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Reflection (Quarter 1)

A learner-centered teaching and learning process greatly involves collaboration.

When students work together in groups or pairs, they become actively involved in
discussions, problem-solving, and knowledge construction. This active engagement
helps them develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
In a collaborative learning approach, Learners are encouraged to work
collaboratively, engaging in group projects, peer learning, and cooperative activities.
Collaboration promotes communication skills, teamwork, and the sharing of ideas and
Teaching the 21st Century Literature becomes much more interesting when
students share ideas and prior knowledge on topics they are more familiar with. This
can help develop their interpersonal skills as well as leadership skills.
A collaborative classroom is a fun classroom. This approach makes learning less
Reflection (Quarter 2)

Learner-centered classrooms promote active engagement and participation.

Students are encouraged to collaborate, discuss, and interact with their peers and the
learning materials. This can involve group work, problem-solving activities, hands-on
experiments, and other interactive strategies that allow students to construct their own
One teaching and learning approach that can be highlighted in this lesson is the
Active Learning Approach. Active learning techniques grab students' attention and
promote their active involvement in the learning process. By participating in discussions,
hands-on activities, or group work, students are more engaged and motivated to learn.
This active engagement reduces boredom and enhances their overall learning
This particular lesson highlights the students’ ability to assess their peers and
themselves. The activities help increase engagement. As they are given the tasks to
assess their own performance and objectively compare and contrast with those of their
In the Active Learning strategy, the students are given the opportunity to
communicate and improve their problem-solving skills. Personally, this approach is an
effective strategy inside the classroom.
Reflection (Quarter 3)

This particular lesson is on Formulating Research Questions. It is then

appropriate that I, as the teacher, will employ the Inquiry-Based Approach.
Inquiry-based learning is an educational approach that places the learner at the
center of the learning process, emphasizing curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-
solving skills. It encourages students to ask questions, investigate topics of interest, and
actively engage in the learning process.
One of the activities performed in this lesson is to pick the better question among
two choices. Through inquiry-based learning, students learn to think critically and
analyze information. They are encouraged to evaluate evidence, assess different
perspectives, and draw conclusions based on their findings. This helps them develop
skills such as reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making.
When students actively participate in the learning process through inquiry, they
are more likely to retain the knowledge they acquire. By investigating and discovering
concepts on their own, they build a deeper understanding of the subject matter, which
leads to better retention and long-term learning.
Inquiry-based learning is indeed an effective approach for a learner-centered
Reflection (Quarter 4)

In Writing the Recommendations, it is very important that the students are able to
experience and learn the concepts essential to conducting research.
Learning by doing, also known as experiential learning or hands-on learning, is
an approach that emphasizes active engagement and practical application of
knowledge and skills. It involves students actively participating in tasks, projects, or real-
world experiences to acquire knowledge and develop skills.
When students actively engage in hands-on activities, they experience the
subject matter firsthand. This experiential approach allows them to make connections
between theory and practice, leading to a deeper understanding of the concepts being
taught. By actively participating in the learning process, students are more likely to
retain the knowledge and skills they acquire.
Since the conduct of the research paper is done in groups, students learn to work
effectively with their peers, communicate their ideas, listen to others, and solve
problems collectively.
Writing recommendations in research papers can expose learners to real-world
issues and challenges. Through the Experiential approach, students can enhance their
skills in decision-making.
(School Paper Adviser)

Engaging students in campus journalism will help develop their skills in writing
and speaking. They learn how to effectively communicate their ideas, thoughts, and
opinions through various media platforms such as articles, interviews, and reports.
These skills are invaluable in academic pursuits and future professional endeavors.
Journalism encourages student-journalists and teacher-advisers to analyze and
evaluate information critically. They learn to research, fact-check, and verify sources
before presenting their findings. This process fosters critical thinking skills, enabling
students to question and analyze the world around them, making them more discerning
learners. Through collaboration, they learn to delegate tasks, manage deadlines, and
work towards a common goal.
Through writing various forms of literature, student-journalists have an outlet to
express their creativity and showcase their unique perspectives. Whether through
writing, photography, graphic design, or video production, they can explore different
forms of expression.
As a school paper adviser, I can also develop my leadership skills as I am tasked
to lead a group of writers to become skilled and effective journalists.
Overall, journalism is an experience that can teach both students and I, as a
teacher, to enhance critical thinking and become responsible contributors to the society.
(SLAC on Teacher Glance: Classroom Observable Tool & Non Classroom
Observable Indicators)

Generally speaking, I found the training so informative and reflective. There are
lots of realization I have made, many of which I know need immediate attention and
The RPMS is an important evaluation which can provide valuable feedback to
teachers on their teaching methods, classroom management, and communication skills.
Constructive feedback helps educators understand their strengths and weaknesses,
enabling them to make necessary adjustments to their teaching strategies. This leads to
continuous improvement in their teaching practices. By continuously assessing teaching
quality, institutions can make informed decisions to enhance the overall educational
Effective teaching evaluation can lead to improved student learning outcomes.
When educators are aware of what works best for their students, they can tailor their
teaching methods to cater to different learning styles and needs. This customization
leads to a more engaging and effective learning experience for students.
The Department of Education’s continuous efforts to enhance the teaching-
learning processes through the RPMS is commendable. I, personally, support this
endeavor as long as it does not bring untoward additional burden to the us.
(SLAC on “Upskill and Glances: Classroom Observable Indicators and Preparing
Lesson Plan)

Learning about the 9 classroom observable indicators was a reminder of my role

as a teacher inside the classroom.
Classroom observable indicators refer to the specific behaviors, actions, and
interactions that can be seen and assessed in a classroom setting. These indicators
provide insights into the dynamics of the classroom, the effectiveness of teaching
methods, and the overall learning environment. Observing these indicators allows
educators, administrators, and researchers to assess various aspects of teaching and
Being familiar with these indicators will help me prepare my lessons. Well-
designed lesson plans serve as roadmaps for us, teachers, guiding us through the
teaching process to achieve specific learning objectives. Lesson planning enables
teachers to gather and organize the necessary materials, resources, and teaching aids
in advance. This ensures smooth transitions between different parts of the lesson and
minimizes disruptions.
This SLAC session is also an important reminder for me that these indicators are
not meant to be a burden but should serve as aid and guide to enhance my teaching.

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