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Learning Action Cell

April 28, 2023


During the LAC on “Developing Critical, Creative, and Higher Order Thinking
Skills, I had a self-assessment on the strategies I have been using in my lesson
deliveries. Whether I was able to draw the academic juices my students have, then
I became excited on the learnings this LAC will give me.

Teaching strategies that foster critical and creative thinking, as well as other
higher-order thinking skills, are essential for preparing students to thrive in the
complex and dynamic world. Through the LAC we were able to explore the
importance of developing these skills and discuss various teaching strategies that
can be employed to cultivate critical and creative thinking in students.

Developing critical, creative and higher order thinking skills among students is very
important with the present condition we are facing now. Students are easily
influenced by what they see, hear or read on any social media platform. They are
tossed back and forth like waves in the sea. Some of them do not process anymore
whether what they will do is right or wrong as long as it is popular or will give them
may views, likes etc. Critical thinking skills will help students with their problem
solving skills, it will enable students to analyze information, evaluate evidence, and
develop logical solutions to complex problems. Also, by developing critical thinking
skills, students will become better equipped to make informed decisions by
considering multiple perspectives and assessing the consequences of their choices.
Creative thinking skills empower students to generate original ideas, think outside
the box, and approach challenges with an open mind. Higher-order thinking skills
lay the foundation for lifelong learning, encouraging students to question, explore,
and seek deeper understanding in various contexts.

A few Teaching Strategies to Develop Critical, Creative, and Higher Order Thinking
Skills were utilized during the LAC, these are the following:

First is Problem-Based Learning, it presents authentic and complex problems that

require students to apply critical thinking skills to find innovative solutions. Second
is the use of effective questioning strategies. It can be noted that there is an art in
questioning, if you as a teacher will ask the right or correct questions, you will get
the right answers as opposed to just asking incorrect questions. Learning comes
from being able to answer correctly organized questions. Third is collaborative
learning where students are encouraged to work in groups, engage in discussions,
and solve problems collectively, fostering critical thinking through collaboration and
the exchange of ideas. And lastly through Role, Audience, Format, and Topic (RAFT)
Strategy which Engage students in role-playing scenarios or simulations that
challenge them to think critically and make decisions in a realistic context

Critical and creative thinking skills, as well as other higher-order thinking skills, are
essential for students to prosper in the twenty-first century. Teachers can develop
autonomous thinking, innovation, and effective problem-solving by employing
teaching problem-based learning, collaborative learning, incorporating technology
and Role, Audience, Format, and Topic Strategy. Assessing these skills authentically
and offering opportunities for self-reflection helps students to become lifelong
learners capable of navigating the complexities of the modern world.

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