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Learning Action Cell

April 28, 2023

Understanding and adopting effective strategies to engage parents and the wider school community in the
educative process.

As a participant in the LAC on “Building relationships with parents/ guardians

and the wider school community to facilitate involvement in the educative
process. I clearly understood the importance of having a strong and positive
relationship with the many stakeholders the school have for they hold a crucial job
in achieving quality education outcomes. Maintaining parental and stakeholder
engagement is crucial for creating a strong and supportive school community and
enhancing student outcomes.

According to Republic Act 9155, education is a shared responsibility that requires

strong cooperation from parents, guardians, and other sectors in the community, in
addition to the school. The success of educating learners and achieving the
outcomes specified by the DepEd depends on the engagement of school heads,
teachers, parents, and various stakeholders. How can teachers establish a
professional relationship with parents and the wider school community to ensure
that educational services are delivered effectively to the learners, who are at the
heart of the educative process?The LAC discussed different strategies that we as
teachers can use to sustain parental and stakeholder engagement.

First in maintaining a good communication with stakeholders. Effective

communication is essential to keep parents and stakeholders informed about what
is happening at the school. We can use various communication channels such as
text, calls, social media, and parent-teacher conferences to keep parents and
stakeholders informed about academic progress, school events and other important
information. Second is the involvement of parents in school programs, the school or
we as teachers/advisers can organize parent involvement programs that encourage
parents to participate in school activities, such as volunteering, attending school
events, and serving on school committees. This helps to build a sense of community
and strengthens the school's relationship with parents and stakeholders. Third is
partnerships, the teachers through the help of the school head can establish
partnerships with local businesses, organizations, and community groups to create
opportunities for students and to engage parents and stakeholders. These
partnerships can include mentorship programs, internships, job-shadowing, and
other activities that help to connect students with the community. The Senior High
School Program as an example has maintained partnerships with firms for the
Immersion of graduating students. We can also utilize these partnerships during
Brigada Eskwela Activities which will enable us to raise funds for the school. Fourth
is having a strong feedback mechanism. We as teachers should encourage parents
and stakeholders to provide feedback about the student’s academic status, school
activities and programs and policies. This can be done through surveys, focus
groups, or other forms of feedback. This feedback can be used to improve the
school's programs and policies and to strengthen the relationship between the
school and the community. Fifth is providing recognition, the schools should
recognize the contributions of parents and stakeholders to the school community.
This can be done through awards, certificates, or other forms of recognition. This
helps to build a sense of pride and ownership in the school community and
strengthens the school's relationship with parents and stakeholders.

By implementing these strategies, schools can sustain parental and stakeholder

engagement and create a strong and supportive school community that enhances
student outcomes. Understanding and adopting effective strategies to engage
parents and the wider school community in the educative process is an ongoing
commitment for schools and educators. By implementing open communication,
parent education, volunteering programs, and community partnerships, schools can
create an environment that fosters collaboration, support, and ultimately leads to
improved student outcomes. Overcoming challenges through cultural sensitivity and
flexible approaches ensures inclusivity and equitable participation. By prioritizing
parent and community engagement, schools can create a powerful network of
support that enriches the educational experience for all students.

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