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Understanding the meaning of word based on its context.

(Memahami makna kata berdasarkan konteksnya)

Part of speech: Pembagian kata :

Noun : Kata benda
Verb : Kata kerja
Adjective : Kata sifat
Adverb : Kata keterangan
Preposition : Kata depan

What is the meaning of the following words in Bahasa Indonesia:

pen pal (noun) : sahabat pena

sound (verb) : nampaknya
run (transitive verb) : mengelola
(be) into (preposition) : sangat menyukai
attend (verb) school, college : bersekolah/kuliah
distant (adjective) : jauh
commuter train (noun) : kereta komuter
magnificent (adjective) : luar biasa
mother tongue (noun) : bahasa pertama
half sister/brother (noun) : saudara tiri

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Preposition

pen pal sound distant now (be) into
commuter train run magnificent last year
mother tongue attend
half sister/brother
book go beautiful tomorrow in
pen write hungry yesterday at
house take a bath sad at home on
car cook happy at school under
dll dll. dll. dll. above

Memahami arti kata sesuai dengan konteks yang dibahas.

run, bisa berarti lari, berlari, bisa juga berarti mengelola, menjalankan
The horse runs fast.
My father runs a restaurant.

attend, bisa berarti menghadiri, bisa juga bersekolah/kuliah

I will attend the meeting at 8 o’clock.
I attend SMAN 1 Cibungbulang in Cibatok.

sound : bisa berarti bunyi, suara (kata benda). Bisa juga berarti nampaknya/sepertinya (kata

My new TV has good sound. (TV baruku memiliki suara yang bagus)
It sounds interesting. (nampaknya menarik/kedengarannya menarik)
age : usia/umur (kata benda) :
What is your age?
What is his age?

old : usia/umur (kata sifat) :

How old are you?
How old is he?
old ; tua, lama
old car : mobil jadul

new : baru
news : berita/kabar

in : di dalam : in the class, in my bag

in : di : in Bogor

at : di : at school, at home
at : pada : at seven o’clock. at night

on : di atas : on the wall, on the table.

be into
be (is/are/am)

I am into swimming = I like swimming very much

She is into cooking = She likes cooking very much.

Address (kata benda) : What is your address?

live (kata keja) : tinggal : We live in Bogor.

live (kata sifat) : It is live concert., live music.
life (Kata benda) : kehidupan

hobby ; My hobby is swimming (tunggal, hobinya cuma satu jenis)

Hhbbies : My hobbies are reading, swimming, and cooking (jamak, hibinya lebih dari satu jenis)

Country / Noun Nationality / Adjective

Indonesia Indonesian
German Germany
Italia Italian
England British


I am from Indonesia. I am Indonesian.

She is from England. She is British / She is English woman.

I am from Indonesia = I come from Indonesia.

She is from England = She comes from England.
Information to share

What information do we usually share?

 Name
 Age
 Date / place of birth
 Address
 Nationality
 Phone number
 Occupation
 Hobby

Asking Personal Information

 Name : 1. What is your name?

2. What is yours?

 Age : 1. How old are you?

2. What is your age?

 Date/place of birth : 1. When were you born?

2. Where were you born?

 Address : 1. Where do you live?

2. What is your address?

 Nationality/origin of place : 1. Where are you from?

2. Where do you come from?

 Phone number : 1. What is your phone number?

2. Can I have your number?

 Occupation : 1. What do you do?

2. What is your job?
3. What is your occupation?
3. What are you?

 Hobby : 1. What is your hobby?

2. What do you like to do?
Mentioning Personal Information

 Name : My name is .... / I am ….

You can call me ....

 Age : I’m ... years old.

I’m ....

 Date/place of birth : I was born on ... (date)

I was born in ... (place)

 Address : I live in ....

 Nationality / Origin of place : I’m from ....
I’m ....

 Phone number : It’s ....

 Occupation : I’m a ....

 Hobby : My hobbies are ....

I like ....

Cultural Awareness

 In English, we use a full name or a family name. Use a full name, first name or
short name (nickname) without a title.
In Indonesia, people tend to address a person by using the first name. This may
happen because most Indonesians do not have family names.

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