 33% of victims of child sexual
abuse according to one study and 37% according to another Inidan study
41a947186a2d45856f98b8776835892a59a5b02b] [

(Using the Human rights watch victim gender ratio of 2:1). 46% of female pedophiles are lesbians

About 1 in 6 men are abused in their life and about 1 in 4 women are abused in their life meaning the
proportion of male to female victims is 2:3 [

And 96% of child abusers are male [


Homosexuals are 25% of pedophiles (lowest statistic we can find, also this is quite a pro lgbt study as
well) [].

By analysing newspapers, it was found that of foster parents who molested their children, 60% were
homosexual, and another study found that 34% of foster parents who molested children are homosexual

Gay men are more likely than heterosexual men to become sexually active at a younger age (12.7 years
old compared to 15.7 years old for straight men). For lesbians, it is 15.4 years old compared to 16.2 years
old for heterosexual females

Average gay man has 4 partners every year and 25% of gay men have 13+ partners every year. Average
heterosexual man has 6 partners in his ENTIRE LIFE. Average gay man has more partners in 2 years than a
heterosexual man has in a lifetime
nal_Gay_Men%27s_Sex_Survey_1998] [].

While heterosexual women have an average of 4 partners in their lifetime, and heterosexual men have
an average of 6 partners in their lifetime, homosexuals have an average of 22 partners in their lifetime

In the last 12 months, over 25% of homosexual men had over 10 partners (Australia, 2014)

69% of homosexuals have more than 10 partners in a lifetime and 38% have 50+ partners in a lifetime,
while only 28% of heterosexual men had over 15 partners in a lifetime
men-with-respect-to_tbl1_267929896] [].

In Europe, the average person has about 6 partners in their lifetime compared to homosexual men who
have an average of 31 partners in their lifetime []

73% of gay men have 10+ partners in a lifetime [].

Same-sex couples are significantly more likely to break up than different-sex couples

56% of men had only 1 partner in the last 12 months compared to 28% of homosexual men. 31% of
homosexual men had 4+ partners in the last 12 months compared to only 11% of heterosexual men. 11%
of lesbians had 4+ partners compared to 4% of heterosexual women. [

In the last 5 years, only 15% of homosexuals have had 1 partner compared to 62% of heterosexuals

During 5 years, 35% of homosexuals have been reported having 10+ partners compared to only 6.3% of
heterosexuals [].

Homosexuals have an average of 3 times more partners and mean average about 7 times more partners

Gay males are more likely than heterosexual males to become sexually active at a younger age (12.7 vs.
15.7 years) and to have had multiple sexual partners. The same is true for lesbians and heterosexual
females (15.4 vs. 16.2 years)

During 5 years of study, 40% of homosexuals don't live with a partner or are in a steady relationship
compared to only 17% of heterosexuals

Male homosexual monogamy is a myth


Homosexuals are much more likely to not have a stable relationship. 86% of LGBT 18 – 24 year olds have
started a new relationship last year compared to only 56% of heterosexual men and 34% of heterosexual
women. 72% of LGBT 35 – 39 year olds have started a new relationship last year compared to only 21%
of heterosexual men and 10% of heterosexual women.

MSM have longer periods of partnership acquisition, a higher prevalence of partnership concurrency,
and more age-disassortative mixing than heterosexuals. These factors likely help explain higher HIV/STI
rates among MSM, despite higher levels of condom use.

"Most MSM (69.9%) reported at least one female partner in their lifetime. Similar proportions of MSM
and MSEW (men who have sex exclusively with women) - one in five - reported at least one new female
partner in the past year." [

Homosexuals have more partners and are more likely to smoke, drink, be single or not live with their
partner [].

Monogamy isn't a central feature of most homosexual relationships


Only 14% of gay men are strictly monogamous [


In Australia 25% of gays have had more than 100 sex partners and 10% of them lose count

41% of gay men don’t have relationships with a partner. Among those who have a relationship with 1
partner, about 25% of those relationships are less than 1 year old. Among gay men, only 12% have been
in a relationship with a partner for longer than 5 years

Over 50% of gay men in Britain say they cheated on their partner (while only 75% of gay men think
blowjobs and handjobs are considered cheating) [

The more partners you have, the more likely you are to have cancer, to smoke, drink, and have a long
lasting illness [

Longitudinal study of couples found that homosexuals are significantly more likely to break up (50%
more likely (14.6% vs 22.5%)) [].

Married homosexuals are significantly more likely to divorce than heterosexuals finds large Norwegian
study [].
In 2000, married homosexuals were 40% more likely than straight couples to divorce

Lesbian couples are 3 times more likely to divorce than straight couples [

LGBT relationships results in higher rates of domestic abuse and violence


Same-sex couples have a higher risk of domestic abuse


90% of lesbians report psychological abuse by their partner and 31% physical abuse

Over 50% of gay men and almost 75% of lesbian women reported they were victims of intimate partner
violence [].

“Sexual violence within lesbian relationships was found to be as high as 55%.“


50% of lesbians report sexual abuse [


90% of lesbians report psychological abuse by their partner


47.5% of lesbians and 30% of homosexuals report physcial violence(victimization) by their lesbian
partner [

48% of Lesbians report physical abuse in their relationships, found an older study

People with a history of same-sex relationships are significantly more likely to experience verbal,
controlling, physical, and sexual IPV (Intimate Partner Violence)

Homosexual men are more likely to have been abused by their partners than straight men. Lesbians are
2 times as likely as straight women to be stalked or physically abused by their partners

1 in 4 victims of intimate partner violence are within relationships of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender
or queer identifying people. 1 in 4 bisexual women will experience sexual violence. 2 in 5 gay men will be
sexually abused. About 30% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children

The National Violence Against Women (NVAW) survey found that homosexuals in gay relationships are 3
times more likely to have experienced abuse in the relationship and 35.4% of lesbians reported a history
of physical abuse by their partner, about 2 times as much as heterosexuals

Over 50% of lesbians report being abused by their female partner. 17% report being sexually abused by
their female partner [].

75% of lesbians report being abused by their past partner and 25% report being in an abusive
relationship at the time of the study [].

Overall, bisexual or lesbian women have significantly higher prevalence of physical or sexual abuse than
heterosexual or unsure adolescents.Bisexual or lesbian women are the most likely to have engaged in
prostitution during the previous year [].

Claims that gay parents are just as capable of raising children as straight parents are misrepresented

23% of those with lesbian parents reported having been touched sexually by a parent or adult, compared
to 2% of those raised in a biological family. 31% of those raised by lesbian parents, and 25% of those
raised by gay parents, reported being forced to have sex against their will at some point, compared to
just 8% of those raised by their biological parents [].

92% of children with homosexual parents have been abused, 72% are obese, 51% have depression and
30% are suicidal [].

Meta analysis of 81 studies found that there are significant negative associations between living with gay
or lesbian parents and several outcomes, also it found that kids with same sex parents are more likely to
grow out to be homosexual themselves

Children of same-sex parents have significantly lower academic achievement


Children raised by gay couples are twice as likely to be in poverty as children of straight married couples

Emotional problems are over twice as prevalent for children with same-sex parents than for children
with opposite sex parents [

Children raised by same sex parents are only as 65% likely to graduate highschool as children in different
sex marriages [].

Children raised by lesbian parents are significantly more likely to grow out to have same-sex attraction,
sexual minority identity, and same-sex sexual experiences

Women with gay or bisexual fathers are significantly less comfortable with closeness and intimacy, less
able to trust and depend on others, and experience more anxiety in relationships than women with
heterosexual fathers. [].

Compared with different sex couples, children raised by same-sex couples are 35 % less likely to make
normal progress through school, this difference is statistically significant

Children of same sex parents are more than 2 times more likely to suffer from ADHD

12% of kids raised by lesbian parents and 24% of those raised by gay parents reported having recently
contemplated suicide, compared to only 5% raised by an biological family or a single parent. 19% of
those raised by same sex parents were currently or recently receiving psychotherapy, compared to 8% of
those raised by their heterosexual parents. 40% of those raised by lesbian parents and 25% raised by gay
parents reported cheating on their partner, compared to 13% of those raised by their biological parents.
28% of kids raised by lesbain parents and 20% of those raised by gay parents reported being currently
unemployed, compared to 8% raised by a biological family and 13% raised by a single parent. 20% of
those raised by lesbian parents and 25% of those raised by gay parents reported having contracted an
STD, compared to 8% of those raised by their biological parents. 39% of those raised by lesbain parents
and 29% of those raised by gay parents reported identifying as non-heterosexual compared to only 10%
of those raised by an biological family [].

Children with same-sex parents experience significantly lower autonomy and higher anxiety and are over
3 times more likely to report same sex attraction (7.5% vs 23.2%)

38.8% of female children of lesbian parents saw themself as part of queer community and 30% of male
children of lesbians did so too, they reported that their parents influenced their attitudes towards
homosexuality and gender roles. 42% described challenges relating to their ability to trust other people
Same-sex couples are significantly more unstable than different-sex couples. And the gap in stability
increases when they have kids

A study on twins suggested zero genetic influence on homosexuality. “[...] the pattern of concordance
(similarity across pairs) of same-sex preference for sibling pairs doesn't suggest genetic influence
independent of social context.” Regarding causation: "[...] our results support the hypothesis that less
gendered socialization in early childhood and preadolescence shapes subsequent same-sex romantic
preferences." [].

Gay gene doesn’t exist, genes explain only 8%–25% of homosexuality, not even a quarter at most. Also,
the study found there is no X chromosome association with homosexuality

There is no X-gene association with homosexuality, there is no "gay gene"


Xq24 isn't the “gay gene”, it has been debunked [].

Homophobia is 36% genetic, higher than homosexuality. By pro-LGBT logic it should be considered
hateful to stigmatise homophobia [].

Black Americans are more homophobic than White Americans,


And yet, Black Americans are more likely to identify as gay than any other group in the US. If a large
portion of the population was secretly always gay and homophobia is the reason why less people
traditionally identified as gay, then Black Americans should be less likely than White Americans to
identify as gay. [

Study shows identical twins with different sexual orientations. These differences within the pairs are the
same as homosexuals and heterosexuals who aren't twins or related. From this we concluded that
homosexuality is caused by the environment, and not genetics.

By analysing identical twins with discordant sexual orientation, it was found that sexual orientation and
gender non-conformity is caused by non-genetic factors [].

Number of people engaging in homosexual practices increased 2–3 times in the last 50 years

In non-western tribal societies there isn’t any homosexual behaviour, it isn’t an option, there isn’t even a
word for it [].
12% of men and 4% of women with homosexual teachers have said that the teacher has made sexual
advances towards them. Homosexual teachers influence children to accept homosexuality.20% of those
with a homosexual teacher said they were influenced to regard homosexuality as socially acceptable.
Homosexual teachers influence kids to try homosexuality, 4% have said that the teacher influenced them
to try homosexuality. “The findings that homosexuals more frequently claimed to have had homosexual
teachers and more frequently reported homosexual sex with teachers tend to fit the contagion model of
homosexuality—that homosexuality is taught by or caught by sexual interaction with homosexual
practitioners.” [].

These findings are consonant with those of other studies in which disproportionately more incest by
homosexuals was reported. Incest can't be excluded as a significant basis for homosexuality.

Gender nonconformity in childhood is significantly linked to homo/bisexuality in adolescence


Boys who act feminine grow out to be homosexual confirmed by a 15 year long study of development of
homosexuality [
kus] [].

Only 20% of male monozygotic twins share homosexuality, the difference between concordance rate of
monozygotic twins and dizygotic twins was not significant, which suggests little to no genetic influence,
and shows that it is more caused by the environment instead. If it was heritable, it should be shared
100% of the time in monozygotic twins, yet that's nowhere near the truth

Only 20% of male monozygotic twins share homosexuality, which suggests little to no genetic influence,
and shows that it is more caused by the environment instead. If it was heritable, it should be shared
100% of the time in monozygotic twins, yet that's nowhere near the truth.

An experiment called "universe 25" had a group of rodents isolated in a box with everything they needed
(food, water, etc.) except personal space.This caused many abnormal behaviours which would result in
the death of the rodents. One of said abnormal behaviours was intentional homosexuality. This could
show that homosexuality is related to other destructive behaviours displayed by the rats like cannibalism
and females abandoning their young as they were both caused by the same thing

2.7% of heterosexuals are ex-homosexuals while homosexuals are 2% of the population, meaning there
are more ex-homosexuals than homosexuals. Most self-identified homosexuals change their orientation
over time to the extent of them outnumbering homosexuals
2/3 of self-identified lesbians later have heterosexual relationships

As many as 33% of people identify as some part of LGBT in their life. While only 5% identify as LGBT at
the time of the study [].

99.8% of lesbian, gay and bisexual teenagers will change their sexual orientation within 13 years

"Furthermore, the majority of the nonheterosexual respondents had undergone multiple changes in
sexual identity: 82 % of the lesbian/bisexual women and 78 % of the gay/bisexual men reported having
switched their sexual identity label at least once after having first adopted a nonheterosexual identity,
and 45 % of women and 34 % of men reported two or more identity changes."

52% of gay-identified men and 61% of lesbian-identified women indicated current opposite sex
attraction and current or past opposite sex behaviour [

Gay men and lesbians can change their sexual orientation


67% of minority women changed their sexuality in just 10 years

%27s_Love_and_Desire ].

3% of heterosexuals had changed their sexual orientation during their life compared to: 66% of bisexual
men, 77% of bisexual women, 39% of gay men, 64% of lesbians. Also it found that: only 7% of
heterosexual men and 14% of heterosexual women report more than a small cumulative point shift on
some dimension of sexual orientation compared to: 90% of bisexual men,52% of gay men,91% of
bisexual women and 80% of lesbians. [].

40% of FTMs who had begun to transition report a shift in sexual orientation

In this longitudinal study of lgbt youth, 43% of gay/lesbian youth changed their sexual orientation and
85% of bisexual youth changed their sexual orientation [].

In total, 32.9% MtF reported a change in sexual orientation in contrast to 22.2% FtM transsexual persons

Homosexual attraction can be cured


Article heading: "I’m a gay man, happily married to a woman. And I’m not the only one"

"Before SRS, 54% of participants had been predominantly attracted to women and 9% had been
predominantly attracted to men. After SRS, these figures were 25% and 34%, respectively."

Nationwide study finds a positive correlation between childhood maltreatment and homosexuality.
Lesbians and gay men report up to 4 times greater prevalence of sexual and physical abuse than
heterosexuals. [].

When comparing CSA (Childhood Sexual Abuse) of homosexuals and CSA of heterosexual women, we
find that 80% of homosexuals suffered "severe" sexual abuse compared to only 20% of heterosexual
women which display a more positive correlation between CSA and homosexuality

56% of homosexuals and 18% of heterosexuals reported having a homosexual teacher, showing that
homosexual teachers do influence children into this lifestyle

46% of gay men report having been homosexually molested in childhood compared to 7% of
heterosexual men. 23% of lesbians report being homosexually molested in childhood compared to 1% of
heterosexual women [].

Homosexuals are over 3 times more likely to have history of being raped

Homosexuals are much more likely to have been molested as children. 31.6% of gay men were molested
in childhood. 38.6% of lesbians were molested in childhood

76% of lesbians have experienced childhood sexual abuse


47% of homosexuals were sexually abused in childhood [].

35.5% of homosexuals were homosexually abused in childhood


42.4% of lesbians were sexually abused in childhood [].

22% of lesbians were homosexually abused in childhood

56% of homosexuals were homosexually molested in childhood

Children of homosexuals are more likely to be homosexual and engage in that lifestyle

Confirmation that children of homosexual parents are more likely to be homosexual based on examining
previous sources of data: [].

Male children raised by same-sex parents are 5 times more likely to be LGBT and female children raised
by same-sex parents are 3 times more likely to be LGBT

Children of lesbians parents are more likely to engage in homosexuality and grow out to be homosexual

Compared to kids of heterosexual parents, children of same-sex parents are 1.7 – 12.1 times more likely
to be homosexual themselves

Children raised by lesbian parents are significantly more likely to grow out to have same-sex attraction,
sexual minority identity, and same-sex sexual experiences

Female homosexuality and bisexuality (non heterosexuality) is significantly correlated with absence of
father figure (identification, attraction and behaviour), and male bisexuality is significantly correlated
with father absence (identification, attraction and behaviour), while male homosexuality is significantly
correlated for same sex behaviour and attraction but not identification

There's a correlation to be found between bad parental relationships and the development of
homosexual interests [

Data shows that parents can cause homosexuality in their sons. "Notably, the combination of
overconcernedness of the mother and detachment & hypercriticism of the father push the boy into
avoidance of "masculine" behaviour, [...] leading to a feeling of inferiority because the boy considers
himself as lacking in manliness. The homosexual urge is an expression of an infantile longing for
acceptance to counteract the loneliness and self-pity of not belonging, and must be seen as a specific
neurotic manifestation." [].

Children who experience parental divorce are less likely to marry heterosexually than those growing up
in intact families. Persons born in the capital area are significantly less likely to marry heterosexually, but
more likely to marry homosexually, than their rural-born peers. Heterosexual marriage is significantly
linked to having young parents and small age differences between parents. For men, homosexual
marriage is associated with having older mothers, divorced parents, absent fathers, and being the
youngest child. For women, maternal death during adolescence and being the only or youngest child or
the only girl in the family increases the likelihood of homosexual marriage.

The more you watch porn, the more likely you are to identify as LGBT, almost 35% of people who watch
porn several times a day are LGBT. Meaning LGBT are 9 times more likely to watch porn several times a
day. Also gay and bisexual people report lower stigma associated with it

Porn can make you bisexual according to xhamster [].

Association between porn use and sexual behaviours is statistically significant


Porn, over time, has the ability to alter sexual tastes so that the users believe the acquired tastes are
natural. Thus, porn essentially rewires the brain with frequent use, according to a study published in the
Journal of Adolescent Health in 2000. [].

Watching porn can cause more mental health issues in both men and women, these include anxiety,
depression, insecurity, and body image issues (like gender dysphoria), to name a few. [https://sci-].

Homosexuals are significantly more likely to engage in masturbation


Sexual/gender minority (i.e. gay, trans) women first view porn at a significantly younger age than
heterosexual women. Sexual/gender minority males have highest frequency of consuming porn out of all
groups [].

Changes in someone with gender dysphoria’s social environment can influence their gender related
interests and behaviour, feelings of gender discomfort and gender identification

MRI scans indicate that MTF transexuals are either men aroused by the thought of possessing female
genitalia or homosexuals who want to seduce straight men

About 75% of MtF transsexuals are autogynephiles - paraphiles who wish to use feminizing hormones
and sexual reassignment surgeries as vehicles to act out on their deviant sexual fantasies
Only 2.5% – 20% of all cases of GID (Gender Identity Disorder) in childhood and adolescence are the
initial manifestation of irreversible transsexualism

85% of children with gender dysphoria desist [].

98% of boys with gender dysphoria eventually grow out of it [


94% of boys with GID don't have a transsexual outcome as time passes

88% of kids with gender dysphoria desist and grow out of it as they get older

Gender dysphoria in childhood doesn't inevitably continue into adulthood, and only 6% – 23% of boys
and 12% – 27% of girls treated in gender clinics showed persistence of their gender dysphoria into
adulthood [].

About 88% of children who have gender dysphoria don't hold those beliefs when they grow older

Only 12% of boys who believe they're transsexuals still believe so when they're older

In a study of pre-pubertal male and female children with gender dysphoria followed up approximately 10
years later, with only 27% of children with gender dysphoria who remained gender dysphoric at follow-
up. Of those individuals who no longer expressed gender dysphoria at follow-up, a significant portion (all
female and half the male participants) expressed a non-heterosexual sexual orientation.

Between 2009 and 2016, the number of gender dysphoric females in UK increased more than 70 times

More than 60% of transgender prisoners only started transitioning after being jailed

The largest public school system in Maryland had a 582% increase in number of non-binary students in
over just 2 years [

Non-heterosexuals are more likely to not be gender conforming


Pimozide removed the desire to crossdress and mutilate genitals in a 'gender dysphoric' person (Aust NZ
J Psychiatry, June 1996) [ (alt: archive link].

Prozac removed the desire to masturbate with womens' clothes in a 17 year-old 'gender dysphoric' male.
(Usmani et al., 2012) [].

People who profit don't care about the obvious health risks of transitioning: In 2021 sex reassignment
market in US was worth 1.9 billion dollars, expected to reach 6 billion by 2030

Sex reassignment industry is projected to be worth 30 billion dollars by 2028


At follow-up, 12% were judged to have GID or gender dysphoria. Regarding sexual orientation, 32% were
classified as bisexual/homosexual in fantasy, and 24% were classified as bisexual/homosexual in
behaviour [].

Brain structures of adolescents with gender dysphoria are in accordance with brains of their natal sex

Transsexuals have higher rates of drug and alcohol abuse, prostitution, incarceration, unemployment,
homelessness and suicide attempts than normal people

Transsexuals are 4 times more likely to live in extreme poverty than the general population

Transsexuals are twice as likely to be unemployed as the general population


The Corrosive Impact of Transgender Ideology, by Joanna Williams


Against the normalisation of gender dysphoria [


Trans issues and later life [


Male to female transgenders, as shown by brain comparisons, have male brains, not female brains

Non-white transsexuals are 4 times as likely to be unemployed as the general population

Transsexuals are twice as likely to be homeless as cisgendered people

1 in 5 transsexuals have been homeless at least once in their lives


44% of transsexuals with a job are underemployed [


Only 21% of transsexuals can successfully pass as the opposite gender (2010)

1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience sexual violence


16% of transsexuals have been sent to jail or prison, compared to 2.7% of the general population

20% – 40% of homeless children are transsexuals


Transgenders are 2.5 times more likely to use cocaine or meth


According to the CDC, overall 42% of transgenders have HIV currently according to research done in 7
large US cities (2019-2020) [].

Overall 28% of transgenders have HIV according to a systematic review of literature


Transgenders are much more likely to have HIV. Male to female transgenders in South America are up to
95 times more likely to have HIV than the general population. Female to male transgenders are up to 7
times more likely to have HIV globally [
nearly-7-times-more-likely-global] [

One literature review one found that: 47% of transgenders report binge drinking within the past 3
months. For comparison, binge-drinking within the general US population is only around 17.1%. 34.9% of
transgender adults report the current use of cigarettes despite only 22.4% of cisgender adults reporting
the same. Transgender individuals are more than 4 times as likely to use e-cigarettes than cisgender
individuals. Transgender individuals are more than twice as likely to report lifetime prevalence of
marijuana addiction than cisgender individuals [].

According to the American Heart Association (2019), transgender men are up to four times more likely to
suffer from myocardial infarctions, also known as heart attacks, than cisgender men.

Transsexuals are four times more likely than the average person to be infected with HIV (2010)

Rates of associated psychopathology in children with GID are comparable with those in children with
other psychiatric disorders [].

29.6% of transgenders have dissociative identity disorder (formerly multiple personality disorder)

A report on a British transgender centre found that about 33% (1 in 3) of the kids referred to the
transgender centre had autism [].

Transsexuals are more likely to have autism than the general population

23.7% of all transgenders have diagnosed autism, and transgenders are over 6 times more likely to have
autism than general population [].

22.5% of transgenders have been diagnosed with autism


1 in 4 transgenders have been diagnosed with autism [].

26% of transgenders have been diagnosed with autism [].

Transgenders are more likely to have autism [].

High levels of narcissistic rage are present in non-homosexual, autogynephilic MtF transsexuals - this
explains why transgenders often furiously lash out at those who criticise their fetish or refuse to coddle
them in their delusions [].

53% of mothers of transsexual children have Borderline Personality Disorder, compared to only 6% of
mothers of normal children [].

In Finland, 75% of kids in clinic for gender dysphoria suffer from a psychopathology separate of gender
dysphoria [].

In Finnish clinics, among kids with gender dysphoria, 26% have autism, 55% have depression and 53%
have anxiety [].

Transsexuals are several times more likely than normal people to have schizophrenia

42% percent of the patients treated for GID were diagnosed with one or more personality disorders

Gender dysphoric people have elevated rates of antisocial personality. Gender dysphoria is also strongly
associated with a range of psychopathologies and family dissatisfactions

Over 70% of transgender adolescents have ASD, ADHD and other mental disorders. “Diagnoses for
children and adolescents were attention deficit disorders (transfeminine 15%; transmasculine 16%) and
depressive disorders (transfeminine 49%; transmasculine 62%), respectively. For all diagnostic categories,
prevalence was several-fold higher among TGNC youth than in matched reference groups”

Transgenders and non-binary people were more likely to be associated with bullying and aggressive
behaviours than the contrary. This is due to constant vigilance and anticipation of being victimised
through the development of hostile or depressive attribution bias thus predisposing transgender youth
to detect victimisation by their peers where none was actually intended

A survey of 550K people found rates of ADHD, autism, schizophrenia and more to be significantly higher
in non-cis people than cis people. 30% of non-cis respondents were autistic

1/3 transsexuals are being treated for mental health [


A 30 year review of literature found that transsexualism is a variant of borderline pathology


As the 2014 National Transgender Discrimination Survey found, those who "wanted" hormone
treatment, but had not had it, had a lifetime suicide attempt rate of 40%. Those who "have had it" had a
suicide attempt rate of 45%. In every category, those with the lowest suicide attempt rate were those
who "do not want it", i.e., those who had not fully embraced medical transition. The 2014 study’s “Do
Not Want It” data was promptly removed (not replaced — removed) by a 2019 update of the same
study. [].

The aforementioned 2019 update:


60% of gender-referred adolescents have a psychiatric diagnosis during adolescence. Rates of psychiatric
symptoms in gender-referred adolescents are comparable with those in children with other psychiatric
disorders, meaning there is no reason to suggest that gender dysphoria is something different from
mental illness. [].

Transsexuals college students are 5 times more likely than all students to have an eating disorder, and 30
times more likely than straight men to have eating disorders [

44% of transsexuals show signs of clinical depression [


85% of transsexuals show signs of psychological distress or have been recently treated for mental health

78% of transgender college students meet the criteria for mental illness

70% of transgenders were/are diagnosed with mental illness


58% of transgenders in US currently have at least 1 diagnosed mental illness


About 40% of transexuals have suicidal tendencies and tried to commit suicide. The suicide attempt rate
among transgenders ranges from 32% – 50% across the countries

82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide

"Lowering legal barriers to make it easier for minors to undergo cross-sex medical interventions without
parental consent doesn't reduce suicide rates — in fact, it likely leads to higher rates of suicide among
young people" [

41% of transgender people in the US attempted suicide


48% of transgenders attempted suicide


Transgender people attempt suicide 9 times more than the entire US population

37% of transsexual youth have attempted suicide within the last year

1 in 10 young transsexuals have attempted suicide more than three times in the last year

65% of transsexual youth have seriously considered suicide within the last year

37% of transsexual youth have attempted suicide within the last year

The best and largest research on "gender-affirming care" over 8 years among adolescents have found
that there was no improvement in mental health, but a 74% INCREASE in suicidality and "the most
pronounced increases in mental healthcare were for adjustment, anxiety, mood, personality, psychotic
disorders, and suicidal ideation/attempted suicide"

"Studies presenting the benefits (of sex reassignment through medical intervention) to mental health,
including those claiming that the services prevent suicide, are either low or very low quality and rely on
unreliable methods such as surveys and retrospective analyses, both of which are cross-sectional and
highly biased. Considering the weak evidence supporting the use of puberty suppression, cross-sex
hormones, and surgical procedures when compared to the stronger research demonstrating the
permanent effects they cause, these treatments do not conform to GAPMS (Generally Accepted
Professional Medical Standards) and are experimental and investigational."

Mississippi review of evidence agrees with the Florida review of evidence


Coming from WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health), over 50% of gender clinics
in Canada do not require ANY psychological assessment before giving puberty blockers/hormones

Adjusted Odds Ratios revealed significantly higher odds of a history of ever experiencing suicidal ideation
in those who planned to transition compared to those who do not want to receive treatment for
transitioning (aOR, 2.85; p < 0.01). [].
“Gender-Affirming” Surgery Leaves People Lonelier and Depressed, Study by Transgender Surgery
Department Chairman Finds [

"The FDA also recently added a warning to its label that the "gender affirming" drugs can cause a
dangerous swelling of the brain. Kuitenbrouwer and Vasterman also note concerns that the treatment
can "interfere with the ability to make rational decisions." [

A pharmaceutical company that marketed triptorelin as a puberty blocker funded the original study that
led to 'gender-affirming care' for minors

Paediatrician debunks the myth that puberty blockers are reversible; they're not

Lupron, used as chemical castration for violent sex offenders, is also used as a puberty blocker

A 2003 study in the New England Journal of Medicine concluded that some kids on drugs like Lupron
developed osteopenia and lost too much bone density during a three-year course of treatment to justify
the therapy. In other words, the lifetime risk of breaking a bone outweighed the reward of growing a bit
taller. [

Puberty blockers are irreversible as they have negative impacts on bone density which can cause serious
harm to a child's growth

Puberty blockers do not alleviate negative thoughts in children with gender dysphoria. Instead, children
experienced reduced growth in height and bone strength by the time they finished treatment.

Drugs such as leuprorelin, which are used as puberty blockers, very negatively affect cognitive ability.
This has a serious negative impact on children whose brains are still developing.

Puberty blockers showed no positive effect on psychological function but there was suppression of
growth [].

NHS changes its statement on puberty blockers from then being fully reversible to quite the opposite
and now lists a very long list of side effects for puberty blockers and cross sex hormones such as but not
limited to infertility [

Boston Children’s Hospital Claims Puberty Blockers “Completely Reversible”; Director Admits They Cause
Infertility During Use [

Use of exogenous oestrogen by MtF transsexuals results in an increased risk of breast cancer

Results indicate no mood changes when assessing depressed mood and other mood-related parameters
from baseline to after the fourth testosterone injection. [

A recent 2023 longitudinal study on " gender affirming care " found that after 18 months of "gender
affirming care" there is no statisticaly significant improvement of quality of life among transgender

Hormone therapy on youth showed no statisticaly significant improvement on mental health, but there
was increase in suicidal ideation. self harm and suicide attempts.

Cross-sex hormones affect the brain to some extent which is where the myth of trans brains comes from.
Trans brains aren't real, it is actually hormones influencing the brain enough to confuse the measures
and be abused in research by trans activists.

There is no significant difference in terms of depressive symptoms between MtFs with and without
hormonal treatment [].

Up to 25% of transwomen and 39% of transmen are obese before starting hormone therapy. Once
starting hormone therapy, obesity rates of the patients increase to 30% for transwomen and 52% for
transmen [].

Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal
behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity. Findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender
dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism [

"15 years after sex reassignment operation, quality of life is lower in the domains of general health, role
limitation, physical limitation, and personal limitation." [].
Danish follow up of transgenders found that even after sex reassignment surgery over 32 years did not
improve the mental illness rates and concluded that sex reassignment could have negative effects on
some individuals [].

After sex reassignment surgery, there was a trend of worsening state of well-being over a 5 year follow
up [].

Even after sex reassignment surgery the levels of depression and anxiety among transgenders stay the
same [].

CMS analysed 33 studies on sex reassignment surgery and found that "the results were inconsistent, but
negative in the best studies" [

When comparing psyhological functions of transgenders before and after surgery there was no
significant positive or negative change found

When comparing pre-operative and post-operative transsexuals there was no difference found in
satisfaction or depersonalization [].

There is no improvement in psychological functioning among transgenders in 6 months after surgery.

"The results of the study showed that GRS had no significant effect on functioning as measured by SCL-
90R within six months of surgery."

"There is no conclusive evidence that sex change operations improve the lives of transsexuals, with many
people remaining severely distressed and even suicidal after the operation, according to a medical
review." "The review of more than 100 international medical studies of post-operative transsexuals by
the University of Birmingham's Aggressive Research Intelligence Facility (ARIF) found no robust scientific
evidence that gender reassignment surgery is clinically effective."

There is no significant difference in well being between those who undergo genital surgery or surgical
breast augmentation and those who do not have these surgeries.

A study found that sex reassignment surgery in transsexuals is "not the treatment of choice", and had no
positive effect but there was "progressive level of psychological dysfunction"

Sex reassignment surgery confers no objective advantage in terms of social rehabilitation as compared
with a group of individuals who sought sex reassignment but remained unoperated upon follow-up.
50% of sex reassignment patients for just vaginoplasty have complications, and 14% have major and
severe complications [

20% of sex reassignment patients have severe complications after surgery [https://www.thieme-].

"The most thorough follow-up of sex-reassigned people—extending over thirty years and conducted in
Sweden, where the culture is strongly supportive of the transgendered—documents their lifelong mental
unrest. Ten to fifteen years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-
reassignment surgery rose to twenty times that of comparable peers." -Dr. Paul McHugh, former Johns
Hopkins Psychiatrist in Chief [].

20% stopping rate, 18% complication rate, 37% had hormone levels found to be out of target range
during the course of treatment [].

Biggest and currently newest (May 2023) research proves that social transition DOES NOT have
significant positive effect on mental health. "Overall, there were no significant effects of social transition
or name change on mental health status." [

Social transition of children doesn't result in better mental health outcomes. "The degree of social
transition did not significantly predict the outcome. Therefore, claims that gender affirmation through
transitioning socially is beneficial for children with GD could not be supported from the present results."

Sources on the advantages men have when participating in female sports. To avoid confusion: "man"
refers to a real man, "transman" refers to a woman who identifies as a man. "Woman" refers to a real
woman, "transwoman" refers to a man who identifies as a woman. After transwomen (i.e. biological
men) and transmen (i.e. biological women) both underwent 12 months of cross sex hormone therapy,
transwomen still ended up being stronger than transmen, in both absolute and height adjusted values

Transwomen retain greater muscle strength than women even after 36 months of hormone therapy

The biological advantage that transgender 'women' have over women is only minimally reduced when
testosterone is suppressed as per current sporting guidelines for transgender athletes

"Transwomen still had a 9% faster mean run speed after the 1 year period of testosterone suppression
that is recommended by World Athletics for inclusion in women’s events."

“[Biological] women have smaller conducting airways than men, even when matched for lung size. This is
important when considering the principles of airflow [...]"

“Men have significantly greater left ventricular mass and chamber size than women. Because the left
ventricular ejection fraction is the same in both sexes, the stroke volume is larger in men than in
women.” [].

Only 32 transgender people have been killed in the US in 2022. The trans murder rate is about 2.

In contrast the estimated murder rate in 2022 for the general population is 6.45. Thus trans people are 3
times less likely to be killed than the average American. [

Most murder cases of trans people involve either domestic violence within LGBT or high risk lifestyles
like sex work and high rates of STDs [

“The overall homicide rate of transgender individuals was likely to be less than that of cisgender
individuals” []

“But what about anti-trans bills”. Most of the legislation that is considered "anti-trans" by activists are:
Bills opposing gender ideology in elementary schools. Bills protecting minors from dangerous
surgery/hormone experiments. Bills involving religious people denying service based on conscience. Bills
prohibiting LGBT pornographic content to children [

Most pro-LGBT studies do not meet APA's own scientific standards


“According to APA’s own criteria, contradictions of APA’s reasoning are shown and scientific and logical
reasons are presented that show masturbation and homosexuality should be considered as abnormal
behaviours. We reviewed “statistical”, “well-being”, “dysfunction”, “anatomo-physiological” and “social
norm” criteria for healthy sexual behaviours and showed that, according to the real healthy criteria,
masturbation and homosexuality aren't normal behaviours.”

Involvement in LGBQ activism is related to Pathological Narcissistic Grandiosity and virtue signalling

Liberal sexual ethics that justify homosexuality also justify bestiality, pedophilia and rape (partially)

America has spent $700 million promoting gay rights abroad – an “integral” part of American foreign
policy, despite this having done more harm than good (in terms of persecution)

Arguments in favour of homosexuality are based on logical fallacies [


Arguments saying gender and sex are different don't make any logical sense

The decision to remove homosexuality off lists of mental illnesses was not scientific, it was the opposite,
against scientific evidence [].

96.8% of gays are white compared to 88.4% of heterosexuals


24% of lesbian and bisexual women are poor, compared to only 19% of heterosexual women

Gay and transgender students are half as likely to graduate high school as straight students

Biological sex is binary


84% of Furries aren't heterosexual. 99% of furries report sexual motivations for being furries. Furries are
sexualy attracted to anthropomorphic animals “Both sexual attraction to anthropomorphic animals and
sexual arousal by fantasizing about being anthropomorphic animals were nearly universal.”

Claims that gay parents are just as capable of raising children as straight parents are misrepresented.

Between 24% and 90% of lesbians report being psychologically abused by their partners.

Gay men are 60x more likely to have HIV than straight men.

46% of male homosexuals report being molested, as compared to only 7% of heterosexual men.

Gays are more likely than straight people to have mental illness.

1/4 gay men in America have had over 1000 sex partners. [

43% of gay men have over 500 partners. [


Gay men are six times more likely to commit suicide than straight men.

Gay men are 12x more likely to use amphetamines than straight men.

Gay men are 10x more likely to use heroin than straight men. [

Liberal arguments in favor of homosexuality are based on logical fallacies.


10 to 15 percent of older homosexuals have more than 1000 sex partners.


Gay people are 2-3x more likely to abuse alcohol than straight people.

Up to 50% of lesbians have reported sexual abuse. [].

79% of homosexual men say over half of their sex partners are strangers.

99.8% of lesbian, gay and bisexual teens will change their sexual orientation within 13 years.

Two-thirds of men and women who were homosexual change their orientation to heterosexual five years
later. [].

Two thirds of self-identified lesbians later have heterosexual relationships.


Identifying as lesbian, gay or bisexual doesn't end sexual questioning or confusion.


One in eight gay men in London has HIV. [


Gay men are twice as likely as straight men to be in interracial relationships.


In Australia, 25% of homosexuals have had more than 100 sex partners.

Gay men, who are 1.65% of the US population, account for 63% of the country’s syphilis cases.

In 2010, homosexuals were about 200 times more likely than everyone else to be diagnosed with HIV.

Gay men are 15 times more likely to have Hepatitis B than everyone else.

Homosexuals are more to use illegal drugs and drink to excess than straight people.

Homosexuals are more likely than straight people to have anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and to
commit suicide. [

Gay men are 10-15 times more likely than straight men to have eating disorders.

40% to 60% of serial killers are homosexuals.


Homosexual men are more likely to have been abused by their partners than straight men.

Monogamy isn't a central feature of most homosexual relationships.


Married homosexual men are 50% more likely than straight couples to divorce.

In the Netherlands, the average homosexual in a “steady relationship” has seven to eight affairs per year.

Over 20% of older homosexuals have had more than 500 different sex partners.

The average gay man has several dozen sex partners per year. [].

28% of homosexuals have had sex with over a thousand men. For straight men? Just 25% have had sex
with more than 10 women. [].
Most “long term relationships” between gay men last less than eight years.

Among gay Canadian men in “committed relationships, only 25% were monogamous.

In one study, only 9% of gay men were monogamous. [].

75% of straight men an are faithful, compared to just 4.5% of gay men.

In Berlin, 83% of gay men in “steady” relationships had had frequent affairs in the last year.

Infection rates for gonorrhea and chlamydia are increasing among active homosexual men.

Gay men, 1% of the population, account for 83% of syphilis cases.


Syphilis was almost eradicated, but made a comeback among homosexual men.

Active homosexual men are 17 times more likely than straight people to have anal cancer.

Lesbians are 2.5x more likely than straight women to be obese.


Lesbians are twice as likely as straight women to have eating disorders.


Lesbians are twice as likely as straight women to be stalked or physically abused by their partners.

Married lesbians are 2-3 times more likely to divorce than straight couples.

Homosexuals, lesbians, and transsexuals are poorer than straight people.


America has spent $700 million promoting gay rights abroad – an “integral” part of American foreign
policy. [

Transsexuals are four times more likely than the average person to be infected with HIV.
About 88% of children who have gender dysphoria do not hold those beliefs when they grow older.

Only 12% of boys who believe they're transsexuals still believe so when they're older.

MRI scans indicate that MtF transsexuals are either men aroused by the thought of possessing female
genitalia or homosexuals who want to seduce straight men.

41% of transsexuals have tried and failed to commit suicide.


Transsexuals who undergo sex reassignment surgery are more likely to commit suicide.

Most young transsexuals have committed self-harm within the last twelve months.

65% of transsexual youth have seriously considered suicide within the last year.

37% of transsexual youth have attempted suicide within the last year.

1 in 10 young transsexuals has attempted suicide more than three times in the last year.

Only 21% of transsexuals can sucessfully pass as the opposite gender.


53% of mothers of transsexual children have Borderline Personality Disorder, compared to only 6% of
mothers of normal children. [].

16% of transsexuals have been sent to jail or prison, compared to 2.7% of the general population.

Gay and transgender students are half as likely to graduate high school as straight students.
20-40% of homeless children are transsexuals.

44% of transsexuals with a job are underemployed. [


Children raised by gay couples are twice as likely to be in poverty as children of straight married couples.

“24% of lesbians and bisexual women are poor, compared with only 19% of heterosexual women.”

1/3 transsexuals are being treated for mental health. [


85% of transsexuals show signs of psychological distress or have been recently treated for mental health.

44% of transsexuals show signs of clinical depression. [


Transsexuals are more likely to have autism than the general population.

Transsexuals college students are five times more likely than all students to have an eating disorder.

Transsexuals college students are 30 times more likely than straight men to have eating disorders.

27% of MtF transsexuals test positive for HIV. Only 12% report it.

Transsexuals are several times more likely than normal people to have schizophrenia.

Worldwide, male-to-female transsexuals are 50 times likely to have HIV than normal people.

Transsexuals have higher rates of drug and alcohol abuse, prostitution, and incarceration than normal
people. [].

Transsexuals have higher rates of unemployment, homelessness, and attempted suicide than normal
people. [].
Transsexuals are four times more likely to live in extreme poverty than the general population.

Transsexuals are twice as likely to be unemployed as the general population.


Non-white transsexuals are four times as likely to be unemployed as the general population.

Transsexuals are twice as likely to be homeless as cisgendered people.


1 in 5 transsexuals has been homeless at least once in their lives.


Close to 80% of children who feel transsexual will abandon their sexual confusion as they age.

Many transsexuals choose to take hormone treatments over HIV medication.


Male-to-female transsexuals are 50 times more likely than normal people to have HIV.

1. Facts About the Dangers of Homosexuality

Abused "More Likely to Be Gay"

Alcohol and Drug Use Among Homosexual Men and Women

Anal Cancer Rise in Gay Men Prompts Calls for Vaccinations

Attack of the Killer Dykes!

College Allows Transgender Man to Expose Himself to Young Girls

CDC: 94 to 95 Percent of HIV Cases Among Young Men Linked to Gay Sex

CDC Warns Gay Men of 'Epidemic' HIV Rates

Comparative Data of Childhood and Adolescence Molestation in Heterosexual and Homosexual Persons

Drug Use "Seven Times Higher" Among Gays


Estimates of New HIV Infections in the United States, 2007-2010

Gay Couples' Children Oppose Same-Sex Marriage, Tell of Unpleasant Upbringings

Gay Marriage - Secular Reasons Against It


Gay Science is All Fake, How Gays Control Psychology

Grown Children of Gay Parents Tell Courts How Gay Marriage Destroyed Their Childhood

High School Graduation Rates Among Children of Same-Sex Households

Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals


HIV Among Homosexual and Bisexual Men

HIV in the United States

HIV Increase Among Black Gays Called 'Alarming'

HIV Infected Man 'Hooking Up' on Websites Faces Charges for Intentionally Spreading Disease

Homosexuality in Ancient Greece - The Myth is Collapsing


Homosexual Men Have Fifty Times Higher Rate of AIDS

Homosexual Men Twice as Likely to Have Cancer


Homosexuality: The Mental Illness That Went Away

How Different are the Adult Children of Parents who Have Same-Sex Relationships?

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is 'Mental Disorder;' Sex Change 'Biologically Impossible'

Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in

New Research on Same-Sex Households Reveals Kids Do Best With Mom and Dad

One in Five Homosexual, Bisexual Men in U.S. Cities Has HIV

Oregon Allowing 15-Year-Olds to Get State-Subsidized Sex-Change Operations

Plato, Laws, Section 636c


Populations at Higher Risk for HIV: Route of Transmission

The Removal of Homosexuality from the Psychiatric Manual

Report Finds Black Homosexual Males in U.S. Worst Hit By HIV-AIDS

'Sister Wives' Family Cites Gay Marriage Ruling in Polygamy Case

Statistics on Sexual Promiscuity Among Homosexuals

STD Facts - Syphilis & MSM

Syphilis Makes a Worrying Comeback in U.S.


Transgender is 'Mental Disorder;' Sex Change 'Biologically Impossible'

Transgender People Face Alarmingly High Risk of Suicide

Transgender Surgery Isn't the Solution


Transgenderism is a Psychiatric Disorder: Its Sufferers Need Therapy, Not Surgery

Viral Hepatitis Populations - Men Who Have Sex with Men

WHO Warns HIV 'Exploding' Among Gay Men, Urges Preventive Drugs

2. Facts About the Dangers of Homosexuality (From Sources You'll Probably Dismiss Out of Hand)

Child Molestation and Homosexuality


Children of Homosexual Parents Report Childhood Difficulties

Comparing the Lifestyles of Homosexual Couples to Married Couples


Deadly Meningitis Outbreak Hits NYC Gay Community


Everyone Should Know These Statistics on Homosexuals

Frightening Gay Statistics

Gay Youths 148% More Likely to Be Physically Abused in Relationships: DOJ-Funded Report
Growing Up with Gay Parents: What's the Big Deal?

Health Risks - Fisting and Other Homosexual Practices

HIV+ Homosexual Men 9000% More Likely to Develop Anal Cancer

HIV/AIDS is Predominately a Homosexual Disease


Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse

Homosexuality and Mental Health Problems

The Majority of Homosexuals are Spreading HIV on Purpose, and it's Being Covered Up

Men Having Sex with Men at Far Greater Risk for Cancer, STD's, Infections

The Negative Health Effects of Homosexuality

New Study On Homosexual Parents Tops All Previous Research


Statistics on Sexual Promiscuity Among Homosexuals

Study Confirms Gay Life Expectancy Twenty Years Shorter

Syphilis Rates Soar 134% Among Homosexual Black Men


Study Shows Homosexual Parenting Not Equal to Heterosexual Marriage

Ten Arguments from Social Science Against Same-Sex Marriage

Violence and Homosexuality

What Research Shows - NARTH's Response to the APA Claims on Homosexuality
3. Homosexual Indoctrination

A Boys' Camp to Redefine Gender

ABC Hires Gay Activist to Write Eight Hour Miniseries About the History of the Gay Rights Movement

Are Gay Marriages Healthier Than Straight Marriages?

Behind the Rhetoric: The Social Goals of GLBT Advocacy in Corporate America

Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want to Indoctrinate Kids

CBS Execs Meet with Transgender Activists to Promote Positive TV Portrayals

Children as Young as Four Being Given Transgender Lessons Which Encourage Them to Explore Their
'Gender Identities'

CW Developing Drama About Transgender Teenager from Producer Michael London

Dems Declare War on Words 'Husband,' 'Wife'

FCKH8 is Mailing 10,000 Pro-Gay Coloring Books to Kids in Russia During the Olympics

Gay Lobby Tries To Control Media Coverage Of Pope’s Actions


Gender Fluidity Promoted to Children as Young as Three, Educators Still Want to Go Further

Grammys to Feature On-Air Weddings of 34 Couples

Homosexual Activist Admits True Purpose of Battle is to Destroy Marriage

The Homosexual Propaganda Campaign in America's Media

I Have Come to Indoctrinate Your Children into My LGBTQ Agenda (And I'm Not a Bit Sorry)

'I'm Gay. And I Want My Kid to Be Gay Too'


Inclusive Sex Education is Vital – and British Schools Aren't Delivering It

Lesbian Teacher: How I Convince Kids to Accept Gay 'Marriage', Starting at Four-Years-Old

Media Exposure and Viewers' Attitudes Toward Homosexuality

The Media is Not Biased Toward Homosexual Marriage. It is Promoting it.

The Overhauling of Straight America

Parents Outraged After Middle Schoolers Attend LGBTQ Sex Conference

Queering Agriculture?

The Rampant Promotion of Homosexuality in Movies and Television

The Real Homosexual Agenda is on Your TV and Movie Screens


Schools to Have Dedicated 'LGBT Awareness' Classes in Sweden

Study: Watching Porn Boosts Support for Homosexual Marriage

Swedish Children in Daycare Forced to Attend Pride Parade


Tips on Taking Kids to San Francisco Gay Pride Parade


Transgender Underwear: More than Just Undies: The Smallest Details are the Most Important for Parents
of Transgender Kids

4. Heterosexual Oppression By Homosexuals and Their Supporters

AIDS Expert Fired for Testifying Gay Sex is Harmful to Public Health

Air Force Sergeant Claims He was Fired for Refusing to Endorse Gay Marriage: Faces Court Martial

Ashers Baking Company: 'Gay Cake' Row Could End Up in Court

Cabbie Ordered to Pay $15,000 for Telling Lesbian Couple to Stop Kissing in Taxi

Chaplains Banned from Preaching That Homosexuality is a Sin

Chaplains Group Investigating Claims Army Threatened Chaplain Over Facebook Post on Homosexuality

Chick-Fil-A Blocked from Denver Airport for Now


Children Who Say Homosexuality is 'Wrong' Could Be Viewed as Extremist Threat

Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries to Bake Him Pro-Traditional Marriage Cake, and is Denied
Service By All of Them

Colorado Bakery that Refused to Bake Anti-Gay Cakes Did Not Discriminate, State Agency Says

Colorado's Reverse Discrimination: Yes to Gay Marriage, No to Bible Verses

Dems Declare War on Words 'Husband,' 'Wife'

Denmark Forces Churches to Perform Same-Sex 'Marriages'

'Duck Dynasty' Star Suspended for Anti-Gay Remarks


Fox Sports Football Announcer Fired Over 2011 Remarks on Homosexuality

Gay Activists Launch Complaint Against Teacher Who Included Homosexuality on List of Possible Sins

Gay Advocates Hurl Feces-Stained Bible Pages at Christians for Protesting Teaching of Homosexuality in
German Schools

Gay Danish Couples Win Right to Marry in Church

Gay Couple Suing Church for Refusing Wedding


Gay Flag-Burning Suspect Released on Own Recognizance


Girls Threatened With Hate Crime Charges for Complaining About Transgender Bathroom Harassment

Grandmother Who Refused to Make Gay Wedding Floral Arrangements Could Lose House, Life Savings
After Guilty Verdict

Hitching Post Sues Coeur d’Alene After Declining to Marry Gay Couple

Idaho City's Ordinance Tells Pastors to Marry Gays or Go to Jail

Johns Hopkins Bans Chick-fil-A from Campus: 'Microaggression' Against LGBT Students

Judge Orders Baker to Serve Gay Couples Despite His Religious Beliefs

Millionaire Gay Couple is Suing to Force a Church to Hold Their Wedding

New Bible Translation "Queen James Bible" Eliminates "Homosexuality as Sin" Because it Insults Gays

New Calls to Strip Churches of Tax Exempt Status After Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

New Mexico Supreme Court: Christian Photographers Must Shoot Homosexual Commitment Ceremony

NY Farm Owners Fined $13,000 for Refusing to Host Same-Sex Wedding

Obama Warns Christians: Gay Rights More Important Than Religious Freedom

Oregon Business Must Pay $150,000 to Homosexual Couple for Refusing to Bake a Cake

Portland Bar Owner Must Pay $400K for Kicking Transgender Patrons Out of Bar

Same-Sex Couple in Sweet Cakes Controversy Should Receive $135,000, Hearings Officer Says

Scottish Man Fined $62K for ‘Homophobic’ Twitter Message

Sharia Law or Gay Marriage Critics Would Be Branded 'Extremists' Under Tory Plans, Atheists and
Christians Warn

The Silencing: Paper Will Limit Anti-Gay Marriage Op-Eds


Student Suspended for Saying Homosexuality is Wrong


Students Suspended for Wearing Confederate Flags to Protest Gay Rainbow Flag

Thousands Petition Against "19 Kids and Counting" for LGBTQ "Fear Mongering"

Transgender Anchor Sues BET for $2.5 Million Because He Couldn't Host Segment in Drag

Transgender Man Wins Complaint Against Bridal Shop for Not Letting Him Try on Wedding Dress

Tur Threatens to Send Breitbart's Ben Shapiro Home in an Ambulance During Jenner Discussion

Washington Florist Sued for Refusing to Provide Flowers for Same-Sex Wedding
5. Homosexuality is a Choice

Identical Twin Studies Prove Homosexuality is No Genetic

Just Over 2% Tell CDC They Are Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual

New Twin Study: People Not Born Gay


No One is Born Gay

Proof You Can't be 'Born Gay'

Summary of Scientific Findings on Homosexuality

6. Homosexuality is Degenerate




[v. dih-jen-uh-reyt; adj., n. dih-jen-er-it]

verb, de·gen·er·at·ed, de·gen·er·at·ing, adjective, noun

verb (used without object)

1. To fall below a normal or desirable level in physical, mental, or moral qualities; deteriorate: The
morale of the soldiers degenerated, and they were unable to fight.

2. To diminish in quality, especially from a former state of coherence, balance, integrity, etc.: The debate
degenerated into an exchange of insults.

3. Pathology . to lose functional activity, as a tissue or organ.

4. Evolution. (of a species or any of its traits or structures) to revert to a simple, less highly organized, or
less functionally active type, as a parasitic plant that has lost its taproot or the vestigial wings of a
flightless bird.

verb (used with object)

5. to cause degeneration in; bring about a decline, deterioration, or reversion in.
ABC's 'Bachelor' Juan Pablo Galavis Says Gays Shouldn't Be on the Show

>"They're more pervert in a sense. To me, the show would be too strong, too hard to watch on TV," said
the reality star.

After Fifteen Years as 'Father' and 'Son,' Gay Couple in Pennsylvania Finally Marry

Bug Chasing: Why Some Men Want to Become HIV Positive

Dallas: Police and Pride Organizers Say No 'Lewdness' or Nudity

Folsom Street Fair 2007

Folsom Street Fair 2010-2013

Gay Advocates Hurl Feces-Stained Bible Pages at Christians for Protesting Teaching of Homosexuality in
German Schools

Gay Student to Lose His Virginity in Live Sex Performance for Art

The Gift

Inside the Meth-Fueled, Week-Long Orgies Plaguing London's Gay Scene

Jizz on the Rocks: Introducing Semen-Infused Cocktails


Legislation Seeks to Clothe Castro's Naked Guys


Little Boy Twerking at Gay Pride Event

A Porn Director Stirred Up Controversy by Making a Movie Centered Around HIV

Two Men, 58 Years and Counting. A Love Story.


>“Unbelievable,” he said. “And the toilets in the subways — in those days if you traveled, say, 14th Street
to 59th Street, you had to make at least three stops on the way, to check out every toilet. “And there was
always gay activity going on in the toilets. And I think it cost a nickel to get in in those days.”

Up Your Alley 2008

Up Your Alley Fair 2015

Vancouver Police, Officials Would Not Uphold Laws Against Public Nudity at Pride Parade

Your Standard F***party

7. Christianity's Beliefs on Homosexuality

Christianity and Homosexuality

Homosexuality: Questions and Answers



Twelve Bible Verses About Homosexuality

What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?

What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality? Is Homosexuality a Sin?

8. The Real Slippery Slope

Bestiality Brothels are 'Spreading Through Germany' Warns Campaigner as Abusers Turn to Sex with
Animals as 'Lifestyle Choice'

Germany Urges Paedophiles Out of the Shadows

I'm a Pedophile, But Not a Monster

I'm a Pedophile, You're the Monsters

Is Incest Wrong?

Is Pedophilia a Sexual Orientation?

Is Polygamy Next?

It's Time to Legalize Polygamy


Lawmaker: Pedophilia, Bestiality Equal to Homosexuality


Lawyer: 'Legalize Incest!'

Not All Paedophiles Are Bad People - We Need to Have a Sense of Proportion

The Pedophile I Could Not Help: He Was Not a Monster or a Molester. The System Destroyed Him

Pedophiles Want Same Rights as Homosexuals

Pedophilia a 'Sexual Orientation' Experts Tell Parliament


Pedophilia the Next 'Sexual-Rights' Revolution?


Polygamous Montana Trio Applies for Wedding License

Stanford Law Prof: No Marriage Equality Until Polygamy and Adult Incest Legalized

Those Who Practice Bestiality Say They're Part of the Next Sexual Rights Movement

University Academics Say Pedophilia is 'Natural, and Normal for Males to Be Aroused By Children'

9. Jewish Controlled Media's Promotion of Homosexuality

ABC Hires Gay Activist to Write Eight Hour Miniseries About the History of the Gay Rights Movement

CBS Execs Meet with Transgender Activists to Promote Positive TV Portrayals

CW Developing Drama About Transgender Teenager from Producer Michael London

First Picture of Oscar-Winner Redmayne in Latest Role as Transgender Pioneer

Grammys to Feature On-Air Weddings of Thirty-Four Couples

The Homosexual Propaganda Campaign in America's Media

Laverne Cox Cast in CBS Legal Drama


Media Exposure and Viewers' Attitudes Toward Homosexuality

The Media is Not Biased Toward Homosexual Marriage. It is Promoting it.

The Rampant Promotion of Homosexuality in Movies and Television

The Real Homosexual Agenda is on Your TV and Movie Screens


Study: Watching Porn Boosts Support for Homosexual Marriage

There's Going to Be a Movie About the Supreme Court Gay Marriage Ruling
10. Jewish Promotion of Homosexuality

ADL and the LGBT Community: A Commitment to Equal Rights

American Jews Delighted by U.S. Supreme Court Gay Marriage Ruling

Barney Frank

Biden: "Jewish Leaders Drove Gay Marriage Changes"


California Governor Signs Homosexual Bill Eliminating Terms 'Husband' and 'Wife'

>The legislation had been presented by Sen. Mark Leno (D-San Francisco)

>Mark Leno is the grandson of Jewish Russian immigrants.

FAIR Education Act

>Sponsors: Sen. Mark Leno, Assem. Tom Ammiano

>Mark Leno is the grandson of Jewish Russian immigrants.

Gay Marriage's Jewish Pioneer


Gay Activist Masha Gessen Speech for Viral "Gay Marriage is a Lie" and Calls for End to "Marriage"

Harvey Milk

I Am An Orthodox Rabbi Who Doesn't Perform Gay Marriages, but I Celebrate Today's Supreme Court

Jewish Leaders Behind the Homosexual and Lesbian Movement

Leading Gay Activist Frank Kameny Says: "Bestiality OK as Long as the Animal Doesn't Mind"

Lutheran Pastor Says Jews to Blame for Destroying Christian Values After U.S. Approves Gay Marriage

Jews Should Support Gay Marriage


Jewish Group Backs RI Gay Marriage Bill,7340,L-4351192,00.html

Jewish Groups Back Obama on Gay Marriage


Jewish Groups Celebrate Historic U.S. Supreme Court Gay Marriage Ruling

Jewish Groups Hail Supreme Court's Legalization of Gay Marriage Nationwide

Jewish Lesbian Widow Edith Windsor Revels in Win on Gay Marriage

Jewish Scouting Leaders Vocal on Gay Inclusion


Jewish Supremacists, Homosexuality and Divide and Conquer


Judaism & Homosexuality: A Marriage Made in Hell

Magnus Hirschfeld

The Plot to Make America Gay

Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg Officiates Same-Sex "Wedding"

Supreme Court's Gay Marriage Agenda

Tel Aviv Invites Caitlyn Jenner to Head Gay Pride Parade

U.S. Jews Among the Most Supportive of Gay Marriage


Why Jews Push Gay Marriage

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